The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Her eyes trailed to the ground where one half of her favorite ivory cigarette holder lay. She closed the door behind her as she stepped into the room. Her eyes still glaring at them. "What temper?" She smirked, then she launched for them, knocking their heads together. "You both owe me a new cigarette holder! And it better be a nice one!" Selene growled. Though she was human, she could growl with the best of them.
Though they have a mad crush on her, and she knew it. They both feared her temper. They both rubbed their heas and sighed. This would be the fifth one they had to buy for her. "Anyways. did you get anything new? New case, anything out of this world." Jack said dusting himself of. "Indeed it has been a month now." Damon replied.
She picked up the two pieces of her cigarette holder and tried to fit them together. When they didn't, indeed missing a small piece, she sighed. Throwing them behind her, she heard them fall into the trash can and she sat down. Leaning back into the chair, she put her ankles on the table and shrugged. "I guess nothing's been happening. Ever since the Halloween case we got, pretty much everything has died down." Moving the mouse around, she waited for the computer to turn on before she clicked around on the website. Frowning, she opened an email. "Wait a minute..."
The two got close to her as she opened the email. "Please help. There after me. Must stop Dark Carnival...." Was all the email said. "Dark Carnival?" Damon said never hearing about it. Jack looked at the email adress but it doesn't say who it's from. "Strange. I have a feeling it not your typical amusement park. I'll researh on it." the detective told them.
She lit a cigarette and stuck the bud into her mouth, inhaling. "Hm. Sounds creepy." She stated, blowing the smoke at the screen. "And I wonder who 'they' are." Moving her ankles off the table, she sat close to the screen. "Should I reply? Or should this be a suprise visit?" Selene held the cigarette between her fingers as she looked at the boys.
Damon takes the cigarette and inhales one puff. "Not sure, this could be a trap." the slayer responded as he gaves Selene her cigarette back. "I doubt it's a trap. Although we do have an underwolrd reputation. Make a reply. If nothing happens, we'll leave it alone. and try to find it's location." Jack said sitting up. He streched before he said, "It's does sound intreguing."
She put the cigarette back into her mouth. It was probably wise to stop smoking. But she'd think about that tomorrow. Running a hand through her hair, she put her fingers on the keyboard and began to reply. "We have recieved your message. Thank you for choosing us. We will help you as soon as we can." Hitting the Enter button, she leaned back and took a puff as she waited for it to send. "It wasn't the best reply but it said we'd help. Just wait for a reply I guess." It was then she began looking for some sort of sender.
"Well, I'm off to our favorite spot for research. "Need anything while I'm gone?" Jack asked. damon waved his hand saying that he was good. As the detective opened the door, his brow arched seeing a nearly dead body near the door. "There's something you don't see everyday." Jack said as he helps him into the apartment.
Selene frowned and looked up. "I thought you were leaving?" Her gaze then moved to the body he was helping. "What happened?" She slowly moved up from the chair and looked at him. "Where was he?"
"Don't know, but he's out cold." Jack told her. The trio placed him on a bed and treated any wound that was on him. On him was an bazaar looking tattoo of a black heart. Damon tried to touch it only to be zapped by it. "That's some freaky tattoo." he said as jack touched it only to get the same result.
Selene was smart enough not to touch it. "Jack, did you find anything out about this Dark Carnival?" She puffed on her cigarette and put it into the ash tray next to her, putting it out. "Maybe this guy is a worker there." She blew the last of her puff out into the air. Moving closer, she looked at the tattoo but didn't touch it. "I wonder if they have anything about this online."
"i was about to leave, but that's when I found this guy." Jack explained. Examining the condition and the tattoo, Damon responded, "Or a prisioner who made it's escape from whereever." the guy quickly woke up shouting. "Help! Help! Some please." he yess in fear. "Calm down." Jack said. Turning to the three, he took their scent and starts trying to claw them. You get me you filthy human." he said as his back was at the end of the bed.
Selene moved away from the hysterical man and frowned. "What is your name?" He wasn't human? From how he was acting and calling them 'human' she doubted it. "What are you? Where did you come from?"
