Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Harbringer stayed in his warm embrace needing him to just keep holding her. "I love you, Exodus. And as long as I have you, I'll be happy." She smiled and looked up at him and hugged him close. She stayed close to him and after a long time, she pulled herself together. "Let's get out of this god awful place. I want to go home."
Exodus smiled slightly at Harbinger's words, the weight of the horrible new being lifted off his shoulders and heart that much more. After a while of them embracing each other in solemn silence, she said she wanted to go home, Exodus nodded and said, "Yeah, let's." Keeping a strong arm wrapped around her, they slowly made their way out of the clinic. It was a slow walk; even though their talking helped him and probably her, he still felt someone kicked him hard in the stomach. He just didn't understand anything; why were they chosen to be experimented on in the first place? Well, the researcher told him why, but why them? Couldn't they have led normal lives? Though he supposed that if this had never happened, he would have never met Harbinger.

Just then, he heard screaming off in the distance; he looked up to see someone running right toward them. "Guardians Exodus and Harbinger! There's a...." but he got cut off when he tripped and fell face-first into the sand. He then looked up, spitting sand out of his mouth as he said, "Huge Beastman group! Fifty or more, heading in this direction!" There was an immediate change in Exodus' expression; he released Harbinger as his body trembled visibly in rage. His teeth grit and clenched visibly as he emitted a low, guttural growl; it was something close to a deepened tiger's growl. When he spoke, his tone deepened as well, filled with unbridled anger and bloodlust. "Thanks for the warning, have all available Gunmen form a defensive perimeter around the town." The scout looked up at him and said, "B..but, shouldn't they go with you, Exodus?" Exodus just shook his head, "I'm not exactly in the jolliest of moods right now.....I don't want to risk causing any friendly casualties. So again, tell all available pilots to form a defensive perimeter around the town and have all civilians take shelter." The man nodded nervously as he took off. It would be clear to Harbinger that he was going to tear these attackers limb from limb; however, before she could have any thoughts of trying to calm him down, he took off to get into his Gunmen, his eyes turning that violent, dark shade of gold that was the only physical proof of his alternate identity.

He climbed up to the seat of his mech faster than Harbinger would have ever seen before, just as the warning sirens were sounded to let the people know an attack was imminent. Climbing in and powering on the Gunmen, it rose from its crouched position and took off like a bullet for the invading forces. "I hope you fuckers are ready for a battle, because I'm about to give you all a fucking war!" he bellowed as he charged ahead.
The one thing Harbringer did not need at this particular moment was an attack on Bator. Exodus, for as wonderful as he could be, had a problem with severe rage, and when he got like this, she feared that the old version of him would come back. Before she could say anything to calm him down and before she could really bolster herself for the attack he was running, the pure fire of anger in his voice reminding her that she should be pissed as well. She reached her gunman when her lover did, only because she wanted to make sure he was alright. Physically, but for one thing, he was.

That one thing was what had immediately sealed the fate of any attackers that he should get his hands on. For her part, Harbringer made sure everyone was at their battle stations before she caught up with Exodus.

"Big picture, Exodus! Don't you dare get yourself killed," she growled, taking up her rifle and beginning to aim and pick off the enemy as they neared.
Exodus' rage wasn't always so severe; only when he was faced against Beastmen. And now that the weight of what their experiments had done to him and Harbinger weighed on his soul, on every fiber of his being, the Beastmen would know brutality. Sheer, unrelenting brutality induced by roiling inner rage that would make even the Generals hesitate for a split second. He would not die; it would be a very different story for those who were stupid enough to let him get close. Exodus saw the Beastman hordes approaching; his rage only skyrocketed as his Gunman picked up speed to a level that would make even Harbinger blink in surprise. "There he is! I recognize the body shape! It's Exodus!" one of them cried out; Exodus bellowed back "Yeah, it's me! I'm going to fucking break every last one of you!" At this they charged him in return, a huge mistake on their part.

