The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Jack bit his bottom lip as he and Selene were the only ones that knew what happened to him. "Actually two events happened. One he accepted because it's a part of life. But the other..." He pasued for a moment, and clinched his fist. "I just couldn't forgive him for the second reason, no matter how many time Selene told me to." He telles her.

He listened to her moans of pleasure as his tongue probed inside her. It licked along her walls as it could feel her getting wet. His eyes looked at her enjoying the moment as his hands rubbed her hips before playfully tweaked her hard nipples.
She got out of the car and kept the door open. Her arms rested on the top of the car but her back was bent so she could see Jack. "What did he do, Jack?" She asked quietly, her voice was very noticable but it was very forceful. Her nails tapped on the top of the car as the cars rolled by. It was very different here than it was in Transylvania.

Anatasia rubbed her soft thigh against his cheek and smiled down at him through soft moans. Her hips moved against him, staying in rhythm to his tongue as it worked her.
"He killed an innocent vampire, only a kid. I promised him that he'll be safe." He tries to remember, but the past was too painful for him. So painful that his began to ache. Painful memories could do that to a person, no matter how long it has been.

After one last lick, the driver goes back up to her and kisses her passionately. His boxer and her panties off as his body rubs against hers. "Remember this night..." he said quietly as his hard shaft thrust inside her deep.
She lifted her head out of the car and stood there, thinking about it. "I know duty sometimes over powers logical thinking. But to kill a child is shameful." With that, she slammed the door shut and walked way. All of a sudden, she stopped but didn't turn around. "Don't let the past get in the way of your future. It makes us who we are. You can't stop fate. Being a vampire, the child was already dead." She started walking again. It was true, she was disappointed in Damon. But to heal the pain of what happened, she couldn't bear to do such a thing. She was bred to be cold. Fearless. Powerful. It wasn't her. "Tell Damon the next time you see him, he has brought his family to shame."

She cried out in pleasure. She didn't know he would be so forceful, but it turned her on. Her hands moved up his back and then she ran them back down. Leaving red marks down his skin while her legs wrapped around his waist, driving him in deeper into her body.
"You know if I were to tell him that or even Selene were to tell him that, it could break him even further. But as they say, the truth hurts." Jack tipped his hat to her and just stayed in the car. Comtemplating his thoughts, the detective remembered the last photo they took together. "Can we even revive him?' he asked himself.

Max smiled at her reaction. He loved it as much as she did. he continued to thrus as he held on to her hips. Harder, deeper, allowing her breasts to bounce back and forth. This was the memory he wanted to give her. One on happyness and love.
Catina listened to him. There was no excuse. It was Damon who did the mistake he caused. He learned long ago not to do anything stupid. And what did he do? Go and act stupid, killing a child. What good did it do? Made him go mad. Walking into the building, she took the elevator to her apartment. Unlocking the door, she walked inside and closed the door behind her.

Her hands moved back down his back and over her legs to the sheets, gripping them in her hands, she moved her hips against his, hightening their pleasure tenfold. Her moans never ceased but only got slightly louder. Closing her eyes, her head moved into her pillow, exposing her soft neck to him.
"I know what I must do." Jack replied and began to drive home. As he drove, the past began to flash into his mind. He halfway to the castle. He picked up his cellphone and called Sele. It was going to be short and to the point. as soon as he answered her phone.

Max could feel it. The moment in that they both wanted to happen His thrustings didn't stop for a second as his shaft began rubbing against her sensative spot inside her. "Let me help you cum..." he moaned oout as his tongue tickled her exposed neck.
"Hello, Jack." She smirked as she sat in her police office, a cigarette sitting in the ashtray on her desk. Her chair facing the window as she looked outside. "What can I do for you?"

Her hands gripped the sheets tighter and the heat rose in her body. Her hips never stopped and when he hit her spot, she went over the edge. His tongue darted along her neck and a few more thusts, she pulled him against her as she came.
"Hey, I called to say thank you, and I love you. Damon did as well so please show mercy to our friend." With that he hanged up and turned off his cell phone. The car got to the castle and he walked with determination. The twins waved at him, but he didn't react. He had to see the vampiress and act selfish, though he didn't want to.

He clinges to her as well as he felt her orgasm. His thrusting got faster and faster as he held onto her tightly. He let out his own groan and came inside her. He panted as he looked into her eyes.
Selene frowned and pulled the phone away from her ear, looking as the call ended. That was weird.

Adelay was walking down the hallway, a book open in one hand while her free hand held up her dress as she walked. Looking up, she raised an eyebrow. "Jack." She noticed the way he was walkng and the expression on his face. "You look upset."

