The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She walked over and snatched it out of his hand. It was her favorite bra. "He's going to get it once he gets home." Humphing, she looped one of the straps of her bra through her index finger and flung it over her shoulder so it was laying across her back. "Find something to wear and then wash the dye out of your hair." She stomped across the computer room to her door and threw her bra in there and slammed the door shut. "Men." She grummled and stomped over to the computer.

The blush faded from her eyes and she looked down at the forest from the corner of her eye. Sounded like a were-wolf. Pushing off of the balcony, she jumped onto the ground gracefully but a little shakey. She'd have to learn to be more balanced. The beast would have to pay for ruining her kiss with Damon. Whistling, knowing the taunting would make it angry. "Here doggy!" While she did, her hand grasped around the handle to her whip. She had other weapons too, but for now, this would due. Then she'd send a silver bullet straight into the beast's heart.
"Scary..." the sprit said the detective and he nod his head. jack got the spare clothes and try them on. He was amazed how the slayers clothes fits him as well. he streched and looked in the mirroe. He did look like Damon. He decided toplay a small trick on her to see if she'll know the difference. He walks to her room and knocks on the door. "Selene, it's Damon, I've returned home." Jack said in damons' voice.

Damon leaped with her to the ground. He too wanted the beast to pay for block his chance to make out with Catina. He watched her go to work and to see how much she in proved. It was a typical job for them. If it was a werewolf or anyother demon, Catina would fight as Damon would be on stand-by. If it was a vampire however, the the rolls would be reverse. The two see the creature and noticed that it was a wild one. "I got your back." he tells her.
She smirked and opened the door, hitting Jack with a rolled up newspaper. "Lies, Holiday! You may look like Damon but your voices are not the same." She stood in the door way, paper in hand then a smile came to her face. "But your hair turned out nice." She dropped the newspaper and ran her hands through the wet, silken green strands. "I did a good job." She was looking for any spots she missed, but she didn't see any.

Catina looked behind her and nodded. Cracking the whip at her side she moved and cracked the leather whip against its nose with a flick of her wrist. "You wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time, lycan." She stated, her eyes gleaming behind her glasses. She didn't really want to kill it. It was a full moon after all and most beings weren't themselves on nights like these. But sometimes, it had to be done. Especially since there was a mansion full of innocent people that it could slaughter about 300 feet from where she was standing.
"Yeah, you did." Jack said rubbing his head. "All we need now is to find out when the next auction will begin. Not to mention it's location." the detective told her. "You can do it Selene. I, saddly, got a door to fix." he said looking at it.

The lycan roared and growled. Just by looking at her, he wanted to rip her head off. He glimpse at her faultering and pulled on the charged at her. "Damon steps in and kicks the creature in the chest. Amoung doing that, he noticed the same black heart tattoo on him just like the one on the wind sprit. The only difference was that the ink on its tatoo was nearly gone. "You okay? We can stop now." he said and turned his back to the werewolf. It spring back up, just before it could attack them, it stopped and layed there dead.
She smirked at him. "What's what you boys get for messing with my things." She stated with closed eyes and crossed arms. Opening her eyes, she walked back over to the computer and looked up at the Wind Spirit. "Do you know when the next auction is?" It was better to ask before she had to do some typing into the computer. It saved time and it also saved her energy.

She scrambled to move infront of him before the creature died at their feet. "What the-?" Catina looked down at it. "What happened? It was alive a moment ago." Turning to Damon, she moved away from the body just incase it spang up to life again. "How did you do that?" Catina questioned, whinding the whip back up before attatching it to her hip.
"I don't know when, but i do know where. Frankly, I've never herd of this place New York I think one person said." the sprit told her. "We've herd of it and done cases there." Jack replied. Now that they got the location all they need is the time. "We can probbly expoect it around the night time. It'll be pretty stupid to do it when there's light." Jack smirked.

Damon looked at the beast and then the tattoo. All the ink in the heart was gone and the tattoo soon vanished. "My friends and I are working on a case like this. Have you ever herd of the Dark Carnival?" he asked her.
"Yeah." Selene stated as if this were any normal conversation. "Maybe they have something on the guest list. Or even a return address." Clicking around, she found the same clown symbol in the bottom right corner. "Huh. What's this...." Clicking on it, strange music started to flow from her speakers and her screen went purple. "What the hell?!" Hitting the computer, the music stopped and the screen slowly turned black and then white. After a few moments there was a website on her screen. "This place is a freak show." She sighed and moved her mouse around, afraid that if it were a virus, her mouse would freeze.

