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The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She raised an eyebrow at him and leaned back into the chair when he left. Serenity patted her shoulder. "You'll be fine. He won't hurt you. If anything this will help us figure out what your strong and weak points are." The red head gave a slight nod. Adelay leaned forward and set her elbows on the table. "Your powers seem to trigger and spark more when you're angry. Especially when your friends are arguing with one another." Selene looked into the red eyes of the vampiress. Maybe she was right.
"I've also notice one other thing. Normaly you hits with that newspaper does little to us. But lately, it hurts like hell." Damon told her as he finishes up his dinner. He soon stands up and nods to Adelay. He was going to watch Selene and Jack train. Hopefully he could help give tips to her. For some reason he wanted to see her beat the living crap out of Jack. He was a vampire and his rival after all.
Selene ran a hand through her hair and drank down the rest of her wine. She needed it if she was going to if she was going to duke it out with Jack. Getting up in her seat, she gave a slight nod to Adelay and thanked Serenity for helping her thus far. She appreciated all that they've done for them and her. Turning, she headed up the stairs to her room to get ready.
Max head down the hallway to see Selene. He noticed the look on her face and nod to himself. She was ready. She was pumped, and Jack would have his work cut out for him, vampire or not. "Um...Miss. Selene?" he said hoping to get a reply from her.
Selene stopped and looked up at him. "Yes?" She was so focused on her own energy that she hadn't noticed him. And that was pretty bad seeing as how she was focused all the time. "I'm sorry. I was in deep thought I guess."
"Sorry, if I was interrupting you. I just wanted to thank you. I gave my thanks to Miss catina as well. For helping save Anastasia." He told her and smiles. "Thanks to you two, and Jack, I now have a girl of my own." He chuckled. He soon remembered something and goes to his pocket. "A gift from Ana." he said to her. It was a pendant and it glowed a bright red once he gave it to her. Something that didn't happen whenever he touched it.
She looked up him and smiled sadly. "You're welcome. It was nothing really." She then realized that she didn't have anyone at all. Sure Jack and Damon joked, but they were her partners. Almost like family. So that wasn't right. Shaking her mind from the useless thought, she stared at the pendant in his hand and when she went to touch it, she noticed the dark red glow that it gave off when she touched it and her frown deepened. "What is this?"
"According to Ana, its a good luck charm." He stated. "But but the looks of it it's something more." Once he let go of it, a red aura wrapped around her body, the books that was in her room began to move and spin around her as if it was a shield protecting her. "Wow..." Max mouthed out. He try to touch her, but the books increased in speed, nearly damaging his hand.
Selene watched as the books whizzed around her in an alarming speed. Her hair flapped around her face and she looked at Max. "What the fuck is happening!?" Adelay walked up the stairs and stopped seeing the fiasco. The red glow wasn't as concerning as the pendant in the psychics hand. She looked at Max. "Did you give this to her?"
"A-Ana told me to give it to her. A gift to show her grattitude for saving her life." Max explained to the mistress. The books soon slowed down and just hovered around her. Are you using you mind to do that Damon asked suprising those that didn't see him.
Adelay made a slight 'hn' sound. How her friend got ahold of such hidden and rare artifacts, she'd never know. Selene looked up at the books and gulped, when Damon said something she quickly turned her head toward his direction. "No." She looked down at the pendant in her hand and then over to Adelay. "If you accept, you have to wear it." Selene frowned and ran her fingers over the jewel. "Accept what?"
Damon walked calmly to look get a better look at the pendant. "I'll be damned. The were-kitty got at nifty little jewel there. It reacts to those with a strong mental pull a.k.a a psychic. It reacts of the persons feelings alone." He chuckled still not believeing what she has. "Relax your mind and the books should stop." Damon said before stepping back.
Selene glared at him. "That's easy for you to say." Adelay chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest. "Close your eyes and take deep breaths." Selene sighed outloud and let a breath out of her nose. "Okay, let's try this." Shaking the nerves out of her body, she closed her eyes and tried to relax.
The books came to a complete stop. They soon moved in front of her and lined up in a stack. They gently go down onto the floor. "Intreging..." Max said as he take a book. "My girlfriends has such great taste." He chuckled until th book hits his nose. "Now, it worked." Damon chuckled.
Selene grinned and opened her eyes. "I felt you touching them." Adelay chuckled once again and patted Damon on his shoulder. "You've got yourself one intriguing friend, slayer." With that, she continued through the hall to her study. Selene looked down at the pendant and smiled before clipping the silver chain around her neck, hiding it behind her black shirt. "Sneak attack on our new vampire friend." She continued to grin, bending down to pick up her books.
"Selene is the leader of the trio. She can suceed in more ways then one, and is the only one that can keep us in line." He told Adelay as she left. he herd whar Selene said and tried his best to his his smirking face. "That's evil...I like it!" he said and shows her to a window. To their luck, Jack was there, waiting on the psychic to come and to form a plan of attack.
She peeped out the window, glancing down at Jack and stepped away. "Well, let's go. Can't keep an impatient vampire waiting." Running her hand over the cover of the books, she remembered almost every single lesson taught. With a gun still in her boot, she headed down the stairs clad in black like she always was.
"Such a pieceful night..." Jack muttered to himself. He was calm and poised ready to go. He does have his doubts though, her powers were a bit shaky from what he had seen. He didn't mind giving some pointers, but he wan't going to go easy on her either. He turns around and sees Her with Damon and Max. "Hey Selene...slowpoke." he said smirking.
She set her books down on one of the white marble benches as she walked out into the garden. "Keh." Her blue eyes rolled and she continued walking toward him. "I'm not late. You're just early." She stopped about 8 feet away from him, her hands on her slender hips. Ready for anything and everything he could throw at her.
"That's weird. She isn't in her usual attack stance." Jack thought looking at her. He took a few steps forward, trying not to fall for any traps. Yet she was still in that pose. "You're not going to get far if you just stand like that." Getting impatiant. He charged at her. Before he knew it, a flower pot came at him. He quickly dodged it and stopped. "The hell?" Hr ,uttered. He looked all around the garden and there was no flower pot around.
Selene mover her head from side to side, cracking her neck while doing so. "Whats the matter, Chicken Little? The sky falling?" She bent down, her knees slightly bent and her attack position now forming. "Are you going to attack me or what?" She questioned, taunting him.
"Keep it up, Foxy Loxy." Jack replied and attacked. He made sure not to hit her too hard as he goes on the offense. He still began to wonder why that flower pot flew at him. As he steps back to go in for another attack, two flower pots flew at him. He dodged it but they still float and come at him again. "Enough of this..." he growled and swings at them only to miss.
She laughed at him, her finger twirling in the air as the flower pot swung behind him and hit his backside. "Foxy Loxy got some tricks up her sleeve." Taking a slight step forward, she glanced over at Damon and Max to her back right and then looked back at Jack. "I thought you were going to attack me, Jack?"
"Then catch..." Jack smirked. He ducked as a flower pot. aimed for the back of his head. Looking up, he did a forwards flip and kicked the pot stright towards her. It only managed to curve and hit Damon in the face. He turned once more and quickly grabbed the second and threw it at her before rushing forward. That pot turned and hit max in the face as jack goes in to puch Selene in the gut.
She quickly jetted to the side so he couldn't hit her and grabbed his arm, puling and flipping him so he could land on his back on the ground. "You should hit girls, Jack. Have I taught you nothing from all the cases we've worked together?"
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