The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Jack knew he was going to get an earfull from Adelay, or worse. But he didn't care, the truth about his friend was made clear to him, and he had to help him out. He sees the two ladies follow him and a smile etched on his face. They made it to Serenity's room and he knocked on it. "Serenity, It's Jack. We need your help on something."

"Hello, my daughter." I was Sebastion, Serenity's father and Adelay's husband. Behind him was a guy with nice green hair. "Is she the one?" he asked Sebastion and he nod his head.
Serenity looked at her father and then to the man with green hair. "Hi, father. You have company today?" She asked with a smile before opening the door to Jack and two other woman. "Hi, Jack." She frowned seeing him carrying someone. "Is everything okay?" Catina looked at Serenity and raised an eyebrow. This young girl was different indeed. She had been talking to herself when they stood outside her doorway. She could hear her with her keen, human ears.
"No, not really. I need you to cantact a sprit if you can." He said and lay Damon on her bed. "This poor idiot has been apart of a power strugle for years." He begins explaining to Serenity everything that has happened. The green haired ghost looked on and sat beside Damon. "My son, my poor poor son." He frowned and Sebastion pats his shoulder. "It's okay my friend, my daughter will help out." He told him.
Serenity paused and watched as the other male spirit sat beside the man now laying on her bed. "That's your son?" She seemed to ask the air while her small hand pointed to Damon on the bed. Looking at Jack, she blinked. "I see. What can I do to help?" She asked. Selene crossed her arms over her chest. With the energy of two spirits in the room, she was feeling a little unsettled. Deciding to sit down. She slid down the wall and crouched low on her knees.
"I can see that his ghost is in the room from the way you're talking." jack said acting really calm about it. He turn to Catina, who had a dumbfounded look on her face. "Don't worry, you can trust her. She's the only one here that can see sprits." He told her. He than walked over to serenity befor leaning against the wall. "I herd a bit from Logan a month ago that you know a bit about exercism. "We need your help removing the soul of his father out of his body." Jack explained.
Serenity raised an eyebrow at him. "I only know a little about it because Aunt Sophie had tried to get me exorcised countless times. Running a hand through her hair, she turned her head to Selene and smiled. "Your powers aren't too far behind mine, aren't they." Selene looked up at her with a slightly surprised expression. "I may need a bit of help. Jack," she stated and looked at the new vampire. "Tie him to the bed." Selene stood back up and she watched as Serenity walked over to her book shelf and grabbed a few books.
The two sprits looked as Jack bounded Damons wrists and ankles to her bed. "You know, I think this was one of his fantasies. He always wanted to be tied up and attacked by Selene." he chuckled as he could already hear the psychics low growl. Once completely secured. He looked at Serenity and Selene to see what they were going to do next.
Selene glared at him. "Your lucky my newspaper is down stairs." Serenity chuckled and grabbed a few books, bringing them back to the bed. "Since your friend isn't possessed by a demon, but the spirit of his father, we're going to have to things a little different." Giving a book to Selene, she looked up at Diego. "You do understand that your would is inhabiting your sons body. Obviously it isn't by his choice. Would you like to pass on into the light or stay on earth?" If he chose to stay on earth, he would have to inhabit something else. Whether it be a doll or a random object. His soul would live there, but his spirit would live on earth where ever he pleased. I he wanted to pass on, she'd have to put him to rest.
"Serenity, my boy is old enough to do whatever he wishes. As much as I want him him to continue the family name, he's the one to decided what to do. When my soul was inhabiting his body, I understood his real feelings. He has some wonderful friends. Hehe...I actually envy him for it. It's funny how generations change." He wishes he could caress his cheek. He sighs and nods to himself. "I'm ready to go to the afterlife, but please give him this message for me: Stop my wife and brother. They've caused too much pain for me and for him."
Serenity nodded. "Okay then. You are a wonderful father to your son." The pink haired girl smiled softly and opened a book. "Selene, if anything is to go wrong or if you feel that something will to wrong, let me know." Moving over to stand beside Damon, she started to read. "Diego Kene. You have inhabited your son's body and mind for too long. For the passed seven years you have caused him pain and clouded his judgement. And for that you must leave his body." Closing her eyes, she ran a hand in the air over top of Damon's body. She was trying to find the hot spot. It was where the main body part where the extra soul was maintained.
Admist that chant, the Diego starts to ache. He could feel the sensation of pain as his very soul was trying to leave the body. Damons body begin to move and cry out in pain as well. Good thing he was bound, otherwise they would deal with a wild slayer. He continued to move trying his best to get free. "Better have your friends hold him down. He looks stong enough to break the ties." Sabastion told Serenity.
Serenity looked up at her father. Looking up at Jack and Catina, she watched the two of them. "The stronger one of you two needs to hold down his legs. And the other one needs to restrain his arms." She stated. It was then that she found the spot. His head. Putting her hands close to his head, yet not touching it, she moved them in circular motions. Almost as if she were trying to whined the spirit out. "Damon, you need to calm down. I know it hurts. Breathe for me, okay." her eyes closed and she started to chant a spirit release spell in Latin. Catina moved to restrain his arms. That way if he looked, he'd be able to see her. If anything it could calm him down a bit.