She closed her eyes and nodded. "Yeah." Catina looked at the were-wolf and then back to Damon. "Father gets invited all the time. But he only went there two times. "I was never allowed to go." She moved her bangs from her eyes and looked away from him. "I heard its not a good place."
Jack herd her say that and goes to her. He hoped that it wasn't a virus. It was the only computer they got. "Talk about an acid trip. Look at all the colors." He said as he continues to watch to pointer on the computer. "A V.I.P link." he said opinting to the bottom right corner of the screen.

"It's the first time i've herd of it too. And you are correct about it being a bad place." Damon sees theat there was still people there. Not wanting them to listen. he takes her hand. "Follow me and I tell you everything I know about it. I am on this case after all." He smiled and runs with her to the forest so they could be alone.
Selene snorted. "Yeah." She stated and let him take over the mouse. "Sweet." She smiled a V.I.P. link is just what they needed. Maybe they could check Damon's name off and then they'd send an email or something. Hopefully the system worked like that so easily. But then again most things weren't that simple at all.

At least she had weapons if something would try to find them. Running behind him, she jumped over a fallen tree and stopped when they came to the stream they used to play in. The moon made the water bright and the stars made it oh so beautiful. She forgotten how lovely this place was. Ever since she started her training, they never really had time to play together or be by themselves. Now that they were 19, things were different. She had chosen to stay here and live her life as what she was born to be. Damon...he chose to be free. Free from the family that wanted to tie him down. A part of her envied him. "Damon." She huffed. "Why are you working on a case about the Dark Carnival?"
"Bet you a pack of smokes that they're going to need some sort of username and password." Jack sighed. Once Selene clicked on it, he was right. A new window popped up and it asked for the family last name and a password. "Crap." Jack muttered as he take a cigarette and lit one up.

"It was a request from a client. A wind sprit. He had the same tattoo as that lycan." he tells her knowing she could keep a secret. He told her everything he knew about it. Espically that part that they auction off creatures to be slaves of the winner. "No doubt that werewolf belongs to one of our families." He said. He had a feeling she'll be on the verge of tears so he pulls her close and hugs her. "We will end their sick game." he tells her.
Selene pounded her fist on the desk top. "Damnit!" They had been so close. She had no idea what the Kene password would be. Now she was at a dead end and down one pack of cigarettes. Leaning back into the chair, she put her legs on the table and crossed her ankles one over the other. "Think, Holiday. What would a good password be for the Kene family?"

She hugged him back. "But Damon..." She muttered and looked up at him. "When you bring down the Carnival...That would mean you'll be setting a lot of vampires, demons and other creatures loose in the world..." Catina moved her head down and closed her eyes. "I know not all of them are bad, but a majority of them are cruel and heartless...And dead inside already. Shouldn't we just leave it alone? In a way..they're actually doing a good thing." Her eyes were sad as she looked up at him. "Right?"
Jack tip his hat to his face as he begins thing about it. "His family deals with vampires. Thy typing thing accisoiated with them." He tells her. It was a wild guess but a good one at least.

"Cat." He said shotening her name. "This world is full of good and evil. Not just creatures, but humans like you and me. Would it be okay if we treat them like dirt? To show the innocent no mercy just on who thay are? To make them look like fools. "If we do that to the good creatures, then we are no better than the evil ones." he told her and caressed her cheek. "My friends believe in that. To protect the innocent, human or creature, and elimate the guilty, creature or human." His eyes were locked on her and gives her a kiss. "Do you understand, Catina?"
Selene pulled the keyboard into her lap. "I'll go with simplicity first." She then typed 'vampire' as the password. Incorrect. "Vampire didn't work..." She typed in 'slayer' and that was declined as well. "Why does his family have to be so damn difficult."

Catina nodded slowly. "Yes. You're right. I understand." But that wasn't the full extent of what they were taught. They were bred to protect humans. Not caring if it was right or wrong to kill beings such as vampires or were-wolves or even demons. Vampire especially were hard because some were innocent. Only drinking blood of animals because they didn't want to kill humans. Some were victims. "Your friends seem very smart." She moved away from his embrace to pick up a rock and skip it across the pond. "What are they like?" It was then she realized that they never really kept in contact. No letters nor emails. Maybe a phone call once in a blue moon. But that was all.
Jack thought hard about it. He too one word and try to expand it more and more. it was there he hand an idea. "Let me try." Jack told her and used the keyboard. "Bram Stoker." He said and typed. He pressed enter and got instant access. "Sweetness." He smiled.

