The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"Damon, no!" Catina dropped the cell phone and ran after them, easily jumping over the railing. "Jack!" She called. "That's not Damon. Its Diego." Selene noticed the fight taking place and opened the door of the limo, quickly moving over to them. Though her head was in pain and she staggered a little, she eventually made it.

Serenity laid on the bed panting as well. Smiling, she looked at him. "Amazing." She smiled. "As always." She moved so she could lay her head on his chest while her warm, naked body curled up against his.
The two men duked it out , not caring if they hurt the foe. Or worse. Jack grabbed him by his coat and headbutted him again, and again, and again, and again. But their fore heads had a big knot and was bleeding, yet they continued. Damon rushed Jacks fac to a tree and it fell over while the vampired knocked him away. "I've been waiting for this. You playing Vampires Pet for so long that you finally become one. You're a disgrace!" The posessed Damon said to him. "It's you that disgraced. I'll never forgive you!" Jack replied. "Now give Damon back!"
Catina, who was watching, turned her head to see Selene standing beside her. But instead of stopping, she continued onward. Catina reached out to her but something told her to stop. And so she did. Selene waited for the two of them to move in a position that she could grab them. But she pushed Jack back and stared into Damon's eyes. Under her breath, she started the Kene family creed but she stopped and put her hands on Damon's head. "Leave your son alone!"
"Fuck off!" He roared. He was about to slpe her, but Jack blocked it and kneed him in the gut hard. Once on his knees, Jack held him so he was facing Selene. "Knock him out, hurry." He told her, "I have an idea on to extract his soul."
Selene smirked and balled her hand into a fist only to punch him really hard across his face. Catina winced as she watched Selene's fist connect with Damon's face. She never seen a woman hit as hard as Selene except herself. It was no wonder she'd give her fiance a bloody nose. But she stayed out of it. It was only for the best. Diego needed to leave his son's body.
"Damn...." Jack said looking at her. As he thought, Damon was knocked out. He carried his limped body over his shoulder and sighed. "I have half a mind to drain this bastards blood." he said but didn't. He looks at Catina and he caught her expression. "He changed back, because f me, it seemed that if anything paranormal, like a vampire, is near it triggers something in his mind. The proof of it was during our lunchin a few days ago." Jack explained. "Come, we're heading to the castle." He told both of them and heads to the limo.
Selene sighed as the head ache started to leave her body. Catina moved over close to her and raised an eye brow. "Sorry." Selene said to her. "They're what you call frenemies." She smiled and started toward the limo after Jack. Catina watched them and soon followed after them. Once she climbed in, she closed the door behind her.
Max looked and sees the vampie slayer. "What's he doing here? That's the guy that tried to kill my lover." Max said remembering him. "Long story, now back to the castle." Jack replied. "Whatever, but it's your head adelay will ripp off, not mine." Max warned him and drove. "Catina, tell me everything that happend before we got there." Jack told her. Every little bit helps.
Catina shrugged as she leaned back into the seat. "He somehow seen me in my window. And then banged on the door. I answered it and he was unconcious. I dragged him into my kitchen. He woke up and pushed me away. He was struggling with himself. Like his mind was telling him on thing but a different part of him was telling him otherwise. He tried to shoot me so I ran. He told me to. But he went after me. After awhile things calmed down and we went to the park and came back here. Then he had another episode right before you arrived.."
Jack nod getting this into his mind. "I see, but what I want to know is why is it harming Selene as well as him?" Jack asked and looked at her. As he waits an answer he used his phone to text Shawn and Elizabeth. "Get a spare bedroom ready, I have a guest staying over for the night." he text to them.
Catina looked at Selene. "I don't know honestly." Selena shook her head. "The only reason I can think of is its because she's a psychic. And she is connected to Damon on a friendship level." Elizabeth looked at her phone and showed it to Shawn. "I guess we should get to it. I'm tired and would like to go to bed." She said softly, going over to the large cabinet they had the linens in.
"The bonds we do share is great. I mean we fight 24/7 and Selene is always there to knock us out. Wether it be via banging our heads together our hitiing us with a newspaper. He chuckled and told funny storys about the three of them. He had a feeling she was a bit rattled from the events of this night, and this could possibly calm her nerves. "You head to bed I do this in no time flat." Shawn told her hand hugged her. "I promise to tuck you in." he whispered and blew a warm breath in her ear. With a wink, he heads off to prepare the spare room.
Catina listened and smiled at a story of when Selene first started to hit them with the newspaper. All because Jack pushed Damon into her and somehow Damon's hand ended up on her breast. She laughed and shook her head. "I see why he loved America so much. He has friends who car about him." Elizabeth shivered and nodded. Walking up the stairs to her room, she closed the door behind her with a soft click and sighed. It was then she ran to the bathroom.
"Jack nod as she told them that. "It's we're like family." He smiled and looked at the night sky. "You know, I herd from Selene, after the the whole dark carnival case, Damon wanted us to go to Romania with him to see you, his fiance." Jack stopped and looked at her to see her reaction. Shawn was done in not time flat. He streched and sees the twins carrying one last pillow. With that done, he made his way to Elizabeth's room. Enters and sees her bathroom light on. He sat on her bed and waited for her.
Catina stopped laughing and looked at him. "So he did tell you when he came home." She smiled softly at that and looked out the window. "He proposed to me that night. I never really expected it. But I accepted nontheless because I love him." Selene crossed her legs and smiled as she too looked out the window on the opposite side.

