The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She started to frown as he seemed to struggle with his own mind. When he told her to run, she hesitated for a moment and then her instincts came over and she turned to run. Since he was infront ofthe doorway, she turned around, grabbed her whip on the night stand and jumped out an open window, hiding in the shadows.
He sees her escape and grabs the gun. He exits the same way she did and gave chase. His head still ach as teas of blood ran down his face. "Catina! I know its you. I still have...." he stopped as his aches increased and begins firing the gun. two shots were forward, missing the demon slayer. The rest, except one were fired in the air. "Must eliminate....must help make a pure world." he panted though it sounded like he didn't want to say that.
Catina moved silently through the night, narrowly missing the bullets, though one grazed her arm, but cut open her sleeve. Climbing up a building ladder, she jumped up one story. "Your world will never be pure if you keep making it unpure, Damon. Killing innocent people isn't making it pure."
Damon herd her voice and climbed after her. He was basically torn between two minds. One right, one wrong. One for friends and another for family. "I didn't mean to...I wasn't my choice..." he said as he caught up to her. He looks at her, still bleeding tears, yet the gun was still in his hand. "I've been minuplated, cursed. I would never..." his head ached once again as he glares at her. "How dare you say that. He was a vampire. What's so 'pure' about it?" he shouted. It wwas if there were two sides to him.
She shook her head and quickly grabbed the gun from his hand onlyto put it in her own pocket. She couldn't shoot him. Atleast not yet. Not until one side was more dominant in his brain. "What happened to you?" She took steps away from him and climbed higher. "Whatever happened to the man that told me every being is innocent until proven guilty and that you were trying to rid the world of impurity?" She stopped and looked down at him, her eyes almost glowing in the moonlight. "That child had done nothing wrong."
At that moment, he wanted to strike her down. But his will, his real will, prevented that. He looked at her. The bloodshot eyes on his face was fading. and the tears of blood were becoming clear. He fell to his kness and covered his face. "It was them, they caused he to sin. They caused me not to pratice what I have preached to you. I never wanted to harm anyone without just cause." He tells her. The memories of those past seven years came back. He knew the truth, the whole truth. He can consider himself thankful that it did become worse.
She put her hands on the railing and leaned down to look at him. "Your mother did this." She paused. The chant that they had did the night that he came home was a bit different than she had thought. A little more forceful. "Didn't she." Her light purple hair moved over her shoulders freely as she watched the color of his tears fade. "Damon," she sighed and moved away from the railing and noticed that the sleeve of her shirt was ripped. "Do you know why I'm here?"
Damon looked at the floor and knew it all along. He had herd of a ritual his family does. He ignored it all until it hit him. " was her. Her eyes glowed and I felt something inside me. Blocking my way of thinking. That ritual, thanks to your mom's help, captured my fathers very soul and inplanted it in me." He said confessing that there was two souls in his body. His own and his father. Looking up at her and frowns. "Are you here to kill me? To end my life? To destroy the one you once called a fiance?" he said.
Catina actually laughed. "No. I'm not going to kill you. But you have done some very foolish things. Even for a slayer of your stature. I'm not heartless. Atleast not yet. But you should apologize to the people who you once called friends. They seen pretty distraught from the events you have caused. That was why your friend Selene asked me to come."
He stood up and looked at her. "I've done too many things in the past and I can't forgive myself. But seeing what Selene did, I know what I must do." He leans against the railing beside her and looked at the night sky. "You of all people know that if I do this, my clan will be no more. Do you want this fools hand in merrage if this happens?" he said and sighed.
She raised an eyebrow before turnin her head and looked at him. "You didn't come back." She leaned against the railing but her back was it while she faced the brick wall of the building. "You had promised a lot of things to me and yet you didn't come back to fulfill them." Her hands grasped the railing. "What are you planning to do?"
"I wasn't me. I wan't the guy that would promise you the world. They wouldn't let me see you. They were more focused on making me like him. Being the best of the best and ingoring all morals. They made me lie, they made me cold, they made me the demon that I had become." He sees her looking at the wall. and turns her around to look in her eyes. "You of all people know that I'll sacrafice everything for you. That I would risk everything to keep my promise. That hasn't change, nor will it ever. I'm going back home, and I will denouce my own family." he told her.
She closed her eyes as she listened. "You're going to throw away the life of a slayer? Your own mother?" There was no way she could possibly imagine anyone doing that. But everyone had their reasons. He, most of all, had every right to be angry at his family for what happened. After all, it was their fault that most of this happened. No one knew about it. "Do you think that's the right thing to do?" Amber eyes slowly opened to look into his.
"This world is full of good and evil. Not just creatures, but humans like you and me. Would it be okay if we treat them like dirt? To show the innocent no mercy just on who thay are? To make them look like fools. If we do that to the good creatures, then we are no better than the evil ones." He stated showing what he remembered those years ago. "I still had that thought in my mind while under this curse. It was the only thing keeping me from losing myself to them. I believe I proved my point from what they did to me. So yes, I will. You know them. They won't like it, but they do deserve this."
Catina nodded. "You're right." She stated. "Your mother did something wrong. But don't hurt her in any way. Let her live knowing her only child doesn't want anything to do with her." Turning around, she swung her slender legs over the railing and jumped down. "I can see why you like America so much." She softly stated. "It's pretty nice here. Different than home."
"Indeed." He said and leaped down as well. He had a smile on his face as he grabbed his hat. He walks with her until he sees a small park. "We never had this back home." he chuckled and playfuly poked her. "Selene, this was their motive. When I decided to go to America, father was absolutely against it. I disobeyed his orders and left for here. You'd helped me out knowing that you didn't want me to leave and for that, you have my eternal grattitude." he said
She looked over at the park as well. It was empty as if should be at this time of the night. "You're welcome. I didnt want you to leave but you were lucky to leave when you did. You made good friends and they care about you. We didn't have that back home. We were always put into our training and studies." Her voice was a bit sad as she stopped to look in the park. But smiled when he poked her.
"This was why I wanted you to come with me. You know I had enough for the two of us. But I did respect your wishes to look after your dad." He said and holds her hand. He walks with her to a swing set as he chuckled a bit thinking about the past. Back when they were young. "I'll push" he said and smiled. He looks into her yellow eyes and frowns a bit.
She raised an eyebrow. "You really want to play at this time of night?" She searched his eye as he frowned. "What's the matter?" Her voice was a bit low due to it being late and the air was still. Her accent was still thick yet understandable. But it was a bit hard to talk in English since he didn't really learn it too often. But never the less, she slowly moved to the swing and sat down.
"Your glasses, they're gone." he smirked before chuckling. He sees her sit down and begin pusing her. "We maybe older, but we're still have some youth in us." he said and continues to chat with her. He felt calm, relaxed. Yet he knew his fathers soul was still in him. Every second now counts since he doesn't know when he'll try and take over once more. "But I do love your long hair." He soon said and turned his head.

