The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

This feeling of pure love was nearly at its peak of Damon. He continues his nonstop thrusting all the way to the bed. feeling her hot breath close to his ear sent a shiver down his spine. So much so that he thrust in her faster, and faster, and faster. Holding on to her hips making sure that she felt every inch of his hard shaft. Wait of that moment that she long for so many years ago.

his eye never left Nicole. Or to be blunt, Nicoles' neck. "What do you think? I'm a vampire, duh!" He growled nearly insulting her. Oliver walked to him alittle miffed about how he's acting. "Hey Jack, chill out. There's no need to--" Before he could finish, the new vampire punches him in the gut, nearly making him lose his breath. "Any other smart ass remarks?" Jack replied.
Catina moaned and groaned. Her orgasm nearly at it's peak. The warm coil inside of her tightening, and with every pounding inside of her, it only tightened until it couldn't anymore. A few more thrusts and she came. She could of swore she seen stars from it. It was intense and it moved through her in jolts and waves. Her nails dug into the backs of his shoulders more while her legs tightened around him, heightening her orgasm for a moment.

Nicole pushed passed Jack to get to Oliver and she bent down next to him. "Areyou okay?" she asked. What the hell? The brunette looked up at Jack, a deep frown apparent on her face. "What the hell was that for, Jack? He was telling you to calm down. That was so unnecessary." She was getting highly upset now, and she didn't know exactly how to handle it.
Damon felt that orgasm. it made him happy seeing her like that Now that they were back together, He could feel his life getting more and more fufilled. He stoped for a second so she could catch her breath before continuing on the same level of thrusting he gave her once before. It was soon his turn to make his own release. Faster and deeper inside her until he couldn't take it any longer. He held her body close to her as he fired his seeds and filled up her womb.

"Watch your tongue, you damn cook. I'm just teaching him a lesson." Jack growled. His eyes were becoming bloodshot. He was about to enter into a stage of bloodlust. His eyes rapidly moved around until he saw his target, Nicoles' neck. His fangs soon appeared as he walks to her. "" Oliver gasped out knowing what he wanted. Looking behind Jack he sighs seeing the mistress there.
Catina held him close and buried her lips into his neck as he came inside her. Her legs tightened around him a moment before she loosened them. She was exhausted now, but she felt energetic and completely satisfied at the same time. Closing her eyes, she nipped at his skin and opened them slowly.

Nicole turned to run but abruptly stopped seeing Adelay standing there. In one instant, she was standing infront of Jack, a feral look on her face. "Now, we don't eat the servants." She wanted to wrap her hand around his neck, but that'd make him more angrier. Grabbing the open bottle of blood she had for breakfast, she stuck it right under his nose to smell. "If you try to eat my servants again, you're going to be in big trouble."
Jack stayed silent as she did that. The fresh aroma for all vampires was heavenly to him. His eye soon turned back to normal as and his breathing became calm. Looking at her he simply nod. "I need training. I don't want to harm my friends. That's just not my style." He said to her before apologizing to the two cooks. He clinched his fist out of disapointment. They didn't deserved that. truely, being a vampire is no walk in the park, but Adelay made it look very easy.
Sure, it was easy. Easy for a well trained almost 200 year old vampire, sure. Nicole nodded, accepting his apology. She was human and wanted no experience with being a vampire. She helped Oliver to a chair and sighed in relief when Jack turned back to normal. That was a little scary and she didn't want to deal with that again. Especially when Christmas was right around the corner.
Oliver finally breathed easier and looked up at Nicole. He herd her forgive Jack as he goes back to normal. He might as well do the same, but hope next time the vampiress can keep the newbie vampire under control. Standing up, he goes to Nicole and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Thanks." he replied before kissing her cheek. "I'll be okay, lets prepare dinner." He tells her.

