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The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

The eletric currents were a real sight to behold. The wave and the sparks were all due to Selenes' feeling of passion and lust. The climax made the electricity incease. The was one slight problem. The currents hit Jack, electricuting him greatly. Once he pulled out the electric shock stopped and the pendant layed back on her chest. "Wow..." Jack said before falling over.

"I love you." he replied in romanian. It was there that their cell phone blinked on and off relentlessly. Seeing that, he got curious. He reache to grab it only to be electricuted. "Ah, damnit..." he said blowing on his fingers. However, it wasn't the only thing having eletric problems. Selene's pendant caused eletric problems throughout the whole castle.
Selene felt the weight of the pendent fall to her chest and she laid there in her bed spent and satisfied. Her body felt weightless, exhausted. And for the first time, she felt fulfilled. Turning her head to look at him, she blinked her eyes and thy went back to the normal deep blue that they were and she smiled. "Thank you," she breathed out. She hadn't noticed they of the sizzles of sparks going on.

Catina sat up, looking at his burnt fingers, she grabbed his hand and blew cold air onto them before she gently kissed each one. "Why is our phones doing that?" She looked at him after looking at their phones. She wasn't going to touch them, she didn't want to get burnt. She wondered if it was either Serenity or Selene doing it. They were the only ones capable of messing with electical appliances. It couldn't be the electricity. It wouldn't make their phones act that way.
Jack's hair was standing up and he was twitching. He smiled and put his clothes back on. "Y-You're welcome." he said shaking. His hears soon picked up Adelays voice. From the sound of things it, wasn't going to a good night. "S-s-sleep well. I m-must go see my m-mistress." he said to her. he kissed her one more time before leaving her room.

He looks at it oce more and sees a red current. "Selene..." he said and shook his head. "You rest up, I'll join you in a few minutes." he said putting his shirt on. He leaves the roon and heads towrds his partners room along the way, he sees Logans hair standing up. "What? I flipped the switch in my room and got shocked." he said as he heads towards the bath room. He rolled his eyes and continued onward.
Selene watched him leave and once the door was closed, she scranled to get dressed. Throwing on s long night gown, she brushed her hair, kicked her clothes into one pile and went back to her bed. But she wondered if this was just a one time thing. They were partners after all. And he did make her feel a lot better. Licking her lips, she sat up in bed, wondering why Jack's hair was sticking up and he was stuttering.

Adelay headed down the hall until she seen Jack. Her eyebrow raised and her lips twitched into a smile and she couldn't help but laugh at his condition. "You look like you touched an electric fence." She grinned at him, her fangs showing in the dim candle light in the hall. She had wondered what the strange electric energy came from. And by look of Jack, he was involved.
"I've have been insulted, punched, kicked, bite, scratched, burned, pinched, hit by a bear, hit with a newspaper, hit with a thick book, and crushed by a marble bench. But never in my life have I have been electricuted...until tonight." Jack simply told her. "But on the flip side, Selene is now fully ready for tomorrow." He added before collapsing onto the floor. Taking most of the eletric damage would do that to a person after all.

Damon opened that door and sees selen going to the bed. She looked perfectly fineas if nothing happened, yet his nose told a different story. "Selene, what happened here? He looked at his arm and the hair on there stood up. He found the source of the electricity. "Why do I feel an eletric vibe and the smell of sex?" He the blinked and came to a conclusion. "Oh, okay I get it. You had an alone time. Well, if you need help with that, you should've asked me. I would've happily obliged." he said closing his eyes When he opened them, he saw a fist in his direction.
Adelay chuckled when he fell to the floor. What was she going to do with his detective. Honestly, she had no idea. He never ceased to surprise her. Sighing, she picked him up by the shoulders and dragged him down the hall to his room. He wasn't too heavy and he slid pretty well along he marble floors. So she didn't have to worry about that. When she got to his room, she laid him next to his bed and thought of some way to get him onto the bed.

Selene punched him. Not too hard though. She wasn't going to try to break anything. She already hit him in he jaw pretty hard. And that satisfied her enough for now. "Thanks for the offer, perv. Noe go back to bed with your fiancé. Maybe she needs help." With that, she pushed him out the door and closed it behind him, leaving him standing in the hall.
"Humph...touchy." he chuckled holding his eyes. That was going to leave a mark in the morning. He travels back to his room and lays beside Catina showing the damage. "It was Selene. I believe she unlocked her hidden power." he chuckled before whispering to her. "By playing by herself, if you know what I mean.
Catina opened her eyes when she felt the dip next to her in the bed. Smiling at him, she burrowed under the blankets and into his warmth. Chuckling a bit, she moved onto her back onto the bed. "Well," she laughed again. "It happens. Girls do it all the time." Her head turned and she looked at him, her eyes gleaming.
Damon chuckled and cuddled with her. I offered to volunteer to help her out and this is what I got." He said shoing his eye to her.He knew he'd be fine as he kiss Catina's lips. "Let's get some sleep, my dear. We got a big challenge awaiting us." He said letting fall asleep in his arms.

