The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Jack felt her hands away from her, and then the newsparper hitting the back of his head. "Damon, what the hell?" he said glaring at him, but his hand was holding Catinas' hand. "Don't look at me. The newspaper flew out of my hand, moved on it own and then hit you." damon shrugged. Looking down at it, the newspaper flew up and hit his chin. "Selenes' powers has improved." Jack figured while rubbing his chin.
The newspaper went into Selene's hand. "I have yet to read this. I didn't want Damon ruining it." She took the last drag of her cigarette and flicked it outside. "Can't sleep either, Catina?" She questioned and looked at the demon slayer. "No," Catina laced her fingers in Damon's hand. "I'm actually worried." She looked at her fiancé and blinked. "Your mother and uncle may not be your father, but they are still powerful and with the psychic they use for security purposes, they're even stronger. They now know we're coming and they know how we're going to attack.."
Once they herd the demon slayer say that, a small smile came from Damons' face followed by a chuckle. Jack soon followed suit. "Oh dear, the odds are against us. Pain and destruction are in our future. Doom shall rain upon us." Jack said while chuckling. "So what else is new?" Damon asked shrugging his shoulder. "It true sweetie, this is going to be an uphill battle to take them down, but all three of us had been through bad scenarios like this before." He kissed her cheek and smiled. "Besides, we've evolved a bit, and have some nifty aces up our sleves."
"Tell that to a very experienced psychic." She looked at Selene. "No offense, Selene. But your powers aren't even at their full potential. You are a very strong psychic. But because you haven't been properly trained, that gives us a high chance of us losing this battle." Selene nodded. "When Damon, Jack and I started this business, we knew very well the situations we could get ourselves in. We made a pact. Fight for the innocent and conquer the evil until we die. If I end up dyin on Romanian lands fighting for what is right, then so be it." Catina stared at her. She spoke as if she were a slayer herself.
"That is the pact we live by. We hold no regret and we have nothing to lose." Damon said looking at her. There was confadience in his eyes. Not an inch of fear was showing. He was ready to fight. "I haven't made this promise in seven years, but I think now would be a great time. "I promise you Catina, all of us will come out of this alive, no matter what." Jack said as he looks at all of them. He tilts his head and sees is new mistress, Adelay. He smiles at her, already knowing that she doesn't want to join in the conversation. He simply nods to her. before talking to them.
Adelay looked at him and smirked. Atleast he held true to what he believed in. Catina nodded and smiled. "Then I promise to do what I can to protect all of you and myself from any danger." Adelay stepped out from her silence from the shadows. "I think I might be able to go to my main library and find something of use against the psychic."
"Go on ahead. Knowing you, you'll sleep on the flight." Jack chuckledand streched. He walks past then and wayed as he goes to Adelay. "I know you herd us. I do mean every word that I said." He tells her as he heads to bed. "We better get some shut eye as well." Damon told Catina.
Adelay didn't move as Jack walked passed her. That was the beauty of being the creator. The one you changed was able to feel you. No matter how quiet you were. After a moment, Catina turned her head to Damon and nodded. "Okay." She smiled. Selene then left along side Adeley as they talked about meeting in the library tomorrow after breakfast with Serenity to look for anything to help.
Morning came to the castle. The servent came down for breakfast like they usually do before talking about plans fr the christmas party. Once Damon and Catina came down most of the servents nerly attacked them. Jack herd the noise and marched down to see what was up. "Will you guys keep it down! Damon is now good." he shouts. He can now see why Adelay wasn't on for daylight and she she had the grim look when day comes. He felt like going to sleep there, right now. He'll have to ask his mistress how she does it.
Elizabeth and Mercedes stayed out of it, Elizabeth because she was with child and Mercedes because she just had no interest in fighting. Serenity soon came down stairs with the twins and Selene a few moments after. She didn't look too happy. Maybe it was because she wasn't a morning person. Yawning, she sat down next to Mercedes and her head fell on the desk. "Coffee...." She groaned out and Mercedes chuckled. Catina sat down beside the twins, she on the other hand didn't mind mornings and she was dressed and ready to train for the day.
"More guess?" Logan thought. He had a feeling that damn vampire detective was behind this. He looked at his lover and asked, "Did you know this?" Some were still alittle skeptic about this, mostly Max. But id Jack did say he was okay, then he guess it was worth a shot. Of course, one false move from him, then the diver would be all over him. Seeing that everything was not in order, Jack leaves the dining room to get more sleep. Drousy as he was, he took a detour to Adelays bedroom and slept there. Damon, on the other hand, was a bit glad nothing bad happened now. He can't afford an injury before heading home.
Serenity looked at Logan and gave him a sheepish smile. "Yeah.." she mumbled shyly. "Mother already acknowledged his apology and right now I'm in the process of helping the psychic harness her powers." She gave a light shrug at the table. She really hoped he wasn't mad. It was only to help. After breakfast, Adelay, Selene and Serenity went up to the main library while Catina was outside doing a little bit of warm ups and training.
