The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

He shook his head not knowing her at all. "Sorry, I've never seen her before.The prisoners only get one glempse of the party host, befre being sold off." He tells her. Jack lit his own cigarette and looked out the window. "Well whatever the case, I suggest you stay here. A party that Ritzy will be crawling with goons." He advise the wind sprit. He then turns to Slene. "Did the site tell the place it'll be held? It'll be a pain in the ass if he have to search up and down every club." he said.
Selene shook her head. "Not that I can remember. We'll just have to find the most popular clubs in New York." She walked over to the closed window and fingered the curtains. "Unless we can hack into the website again." She looked at the wind demon. "Anything you can remember? Any names that stand out or words?"
Jack got on that as the demon thought long and hard about it. "Well, the place have to be popular. It's no use going to one, that is weak." He tells them. Jack searched the web and notices two clubs that were highly popular and expensive. "One is call Portal. And another is called Demintions. One of those two places has got to be where the Dark Carnival is heald." The detective told them. After saying that Jack texted Damon hoping he'll know. Unfortunately for them, the slayer forgot his cell phone and his family were heading to New York City on their private plane.
Well the names of the clubs didn't help her any. "Not sure. We'll have to check both clubs. How far are they from one another?" She questioned, walking around the room, examining the tv, beds, etc. The cigarette between her fingers started to wither and she put it out in the ash tray beside one of the beds.
"By the looks of things, 2 miles apart. We'll know were at the right place if we see some rich people." Jack said and got his cell. "Still no reply..." He muttered. "I we don't hear from him soon, we'll have to go with plan B." the detective told them and begin to dye his hair geen and get into his disguise. He sure hope he respond. He didn't like this plan, but it was for the best.
Selene nodded. "Better save than sorry." She stated. The red head had packed the uniforms just incase something like this would happen. And she knew she couldn't look into the future or else she'd try to change it. And fate wasn't supposed to work like that. Nut the pendulum made it clear that their bonds were going to break last night. She hoped upon all hope that some loop hole would show itself.
Damon was beside himself. Angery that he left his cell phone in Romania. He asked to go back, but his mom wouldn't allow it saying that they have to keep a type sedchdule. All he could do now is hope for the best.

Jack Got in the car with Selene and heads to Portal first. Luck mustive be on their side since the wind demon's tatto begin to sting a bit. "You okay?" Jack asked hand he nod his head. "I think we found the place. Everyone ready?" he asked as he puts his hat on.
Selene sighed and zipped the black coat as part of the security uniform she was wearing. "Ready as I'll ever be." She stated, and putout her cigarette. She wore the outfit. It was a little big but fit nonetheless. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail and various weapons aligned her body under her coat and pockets. Gloves on her hands and boots on her feet. Slipping the helmet on, she smiled.
"Our objective is simple. Find the demon prisoners and set them free. Once they notice their gone. We expose them, and start arresting and get as much info as we can. Hopefully no violence will take place." Jack said but even he knew it was wishful thinking. He link armswith herand heads to the club. "And I promise to be on my best behavior." He said knowing she'll probbly tell him that.
Selene smirked. "Okay good boy." She patted his arm and started off, pretending as best she could at being a security employee. Watching as guests started through the door. If she seen Damon, she'd make sure to grab his shoulder and ask for ID so they wouldn't be conspicuous. She looked around a bit. Maybe there'd be someone with keys somewhere.
"I think I see the host of this party. Odds are she'll probbly have it." Jack whispered to Selene as he sees Sophia looking about as her butler Kevin pours her a cup of tea. "Wish me luck." He said as he lets go of her arm. he clars his throat and gets into character. He has been praticing on Damon. He goes up to her and smiles. "Ms. Sophia Turner I assume. I'm Damon Kene. I'm here repersenting my family since they can't be here tonight." he said.
A younger version of Sophie looked up at Damon and smiled, not even knowing it was someone else. "Ah," she smiled. "A young Mister Kene. It's so nice to finally meet you. Your mom has said a lot of good things about you." She took a sip of her tea. Tonight she wore a business like pants outfit and her hair was braided loosely down her back. "I assume you have finally became interested in this wonderful event." She smiled brightly. Almost as if she were the nicest woman in the world.
"Yes Ms. Turner. I've always wanted to go, but my parents told me that I was too young. She did say 'hello' though. Shes still grieving over the lost of my father." Jack used as much info about Damon as he could. He looks at her mentally nods his approval. It was then he saw some keys. No doubt it belong to the prisoners. "Mi'lady, we're right on sechdule. The auction won't start for another 3 hours." Kevin whispered to her.