The next day came and are were assembled for breakfast. Most were amazed at the hair styles of Jack and Logan. The detective and the vampire slayer knew the reason for it, but only Jack knew the real reason. Sitting beside Selene, he secretly held her hand under the table. "I got a private plane for us. We'll reach Romania by nighttime. Perfect timing for your abilities to be at it's peak." Damon told Jack and Adelay.
Selene looked at Jack when he held her hand and she smiled a soft smile. She chose not to wear a dress. Wearing a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt with a pair of boots. The dresses that Adelay provided just weren't her style. The victorian look just didn't cut it for her. Catina came down wearing her pin stripped skit outfit she wore the first time she came to the castle. Her hair was down and her whip was at her hip. Serenity was right behind her.

Adelay nodded slightly and sat cross legged in her chair. "I trust that there is a plan and we're not going in there getting ourselves killed because we ran blind while screaming." She said emotionlessly. Her arm reached across the table to get her goblet of blood. "Like a certain detective I know."
"Bite me." Jack replied taking his goblet of red wine and drinking it. He was wearing a loose wite shirt and black jeans. He kept his long detective coat as a symbol of his old background. "Catina and I had thought of one. It's the best way to get in without getting killed when we step in the front door." Damon said adjusting his hat. He had a green buttoned shirt and blue jeans along with a black long coat. He explained the plan to all of them and awaited their reaction. "You, me and Selene had played bait before, so it doesn't suprise me at all about this plan." Jack responded as he look at Adelay for any reaction.
Adelay smirked. "Already did." She listened to the plan. Well, it wasn't too bad. Best way to get into the castle is to use their own enemies as bait. Didn't bother her none. "As long as Jack doesn't get himself killed and Serenity doesn't let Selene's power get out of whack, we won't have problems. But I assure you, any of you get hurt, someone will be mad." She took a sip. "If Serenity gets injured, Logan will behead you himself. Same with Damon if Catina's blood is spilled." She looked at them, a hard glare in her blood red eyes. "Got it?"
Damon and Jack looked at each other. As if they were reading each others mind, ther nod and stood up at the same time. "I will protect everyone with my own life." The both said at the same time. "No hair will be out of place of any of your heads." They saud before sitting down. The confidence surrounding these men was great. Sure they goof off and get scoulded by Selene, biit they do understand when it's time to get serious.