"Wow...." Logan said as he sat next to Serenity. They were all at a gasp seeing the new Jack. Noah and Naomi just had to poke his pailer skin. "Ohh, chilly" Noah giggled as they continued. Jack arched a brow as they did that. "Boo!" he simply said and the twins got back to their seat. He soon chuckled seeing that as all the servents wondered why he did this.
She smiled. "Father decided that my glasses were a bother in battle, so he ordered me contacts." She swung her legs back as she pushed backward. "Do you think your psychic friend can give you an exorcisim?" She thought for a moment. Maybe he didn't want his fathers soul to leave his body. But then she didn't technically want to marry the boy's father either. She was still slightly hurt from what happened. But she forgot about the pain and concentrated on her work.

Serenity rubbed Logan's knee from under the table. "Jack." She stated softly while her mother sat down at her position at the table. "What happened to you?" She asked before anyone else could. The twins sat down and giggled.
"Selene? Maybe. We did had a nice lunchin yesterday along with Jack. And her abilities had improved greatly." he answered. As he touched her with every swing, Damon nod to him self. "I know what you're thing Cat. The answer is yes. It's for the best. And knowing my father, he would agree as well. He is more reasonable then my mom, even if his way of think is far different from mine." He then stopped her completely from swinging and lokked at her face to face. "I know you're hurting. I can feel you pain. I want you to let it out." He grabbed his steaks and toossed them to the side. He stood there with his hands behind his back and offered her to beat him down. He knew what he done to her. She deserve to do this.

"Nothing much, I just went over to the other side is all." He answered as showed his fangs. "Great...another vampire." Andrew sighed. "I hope your not a heavy drinker like another person i know." Oliver chuckled. "First he helped out, then he decided to stay, now he's a vampire. You sure you're not in love with her?" Shawn asked holding Elizabeths hand under the table. Logan said nothing at the moment. He was busy rubbing Serenty's knee then inner thigh. But he did looked at how he had changed.
Catina heard the small thump of the stakes on the ground. Slowly, she got off the swing and looked at him. "All I ever dreamed after finding out that you weren't coming back was to beat you senseless and hit you over and over." She smiled and moved over to the weapons laying on the ground, useless. "But now that I have the chance, I'm not sure what I want to do. A senseless part of me wants to hurt you too. But the part of me that cares for you wants to hold you and tell you that everything will be okay." She bent down and picked them up, twirling one around her fingers. "But we're not children anymore. And I'm not a nurturing kind of soul." She threw the stake at him, it flew right passed his skull and into a tree.

Serenity bit her bottom lip on the inside while she moved her fingers up his leg a little more. "Well, it was just a matter of time." Mercedes stated. "After all, he is in Adelay's castle and there might be a reason to all this." Elizabeth nodded and rubbed the pad of her thumb along Shawn's hand. "Yes. We don't know if they're inlove. But Jack has helped us out quite a lot since his stay almost a year ago. I think it would be wise to skip the subject and talk about Christmas. It is a month and a half away after all."
Damon turned and sees what she did to that tree. It was wedged in there tight. A strong arm he had there. He gave off a silent gulp. "Well said and nice arm. I would say the same thing myself." He turned to see her again notice her coming. His arms was still behind his back, refusing to move them.

"Indeed. It is coming and we have alot to do for the party." Logan replied. He shivered as he felt her hand on his thighs. His hands, under Serenity's dress touched her panties. His fingers easily moved past them ans rubbed her lower lips. They were glad to know about it ahead of time and not one day before the actual event. They all agreed if that happend, they would quit on the spot. "Thank you for your opinion. I'll tell all in due time." Jack told them.
She held the other stake in her hand. Slowly, she stalked toward him like a predator to her prety. Oh and he was the prey... Smirking. She moved around him in a circle, she looked him up and down. "I'm not the only one to grow older." She stated and moved to his back, pressin the front of her body against him. But the stake was close to his jugular. Her lips were at his ear, "What have you done the passed seven years, Damon?" She whispered hotly.

Elizabeth nodded. "In about a week of two, we should start to decorate." Ali smiled. "I'll send out invitations." Some workers actually had family and every Christmas, all the families would come and celebrate Christmas together. Adelay didn't mind. It was only once a year. Serenity leaned back into her chair and squeezed Logan's thigh a bit. Her hips moved a bit under the table and slightly jumped when she knew no one was watching.
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