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The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

He landed on his feet and looked at her with a smirk. "Yeah, but since when were you ever a lady, let alone a girl? Tomboy would be the best decription of you." Jack replied. "Max, inside quickly..." Damon said holding his nose. The head in and the vampire slayer locked the door. "Why?" Max asked curiosly. "Jack said the two things that pisses her off to no end: not a lady and tomboy." Damon said to him.
Her eyes glared at him. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Her hands balled into fists and her chest started to heave up and down heavily. He knew better than to say that to her. He knew how it pissed her off to no end to hear it. Just then a thin sheet or red light formed around her. The marble bench started to shake a little, lifting off the ground.
"Oh look at me. I'm Selene, and I'm a stuck up little tomboy." Jack teased and pretends to smoke a cigarette. "I have no boyfriend because being a lady is too overrated for this psycho, I mean psychic." He smirked then looked at her. He gulped seeing the bench move. That by far was the heaviest thing she ever held up with her mind. Her pendant glew a brighter red then the first time and more stuff began to move atound her. It was official, the newbie vampie got her rage out.
"Jack," she growled between clenched teeth. Her anger increasing dramatically. The bench behind her completely lifting off the ground and hover just above his head. "Take it back or I'm going to crush your little vampire head!" She all but screamed at him. Knowing quit well that Max and Damon moved inside. The things he said didnt really hurt, but it flustered her. And she knew it was her personality alone that kept guys from dating her. But then again, she never was affected about being alone until everyone she knew had a significant other. But right now wasn't the time to think about it.
"Or what, you're going to crush me with that bench. Bring it on...tomboy!" He knew he didn't want to do this, but he wanted her at her fullent potental, even if it means sacraficing his body. He was glad they were alone, so no one could get hurt. He sees the bench heads stright towards him and braced himself. The impact was beyond belief. It was life she was carrying the worlds largest newspaper and wacked him over the head with it. Needless to say, it hurt like hell. It was a good thing he was now immortal, otherwise, he'd be dead by now.
Selene screamed and turned around, throwing the doors open with her powers before she walked through them. She started talking to herself. Mumbling about asshole vampires and stupid detective men. How she wasn't a tomboy and she could be very lady like if she wanted. She stomped up the stairs, Mercedes heard her and frowned, wanting to ask what was wrong but she decided against it, feelin the aura radiating off of her.
Max and Damon walked outside to do damage control. They dropped their jaw seeing the big crater on the ground In the center was Jack, bearly moving. "Jesus, were gonna need a shovel for this." Damon said sighing. Jack struggled to his feet and clawled out of the crater. "In my room is a letter and flowers, take it to her." he said before passing out. "Better bring the fool in, but shocking in a weird kind of way, his plan work. Selene is ready for tomorrow." Damon said as they drag jack back inside.
She finished stomping up the stairs and into her room, slamming the door behind her. Ugh! The nerve of that detective! "Ugh!!" Kicking her shoes off, not carjn where they went, she made her way to the blood red and gold trimmed overly large comfy bed and burrowed under the covers. Burying the side of her head into the fluffy pillows and pulling the cover clear over her head, she closed her eyes.[/code] And for the first time in a long time, she let tears flow from her eyes silently.
There was soon a knock on the door. It was the twins with a pint of ice cream in each hand. They hered stomping as they were folding sheets and followed the noise. "Miss. Selene?" They said and opened the door. Their sharp hearing hered crying from under the covers. and they head to the bed hoping to comfort her.
Selene heard the knock on the door, but she ignored it. She didn't want to be bothered at this particular moment in time. Hearing the twins, she quickly wiped away her tears. Pulling the blanket from the top half of her body, she finished wiping her eyes and looked at them. "Yes?" She asked, noticing that they had pints of ice cream in their hand.
"We want to see if you're okay. We herd you crying." Noah said and extended his pint of strawberry ice cream to her. Jack was feeling a bit better. Damon and Max looked at him with complete disgust. "Excuse me..." the new vampire said and walks back to the garden. He knew what he said and he definately didn't mean it. Looking around, he found a fresh bactch of winter flowers and picked them.
Her features softened and she smiled at them. It was a soft smile. "Thank you. I know you guys like ice cream. You don't have to share it with me to make me feel better." If she really wanted to, she'd go down to the kitchen and ask eiher Oliver or Nicole if she could have some. But it was nice that they were concerned. Strawberry ice cream did sound really, really good a the moment though. Her fingers played with the soft fabric of the comforter and she looked down at them, her soft red hair falling over her face. "Do you guys think I act like a guy?"