Exodus barreled headlong into the group; the enemy machines scattered like ninepins all over the ground. And from there, it was simply carnage. "Feel my pain! Feel my anger! Let this be lesson....to those who fuck with me!" Exodus cried out as he savagely tore into the enemy mechs; Harbinger would notice that he was behaving a lot like Sovereign. And fighting like him too, filled to the brim and beyond with unbridled aggression and savagery. Exodus' close-range rampage soon left enemy Gunman literally in pieces; as he continued to assault them, a bull-shaped Gunman tried to use a pike-like weapon from behind. This effort was met with utter failure; Exodus turned around so fast that the poor bastard couldn't even react. His mech caught Exodus' mech's fist, causing it to fly upward and let go of the pike. Exodus then grabbed it deftly and jumped; his Gunman power-slammed the bladed end through the enemy mech and drove it lewdly into the ground. Exodus then ripped the weapon from the motionless mechanical corpse and turned to face the remaining attackers; they'd stopped in fear from the utterly ruthless, barbaric display they just witnessed. "Whatsa matter, you fucking cowards? Are you scared? You should be! YOU FUCKING SHOULD BE! I'LL KILL EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE OF YOU!!!!" he then bellowed again, his voice so very baritone and causing the remainder of the enemy forces to step back a bit.

One of them then shouted, "Enough of this! Exodus, I will bring you back to Adiane for the glory of the Beastmen Empire!" and then charged Exodus; what a fool. "Wait, you idiot!" one of his comrades tried to dissuade him; it was too little, too late. As the enemy's mechanical mouth opened in a battle cry, it soon found a mechanical foot and hands inside it. Exodus then started to push in opposite directions; a horrific shearing sound could be heard as Exodus' Gunman ripped the other clean in half. Exodus then grabbed one half its arm and started beating the other with it savagely. This was something that even Harbinger would not have expected Exodus to do. IT was a good thirty seconds before both halves of the Gunman were destroyed; Exodus' Gunman then stood up and casually tossed the enemy half on to the ground. "Now...........who's next?" he growled, waiting for one of them to attack him.
Harbringer would have been angry, but Exodus seemed to be mad enough for the both of them. In fact, he seemed to channel the rage of the entire human race--and some of the late, great Sovereign's as well. She stood back, horrified. The Bator pilots could only watch in fear as their great hero brutally killed every enemy gunman in his path. Harbringer was fairly positive that there was no bringing him back from this--he'd have to come out of it on his own. And that would only happen after all the beastmen attacking them were dead. Out of mercy, more than anger, Harbringer killed some of the remaining forces, taking them out three at a time. It still left Exodus with a large number of them, however. She was still angry, but watching Exodus made her feel somehow...inadequate.
Exodus continued his murderous onslaught, never ceasing and never relenting against them. Wrecked Gunmen were strewn across the battlefield, smoking and in some cases literally ripped to pieces; some even tried to flee in fear for their lives, but were caught and brutally slaughtered. It was like Sovereign's spirit had taken over Exodus' body; ironic considering Sovereign's death was one of the things that was fueling his rage. As more and more fell, Exodus' bloodlust and anger only seemed to escalate; every ounce of his being screamed at him to kill, kill and kill some more. To wreak glorious vengeance against this scourge of the planet, these subhuman forms who claimed to be the superior race. As he finished savagely beating a Gunman to a hunk of scrap with a giant hammer, he flipped the massive weapon around and skewered the enemy mech, letting a ferocious cry of war escape his mouth as he threw it onto the ground, the massive hammerhead sticking up like a lewd flag of defeat.

One of the other Gunmen then decided to flee again as their numbers quickly reached less than ten; this was exceptionally fast, too fast for even Exodus as he was now to catch. Didn't mean he wouldn't try though; however, when it became apparent that it was outpacing him, he then said, "Harbinger, take this bastard down! I can't catch it!" However, she would find that taking this one down was impossible; it was Adiane's lieutenant and the pilot's identity was made obvious as it ran away, zigzagging like a hyped-up gnat to avoid any shots Harbinger might make. "Subjects Exodus and Harbinger! Adiane's wrath will fall upon you! Your freedom's end is near!" the pilot cried out; he knew Adiane would be delighted to know that Exodus and Harbinger had been found.
She'd tried and nearly succeeded in taking the bastard down about ten times before he disappeared into the world, screaming about how Adiane was coming for them. She growled as the bastard got away and the rest of the gunmen wisely retreated. Harbringer shot all of them down, leaving only the lieutenant alive. Once they were down she turned her gunman to face the town pilots who seemed to be frightened. "Evacuate Bator," she said, giving the command in a strong-grave voice. "Use the shelters. If Adiane is coming none of you are safe until she's gone."
Exodus saw the Lieutenant's Gunman disappear; he wouldn't blame Harbinger for not taking him down. He was scooting all over the place like a lunatic; it was a wonder his mech didn't trip over itself. Still, Exodus was not happy; he let another loud cry escape his lips before just standing there breathing heavily. He eventually calmed down enough to where he could think a little straighter; Bator needed to be evacuated. A fight with Adiane near her would spell doom for everyone. As he came back with the intent to tell them that, he found Harbinger in a fairly heated argument about that very subject with the townspeople' Gunman pilots. "Don't argue with her.....just do it. Have all the people pack up their things and move out." he then barked commandingly; the leader then turned to him and said, "Why should we abandon our home? We'll help you fight this Adiane person." Exodus then shot back "She's no person, she's an inhuman, genocidal monster. And believe me, the grunts you all have been fighting with us are ants compared to her. You'll all get slaughtered if you stay here, and if you believe otherwise then you're an idiot. Now move out and get the civilians to the bunkers. It's our job to protect this town, now let us do it." The leader stood his ground and replied, "How do you know so much about them?"