That afternoon, the servents when to wish Jack, Adelay, Selene, Catina, Serenity and Damon luck. The twins cling to Adelay's legs wishing their 'mom' the best of luck. Logan kisses Serenity passionately ans peomised to pray for her safety. Jack looked at Selene and kissed her lips. "About last night. I ment every word. I love you Selene." he said not caring if anyone herd.
Serenity had her frail arms wrapped around him as he kissed her, kissing him back. Pulling her head back, she leaned her forehead against his, telling him that she'd be back soon. Adelay was patting the twins heads affectionately, telling that all was well and they'd be back safely. Selene looked up at Jack, her eyes a bit wide, a little embarrassed that he was telling this to her now and around everyone no less. Lowering her head a bit, she moved her face closer to his and whispered that she loved him too. Catina looked up at Damon and nudged his arm softly. It was a cute sight, loved ones saying farewell to their loved ones.
Logan smiled and continued to hug her, as she promises to be okay. The twins were a bit teary eyed but thay trust her with their life. "Look out after the castle until your return." they said smiling. Damon looked over and see his two friends embracing. "I had an odd feeling he would win." he said and smiles. "Be safe for me." Jack said and kissed her once more. With a smile, they all got on board the plane.
Adelay smiled down at the twins and patted their head until they let go, giving her the chance to free her legs from the two children. Serenity scritched Logan's back wih her nails, her soft lips burying themselves against his neck, right below his ear and nipped there. She pulled away and looked up at him. "Stay out of trouble and be nice to the others." Selene rolled her eyes. "I'm always careful." They boarded the plane and took their individual seats.
The plane took off. it was only the six of them heading to meet their fate. "Now would be a good time to rest and conserve energy." Damon told the two vampires. Jack nod his head and laid back to relax. "By the way, it would be helpful to know their fighting styles." jack said and the vampire slayer nod his head. "I 've never seen my mom fight, but for my uncle, I've seen plenty of times. He may look like a drunk, but his moves are quick." he said until he remembered something. "Oh yeah, what ever you do, don't let any of his weapons touch you two, espically you Adelay. It'll be a fate worse then death for all vamplres." he warned them.
Adelay raised an eyebrow and strapped her seat belt off after they took off and were safetly in the air. "I have no desire for any weapon of any kind to touch me tonight." She stated simply and turned her head. Her red eyes closed and she started to slowly drift off to sleep. Serenity, who was sitting beside her mother, snickered slightly and looked at Damon. "Do you know anything about the psychic?" It was a stupid question to ask since he hadn't been home in a very log time. Catina shook her head. "I don't. I know Alice has him kept away in a sealed off room in the castle somewhere. Somewhere hard to find and where most people can't get to. I don't know if it's because the psychic has a shield or if it's a secret room. I don't know." Selene thought about it for a moment, her arms crossed over her chest and her legs crossed as she listened.
"Good, because I know how much you enjoy your immortality." The slayer smirked before hearing Selene's question. "If anything, I know that he loves the dark." Damon said as he crosses his arms. "Also, from what mom, told me, he uses a special deck of tarot cards to tell fortunes. Other then that, it'll be a blind run for you and Serenity I'm afraid." He couldn't get as honest as that.
Tarot cards, hm? Serenity had to think about that. Why tarot cards? With a small sigh, the red head leaned into the chair, pressing her head into the head rest and yawned. Not having enough sleep would do that to a person. Closing her eyes, she too drifted to sleep followed by Serenity who fell asleep on her mother's shoulder. Catina was now the only female awake. She was looking out the plane window as they flew through the clouds, running attacks, defenses and scenarios through her mind. A slayer or any combative person was always prepared for anything.
Damon was up as well as Caina. He to was forming battle plans and scenarios He hoped that everything would go exactly as plan. The last thing he want to do after becoming himself again was to fail.

It was 8:30pm in Romaina, the sky was dark with a few stars and a half moom. The plane lands at a nearby airport and they all got off. Takins some rope, Damon tied Jacks hands begind his back as Catina did the same to Adelay. The need to make it as reals as it get otherwise they wont blieve them. "Selene, you drive. I'll tell you the directions and when to use your psychic abilities." he tells her as a rental car awaited the,

Kai let out a small gasp as a few candles began to flicker. "I guess it's time..." he said to himself and begins to chuckle. He would tell Alice or Frank about this, but because there was going to be a psychic coming, he couldn't pass up this sort of fun.He remained silent unless one of them comes to him.
Selene nodded. Adelay seemed highly irritated with having her arms tied behind her back already. But Catina made sure they were snug enough to be firm but not tight enough to bite into her skin. After the 'bait' was tied up, they went to the rental car and Selene got into the drivers seat. Catina looked around and took a deep breath, smelling the Romanian air. Sort of glad to be home. After a moment of looking at the moon, she too got into the car and Selene started the car. Serenity looked over at her mother. "Do you have a bad feeling about this?" Adelay closed her eyes, not wanting to lie to her daughter. "I have an unsettling feeling. How bad tonight can get, I cannot say. But there is an uneasiness there."
There was a knock on his door. Kai smirked behind the mask knowing it was Alice. "Come on in, I have intresting news for you, madame." he said. flicking his hand, the door opens for. Once the was in the door slammed shut. He began dealing his tarot cards and tilted his head. "Looks like your son haven't forgotten his roots. He captured two vampires just for you." he tells her without telling her that it was a trap. He had his own plan, and didn't what Alice or her foolish brother to muck it up for him.
Alice stopped and raised an eyebrow. The thought excited her that her own son would still be following his roots without being possessed by her late husband. She smiled, going over to the cards to look at them. "So he hasn't come to attack us then?" She questioned. Her green hair falling over her shoulder as she looked down at the cards. This would be wonderful news if her son wasn't planning on spilling their blood tonight.
"No..." he easily lied. It was a good thing Kai was wearing a mask, otherwise she would have seen his smiling face. It was there he stood frozen, it smmed that his aura around the mansion was being blocked. He knew then and there that it was the psychic at work doing this. He rean his fingers through his white hair and looked at her in the eyes. "They'll be here in three minutes." I suggest you get ready."
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