Jack heads to a dark tinted wind and looked outside. Very understandable of a vampire such as he and Adelay. He was a bit anxious for the sun to set. He need to train, he wanted to fight along with his friends. He refuses to be that weak link that causes everyone their lives. "Hurry...hurry..." He thought to himself.
Mercedes was slowly walking down the hall, the twins were skipping behind her, playing with two cans tied together with a piece of string. They were trying to talk to eachother through it. The blonde stopped when she noticed Jack standing next to the window, looking outside. She knew he had turned into a vampire, the real reason why, she didn't know. But it was his choice. "Jack?" She questioned, moving to stand beside him, looking out the window as well. "Are you okay?"
Jack wasn't startled when he herd Adelays' voice. He turns his head to look at her, but he gave no emotion to her. "I'll be fine. I'm just understanding why Adelay have these windows tented. I'm try to understand her. The the trials of being immortal." he simply answered. "Tell me something Mercedes. If you have the chance to change who you are just to save, or even kill, a friend. Would you do it?" he asked her.
Mercedes stood there, her hands laced together infront of her. "Good luck with trying to understand the Mistress, we've been trying to figure her out for years. And to no avail, we're always suprised." She didn't look at him, she continued glancing outside into the gardens. It was almost dinner time, and the sun wasn't going to set for a few hours. She thought about his question, she really did. "It depends. There are many ways to help someone." She cleared her throat. "But if there was only one way, I would have to think about whether or not changing myself would be a good thing or bad."
He listened to her answer and and thought about it. He turned back to the window and closed his eyes. "I have no regrets on what I done. I did it for the sake of my friend. We've been enemies of far too long, but it felt a bad vibe from those past years. Doing this was the only way to get a proper answer from him. And my decision on doing this had payed off in a good way."
She guessed he really wanted to do it. But she didn't think it was truely the only way. But Jack had his own way of doing things. "If you think it would of helped..." There wasn't a way to turn back now. He was already a vampire. Her blue eyes moved across the garden to the stub. It was the night Adelay viciously cut down the tree her late husband was buried under. It was what brought Serenity to them and it helped their Mistress to somewhat be at peace. She was still rough around the edges and quick to anger. But she guessed that was who she was.
Logan entered the library only to be knocked in the head by a big book. He fell over before rubbing his head. "Ow...what on earth?" He got back onto his feet before seeing Serenity and Selene smiling. "I'm guessing the progress is getting better." He said picking up the book and handing it back to her.
Selen took the book and told him her apologizes. Serenity smiled and wrapped her arms around him, she went to her tip toes and pressed her lips to the spot where the book hit his skull then moved back down. "Yeah. We're getting there. Slowly but surely." Serenity said looking at Selene who sighed and put a hand on her right hip. "Yeah. At this rate we'll toto Romania in about, I dunno, ten years.."
"Heh, That's not what that slayer and detective said." Logan responded and and looked over the book. Just like the psychic, he didn't know a bit of Latin. "According to both of them, you're the leader. If you fail it like saying they all failed. They believe in you beating the odds." He told her. It was a complete lie, but he figured that she need the motivation. Those three were going to in charge of protecting the mistress and his lover on their trip after all.
She rolled her eyes and took the book from him. "If anything I'll just shoot the bastard when he least expects it. Psychic powers be damned." Serenity smirked at the woman's actions. She wasn't used to high strong women such as she. "Yes, but we will continue teaching you." Selene's blue eyes locked wih light pink ones. "Fine by me. But I'm bringing a shit load of bullets just incase."
"Okay..." Logans' spine began to shiver. The last time that ever happened was when he first met Adelay to work for her and Sebastion. That was nearly fifteen years ago. "He sat beside Serenity and gave her a small peck on her cheek. "Are you sure the mistress and Miss. Selene are not related?" He whispered softly to Serenity before giving off a light chuckle. Both their personalities are nearly identical. The only difference was that one was human and the other was a vampire.
Serenity smiled and kissed his chin. "I don't think so, love." But then again, she didn't know. Her mother never talked about any siblings or such. Selene walked away from the two love birds, with a sigh, she let all emotion and irritation leave her body. Finding a clear table, she sat ontop of it Indian style and set the book infront of her. Meditating and channeling her powers was something she needed to control. Moving her 'third eye' she found the book and started to slowly lift it into the air.
"If you say so." he chuckled and watched Selene concentrate. Hours pass and it was dinner time. Everyone was there at the table. Andrew and Allie had to get extra chairs from their cottage due to the number of guess. Dinner was serve as the guys were on one side and the girls were on the other side. At the ends of the table were Jack and Adelay. There was dead silence at the table. No one wanted to be the one that say something that could make all hell break loose. Annoyed, Jack broke the silence. "Have you training improve smoewhat?" he asked Selene.
She shrugged and took a sip of the wine that the female cook offered her. Her blue eyes glancing up at the new vampire she called a friend. "It's okay. If anything I'll jus shoot the bastard." It was Adelay who raised an amused eyebrow at her. "Jack, you didn't tell me your friends were so..." she tried to find the right word to say without sounding rude at all. "Confident.." It was better than cocky or bullheaded. Catina smirked and looked at Damon from across the table. She got that right.
"Their's a difference between cocky and confident." He tels her as Oliver offered him a glass of blood. He took a sip yet it didn't phase him. Jack soon smirked then smiled. "We have both traits, that's what makes us good. Besides, I've already garenteed of safety once we head there. No one will die on my watch." He said taking another sip. "Becareful not to bite off more than you can chew, Mr. Confident." Damon said mocking Jack. "You know, just a few inches away. I could just drain your blood." he replied and they both stood you. "Is that a challenge you blood-sucking asshole." Damon shouts breaking one of Adelays expensive plates. "Bring it on you green haired bastard!" jack said breaking another expensive plate. "Uh-oh..." was the thought of all the servents sitting there.
Selene sat there, sipping on her wine nonchalantly. Adelay opened her mouth to speak until two books collided with both their heads. "You know," the red head stated calmly, leanig back Ito her chair. "In the presence of women and children and a wealthy vampiress, I wouldn't be breaking shut and cussing at the dinner table." She crossed her legs one over the other. "Jack, you've been here long enough to know that, that woman at the over end of the table will have no problem killing eiher one of you." Adelay smirked while she sipped her blood and Serenity covered her mouth with her hand. "Damon, you shouldn't be breaking things that dot belong to you..." She hit them with the books again.
They both sat down and Damon promises to pay for the broken dishes. They couldn't help it. Their friendship was the same as Adelay and Anastasia. Of course wonmen had their own ways for showing their rivalry then men so whoes to say. They apologised for their actions before continuing dinner. "Maybe if we annoy Sele so much, her hidden potental would be unleashed." Damon said before chuckling. "Yeah, her psychic strength does increased when ticked off." They borth experienced it first hand back in the day. The agreed not to talk to her for a whole month fearing thair lives.
Dinner continued on, most of them ate in silence and the only topics discussed were the Christmas party and decorations. Selene was talking to the twins about being in the police agency while Mercedes was in silent conversation with Elizabeth. Adelay didn't eat, instead she sipped at her wine and observed her servants and guests like a woman at the head of the table should.
Jack was the oppsite of Adelay. He talked and chatted with those at the table. Including a 'friendly' chat with Damon. He looks at Adelay and simply smiled at her. He knew how she was, not wanting to get in on friendly chatter, yet she looked so poised from what she's doing. I guess that how the head of the household should act. He acknowledged it, but it wouldn't hurt to join in once in a while. Seeing the sun setting and a few stars coming out, Jack stood from his chair and looked at Selene. "I'll be outside waiting." he simply tells her and walked out.
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