Exodus then replied, "Because she's a General and we've fought and killed a General." The leader and pilots were stunned; one of the other pilots then said in a very disbelieving tone, "What? You killed a General? Then it shouldn't be a problem, right?" Exodus sighed, "You didn't let me finish.....we killed a General, but we lost one of our own. He was my brother, my family, my friend..a pilot far more skilled than any of you...he died sacrificing himself to save Harbinger and myself." This seemed to humble and sadden the pilots and leader; Exodus then said, "I've come to consider this town my home and its people my family and I'll be damned if I let Adiane take any more of that from me! Now, please, just help the civilians move out. Follow the arrowhead formation and be on your guard." The other pilots nodded and headed out; the leader however stayed back for a bit to stay, "You two.....you better kick this Adiane's ass good for me! I'm sick of these Beastmen destroying my town!" Exodus replied, "Don't worry we will." The leader then headed out as well; Exodus then turned to Harbinger for the hardest part and said quite directly, "And Harbinger, you're going with them."
The instant he said it, she cracked him across the jaw with a dizzying speed. "Like Hell. I'm not going anywhere without you," she said glaring at him. "I thought we'd gotten past this whole self-sacrificing bit. I know you love me, and you'd damn well better know I love you. Which is why I refuse to go anywhere without you." She frowned. "And I'll be damned if you face Adiane on your own and take that big of a risk. I will be there and I will be fighting. I deserve my vengeance too."
Exodus felt the punch to his jaw; though it definitely hurt, he couldn't say he didn't expect it. He figured she would put up a fight; however, he was not going to lose another of his squad, especially not someone he loved with every fiber of his being, to a General; he just couldn't take that pain again. "Harbinger, this is not up for discussion. You're going with them, not just to evacuate, but to provide reconnaissance and tactical support." While most of his motive was indeed a burning desire for retribution, a smaller but still very significant percentage of it was a desire to make sure Harbinger stayed alive. He then said something that he would normally not; the circumstances, however, seemed to bring out a different side of him. It wasn't delusions of grandeur, but it could be perceived as arrogance, "I know you want revenge Harbinger, but the people need you right now. And as your commander, I order you to evacuate Bator and help guard the caravan on its route to the shelters." He was wishing she'd just listen to him and go; he didn't know how far Adiane might be, and he was giving himself an hour, maybe two tops before she arrived. Little did he know that she was almost five hours away.
"Whoever decided you were the leader should have their head examined," she said, well aware that both she and Sovereign had looked to him from the beginning. "Just because you're my commander doesn't mean that you're right," she said, frowning. "And it doesn't mean that you can handle this on your own. What happens if Adiane wins? Where would I be without you?" she said, fighting back tears at this last point. "If I have to leave to escort them, I'll escort them, but don't you dare think for one moment that I'll stay there when the job is done. I'll be coming after you, and there's not a thing you can do to stop me," she said, glaring up into his eyes. "And quit ordering me around, damn it."
Exodus wouldn't show it but he felt absolutely horrible for ordering Harbinger to do the absolute last thing she wanted: leave him to fend for himself. And since it was seven hours each to and from the shelter, totaling fourteen hours travel time, if Adiane were to arrive, Exodus would have to hold out for four hours until Harbinger could arrive back. "I only order you because I love you, Harbinger. And I know this isn't easy, but please, just go with them." He knew she would come back; hopefully by then Adiane will have been defeated or at least weakened enough so that he and Harbinger could finish her off together. Unfortunately he had no clue how Adiane fought; that just meant he'd have to be extra careful around her.

