The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

The sprit nod his head and did that. "I'm guessing beacause you have that mark, you're immune to getting zapped from it." Jack said as he wait for a reply from Damon. "Maybe, or it could be that I'm a demon." the sprit repliied. The detective finished the door and sighed with relief. All thay had to do now was wait for a response from thier friend.

Damon goes to his pocket and felt his cellphone vibrate. It was becoming a mood spoiler for him so he turns it off. "It's nothing. probbly some insects buzzing." he said as he removed his pants to reveal his boxers to her. He touches her body until he found the straps to her bra. "Besides, don't let it distract you from what were going to do. Let my actions help you ease your mind." he said and removes her bra. He blushed seeing her breasts for the first time and and gently rubs them. His lips trailed down from her lips to her chests. With a smile he gave to her. he begins kissing her breasts.
Selene closed the file and put it on the desk. "I won't count on it. He's in a different country. And a funeral. I doubt he'll answer his phone." She lit another cigarette and sat in her desk chair. Turning around to look out the window, she noticed it started to rain. With a sigh, she turned her gaze to the demon sitting in the couch infront of her. "You can stay with us for a few days. Just so we know you're safe."

She watched him move something around in his pocket. She hoped it wasn't important. This wasn't worth his job. When his lips trailed across her chest, she let out a soft moan and leaned back into the soft grass beneath her. The soothing sound of the waterfall and the water moving in the pond was making this so memorable and serene. Licking her lips, she reached up with one hand and buried it into his hair, her fingertips softly scritching his scalp, urging him on.
"I don't think that'll be possible." Jack said looking out another Window. He sees two more thugs with the same clothing and mask on heading into the appartment. "We got company." the detective sighed and load up his gun. "It's my fault. They made these tattoos as a tracking divice as well." the sprit said to them.

Damon continued to pleasure her as he felt her hands on his hair. It was quite the motivation to make him keep going. He didn't want to disapoint her since she's in the mood. His fingers tails down to her panties and smirked at her. "I don't think the pond water got you this damp." he teased before slipping his hand in there and rubbed her wet folds. "You're so bad..." he teased and bit her erect nipple softly.
She blew smoke into the air and drew symbols on a piece of post-it paper. It was to atleast make the demon invisible to the eye. To them, not to her. Being in the paranormal business, she was glad to learn a thing or two. Sticking it to the demon's forehead, she loaded up her gun and moved against the wall beside the door, maybe this time they'd actually be polite and knock. Not breaking her fucking door down.

Her other hand dug into the grass, feeling his fingers tease her it made her moan and her back arch. Her purple bangs started to stick to her forehead because of the thin sheet of sweat that layered her milky skin. What he was saying was really turning her on. Moving her hips in a circular motion against his fingers, she opened her eyes slightly and jumped when he bit her sensitive nipple. "Oh God..." She breathed, her head turning to the side, her eyes closing again. The teasing, she couldn't take it anymore.
Jack looked out the peep-hole to see them coming. "I will blow their brains out if they kick it down." he grumbled. He sees the two and prepared himself. They didn't kick down the doow, no what they did was more unforgiveable. He sees their gungs and moved away from the door. The thugs shot down the door knob so it would open for them. "Bastards..." He said now pissed off.

He bit and tugged at her niples, loving the moans of pleasure he was giving her. His fingers were getting wetter and wetter that ut started to get him hard. He lets go of her nipple and show er his wet hand. "You horny slayer. Getting off on my hand." he teased before his hand heads back down. A finger made it's way inside her as he kissed her lips. "Admit it Catina, you've touch yourself before. You think about me pleasuring you like this." he whispered before feeling her hymen.
"Atleast they didn't break the door." She chuckled, aiming her gun, shooting one of them in the heart. "Don't you assholes know how to knock?" She left the other to Jack and flicked the cigarette in the ashtray before putting it back into her mouth. She couldn't keep up with this. If they didn't find a way to get rid of the tattoo from the demon, they'd be getting more and more troops at her door. And if this didn't stop, she wouldn't have enough energy to do this case. And she knew damn well enough Jack wouldn't either.