Elizabeth sighed and stood up. Rubbing her face, she opened the door to see Shawn sitting on her bed. She stood in the bathroom door way with her hand still on the door knob. She smiled a small smile at him, her eyes a bit sad.
"Elizabeth?" he said and walks over to her. When ever she had a sad face on, he worried about her instantly, he would stop whatever he was doing to see if everything's alright. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" he asked her. he then looked down and then ack up to her face. "What's in your hand?" he asked curiously. He wondered if it had anything to do with her sad eyes.
She moved her eyes away from his worried face. It only broke her heart even more. Gripping the object in her hand, she clutched the door knob before instantly letting go. Her hand fell to her side. It was then she started to cry. Her body shook. Bringing her hand between them, she slowly opened her fingers and inside the palm of her hand was a positive pregnancy test. "I'm so sorry..." She whispered, her bright emerald eyes glistening with tears.
Shawn heart frozed for what seemed like an eternity. " mean...." Shock was an understatement when he saw that it was positive. Time after time she told him she was taking the pill. He even seen proof of it too. He goes to Elizabeth and wiped her tears, "Why, why did you lie?" He flet like tearing up knowing he's the father of their soon to be child.
She shook her head. "I didn't lie. I don't know what happened..." She couldn't look at him. Her chest felt heavy and her heart felt sore. It felt like the full weight of the world was on her shoulders. The pressure of it sank the pink haired girl to her knees and she started to sob uncontrolably.
"Shhh....No more tears." he said wiping her face and holding her close. He could feel her pain like she wants to end it all here and now. That will not happen, not as long as he's still here. "Do not be afraid. I'll be with you until the end. he said helping her up. He tucks her in to the bed before he got in. "Now tell me Elizabeth, do you want the child before or after..." He stopped just to tease her.

They all arrived at the castle. "Remember, if adelay kills you, it's your own fault." Max told Jack and he scoffed. "No worries, I got a bodyguard." the vampire replied before looking at Selene. Of course, knowing the psychic, she would love seeing her beat him down in her place. He carries damon over his shoulder and heads to the door. There the twins greeted them.
Elizabeth covered her face trying to hide a small smile that crept over her lips. "I would of loved to have it after. That way it wasn't such a problem," she whispered and moved her hands from her face, her eyes searching his. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I only missed one day. I didn't know it was going to turn out this way...."

Naomi gasped seeing Jack carrying the slayer of his shoulder with Max, Selene and Catina walking behind him. "Jack. You're being very bad." The female twin scolded him. Her foot tapped on the floor and her finger tsked him.
"Shhh...." He paced a finger on her lips and then kisses it. "It's okay. I'm excited and scared at the same time as well." his body held hers as a smile ran across his face. His fingers ran through her lovely pink hair before caressing her cheek. "I agree with you. It would be wonderful to have it after you become my wife." He smirked hinting he wants her hand in marriage.

"Bad, bad vampire." Noah said and did the same thing as Naomi. Jack sighed and looked at them. "BOO!" he said giving off a scary face. They squeaked and ran of. "Works everytime." the vampire smirked. "You know what they're going to do, right?" Max said and Jack nod. "Selene, give Adelay your newspaper. I might feel less pain from it."
Elizabeth paused and blinked up at him as he held her. Not only is he happy about the very unexpected, early Christmas present but he had mentioned marriage as well. Stunned, she opened her lips only to close them, not knowing what to say. Tears came to her eyes again, but this time with happiness. "You mean you want to keep this baby?" The thought of him wanting to marry her made her excited as well, but right now, this was a little more important.

As if on cue, Adelay slowly walked down the stairs. Her glaring eyes landing on Jack with Damon's unconscious body laying across his shoulder. "What the hell do your think you're doing bribing this monster into my home?" Selene held up her rolled up newspaper. "Feel free to hit him with this. Works wonders." Adelay grabbed the newspaper and looked at it. "Before I intend to kill you with this lowly newspaper, I want a damn good explanation."
"Of course." I said wiping her tears. "I've told you before, when I first saw you in the castle, I instantly fell in love. You have always been there for me from good and bad times." He soon placed one hand on her now pregnant stomach. "Now its my turn to return the favor. I want to be there to protect you and our future baby. I want you two to be apart of my live. I want us to be a family."

"Damon is possessed. He's been like that for the past seven years. His true self would never harm you since you're a good person, vampire or not." Jack explained. He could already see her winding up as is she was a batter and his head was a baseball. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I need to talk to your daughter." He replied and goes past her.
Elizabeth smiled and laid one of her hands over his, bringing his hand to her mouth, she softly kissed each knuckle. Moving closer to him, she snuggled into his body. Putting her free hand on her stomach, she came to realize that they were going to be a family. It would be a little hard at first, but they'd definately manage. Smiling, she pit his hand back onto her stomach. "Thank you." she began. "For loving me the way no one else did. I love you too."

Adelay frowned as he walked away from her. She didn't know whether to be angry or stunned. Not because of the possessing ghost of the boys father but Jack actually walked away from her. Staying where she was, she watched as Selene and Catina followed behind. Serenity was currently in her room. Just showering from her previous love making with Logan, she was snuggled into her bed, reading a book. It was then a familiar prescense hit her. One familiar... One not so familiar. Frowning, she got out of bed with her book in her hand and the door slowly.
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