Jack moved over to restrain his legs. Damon kept struggling trying his best to get free. It was painful for the both of them. "Come on, fight it..." Jack said as he herd Serenity say a chant. One eye of the vampire slayer was regular while the other was bloodshot. He sees his fiance and knew what he had to do. "I think it's working." Sabastion tells her as Damon begins to calm himself and ignore the pain.
Serenity let out a calm, slow breath. "Damon Kene, I release you from your fathers imprisonment. Diego, free yourself and be sent to the after life. Be at peace." She breathed out slowly. Catina rubbed Damon's wrists slowly and Serenity looked up at her father for a moment before putting her attention back on the task at hand. Her hands started moving a little faster trying to use her psychic energy to draw out his second soul.
Diego's sprit looks at her and gives a smile. "Thank you, I trust you to deliver that message to him. Now if you'd excuse me, I need to nejoy my newly required peace of mind." Damons body begins to glow as his fathers soul begins to leave his body and into the sprit. Diego nods his head and begins to fade. Sabastion nod his head and waved to him as he was gone once and for all. Damon begins to breave lightly now that this pain was vanishing. "I thinks it's safe to let go now." Jack replied and turn loose his legs.
Catina slowly let go of his wrists and stepped away. Serenity patted Damon's shoulder and stepped away. "Be lucky, if you'd of killed me the last time we met, you'd still be suffering at this moment." She put the books back on the shelf and walked out of the room. Selene watched her leave and moved over tothe bed with her arms crossed. "You alive, Kene?"
Damon closed his eyes and opened them once again to see Selene. He noticed her arms crossed and look into her eyes. "It depends, are you here to cuddle?" He said knowing it was a joke. Jack goes over to Catina and turns her away from damon. "You might not to see this. It's not going to be pretty." Jack whispered to her.
Selene raised the book she was holding in her hand above her head and started to hit him with it in the shoulder and arm. Not hard. But hard enough. "Damen Kene! Don't you ever make us worry like that ever again!" Catina listened to the sound of Damon being hit with a book and she smirked. "Well. It seems she's a feisty red head that keeps you both in line."
"That's why she's the leader of our agency." Jack told her. "Okay, okay! I get it." Damon said grabbing the book from her. He sighed and look at the pinked haired lady. "I guessing it was you that helped me. And to think I was going to kill you. I'm am truely sorry for my past actions. I guess I wasn't myself." He told Serenity. He soon held his jaw as it was completely sore. He looked at the new vampire and threw the book at his face. "What the fuck, man?" He glared. "How dare you punch my jaw, asshole." he said and the two went at it again.
Selene sighed and pu her hands on her hips. "I punched you, you dolt." She watched as Serenity left the room. Catina stood there and let it go, not saying a word as the three of them dukes it out. Adelay slowly walked into the room, newspaper still in hand. "I hope no one trashed my castle." She stated quietly. Catina looked at the vampiress. She was beautiful in a lethal sort of way.
The guys looked at Adelay while thay had their hands around their friends throat. Jack let go first and smile. "Lighten up Adelay. It what we usually do." He chuckled. Damon looked at Adelay and stood before her. He takes her hand and kisses it. "I want to apologise for the actions that I done to you and your daughter." He said owning up to his mistakes.
Adelay hit him on the head with Selene's newspaper and gave it back to her. The psychic smiled and grabbed the newspaper, slipping it back into her back pocket. Catina snickered and covered her mouth. The vampiress smirked and walked over to Jack. "You sure like to cause trouble where ever you go." She stated, folding her arms over her chest. Serenity walked back into the room and looked at Damon. "I almost forgot. Your father told me to tell you before he leftthat. You must stop your mother and uncle."
"Damn vampiress..." he muttered before catching a glempse of Catina snickering. "Between you and Selene, you ladies could be sisters." he said rubbing his head. Jack look at her and etched a smile on his face. "I know. I'm such a curse, aren't I?" he smile seeing his old partner back. Once he herd Serenity tell him that, Damon looked at Jack, Selene, and Catina. "My dad and I do think alike sometimes. I'll need your help with this those two are no joke. They will show no mercy, vampire or not." he tells them.
Catina shrugged. "I wasn't raised to show mercy." Adelay raised an eyebrow at the demon slayer and looked at Damon. "Well, it would be rather nice to take a trip to the birthing place of vampires." The ivory haired woman cracked her knuckles. "It'll make me stronger." Serenity blinked. "I'll just stay here at the castle. Traveling across the world isn't my thing." Selene lit a cigarette and took a long drag. "Sounds like fun." Cigarette smoke was blew into the air. "Got a plan?"
Jack chuckled and then swiped her cigarette. "Now Selene, since when do we think?" He teased before taking a puff. "Sadly Jack, we'll need to if you want to get at them. My home was invaded a year ago, so security has been somewhat tight." He told him. It caused Jack to raise a brow. "That deep huh?" the vampire said and the slayer nod his head. "Though I do remember one thing before I left for here once again. You might want to listen up Selene. I know you'll gonna love this. They hired a psychic, that basicaly rival your own, if not more powerful." Damon explained.
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