Her eyes opened and her heavy breathing brushed against his lips. She licked her dry lips and heat flooded her face. She couldn't lie. She had thought about it a time or too. She always came so intensely when she thought about him. Catina's breathing hitched when his finger slipped inside her. She could feel how easily it moved in because of how wet she was. "Uh." She moaned softly. "I do. I think about this all the time." Her hips moved against his finger and her head moved up to capture his lips against hers.
The other thug tryed to get his gun out only to he sho in the hand by Jack. It wasn't by accident, he needed some more answeres. he takes him down and plants his knee on his throat. "Okay you, I want answers." he smirked as place the gun on his forehead. The thug blabbed about everything, on who what and where the Dark Carnival took place. Most of it they already knew. Jack searched his pockets and found cars keys in which he tossed to Selene. "Thanks." He smiled and shot him in the head.

He was going to say something, but her lips prevented him to. Damon smiled as her hips moved along his finger. He couldn't take it anymore. he had to be with her as a whole. He breaks the kiss and removed her panties and his boxers. he lays on top of her, his toes touching the tip of the pond, and his long hard shaft rubbing against her entrence. "I can't take it anymore. Lets fuck." he whispers.
Selene looked at Jack and caught the keys. "Now you have blood to clean up." She smirked and circled the key ring around her index finger. Hopefully it was a nice car. Going over to the demon, she peeled the sticky note off his forehead and smiled at him. "I hope this lady gives up soon. I don't think I want to be shooting people at all hours of the night. I need beauty sleep." She was atleast thankful she had sound proof walls and she had her own apartment condo. Or else she'd be talking to the police right now.

Amber eyes opened up to look at him and she smiled. She couldn't imagin her first time with anyone else but him. She loved him. And she trusted him. Caressing his cheek, she smiled at him and gave him a simple nod. Her thighs moved to rub her soft skin against his hips and then wrapped her legs around his waist, while her arms moved around his shoulders. This caused her chest to press against his in a lovers embrace. "I'm ready." She whispered.
"You should rest up as well. Tomorrow, were heading to New York. And we will be taking down this sick auction." Jack told the demon and he nod his head. As he cleaned up the mess, he kept his cell phone on. He was hoping that Damon would reply soon for he too, had questions to ask him. Mainly did he knew his family was apart of this.

Damon nod and wiped a tear from her. He was happy because she was overjoyed for this moment. A moment that will be embedded in her memory forever. The head begins to rub then push in herHe massaged her shoulders to relax her as it goes in her slowly. He olny stop when he sees her in pain before continueing. It reached the final barrier inside her and he kissed her lips. He gave a big jerk upwards and took her virginity. "Are you okay?" he soon asked.
Selene put the gun down on the desk and stretched her arms in the air. It was getting late and she needed to pack soon. This case had 'you need an extra pair of clothes' written all over it. "I'll stay up with Jack. You should get some rest you're probably tired." She opened the door to the guest room. "You can use the guest bed tonight. And if you want to shower, its the room next to it. Just make sure to lock the doors so no one walks in." She began slipping out of her shoes and sat on her desk, watching Jack.

Her nails dug into the backs of his shoulders and she trembled a few moments before she calmed down and the pain subsided. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine." She looked up at him and smiled. "I'm okay now." She stated softly and moved her hips, getting used to the feel of him fully inside of her. After a minute, she began to feel good and she moved her hips, ready for him now.
Jack looked out the balcony. He sees the rain falling with a few sounds of thunder. He didn't know why, but his skin was crawling. As if something bad will happen. He turns to Selene and walk over to her. "I need a reading." he said to her. He rarely ask for one, only at times where he feels something bad will happen. This was no exception.