"They good people. One is a silver hair fool, but he's a great detective. The other is a chain smoker, but she has amazing psychic powers." Damon said and skips a few stones himself. It was there he saw in in the moonlight again. His heart steadly beat for her. He takes her hand and smiles. I'm sorry I've haven't write for so long. Let me make amends to that. Come with me back to Chicago, in America." he said kissing her. he eye were serious as he looked at her. "I want you by my side so you won't be lonely again."
Selene watched the screen and gaped. "What did you put in there?" She removed her long legs from the desk and sat up straight. Never in a million years, even if she fully honed her psychic powers would she know the password. Mostly it was because she didn't know all of Damons family. Nor did she know if they ever went to the Dark Carnival.

Catina looked up at him, her eyes a beautiful amber color in the moonlight. How she would love to go with him. Be free and do whatever she wanted. She had thought about it more times than she could count. To run away at midnight and get on a plane and look for him. But dreams were for children and fairytale books. Damon had been lucky enough to leave when he had the chance. "I would love to go to America with you..." She caressed his injured cheek. "But I can't. Father hasn't been very healthy lately. And my mom has been taking care of him. I'm the only demon slayer they have right now. Except for my cousin. And he isn't very helpful." If she left, this territory would be run out by demons and were animals alike. "Maybe I'll definitely come visit if father let's me in the fall." Catina gave him a kind smile.
"Bram Stoker. The author of Dracula. One of the most famous and scary vampire. If that didn't work, I would've put Vald the IV next." Jack told her and smirked. Now onto main VIP Page, their answer was upon them. "There! He pointed and smiled. "Halloween, Turner Manor in New your City. Auction to be hosted by one Sophia Turner." He read.

"Alright. I understand that. Family is important." Damon said as he caressed her. There bodies were close. Closer then they were the last time that saw each other. They both were young adults and they both had huge feelings for one another. "Catina, do me two favors for me. Keep your glasses on, their sexy. And stay with me at this stream, tonight." from those words he gives her a passionate kiss.
"Sophia Turner....?" Selene opened a new window and typed in the name. "Says she's a filthy rich broad who had a brother that died one year ago. Says she took custody of her niece since her brother passed away. Says nothing about the mother though." She scrolled down to see a picture of her. "Huh. She seems too pretty to be operating a terrible thing like the Dark Carnival." She looked at the picture and continued reading. "Doesn't really say anything else important."

Catina gasped against his mouth. In truth, she hated her glasses. They made her look terrible. She couldn't wait for contacts. But for tonight. Just for Damon. She'd keep them on. Wrapping her arms around him, she moved onto her tip toes, pressing her lips and head against his. The tip of her nose touched his and her arms moved around his neck. The heavy pounding in her chest was clear that this was no longer her childhood friend. Somewhere between the playing tag and the heartfelt goodbye of him leaving and seeig his face tonight, she had fallen inlove with him.
"and that's how we got the phrase: Never judge a book by it's cover. Looking at the picture and smirked and nod his head. "I'd do her, if given the chance." he said but soon covers his mouth seeing that his lecturous tongue slipped out with the psychic hearing that.

"You are just too beautiful." He tells her in the kiss. His fingers ran through her hair as his tongue enters her mouth. Breaking the kiss, his hands touched her back from under her shirt as he looked ar her embarassed face. Who are your feelings towards me?" He whispered and kisses her neck so she could answer him.
Selene sighed and hit him with a newspaper again. But then again his lecherous ways might buy her some time in order to bring down the 'business'. Now that they had a ride in and if Jack could distract Sophia with his charm, no one would know. All she needed to do was think of a plan and how to stop this hainous crime. Out of frustration, she closed her eyes to think and hit him again.

Catina closed her eyes, his lips against the tenderness of her neck brought shivers within her that she hadn't felt in so long. Tilting her head to the side, his hand pulled out the hair band she was wearing, letting her hair fall loosely over her shoulders and down to the middle of her back. "I-For a long time I thought nothing more of you than just the best of friends. But seeing you tonight, made me think of you differently. I think," she breathed out softly. "I love you, Damon."
"Ow, damnit woman." Jack whined. It was a honest slip of the tongue. But by the looks in her eyes, a plan was forming. He took a step back to let her think only to be hit by her favorite newspaper again. "Oh come on! I didn't say anything that time." jack responded. He began to think as well with her. An event like this deseves to be crashed.