He knew he couldn't stop her from returning; she was too stubborn and it wasn't like he had anything to physically stop her from returning. He then changed personas again; even if it might cost him getting bruised or punched, he hugged her. He held her tight saying, "Harbinger, I'm so sorry it had to turn out this way. Even though I want you to get as far away from here as possible, if you must come back, just make sure the people are safe. And most importantly, keep yourself safe. Please promise me that much."
She had to look away from him as he told her it was because he loved her. If she looked at him, she might cry. Or hit him. Or both. She knew she was wasting time, but families needed some time to organize and get going. She closed her eyes and grit her teeth as he asked her this time. And then he was hugging her. She broke. She was crying again, and her arms wrapped around him tightly, not wanting to say good bye. There was a good possibility that her lover would never see her again, and she didn't know if she'd have enough spirit in her too keep on living after he died.

"For someone so smart, you're such an idiot," she sobbed, burying her face in his chest. "When we get out of this, I'm going to kick your ass," she said trying to stop her blubbering before other people caught on and started to panic. "Don't worry about us," she said, looking at the people gathering. "We'll be safe. And I will be back for you. And you'd better pray Adiane's here to tire me out because you're in for some serious pain." She looked up at him now, lips trembling as she tried to get it together.
Exodus himself felt tears running down his face like a waterfall; he knew he was an idiot. But a determined one, and he wanted to make sure Harbinger could at least have a chance at a happy life. Exodus knew his fate was sealed one way or another; he didn't want to burden Harbinger with that. She was too good of a person; he stroked her hair, trying to be the strong one. For both of them. He then kissed her, wanting to feel her warmth one last time, just in case he didn't make it. Luckily the townsfolk were distracted with trying to get everything together, so they had some privacy in that respect. After a while he broke it and said solemnly but firmly, "Get going, we have an evacuation to organize."

Once everything was together, Exodus climbed into his Gunman; it roared to life as it rose tall and proud, ready to fight. Exodus removed the tower detonators for the minefield and had Harbinger wire them into the control panel of his mech. It would be easier this way; it would take too long and present too many opportunities to take him down if they were left in the towers. He then gathered everyone for one last speech, "Everyone who can pilot a Gunman, be sure to keep a tight formation. Watch for booby traps on the way to the shelters and keep your heads on swivel. Do everything you can to protect the transports; Guardian Harbinger will provide support. It will be a long and arduous trek to the bunker complex, but it will be one that you all can manage well enough." One of the other Gunman, riding in a modified Gunman to act as an armored transport for the civilians, then said, "But, Guardian Exodus........" Exodus cut him off, "I have volunteered myself to stay behind and distract the enemy long enough to make your escape. You all know your roles, now move out!"

And with that the transport left Bator; soon Exodus stood in the center of town, feeling the crushing emptiness of the now deserted settlement encroach on him. He gave a small chuckle at the situation; for the first time in a while, he was afraid. He didn't want to die, yet he was willing to die. It was a weird conundrum of feelings that crept into his head that he couldn't fully explain. "Tch, Exodus, you really are an idiot." he then said with a small smile, realizing just how suicidal this really was. But it was the only way in his mind that he could save the most people. And besides he had vengeance to exact.

While the town was being evacuated, the lieutenant's Gunman finally arrived at Adiane's fortress. He rushed inside after having his identity confirmed and ran into Adiane's quarters. He then approached the scorpion Beast-woman and knelt to honor the great leader, intent on delivering the news. Though he hoped she didn't ask what happened to his unit. "General Adiane! I have great news! Harbinger and Exodus have been located! I have their coordinates here!" he then said before pulling out a handheld imager; it showed a blip with the last known coordinates of Harbinger. "If he's anything like you said he is General, then he will still be there when you arrive five hours from now! Shall I prepare the troops for a full-scale invasion?"
Harbringer hated him at this particular moment. She still loved him, but she would never forgive him for making her leave him like this. Despite the fact that she knew it made sense for her to go and that the villagers would probably need her to help defend them, she wanted to stay. She didn't want to let go of him, and did not foresee a happy life without him. The blonde took in his scent, the feel of him everything she possibly could, hating herself for crying. his tenderness only seemed to bring more tears. She kissed him back, deeply, not wanting to regret anything. She would always remember the feel of those lips on hers.

After a long moment, she pulled away as he broke the kiss and then ran off to help everyone evacuate. Once they were all ready, Harbringer left him behind, leading the transports with No-Bark's help. She was on full alert--all scanners going, stealth mode on as she walked with them, her comm link open.

She already missed him, but she pushed that to the back of her mind, along with the feeling that something catastrophic was about to happen.