Anastasia leaned her forehead against his and moved her head up, her lips pressed against his in a hungry kiss, her hands formed around his neck. She moved so he was laying on the bed and she laid against him. Her thigh around his waist and her head pressed against his chest, feeling his heartbeat.
"Not saying a word, Jack grabbed her wrist and took her to the study. He didn't care if she resisted. He didn't care if she tried to attack. He need this done. It was the only way he could truely confront Damon. Closing the door behind Adelay, He places the vampiress against the door. His eyes were locked on hers as he tells her. "Make me into a vampire...."
She dropped the book to the floor, suprised at what he asked of her. Adelay slowly looked up at him and raised her perfect, slender eyebrow. Why did he suddenly want to turn into a vampire? "Jack," she began. "Do you know the rules, limitations and the process of me being your maker?"
Jack wasn't a slayer like Damon, but he knows alittle about it. "Somewhat. But you can tell me any negative reactions of being one." His eyes were still serious and he wasn't going to turn back. "All he could thinks about was becoming to and settling things with his old friend, once and for all.
She looked at him, her brows knitting together. "I must drain you dry and before you die, I have to let you drink my blood. You sleep for one fully day in the same room as I do. And then because I am your maker, you have to listen to me." Adelay smirked. "Are you able to listen to me, detective? Especially since listening to me saves you from dying once again."
"I understand, but I ask for one selfish wish before I become yours." Jack said gulping. He looks into her eyes and gives her a soft kiss to show he fully trust her. "Let me handle Damon. I want to be the one that kills him." he tells her. He refused to take no for an answer. It was like a dying request before becoming an immortal like her.
She blinked. "Fine. But I can't say much for another slayer who might want her hands on him too." Adelay whispered, looking at him with a gleam in her eye.
"That's why I want to do it. I believe a girl name Catina will try to kill him. It'll be a losing battle since her heart still longs for him." He tells her. He unbuttons the top parts of his shirt and exposes his neck to her. "I'm ready anytime you are." He said as he gives the lords prayer in his mind.
The slayer's business was none of her concern. Right now she had a fresh meal infront of her. Smirking, she put her hand in his hair and pulled his head back, exposing her neck to her. Her fangs extended out of her mouth and she moved down to lick a tender part of his neck before sinking her fangs deep into his warm flesh.
For the first time in 7 years, Jack was in pain. Shure he had his blood sucked from him by Adelay before, but this was nothing like his. He could already feel the blood leaving his body as she drains him dry. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as he concentrates on ignoring the pain. This was too much, but it was for the best. He had to do this. There was no other choice.
She could feel his skin grow cold, feel the life leaving his body. She closed her eyes as the metallic tast flooded her mouth and senses. Her eyes glowed red when she opened them. A few more long sucks and she knew he would be taking his last breaths. Pulling her fangs out of the joint in his neck, she licked her lips and bit into her wrist. The blood flowed through the puncture wounds and onto her pale skin. Licking her lips, she brought her wrist to his lips. "Drink."
This was the end. It was nering the end for him. He could see the gates coming towrds him. It didn't matter if it was the gates to heaven or hell, becuseing he wasn't going to die. seeing her blood he used the last of his strength to suck on her wound.
The glow faded from her eyes as he drank her blood. He just needed enough to get him through the night. Then he'll be fine. Atleast for now. She watched him drink and the slight coloration of his skin came back. But he'd be forever cold. After a few minutes, she pulled her wrist away and licked the wound clean so it would heal.
Story VI: Memories With a Splash of Tears

“Darkness…I can see only darkness….This is the end of my life….Cold…So cold…I regret only one thing…I couldn’t save him…I couldn’t save that poor kid…I will avenge him…once I cross to the other side…” At that moment, the memory of the events of that day came to the detective. A memory full of regret, sorrow, and woe.

Chicago, Illinois- 7 years ago​

The streets were filled with kids playing around on a warm winter afternoon. There was still some snow on the ground and it was melting slowly extending their fun. At the end of a street was a business. Their job: Uncovering paranormal activities and protecting humans and demons alike. Jack Holiday and Damon Kene were acting lazy as usual. Looking up at the ceiling and chatting about anything. “You know, I’m going to get her first. We were destined for each other.” the detective said referring to their third partner, Selene. “Yeah, but on what planet?” the slayer responded causing jack to glare. They began to argue and rough house until they herd a snap. “Oh crap!” they said seeing that thry broke her favorite cigarette holder.
At that Selene slammed open the door, her dark figure stood in the door way and there was an evil gleam in her eye. She looked younger, her hair was a little passed her shoulders, but she wore jeans and a t-shirt instead of the police uniform that she'd wear in the future. "Did I just hear something," her evil glare moved over the two boys. "snap?" She knew what it was, though in this present time, her psychic powers are a little less developed, she knew small things that would happen. Nothing too big. Things like this. When the boys' rough housing would break her cigarette holder.
"N-n-nothing happened. Right jack?" Damon said chuckling. "N-no. I didn't hear a snap. " Jack replied. Though they both have a a major crush on the psychic, they do fear her mean streak. They tried ther best to hide it from her, but one half slipped onto the floor followed by the other. "N-now, now Selene, remember you temper." The two youths said as their back were to the wall.
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