"You were my best friend when we were young. We help each other an protected each other as one. Ever since I left to go to America I could only think about you. You mean everything to me." He said as his tongue travels from the base to the top of her neck. "I love you too, Catina." He whisperes and kissed her once more. He quickly held her from behind and kissed her tender neck once more. His hands, still under her shirt travels from her waist to her bra covered breasts. "You have matured. Quite the handful." he said embarrassing her.
Selene yawned. This plan would go a lot smoother if Damon was here. It would be hard for just two people to plan something as big as this. Although she was skilled, she needed a lot of strength to beat up guards without causing a commotion. "How are you set free? I understand the toxcin keeps you there. How do you free yourself?" Her eyes looked up at the Wind Spirit.

Catina blushed a very deep red. She knew she was still maturing but she didn't think he'd comment about her chest. It was embarrassing but yet he seemed to be complimenting her at the same time. The way his tongue rolled over her neck wasn't helping the blush in her cheeks either. Or her panties. She was hot and tingly. "I-um..." she swallowed the dry lump in her throat. "I hope I don't unplease you or disgrace you tonight.." She whispered softly.
"I had help. A young vampire caused a distraction to help me find someone to help us out. When they found me, I've already made my move to flee the area." the sprit bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "My biggest regret is that I could bring him along with me." he said and frowned. "Well, we have time to form a plan. "Halloween is only two days away." the detective said looking at the calender.

A chuckle came out of the slayers mouth as he nibbles on her earlobe softly. "Silly girl, it's a gentleman job to please a woman." he whispered. His hands begin to massage her soft mounds as his hips begin to grind against her. With a smile her lifts up her shirt and drops it onto the ground. "Besides, your blushing is a real turn on for me." he whispered once more.
"A vampire child, huh." She thought and leaned back into the chair, looking at the ceiling. "Maybe if I find him again, he'll help me. Can't be too many vampire children in one place." Selene mumbled to herself. "Maybe Damon will be home by Halloween. After all, it is his favorite holiday." She smirked. But just incase, she'd have to form a loophole in the plan. Just incase something went wrong.

Before she knew it, her shirt was already on the ground. How did she not notice that? The deep crimson color still stained her cheeks and nose as she slowly started to move her hips against his. She was beginning to feel really good. And she knew about sex. But never in a million years did she think that it would start to feel this good. And it only made it more special because she was sharing this with him. Gasping a bit, she moved her head as his teeth teased her earlobe and his hands started kneeding her breasts, she closed her eyes and started to enjoy it.
"That's true. By the way the way, do you think our motorcycles can make it to NYC? I'm not fond of rental cars...or planes for that matter." Jack told her. He crossed his arms. "You do have a point, Holloween is like a second birthday to him. There's only one way to find out though." He added. He got his cell phone and texted to Damon about the location. He sent it and hoped it goes through.

He never tought in a million years that he would do something like this to his friend. But that was then, this is now. He didn't think of her as the fun-loving girl and partner. He's now thinking of her as a girlfriend and a lover. One of his hands slides from her breasts to her jean shorts. He tilts her head back to kiss her lips. As he begins to unzip them. Oce off her th lets got to see her in her undergarments in the moonlight. "Beautiful..." he muttered as her begins to remove his shirt for her.
Selene looked at Jack with a bored stare. "If you want to take the chance of ruining your motorcycle, so be it. Its getting too cold for me to ride. I'm taking my car." She stated with a wave of her hand. She then started printing out the article of Sophia Turner, the guest list, the Kene family invite and the invitation email. Putting it all into a filing folder, she walked over to the Wind Spirit. "Can you slip the card into the folder for me?" She asked, the open folder in her hand.

Catina wiggled her hips out of her jean shorts and smiled once they were fully off. Now she was only in her combat boots, her undergarments and her glasses. Opening her eyes, she blushed deeper if possible as he rumoved his shirt. Her finger tips traced over the muscles on his stomach and up his chest. It was then she heard something. "Damon?" She whispered. It sounded like a repetitive buzzing or humming sound. Like...vibrating. "What's that sound?"
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