Adiane's freakish grin grew to a disproportionate size as she listened to the news. "Excellent. Prepare the troops. And have them prepare my gunman. I want to make an appearance as well. You are to secure Exodus, and if subject Harbringer proves too difficult, kill her."
Exodus sat in the silence; he figured if he made out of this alive, he'd have to work real hard to get Harbinger to even so much as look at him again. But that was a price he was willing to pay; it was a price he had to pay given the circumstances. Reaching into his gauntlet, he pulled out the picture of them together, him standing tall and proud, Harbinger's arms wrapped around his waist. He held the picture to his heart; even though it was only a couple of minutes since they left, already he ached for her presence, her warm glow that washed over him whenever he was near her. He ached to feel her against him, to hold her and never let go. "Harbinger......God damn it, why can't things be simple for a change?" he then said in frustration; he then took a deep breath. "Calm yourself, Exodus. You need to be focused, sharp." he then muttered to himself. He double-checked to make sure that all systems were green, which they were. "Now to wait for the beast to rear its ugly head." he then said in focused fury.

The lieutenant kept his head bowed as he acknowledged his superior's orders and replied "Yes, General Adiane. The troops will be ready in mere moments and we will go forth and take Exodus back." He then excused himself as he went to rally the troops; soon hearty battle cries could be heard as the Beastmen's Gunmen were readied for battle. They all carried various armaments, from clubs to battle rifles. It wasn't long before the Lieutenant returned and knelt once more, "General, the Sayrune is ready for you. Whenever you are prepared, we will leave at your mark."
Harbringer guided the transport and other pilots along at a decent pace--nothing too fast, though she wanted to run at her full speed, and nothing too slow. She made sure all concerns were addressed when they came up and she stayed on her game, making sure they would arrive at the shelters safely. She didn't want anything to go wrong. The sooner they arrived at the shelter, the sooner she could get back to Exodus. She would help him defeat Adiane, beat him up and then make love to him. Regardless of whether or not she could have his children, she would show him how much she loved him.

She continued the march solemnly, aware of the gravity of the situation, as well as the cloying loneliness she felt without him. She would not leave him alone with Adiane. And if he died, Harbringer would take Adiane out of this world with her.

Adiane, on the other hand, thought nothing of Harbringer. Her goal was to retrieve Exodus. The pressure from the Spiral King was definitely felt. Her lieutenant would be richly rewarded for his discovery. Of course, having Harbringer back would also be a good achievement, but she was unnecessary to their goals. Sovereign, who would have made the best recovery aside from Exodus was already dead. So her mind was mostly on the leader of their little abominable "trio."

"Move out," she said, standing and heading toward the Seyrun. She would succeed today. Of that she was certain.
Exodus was beginning to grow impatient; either Adiane was really far away, or she just liked making Exodus mad. Perhaps some combination of both. Still, it helped to make absolutely certain that everything was ready for when Adiane showed up. He couldn't wait for her to come; finally, he'd be able to avenge Sovereign and make the world that much safer for Harbinger and the citizens of the planet to live in. With two Generals dead, perhaps it would be easier to take down this 'Spiral King' himself. He could only imagine how much Harbinger wanted to kick his ass for making her leave him; still, everything he did in life was for her, all for her. She was his everything and if he let that die, he'd never forgive himself.

As the hours ticked by, Exodus waited and waited; it was so silent you could hear a beetle click its mandibles. Still he waited, unmoving, his massive arms crossed in front of him as he sat in the pilot seat of his custom Gunman. Eventually, he noticed something on the horizon; it looked to be a large Gunman force. Exodus leaned forward in the seat and slipped on his gauntlets; he'd never really had a true field test of these, but now was better than never. He knew this was the enemy and his hands drifted to the controls; he breathed deeply and said as his eyes shifted to their golden hue "And so it begins" His Gunman stood tall and proud, as if to say a great big "Fuck you" to Adiane.

Further from Bator, the transport was moving smoothly for the most part; however, that would soon come to a halt. There was a minor explosion and the rear right-side leg on one of the transport Gunman blew out for some weird reason. The passengers, mostly women and children, jolted and some cried out in surprise. The pilot called in over the radio "Damn it, we have a failure! I repeat, I am immobile!" No-bark scooted over in his Gunman before popping his cockpit open; after a precursory glance, he then "Oh-my-oh-my-this-isn't-good-there's-a-lot-of-damage-here-it's-going-to-take-No-bark-a-couple-of-hours-to-fix." Little did they know that this delay is what would allow the Beastmen to catch up to them.

