The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She shivered slightly. "Okay." Moving away from him, she headed out o the room and waited for him to follow her. Selene raised an eyebrow at him. If it wasn't for his eyes, she'd believe it really was Jack. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't make it." She stated nonchalantly, looking around. "Looks pretty boring to me."
Jack followed her into a private room. It was the perfect place for them to be alone. Jack closes the door behind him and chuckled. After taking her hand, He pulls her close to him and kissed her lips. "I must tell mom that you were a great host to me." he said in between kisses. The real damon looks at Selene and chuckled. "You're always bored, so what's new?" He joked and looked around. "So where's the fool?" he asked refering to Jack.
Sophie smile against his mouth and pressed her lips against his softly while her arms caressed his body close to hers. She didn't know that Damon would be so forceful and charming. Selene rolled her eyes. "He's working on finding where the merchandises and hopefully some keys to free them." She smirked at Damon. "Have fun at home?"
Jack. found this to be too easy, but on the other hand, he was really enjoying kissing her. His tongue dances with hers as his hands caresses her body. It rubbed her hips and back all the was down to her ass. now in a lustful desire, he made his move. With a quick slight of hand, he easily took the set of keys from her an into his pocket. All the while he was sucking and licking her neck to distreact her. "I see...lets just hope he won't do anything stupid. I got the New York Times for you, just in case." He said knowing how loves to hit him and Jack with a rolled up newspaper. "As for home, after this case, I want you two to come to Romaina with me. There's some one I want you to meet." He said and silgtly blushes.
Sophie let out a slight moan and clutched onto him. Not even knowing that he has just stolen her keys. But she would be definitely be looking for them when she put her clothes back on. Selene took the newspaper and rolled it up before slipping it into an inner pocket of her jacket. "Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "A girl I presume?"
"I know what I like, and I like you." he whispered in her ear. Even though he completeled his objective, with hours left t go before the demon slave auction, the detective saw no harm in having some fun. His finger went back to the buttons of her business shirt and undo theom one by one. He opens it up to see her bra. "Very sexy indeed..." He smiled and undo her bra. Seein her breasts, he begins to suck on them. "More then that." Damon said as he smiled. "My fiance. I'm getting married." He told her.
Sophie licked her lips and looked up at him. Her black laced bra made her creamy skin even paler and the contrast of the pure white blouse gave of a slightly darker complexion. "Thank you, Mr Kene." Selene turned her head to him. "Damon, you sly dog. Childhood friend?" She playfully punched him in the arm because of her surprise and her happiness for him.
The detective smiled as she said that. His tongue lapped her nipples until they were hard enough for him to bite softly. Looking up at her, he shook his head as one hand unzips her white blouse. "Don't thank me yet, we've only just begin to have fun." He told her as his finger begin to stroke her most sensative area covered by her panties. "Indeed," he told her and shows her a picture of him and Catina as they were kids. "Is the wind demon still here of did he left?" He whispered.
Sophie moved her head back and let out a soft moan. Her hand moved into his green hair as he teased her. Her hips moved gently against his finger as he continued to undress her. "Yeah." Selene glanced at the picture at the a young Damon and a cute little girl with purple braids and yellow eyes. "I wish you the best." Her eyes glanced up and looked around. "Yeah, he's around her somewhere."
His fingers soon traveled inside her wet folds. His lips made contact with hers oonce more as hisbegins to undress as well. Once naked with her hi places her hand on his hard meber for her to stoke. "I know you want it Sophia. Go on ask for it." he whispered as his fingers thrust faster and deeper inside her. "Where?" Damon asked not seeing him. "This is bad. If he gets caught, it'll make the plan alot more difficult." he added bitting his bottom lip.
She moaned, clinging to his shirt while her head moved to the side and onto his shoulder. When his hand moved hers to his hard on, she wrapped her lithe hand around it and started to slowly stroke him. Selene scoffed, and snorted. "You think?" She stated sarcastically. "He better be careful."
With a smirk on his face, Jacks fingers traveled down to her folds. He shivered feeling it was wet before thrusting two fingers in her. He thrust slowly as she stroked slowly It soon got faster each time he kissed her. His fingers soon curled so it would hit that pleasure spot inside her. "And yet you still smoke..." Damon said and sighed. "Oh, don't mind me, I'll go find him. You just lean against the wall and finsh your favorite pack of smokes." Damon said scarcasticly. He took two cigarettes before be began to look for him.
She moaned a little louder and rocked her hips against his fingers and kissed him back when he began to pick up his pace. When his fingers curled, she groaned and nipped at the skin of his neck. Selene smirked and watched Damon walk away. "I think I will." She stated and lit a cigarette and stuck it into her back up cigarette holder that she only used when her main ones were broken. Like the one that the boys broke yesterday.
