The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Selene scowled and swiped her cigarette back before sticking it back into her moth. "Another psychic, huh. This psychic is your security system?" She took a few short puffs as she thought. She then looked at Adelay's daughter. "How good are your abilities?" She knew she was a pretty powerful psychic but she had yet to be trained. Serenity shrugged. "When I was in the asylum I taught myself a lot of things. I can teach you what I know." Adelay scoffed. "I'm guessing I'll have to have three extra rooms prepared for your friends, I assume, Jack?"
"I promise you can punish me either tonight or when it's all over." Jack smiled and chuckled. "But yes, it will be a must. They are my friends, and I refuse to leave them high and dry." he said with a serious look on his face. Damon was suprised hearing this. After all they had been through while his father was in control of his body, he still considers him a friend.

Back in Romania, inside Kene manson. rhere was a man in a room giving off a weird aura. The room was filled with scented candles to his request, the bed sheets and curtains were all black and in the center of a room was a small table and two chairs. Sitting in one of the chairs was a psychic named Kai. He was busy twiling his cards and allowing them to flow in the air. He wore a mask so his identity wouldn't be revealed. "Come in..." he said before Acile had a chance to knock on the door.
Adelay nodded and the twins ran into the room as if reading their mistress' mind. "Prepare rooms for Jacks friends. They will be staying with us for a while." She then headed out of the room to her own study. Selene watched her leave and looked at Jack. "Is she always so...odd?" She questioned, finishing her cigarette. Naomi and Noah looked up at her and then to Jack.

Alice turned the door knob upon his answer. "I trust everything is going well?" She had a smile on her face. She stood in the door way with her hand still on the knob. She wasn't planning on coming fully into the room. Kai liked his 'space' and she didn't mind that. He was still odd. She still didn't know what he looked like under the mask, but for the most part she trusted him with the safety of the castle and the small part of land surrounding it.
"Nah, this is normal for her. She actually in a good mood, though she doesn't show it." Jack replied. The twins looked at the new guest with an odd look. Noding to each other, they grab a hold of Selene and Catina. "Follow us, you need to go to the girls wing of the castle." They said and made them follow before they could say anything.

"Please, enter...Have a seat." Kai told her, which was a rare occation. "I have news of your son." He told her and shows her a card. On it was a picture of a broken chain. "Your child is free of your bond." he tells her hinting that her husbans soul has been removed from Damons' body.
Catina watched as the twins led them down multiple hallways untilthe reached the girls wing of the castle. She had the room beside Mercedes and Selene had one beside Elizabeth. The demon slayer looked around the room and whistled. It was fancier than her own room back home. The wood was all dark cherry oak withe black polished furniture with a matching black bed frame. The sheets on the bed where white silk. Almost everything was accented in rustic colors. Going over to the bed, she instantly flopped onto the soft bed and stared at the ceiling. Selene almost did the same thing, but Serenity interrupted her to train her.