As they moved out of Adiane's fortress, the lieutenant stuck next to his leader, a sense of pride filling him at his achievement. Also, the honor of fighting alongside someone as great as Adiane made him feel fantastic; with her, he felt invincible. After some hours of traveling, the Lieutenant used a long-range sighting system to see if Exodus was still there. "There he is, General Adiane! Sitting right there; it seems as if he wishes to challenge your superiority. What a fool he is, thinking he can win, against all of us! Let's kill the humans there and really make him suffer." Enthusiastic as he was, he was clearly underestimating Exodus; and soon, Adiane would see that she underestimated him as well. Though Adiane would be smart enough to see that the town was evacuated and that Harbinger was gone.
"God damnit!" She shut off her comm link to spew a whole slew of curses once the transport broke down. The longer she wasted time here, the longer they would be sitting ducks and the longer exodus would be on his own. She regained her composure and instructed all of the pilots to be on guard. "They've probably reached the village by now, and if they're smart, they're going to realize we're not there and come looking for us. You are not to let a single thing by you."

With that, she got down to help No-Bark with the repairs. With the two of them working together, the process went much faster, but one of the pilots still reported seeing a large group on the horizon. And as Harbringer looked herself she saw they were all in trouble. "EVERYONE INTO THE TRASPORT! Pilots, defensive positions, we're getting as close to the shelter as we can. Sharp shooters, if you think you can start picking them off, do it."

With that, they all got going again, Harbringer moving backwards as she started firing off shots into the crowd to pick them off with her other pilots. But she could tell that there were many more of them than she could have anticipated. At least one hundred. Fuck. "Everyone get moving. Move as fast as possible. Pilots stay in formation."

If they wanted a fight, she was going to give it to them. And then some.

Adiane let her puppets dance, her lieutenant buy her side. She saw him even before her second-in-command pointed Exodus out. She smiled viciously, thinking of all the ways to torture this one. "Don't underestimate a golden-eye subject," she told her subordinate, letting the others throw their lives away. He's alone....so where is Harbringer?" She looked at the town and saw, to her delight, that all of the humans were no longer there--probably under Harbringer's care. She laughed maniacally and sent about a third of her squad after the golden girl of the experiments. "Kill them all. Only accept surrender from subject Harbringer if she begs," she said with a grin. She made sure that Exodus would hear the command as well.

Little did she know she was underestimating Harbringer and the people of Bator as well as her main target. "Get him," she said simply, standing back and watching for the time being.
Exodus heard alright; it was almost enough to just charge in there again. But against Adiane, he had to be smart; he had to assume that she would be even tougher than Cytomander was. So he kept his cool and waited, not breathing so much as a word despite the urge to let fly a flurry of words that would have made the ears of children bleed. He just sat patiently, waiting for Adiane to make the first move. "Come on, you bitch." he growled; he then grinned fiendishly when her subordinates charged in from all directions. This was too perfect; even if Adiane didn't care about the lives of her subordinates, the mere fact that he would unknowingly destroy a large portion of the attack force would show his determination.

Exodus flipped a switch on the panel; he then lifted a red tab to show a blue button. When a large majority of the charging attackers were close enough, Exodus put one of his large hands over the button and said with a slight smile, "This one's for you, Sovereign. I know you'd want to be the one to push it." With that, he pressed it; the reaction was near instantaneous. Large fireballs erupted from the rocky ground to create mushroom-shaped plumes. The explosions destroyed over eighty percent of the enemies, causing massive pieces of smoking shrapnel to fly everywhere, and sent the rest tumbling over; the Gunmen of Adiane and her Lieutenant would be surely rocked by the blast winds. Exodus felt the huge winds buffet his Gunman; he had to struggle momentarily to keep his mech stable. When the winds died down and the dust cleared, it was pure carnage; pieces of Gunmen lay strewn everywhere, some of the outer perimeter homes in Bator itself were completely leveled, and other enemy Gunmen were struggling to stand back up. Not to mention the massively deep and wide crater ring that now surrounded the small town. "Yeah, Adiane, how do like that? Obviously weren't expecting that, were you, you ugly sack of shit!" Exodus bellowed; there was no gloating in his tone, just sheer rage.

The lieutenant himself was knocked down but rose back up quickly; his mouth dropped in horror at the sight before him. "Ge....General Adiane......what do we do now?" he said as he recovered; he was clearly ready to fight, but would wait until Adiane ordered him to do something. "Damn that Exodus, I'll kill him for this." That statement would likely earn him a verbal lashing or more from Adiane.
As the transport was fixed up enough to at least get moving, the sniper teams that worked with Harbinger were making quick work of the enemy. The problem was, they were getting closer simply because there were so many of them. "Kill them! Leave no one alive in the name of Divine General Adiane!" one of the Beastmen commanded. The transports themselves carried small auto-cannons; they could be used at fairly long ranges, but were really designed in case the sniper defense line was breached.