Damon nod and smile. He moaned when he felt her hips rock against him as if she was inviting him to do it. "Okay..." he said and begins thusting. His thrust were slow at first, but it got faster and fatser. He was in rhythem with her as he kiss her, causing her moans to enter his mouth. "So good." He moaned as he hold her hips and really gives it to her.
She put the cigarette between her fingers and blew out the smoke. She didn't look at him. The sound of the rain was soothing her. But after a few moments, she looked at him from the corner of her eye. "You feel it too, huh." She stated and put the cigarette between her lips again. "Okay, Holiday. How will it be this time? Cards? Palm? Anything new?" She was mostly kidding with him. Going to the closet, she pulled out a weird ass contraption that he put his fingers on and she'd put her fingers on. In the middle was a plate of sand with a black pendulum dangling just above the sand. "Kay." She put it on the floor and sat infront of it, indian style, waiting for Jack.

Catina's legs wrapped around him tighter as his thrusts continued. It felt so good. To be connected to someone like this. In the moonlight. Her back arched as his thrusts got more forceful and her moans only became more frequent and louder. But she had to keep it down. She didn't want anything to hear and come looking. When he grabbed her hips, she moved her arms beside her and gripped the grass under her hands. "D-Damon." The heat in her body rose higher than she could imagine. It was then she came just from how forceful he was being. But she couldn't help but enjoy it and she didn't want it to stop.
"I was hoping bondage, but i don't want to be hit by the Chicago Tribune again." He joked, knowing he would get it by her. He soon got serious and sat Indian style across from her. He knew what to do since he did this only three times. He placed his fingers on the contraption and took a deep breath then exhaled it. “I’m ready.” He told her so she can begin.

Damon shivered as his member felt her cum. It twitched inside her as he moaned to the feeling. “That was good…” he smirked and kissed her lips. He was still hard since he haven’t took his own release. “Follow me Catina.” he said helps her up. He takes her to the pond. It was knee deep. He shares a romantic kiss with her before bending her over towards the grass. He held her hips and thrust back into her. The position felt good as he resumes fucking her.
"Alright, Holiday." She closed her eyes and put her fingertips on the other side. "Look deep inside yourself and think of a question you really need to know..." She put the cigarette out with her hand by flicking the lit end with her fingers and put it on her desk with her free hand. Taking a deep breath, she let it out her nose and cleared her mind. Just then, the pendulum slowly started to circle in small motions.

She threw her boots on the shore so they wouldn't get wet and when he entered her, she cried out softly. Her purple hair falling over her shoulder and her strong yet lithe body, powerless against his. Her upper body bent over to place her hands on the edge of the pond, the cool water brushing the bottom of her hand, giving her chills through her body.
Jack closed his eyes and focused. His mind was blank at first, but it he soon invision something. it was a photo of the three of the. It saw nothing wrong with it until he invision a few cracks in it. It was like the picture was made of glass and it was ready to break. "I have a bad feeling aboout this case. I fear it would effect us. Madame Selene, what will happen to us once we reach the Dark Carnival." He asked her as the pendulum started to increase in motion.

The sensation was amazing. She felt nice and his thrusting only increased. Harder, faster, deeper inside his lover allowing her to cry out more in bliss. He moaneds her name as he felt her getting tight. His hands rubbed her sides untils it groped and massaged her mature breasts. He soon felt something warm inside him as if it wanted to escaped from him. It only caused his force inside her to incresed, and it does so by pulling her arms back and giveing her more powerful thrustings.
"Hm." She hummed as the pendulum started to slowly move across the sand. "Destiny is more powerful than anything in this world...This case happened by fate." Selene licked her dry lips. "We were meant to help these people." Her eyes started to move under her eyelids as she was shown fast images. Like a live slide show. "This case will unlock parts of us we never wanted to show."

She closed her eyes tight as the now familiar heat began to rise within her. Slowly at first but it felt more powerful and warm than the last one. "Damon..." Catina moaned, feeling his thrusts get more forceful. Her hips continued to grind into him and her hands balled into fists behind her back. Biting her bottom lip, she let the heat flow through her and she came once more.
"Unlock parts that we never wanted to show...." Jac had to admit it. He was feeling a bit uneasy about it. And yet, he trusted her word. It never faultered before, but for once he hoped it did. The pendulum began to slow down until it came to a stop. The detective opened his eyes and nod his head. "Thank you Selene." He said and smile. "We better get some rest, we got a long day of traveling." He told her.