Alice walked into the room and stopped upon hearing him. "What?!" She sat down and crossed her legs, the look on her face had rage written all over it. "How on earth did that happen?!" Her hands gripped the arms of the chair while the card was shown to her. No. She was not happy indeed.
"Let's see. The cards never lie." Kai told her as he grabs the card and shufffles them into his special deck. He grips it as if he was reading it's mind. "Intresting..." he said and deals out three of them. One showed a vampire, another a crystal ball, and finally a magnifying glass. "I see a vampire, a detective, and what's this? Another psychic?" he smiles as he sees the two cards link together. It seems that your son has a bond to the detective and the psychic. Have you seen them before?" he asked her. He pick the cards up to show her that they were stuck together.
Alice leaned back into her chair as she thought. It must of been the two mongrels she seen seven years ago at the Dark Carnival. "Must of been that red headed bitch and a Damon look a like." Looking at the cards she scratched the wooden handles of the chair with her nails. If Damon was back to normal, and there was a psychic wih him he was bound to find out what they did to him. And he'd be pissed enough about it to come home and seek revenge. "How powerful is this psychic?"
He draws another card and it showed a small female symbol. It left his hand and moves over to the vampire card. "I see, it's a vampiress. This woman bears a child, a young girl to be exact." He takes that card and placed it next to the crystal ball card. The tw began to glow. "The young girl must be gifted. She trining the psychic to become stronger." He looks up at her and smile from behind the mask. "Don't not worry about this red head. She'll be no match for me."
Alice sighed and leaned back into the chair. Her nerves somewhat calm. "Good." She got out of the chair. "You can take care of her and I will deal with my son." Looking at the masked psychic one more time, she walked out, closing the door with a soft click behind her and headed upstairs to the main part of the Kene castle.
Kai nod to her as she left. he draws one more card and sees the number Zero. " me who shall recieve it." he said to the card. it soon splits into two pieces. "I see, two deaths." As he said that, it soon split into four pieces before one of the pieces burned. "Okay, three deaths." He refused to see who would meet their demise since it'll be a waste of time. Over at the main part of the castle, Frank has just finsih his first glass of brandy. He was about to get another until he saw his sister in a bit of a huff. "Something eating at you sister?" he asked as he pours his second glass.
Alice sighed and went to get herself a cup of hot tea before she sat down. Dunking the tea bag into the hot water, she looked up at her brother. "Kai was telling me Damon is coming home. And he's goin to be on a rampage. He is now free of Diegos soul." taki the bag out, she added cream and sugar. Looking up at her brother, she lifted the cup and took a sip. "What do you suppose we do?"
Being Damons' uncle, Frank aided in his nephews training. "Well, since he's free from the spell, which by the way dear sister you put on him, there revenge would be the first thing on his mind. If i were to predict, he'll be bringing some back up to help him bring us to justice." He downs another glass before breaking it with his bare hands. "We must be ready for anything and everything. And if push comes to shove, then we must bring him over to our side, by force and torture at his friends expense." He chuckled and lick the blood seeping out his hand. "For starters, does Kai know if there are going to be reinforcements heading your way?"
Alice looked at him with a smile. "I think we need to come up with a better plan than that, my brother." She watched him break the glass and she sighed, sipping the tea in the steaming cup. "For now, you should take your drunk ass to bed." Smelling the tinge of his blood in the air, she twitched her nose up and continued to sip.
"I suggest you think of one as well. It was your idea to plant Diegos' soul into the boy afterall." He tells her and and heads to his room. One of the familys' demon servents approaches her and gives her an envelope. "I-it's from the psychic, milady." he said not daring to look her in the eyes. In the envelope was the last fortune he drew and the infor about the three future deaths.
She watched her brother leave and growled. She only did that so her son could continue the vampire slayer family line he was born into. They were so close to losing him that he even moved to America. When Diego died, it was the perfect opportunity to get her son to stay the vampire slayer he was. He wasted enough time playing police wih his friends. When the servant gave her the envelope and took it from him. "Thank you." She stated and opened it, reading what was inside.
That night, Damon couldn't sleep at all. His jaw was so sore from Selenes' left hook that he couldn't even give Catina a goodnight kiss. He looked at the half moon and the stars until Jack walked out as well. "You okay?" The detective asked him. "Can't sleep." Damon replied holding his jaw a bit. The detective tried to hide the chuckle and sighed. "Me neither, suprisingly neither can our chain-smoking leader." Jack said refering to Selene.
"The only reason I smoke is to calm my messed up nerves that you two always end up riling." She inhaled the cigarette that was currently in her mouth as she walked out of the shadows of Damon's room. The only light that was seen, other than what the half moon, was the orange glow from her cigarette. She smirked at her two companions and stood in the darkness. "Donyou think we even stand a chance?"
"Not sure. As the saying goes: The master teaches the student somethings, but not everything." Damon said swiping a cigarette from Selene. Jack did the same and lit theirs up. I rarely some, only to ruffle Selenes feathers, of when something big might happen." Jack replied and Damon agreed. "I can already guess what their motive was for doing this." Damon said flicking some ashes off. "By the way Selene, who was your training with the vampiress daughter?"
Selene shrugged. "So far so good. For an untrained psychic who sees the dead, she pretty much has her psychic abilities channeled." She blew some smoke into the air and walked to the large window and opened it. The night air engulfed the room and blew the curtains lightly. She flicked the ashes of her cigarette out the opened window. "I'm beginning to think you two should take her instead. There is no way I can learn everything or even perfect it in so little time."
Jack and Damon looked at each other. This was rare. Selene not wanting to go because she felt weak? They looked at her looking out into the night air and chuckled. Damon goes up to her and linked one of her arms. "What are talking about?" the vampire slayer asked. Jack goes up and linked the other arm. "Letting you leave a case this big? I don't think so." he tells her. "Do not forget, we're a team. We help each other, through good or bad. Sure we're a couple of goofballs, but all-in-all, you know we got your back." They both say to her. "Besides, Mistress Adelay will be here as well, so there's a good chance Selene will come as well." Jack added.
Selene smiled at them. "Aw you guys." Putting the cigarette in her mouth between her fingers, she moved her arms and hugged them close to her. "We're a team again!" butt eg were right. She had to go. For Damon. And there was a possibility that Selene could go. Just then, a rustling sound was heard outside. Selene looked at the window, it was a little late for any creatures to be out. A figure then jumped through the opened window and landed silently and gracefully on the floor.
Alot has change in tose past seven years. Some good and some bad. But it seemed like it vanished after that one moment. The three shared a group hug. They were a whole again. Their ears perked up when they herd the rustling noise in the distance. Looking at each other, Jack and damon got into a ready position, protecing Selene that was behind them. There eyes blink as they see who was before them. "Who are you, and do we know you?" Damon asked.
Selene rolled her eyes and puffed on the almost gone cigarette in her hand. The figure moved into the light. It was Catina. Her left eyebrow was arched and her hair was curled from setting it in her sleep. Mercedes decided that she loved the light purple hue of her hair and wanted to play and style it. She had a thin black silk string wrapped around her head and tied into a bow where her bangs were and a silk black night gown. Her amber eyes bright even in the darkness. "I figured you guys would be here."
"Catina, hey there." Damon said lowering his guard. "Sorry, we're a bit on edge." He goes to her, but Jack gets infront and holds her hands. "My dear Catina, how lovely you look in the moon light. It's so nice to see you." the vampire smile. "Seeing this, Damon takes the newspaper from Selene and tries to hit him with it. However, Jack keeps dodging everyone of his swings. "I have an idea, after this case how about you and me paint the town red." Jack offered not relizing that she's engaged to Damon.
Catina looked at Jack and laughed softly. "It's a lovely offer, really." She moved out of the way when the newspaper almost hit her. "But I'm sorry, Jack. I have my eyes on someone else." She smiled up at him and slowly slipped her hands from his. Selene took the newspaper from Damon and hit Jack with it, using her psychic abilities to determine if he was going to move or not.
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