"Like I'm goin to tell you human. I refuse to be sold like cheap meat!" He shouts eyes teary and full of rage. He lunges at Selene and both Jack and Damon punched him in the face. "Not nice to hit a lady, espically when she the leader of this group." Damon said. Jack knealed over to him and sighed. "What do you mean by being sold?" jack asked him. He finally clams down and took a breath. "I can't say. All I know is that my email had got through." he replied.
Selene put her hands on her hips. "So you're the one who sent the email. Then why would you try to attack us?" She tucked her hair behind her left ear as she thought. "Who is after you?"
"I thought you guys were with them, the one that gave me this tattoo." He said to them. "I don't remember my name just who I am." He demostrates to us by taking a breath and the room become very windy. "Turn the air off." Jack said and he did. "A wind sprit?" Damon asked and he nod his head. "Yes, I herd about you from some rumors so I snuck in to used the main computer to contact you. They caught me and tried to kill me, but I escaped." He said as the tarn that has his tattoo begin to bleed.
Selene pulled out a cloth she used to clean her guns with, out of her pocket and handed it to him. "I see. We aren't with anyone. You mean the Dark Carnival?" She put both hands on her hips. "What is that anyway? The Dark Carnival?"
"He takes the cloth and placed it around the tattoo after cleaning up the blood. " the demonic world, the Dark Carnival is our worst nightmare. They capture us plcae these tattoos on us and them sell us those with the higest bid." He told us. "In onther words it's a demon slave auction." Jack said summing it up and he nods his head. "Yes..but not just demons, there warewolves, brain functiong zombies, and even vampires." he replied. He took off the cloth and noticed the tattoo has changed. Some of the black ink on the heart was gone.
Selene blinked. "Where is this Carnival?" She looked down at the tattoo. It must be a mark they branded there to keep their powers bound or to keep them in the carnival. She didn't know. Turning around, she moved to a computer and started typing and clicking away.
"No one knows. It's too private. Only those with a rich background know anything about it." he responded. "Tell me more about this tattoo." Damon asked and he nod his head. "It to keep us in line. Everytime we try to use one of our powers, the ink will go into our blood system and replace some of our blood. If the tattoo ever become empty of black ink, the liquid in our blood will turn into a poison and instantly kill us." he answered them. The three got to work trying to find the location to it. It was only delayed when a few thugs decked in an black suits and wearing dragon masks bust through the door. "Hey! we just payed for one!" Jack shouted.
Selene sighed, and opened a drawer in her desk, a gun was inside. Putting her hand on it, she looked up at the thugs, waiting to see if they'd believe Jack or not. Copying the link she was currently looking at, she X'd out of the page and stood up fully. Growling, she kicked the chair from behind her away from her legs.
The goons didn't say a word and begin attacking the three. Both Damon and Jack were on the defense allowing Selene to sneak attack them. "Damn, their punches are heavy." Damon grunted. "heavy, but we had worse." the detective replied. "They soon see an opening and sigaled the psychic to attack. All the while the wind sprit was hiding. He seemed more afraid of them than the trio helping him out.
She lit a cigarette while she aimed the gun at the intruders' heads. Smirking, she kept it in her mouth while she took aim and fired. She made extra precautions, making sure the bullets were special. Supernatural beings didn't really die by a normal bullet alone. Usually they had to be holy or silver. Sometimes infused with toxins. She made sure these ones were atleast silver. Must incase they were spirits or demons. It was then she pulled the trigger. Almost hitting Jack with a bullet. If the kid was one more centimeter to the left, he would of died. She aimed at another one and blew the smoke out of her mouth. "You should really knock before you enter a room. Especially with a lady present."
Jack sees the bulet pass him and hit the first guy, instantly killing him. "You were a centimeter off." Damon told her as she shot the second thug. Jack elbows him for that comment. "You ass." he replied. Removing their mask, they see that they were just regular humans. Examining the pockets the see some black stones. It was vibrating was jack holds out. "Tracking divices?" the detective though as he goes to the wind sprit. As he hot closer to him, the black stone incresed it's vibration.
After shooting the last one, she watched Jack. "That's an odd tracking device for a human." She exclaimed. Putting the gun on her desk, she walked over to one of the men and pulled out a few stones as well. "I wonder if they react to the toxcin in the tattoo. Like a magnet on the same sides. They repel. But the stones vibrate..." She threw them into the air a few inches and caught them in her hand in a mock taunt. "So, Mr. Spirit? How do we get to this Carnival?"
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