Damon felt it again and coldn't take it anymore. He pulls out, so she would have the risk of pregnancy, and turns herbody around. Rubbng his shaft, he lets out a groan and came on her face and chest. He panted and smile loking at her face. "That was exciting..." He said and smiled at his girlfriend.
She opened her eyes and nodded. "Okay, you get to bed. I'm going to have a smoke and then go to bed myself." Waiting until he walked into his room, she looked down at the sand. The pendulum had drew a picture of a broken chain. Sighing, she looked down at it and ran her hand over the sand, erasing the picture. Dragging the gadget back into the closet, she closed the door and stood there. Her eyes closed and her head tilted up to the ceiling, deep in thought.

Catina smiled at him softly. "It was." She stated. Looking around, she hightened her senses to feel if anything was nearby. When there wasn't, she dived into the water and began to swim. It was nice weather here for swimming, and it was a good idea to wash off before going back to the Kene mansion. Swimming on her back, she looked up at the moon. "When are you going back to America?"
Jack nod his head and stood up. "Thanks." he tells her since she answered his troubled problem. Yawning, he heads down the hallway and see his room on the right and her room on the left. Seeing her relaxing, he smirked and snuck into her room. As soon as he opened it, a big gust of wind slammed him into the wall. "Damn sprit.." he groaned thinking she asked him to do that. He shook it off and head to his room instead.

Damon nod and swimmed with her. He sighed as he began to float and look at the moon. The smeel of sex seemed to wash off their bodies, but they'll never forget this night. His ears perked up when she asked him that question. "Hopefully tomorrow afternoon. After I pay my respects to father, I'll use our private plane to head back to Chicago." He tells her unware that his morther and uncle had other plans for him.
Selene smirked and yawned. Well that was interesting. Turning onto her side, she curled into a ball under the blankets and continued to think. But soon her thoughts started to fade and she started to drift off to sleep. Tomorrow they will pack and the next morning they'd be heading off to New York. Hopefully Damon would be home by then. That way her and Jack wouldn't have to do it alone. Then an image of Jack with green hair made her snicker and she snuggled into the pillow beneath her head.

"Oh." She stated and ran her fingers through her hair in the water. "Well it seems right since you're probably on that case then. For the Dark Carnival." Catina kicked her legs methodically under the water as she swam. "I hope it goes okay for you and your friends. I don't want to have to attend another funeral for a very long time."
"Once this case is over, I head back here for some R&R. Better yet, I'll bring my friends here so you can meet them." He smiled and swam to her. He kisses her lips as she floated in the water before carrying her out. "We better head back. We don't want them to worry." hhe said as he dries off as much as he could before puttingg his clothes on. "Besides, a bed is more relaxing. Espicaly with another." He whispered and chuckled.
She blushed as she started to put her own clothes on. Ringing out her hair, she put it back into a ponytail and put her whip and other small weapons into her pockets. Grinning, she shook her head. "Now, we both live in seperate mansions." She stated while putting her boots on. "How am I going to sneak in without getting caught? Especially when I have to climb two stories on wall vine." Catina stood up, her hands on her hips. "And if your mother catches us, we're going to be in big trouble."
Damon chuckled as he walked with her through the forest. "If I know her, she's asleep at this time. Besides, our families are allies. They'll understand. They'll probbly believe we're out training as usual." Damon saod holding her hand. Catina had a point though, His room is two stories high. "How well can you climb? If if any case, I can come vist you tonight?" He chuckled. He lloked at her whip and a few ideas came to mind.
She shrugged. "I'm fairly good at climbing. I've been chased down by enough lycan's to learn how to fast climb." Catina chuckled and gently kicked a rock with her boot. "But if I fall, I'm coming back and haunting you." She playfully punched him in the arm. Looking up at the sky, she decided that it was around one AM, so he was right everyone should be gone and in bed now.
They reached their home and everyone was asleep. Being on the safe side, Damon carries her in his arms and up the stairs. Walking gently down the foyer and up the stairs, they safely made it to his room. He closed and locked the door and gives a sigh of relief. "That was easy." the vampire slayer chuckled and got his cell out so it could be charged.
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