"Ah." She said sadly. "I'm sorry to hear about your father." She sipped at the tea and set the small white plate on the stand beside her. "Please send your mother my regards and my grievances." Upon hearing Kevin, she smiled. "Good. I trust that the refreshment preparartions are being dealt with while everyone browses at the merchandise?"
"Of course. All is a go. I'll make double check on everything now." He nods his head and leaves the two alone. jack sees it as a great oppertunity to put the moves on the Lady, not to mention swipe those keys. "I'll made sure to do that. I'll also tell her that she fail to tell me how beautiful you are." he said and kisses her hand. The wind demon was with Selene as watch her turn every guy down for a dance. "Miss. Selene, how about a dance with me?" he offered, "I believe Jack is making his move." he whispered.
Sophie smirked at him. "And your mother failed to tell me how charming you are." She watched him kiss her hand. "I do hope you're enjoying yourself so far." She stated with the same smile on her face. "Drinks and food will be passed around shortly." Selene looked at he wind demon. "Once we find Damon I will. But we will stand her and wait a few more minutes. If he doesn't show up, we'll pretend to..." she waited for someone to pass her to begin talking again. "Be a part of this part and then go with the rest of the plan."
Jack could see the key within arms reach. The only thing was that it was attached to a heavenly body. Hearing her comment he gave a smirk of his own. "It's my father's charm. It runs in the family." He chuckled and begin flirting with her. He nod his head at Selena's plan and just look around for the real Damon. He stayed close to the psychic, fearing that they would discover who he really is.
Sophie laughed and stood up from the chair she was sitting in. "Well, Mr. Kene, would you like me to show you around?" She offered. It was the least she could do since he was a new customer after all and she did want to make him feel welcome. Especially since he was a part of the famous Kene family. Selene rubbed her gloved finger tips together, feeling the leather between her fingers. It was then she began walking around, making sure not to draw attention to herself as she did so.
Jack smiled as she offered him that. He dare not refuse since he needed to be close to her. He simply nod his head and takes her hand. "I would love that Ms. Turner." He smiled and helped the maden up from her seat. He made a quick glance and sees Selene walking about. He knew she wouldn't get into trouble. He was more worried about the wind demon. He is on enemy territory after all.
She dusted herself off and began walking around with him. "So, are you hoping to get anything tonight? Or are you just going to lay low and figure out how things work before you get into the bidding?" The place was pretty much like an auction. They sold whatever beast or creature to the highest bidder and the buyer can do with it as they please. "Or are you interested in something specific?"
"Well, my mother did want me to observe. She also encouraged me to do some bidding as well. who knows, I might get a creature as a slave." He tells her He was that close to her set of keys that it wasn't funny. Whenever his hand nearly touches it, he had to pull back fearing she would catch him. "It you don't mind, Can I have a preview of what woull be selling to night?" He kisses her cheek so he can get a positive answer from her.
She smirked. "Since you asked nicely." Sophie walked with him deeper into the under ground club and into a separate section that the beings were held. Pulling the keys off of her hip, she unlocked the door and turned on the light so they could see inside. There were things in cages. Most of them human looking. Some were animals. They looked like people in jail cells and animals in cages, walking back and forth, pacing. Some had collars around their neck, others had the tattoo they used as a symbol and a tracking device, just in case they tried to escape.
Jack sees them all. They were defenceless and weak. As if all their hope was crushed. The ages were all different. He soon sees a young kid. The decription said that he's an eight year old vampire. He secretly clinched his fist. This had to end and he would end it with his friends help. "Intresting number of different freaks." I think I'll have fun here." He then held his body close to hers. "Say can I chat with you somewhere...private?" he asked having an idea on stealing the keys.
She smirked and let him hold her close. "Well, I believe we can find somewhere interesting." She stated with a smirk. Selene sighed and leaned against the wall, her right leg bent at the knee and propped up so that her foot was flat against the surface of the wall. Crossing her arms, she looked at all the guests. Jack needed to hurry up and get those damn keys. She was starting to get rather bored.
"Lead they way, we got a few hours before the fun begins." Jack whispered in her ear before blowing warm air in there. The real Damon arrived at the night club. His mother and Uncle entered first before the young vampire slayer appeared. He looks around and already hated it. Out the corner of his eye, he sees Selene and moved over to her. "Quite the party, huh?" he chuckled. that sounded like Jack's chuckle.
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