Jack moaned as he felt his neck getting bit by her. It only fuled him to moves his fingers more. Once fully wet, he removed his fingers inside Sophia and her hand on his shaft. Smiling at blonde, he lifts one of her legs his that thrust his hard member inside her. He groaned a bit as he begins to fuck her. Damon began his search while dealing with the crowd, Selene and his mom and uncle who were chatting. Basicaly, he had his hands full just to find one wind demon. "This is too much" he said and sighed. He then felt a few breezes on his arm. it was as if it was writing to him. he wrote out "H-E-L-P." The same thing happend to Selene as it wrote the same letters on her forearm.
Sophie wrapped her leg around Jack's waist and moaned softly. She licked her dry lips as her hips ground against his. Her body started to heat up and her back pressed against the cold wall of the room. Selene blew smoke into the air and looked down at her forearm. Frowning, she looked up. Mo one she could see was affected by the wind like she was. It must be the wind demon. Putting her cigarette out on the bottom of her shoe, she began to look for the so called demon.
Jack was loving this plan. He had the key and was screwing a hot girl was well. His thrustings increased as he felt her leg wrap around him He knew he had to finish up soon because he knew his favorite psychic would get bored and annoyed, plus he needs to see if Damon ha arrived yet. "So good...gonna cum..." he moaned out as he goes faster and faster. damon increased his searched knowing this was getting bad. His back soon felt another back he didn't turn around as he knew it was Selene. "You felt that as well?" he asked her.
She arched her back once his thrusts got harder and deeper. Moaning, she clutched at his back and panted heavily. After a few thrusts, she too felt the hot sensation and finly came. Selene raised an eyebrow. "I didn't feel it." She smirked. "I seen it. Where is Jack with the damn keys?" She started walking down a hallway. "Forget it. Let's find whirlwind."
"Whirlwind?" Damon chuckled, but nod his head. He split from her going one way while she took another. Jack gave his own groan and pulled out. Placing Sophia on her knees, he came all ofer her face. He pants and smiles before kissing her lips. "Thanks, I'll see you when the auction starts." He said and got dressed. He left the room with the keys intact. Running, he soon bumps into Selene. "Yo, I got it." he told and showed it to her. "Anything happened while I was fuc...finding some clues?" he said.
Selene raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a threatening look before snatching the keys from him. Making sure they didn't make a sound, she looked up at him. "Is there any guards around the mechandise?" She asked quietly. She didn't want to get caught or make a sound. Or else this whole plan would be ruined.
"None that I saw. These rich folks are too cocky to have guards." Jack said quietly. "Any word on Damon?" he asked. The salyer was looking around for the wind sprit. He slips into one of the rooms away from the stage and sees Kevin and Sophia. He hid around the corner and spyed on them. "Everything set. We weill begin in ten minutes. I'll need the key so we can get the first merchendise." Kevin told her. He pinched himself regretting that he left his phone back home.
Sophie nodded and went through her pockets for the keys. When she didn't find them the first time, she tried once more. It was then she believed she dropped them when she was having sex. Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose to keep from having a headache. "Give me a sec. I must of dropped them." She started walking toward the room where she was with Damon not more than five minutes ago. Selene looked at Jack. "He's here somewhere. We lost the wind demon. He went looking for him. Now let's hope the real Damon finds her and keeps her stalled while we free them. And let's hope Damon's real family doesn't find you."
Kevin helped her search for the keys as the real damon tryied his best to sneak pass them. He damned his nose as he let out a sneeze. "Hey you." Kevin said as he looked at him, "What are you doing here?" Damon was in a tight bind. He knew Jack was with her in disguise, he didn't know that they did. "I agree." the detective told her and he starts to look. He searched around until he bumped into someone. "Excuse me, on important business. Not concerning you of course." he said not realizing that he said that to Damons' mother.
Sophia looked at Damon. "Mr. Kene. Do you have my keys?" She said a little threateningly. Not knowing that she had been with Jack before, and now that this was the real Damon, this one was innocent. Damon's mother, Alice grabbed Jack by the shoulder. "And what important business are you attending to, young man? You're supposed to stay with me. You'll get lost down here." She had one hand on her hip and with the other, held onto his shoulder.
"Keys? What keys? Have we met?" Damon said tilting his head. Oh, if only he knew that he blown their cover from saying that. "Well, never mind. I got importing things to do." he said to her. As he looked behind him one time he finds the wind demon. "There you are, we've been looking for you." He told him. "Nice to know, but I alredy got my fill of pleasure lady." He said as he brushed her hand off his shoulder. "Besides the real festivities are about to begin and...." he finally turned to looked at her. He noticed her remarkable green hair, the only female that had green hair. Putting two and two together, he figured that was Damons' mom. "Oh....crap...." he thought.
Sophie growled and grabbed his shirt. "Who the fuck are you then?" She snarled. "Kevin, go see if you can find someone else resembling this man." She stated to her butler. Alice removed her hand away from his shoulder as fast as lightning. "If you're not my son, then who are you?" She was a little angry at this point. At this point, Selene was far from helping them get out of both situations. She watched from across the room and rolled her eyes. Never send a man to do a woman's job.
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