Closing his eyes, Logan gave a simple nod. "Very well." He replied before kissing her cheek. After breakfast, he goes over to the twins and whispered to them, "Don't let that vampire slayer out of your sight. I'll handle all the laundry for you today." He was still uneasy about Damon, He is looking after the safety of everyone here. Damon see Catina outside warming up and decides to join her. "It's been a long while since we trained together." He chuckled.
The twins nodded and grinned to each other, time to play Mission Impossible. They slyly left the dinner table to spy on the vampire slayer known as Damon. Catina turned her head to look at Damon and smiled. "Well, though that might be true.." She cracked her whip, a few birds fluttered into the air and flew away. "But I feel you have lost your touch." Tilting her head to the side, she taunted him. With a small smirk, she moved so the leather whip was behind her but the handle was still in her hand. "Lets see, shall we?"
"You might say that. Eventhough I was possessed, my mind is still sharp. Besides..." Before he coud finish, he rushes pass her until he was a single yard away from her. "You shouldn't get cocky. This is training after all." He smirked and held something in his left hand. He was holding her whip which he saw her go behind her back. "Now then, shall we test our agility?" he asked and tossed it back to her. The twins tipped-toe their way outside. They dived into the a bush and begin watching them.
She smirked and grabbed the whip he took from her. Cracking it, she moved her head from side to side, cracking her neck. "Okay, but don't take it too easy on me just because I'm a girl." It was true, she had more weapons than a whip on her. Though they were hidden, she just used her whip as her main weapon. Just like vampire slayers used stakes as theirs. Naomi peered through the leaves and watched. This could be fun to watch.
"Since whin did I ever?" he chuckled before rushing her. The last time he dueled with her, it went to a draw. He knew she was strong, but how strong? Best way t find out is just to test her. That whip was medium to long range, he made sure to make it close combat. From his sleve, a blade peered out. He thrust his arm out aiming the blde for her shoulder. Noah looked on and smile. This was going to be good. "Popcorn?" he whisper to his sister and hand her some.
Catina, after knowing Damon since they were little, knew how he was in battle. She knew his weapons, the way he fought and she took pointers from him the last time they spared. Quickly couching down, she swung her leg out to trip him. It was the best way to get one down when being charged. Especially since he had a blade in his sleeve. She could see the sun beam from it when he ran. Naomi smiled and took some popcorn. Settling down, she popped a few of the buttery flavored pieces into her mouth.
"A trip? Typical..." He thought, but it knew he couldn't stop. He gets tripped, but lets his hand touch the ground. Doing a forward flip, he lands on his feet and quickly turns to see his opponent come at him. It was common for their training. They would take turns for offense and defense. He was expecting a medium or close range move from her, but had a small suprise, if things weren't what he expected. "I'm going for the purple girl." Noah chuckled.
She whizzed to the side, making sure to keep moving in case he threw something at her. Her whip moved in the air at his leg, she wanted it to wrap around his leg so she can trip him again. If he was down, she'd make a move. There was determination in her eyes, if he was going for offense, then she would go defense, and so on. She wasn't aiming to hurt him. They never planned on killing one another in battle. Maybe to stir one another up, but that was basically all. Naomi looked at Noah and ate a piece of popcorn. "Really?" She whispered, looking at them again. "Why do you say that?"
He sees her moving. He had to admit, she was faster. As much he wanted to admire her beauty, he notice the whip going to one of his legs. He easly side stepped it sefore seeing it following him. It was like a snake chasing its prey. The more he move, the more it followed. He stepp back a bit, but it eventually caught and wraped his left ankle. "Impressive, but can you reel me in?" he asked before jerking his leg backwards pulling her torards him. "That whip is something." Noah said seeing Damon get caught.
She smirked and pulled the whip back as hard as she could. The whip soon started dragging him to her. "You're gonna get it." She stated in a sexy tone, hoping to stop his struggling. Naomi nodded. "Yeah, its like a snake." She whispered, watching closely, wondering how she got a weapon like that in the first place. Being a demon hunter, it was safer to be at a distance.
"I hope so." He winked and tried his best not to get reeled in. Inch by inchh getting closer to her. Quite the disadvantage being on one leg. He lift his captured leg up and grabbed the whip with one hand. It was now a siple game of tug-o-war, but he ahad the disadvantage being on one leg. "Let's even the score." Damon smirked. Using his free hand, he grabs his roped stake and trows it at her leg. It wraps around her ankles and he tugs on it.
She squeaked feeling the rope wrap around her ankles. "No far! I only have one of your legs." She fell to the ground with a light 'oomph'. Pulling the whip, she took her hands and pulled him more, this only caused her to slide on the ground. Getting tugged toward him a few inches, she let him have his fun with pulling her until she grabbed a knife from her thigh and popped it open. Moving it down, she started to saw the edge on the rope. "Its not a good idea to use rope. It can burn and be cut." Once she hit the center of the rope, she yelped, getting shocked.
"I know. but who said that it's just ordinary rope?" he smorked and puled her to him. Having her on top, he rolled until he was on top of her. Knocking the knife and whip off of her. He ties her wrist and ankles. He popped up to his feet and kneeled before her. "And that's checkmate." Damon chuckled and kissed her lips. He unties Catina and helps her up. "That was good. I've never seen a rope and can move on it's own before." he smiled.
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