However, it was clear that despite the heavy fire from the sniper and medium-range assault teams, the Beastmen were slowly advancing on them. And while they were now considerably close to the shelters, they still had a ways to go. "Harbinger, we're almost there, but the Beastmen are advancing. Orders?" the leader asked her; it was clear that she was in charge now and everyone would look to her to bring the situation under control.

However, nearly everything came to a stand-still when a large explosion could be heard and seen on the horizon. It was near where Bator was, too. "What the hell.....What is Exodus doing over there?" the leader then asked, surprised. The Beastmen, however, too had stopped. "Di...did Exodus kill Adiane?" one of them then asked before being bopped on his Gunman's head by another Gunman. "No, you idiot! Adiane wouldn't die from something like that!"
Harbringer was momentarily distracted by the huge explosion, her mind going to the worst possible scenario for about a second. She was back in the game soon enough. "FIRE AUTO CANNONS!" She wanted them to be a part of the defense effort as well. "Snipers continue firing. Hold your positions until the enemy is within 1000 yards and then attack hand to hand. 5 pilots stay by the transports at all times. No enemy is to get through. Go!" and then she and her gunman were dancing with guns, taking out as many of the enemies from a distance as she could before jumping into the fray and taking up her own combat style, destroying them from inside the pack, taking advantage of their distraction.

Exodus had definitely played a card that she hadn't been expecting. Adiane's eyes widened as she was blown back a bit by the force of the explosion. Despite her loss of almost all of her attack force, she was glad she'd let her lieutenant set them off. If she had been caught in the explosion, she wouldn't have made it out alive. Growling, she would have to be more careful with Exodus. It had been foolish of her to charge in without more facts. Apparently he'd been here for a long time.

"Lieutenant, if you utter another word regarding killing Exodus, I will kill you here and now. We are to capture him, and you will do that. Take the remaining forces and take him down," she said, not bothering to lift her finger until she had to.
The lieutenant flinched when Adiane threatened to kill him if he spoke about killing him. "Yes, General. My humblest apologies." he then replied; he then called out, "All able units! Stand and fight! Your glorious General demands it!" At this the assault force remains bolted upright and converged on the lieutenant. "All units, do what you must to capture Exodus and bring him in! Do not kill him!" he then shouted as he led the attack force towards the abandoned town.

At this, Exodus cleared the giant valley that encircled the town; his Gunman held two short blades, ready for direct close quarters combat. He knew that this was a very disadvantageous position for him; it was even worse for him to be inside the town, however. One for collateral damage, and two, the hones would have made obstacles that impeded movement. Wasting no time, he immediately charged in. Several units fell to quick slashes from Exodus' blade. "YOU BASTARDS KEEP RUNNING AT ME, AND ALL YOU'LL DO IS DIE TIRED!" he bellowed as more of Adiane's forces. "Harbinger, please be alright. I'll hold out as long as I can." he then said in his mind surprisingly solemnly. Little did he know that he was giving Adiane even more reason to be interested in him.
The Beastmen were extremely surprised when the humans when on the offensive; it was even more surprising that Harbinger herself had jumped directly into the fray. Now they had deadly enemies at their front and rear flanks. It was a pincer trap and they fell right into. Soon, the combined fire from the autocannons, snipers and Harbinger's speedy attacks tore into them. An adjutant lieutenant then took control. "Deploy smoke countermeasures and spread out!" a high-pitched voice barked; soon thick plumes covered the battlefield. They failed to realize that Harbinger's mech was equipped with thermal sighting and that the smoke was only useful for covering their front. Harbinger would have to watch out for friendly fire. It was a good thing Exodus upped the shield capacity of Harbinger's unit to take some extra damage.

The leader saw the smoke and shouted, temporarily and unknowingly superseding Harbinger, "Blanket the area in bullets!" "But, sir......" "No buts! Do it!" Exodus would have been appalled at the sheer disregard for Harbinger's safety; the leader had assumed she'd gotten clear of the smoke and his worry for his people clouded his judgment enough to forget telling Harbinger to get clear. Soon a hailstorm of bullets flooded the smoke-shrouded area; most of the Beastmen that escaped Harbinger used the cover to cut off the transport's forward movement before laying fire into some of the guards. Some of the guards created a shield in front of the transports to protect them from bullets; a couple of the friendly guard Gunman went down after gunfire peppered the armored behemoths.
"Idiot! Whose side are you on?!" She growled, taking shots at enemy gunmen like they were flies. She took out about half of them that were in the smoke screen before she had to exit and provide direct support. "Commander, remind me to strip you of your rank," she growled. "And punch you. Hard." She wouldn't do the last bit, but she was mad enough to do it just now. Harbringer continued to fight, pissed off that these small fry were keeping her from the man she loved. "Auto cannons, only fire when you have a clear shot. Mech pilots, do the same. Conserve your ammunition! Keep those transports covered, damnit!" And she went to work pinpointing and firing at targets with the precision of a machine.