They both looked at each other and shook their heads. "Mistress said that your the strongest female mortal she came across in a long time. And that your control over dummy one and dummy two makes her smile." They tell her refering to Jack and Damon. They insist on sharing if it would help someone feel better. Taking some spoons, they smile and open the containers.
She bit out a small laugh and rubbed her face. She was glad to have someone think of her differently. Maybe she'd actually dress up for the Christmas party if she got out o this whole Romanian thing alive. Looking at the twins, she watched them open their containers and she scooted over in bed so they could join her.
Jack heads up the stairs with a hand full of flowers. He'll easily blame Damon if Andrew or Allie asked what happened to them. Nearing her room, he herd chuchling and eating. He peeked in and seethe twins and Selen chatting and wating ice cream. He smiled seeing them before nodding his head. "Selene..." he said looking at her.
She ate a small bite of strawberry ice cream until she heard Jack's voice, she turned her head and ate her bite of ice cream. Her blue eyes narrowed at him. "What do you want?" She spat out bitterly. She was rather angry. Even if he didn't mean it, it still hurt to hear it. She was half tempted to change her wardrobe to more feminine clothes and more expensive make up. Just to show him that she could do it. It wouldn't be hard, atleast she didn't think so.
He calmly walked in and hand handed her the flowers. "I know what i said and I didn't mean a single bit of it. I said it to help you open your sleeping power in you. I'm truely sorry, if I did hurt your feelings that much." He looked at the twin and nudged the to leave. He needed to talk with selene about this manner privately.
Selene watched the twins leave sadly. She was rather enjoying their company and eating ice cream. Once they left, she looked at the flowers and set them on her nightstand. They were very beautiful and she'd enjoy them when he left. She didn't want him to know that she liked them. Pulling the blanket from her body, she got out of bed and went to collect the shoes she kicked off and threw. "What is it you're really here for?"
"I'm here to teel you that I like the way you are. You're not a tomboy, nor were you ever one. You a strong lady and an incredible leader. Damon and I are truely thrilled to meet someone like you." Jack answered honestly. He was still a vampire, yet there was some feelings in his words. He then points to the pendant around her neck. I believe that also helped you with your full potential." he smirked.
She rolled her eyes and grabbed one shoe. The apology did mean something. And it helped her a little. Standing up fully, she pulled the pendentives from her neck. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. Max gave it to me. It's a gift from Anastasia." She looked down at it and continued toward her other shoe. "Thanks though," she stated after a few good moments of silence. "That does mean a lot to me."
Jack nod his head and goes to her. Once she turned around, he hugged her from behind. "Listen to me Selene. I want you to be careful tomorrow as well as everyone that's going with us. We've lost a friend for seven long years, I don't want to lose one perminately." He said to her. If he was still human, a tear would've flowed from his cheek. Hi held on to her gently before kissing her cheek. He let go, just to see her reaction.
He was right. She didn't want anyone getting hurt either. That was the last thing any of them wanted. When he kissed her cheek, she stopped for a moment and turned to look at him. An eyebrow elegantly raised. It shocked her s little, sure. Both he and Damon talked the talk about getting her in bed and doing this and that, but none of them ever touched her that way. Most of the time she forbid it. Normally a newspaper was close at hand and it was easier for her to hit them with without doing any serious damage. "You're right. We're going to need a plan." It was then, she lit a cigarette and blew some smoke into the air.
"Damon and Catina are working on that. They know more about that place then us." He tells her. He saw her reaction to his kiss and smiled. It was there that he saw her true beauty. Erase the attitue, her temper, and her smoking, and her saw a truely magnificent lady. Acting calm, he takes the cigarette from her and snuffed it out. He held her tightly and kissed her lips passionately.
She nodded and went to say something else but before she could, Jack had her in his arms kissing her. Her eyes almost closed and she almost kissed him back save for the brain in her head. Her head completely turned to the side, almost forgetting that she exposed her neck to him. "Jack, I don't think this is right. I'm your partner."
"I don't care..." Jack said until he saw her neck. It was slender soft and his for the taking. His fangs came out as if on instinct. he wanted to take a bite but when he herd the word 'partner' he stopped. She was right, she is his long time friend. He couldn't do something like this to her. he truns her head again and kisses her once more, not caring if this was right or wrong.
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