Adiane watched with interest, staying back until she could see more of how his fighting style had evolved.
Exodus continued to pummel the attacking forces with an unrelenting, giving Adiane a first-class view of how much his close-quarters combat skills had improved. Enemy Gunmen were beaten, skewered with their own weapons, and overall just destroyed. However, despite the scene of carnage, the enemy just kept throwing themselves at him, sometimes as much as four at one time. The lieutenant could see why Adiane wanted this man to replace him; however, he would show her that he was the superior warrior. He would defeat Exodus and Adiane would let him stay on as lieutenant. "Exodus! Prepare to be captured and converted to the Beastman warrior you were fated to become!" he then shouted and charged in, the speed of his Gunman quickly becoming apparent.

Exodus turned to face this new enemy, taken aback by his speed. Exodus may have been fast, but this was a whole new level. His strengths were mainly his durability and endurance, not his speed. He barely dodged as a clawed mechanical hand was swung down, nearly slicing his Gunman in two. Exodus landed and readied himself for a true fight. "You and the Beastmen can get to hell! I'd rather die than serve your ugly fuck of a General!" he bellowed in response; this got to the lieutenant. "No one insults the great Adiane the Elegant. How dare you utter such blasphemy!" And with that the two of them went at it; both showing extreme prowess at close-quarters combat.
The commander immediately ordered a redirect of the fire towards the thinned but now dispersed enemy; the transports weren't taking a single hit, but the Gunmen guarding the convoy were a transport. Some were disabled, the pilots trapped in the cockpit, others were badly damaged and the rest were still fully functional. The transport's autocannons were carefully aimed, the powerful rounds being sent downrange. More enemy Gunmen fell when the rounds connected, their carapaces making Swiss cheese seem solid in comparison. This was indeed a war that Exodus and Harbinger would remember if they made it through this.

The adjutant lieutenant decided to nip the problem in the bud; he broke formation, ordering the troops to continue hammering the convoy as he dealt with the obvious threat. "I hope you're ready for a fight, whore!" the high-pitched voice screamed at Harbinger as the Gunmen confronted Harbinger's own and drew two double-barrel, sawed-off shotguns. This one would be rather difficult to deal with; along with smoke launchers, it possessed a gigantic coolant circulation system to hide its thermal signature. The adjutant smiled as more smoke was deployed, creating a thick impenetrable shroud around him and Harbinger. The coolant was then circulated to hide him from thermals, and he quickly moved to flank her rear; it would up to Harbinger's enhanced senses to get her out of this one. Within moments the enemy was behind her, a gun poised to strike her in the back.
Exodus' speed and endurance was considerable. When Adiane went in, she would have to be careful. However, her lieutenant and her squad would have tired him out, which she was counting on. If her lieutenant actually managed to capture Exodus, however, she would be sure to keep the man as her right hand, and just keep Exodus as an alternative and pet project. She grinned and watched as her lieutenant jumped in and showed off some serious prowess.

The lieutenant was definitely fast. Harbringer would have had a decent challenge with this one, but she was still superior. The way he fought, however, was rather close-range, like Exodus. His opponent, he found, was quite strong. "You will fail Exodus and suffer divine punishment!" His speed was definitely part of the force behind his blows. He charged in and immediately started jabbing and slashing as best he could, doing anything possible to get in some powerful blows and keep up his range of motion.

Harbringer had her hands full with the adjutant lieutenant. His high pitched voice was an annoyance, but his smoke screen was just a pain in the ass. She was quite lucky that she had hearing like none other. Without it, she might not have spun around just in time, guns blazing. She was very fast--her reflexes truly impressive. She growled and fired the instant she saw him, though it would only do so much damage. Equipping a more powerful gun would only endanger the convoy. Her only hope was to switch to motion detectors and take out that damn smoke screen creator or jam his controls in some way. What she needed was for one of her pilots to figure this out and try to help her, but they had their hands full defending the convoy.
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