The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Damon chuckled at that as Jack pouted. "Yeah, but it wasn't as funny when someone switched out a wodden stake woth a real steak." It got a laugh excexpt from Damon who rolled his eyes. It was like a reunion for them. Old Friends that cracked the weird and the bazaar. A real smile came to his face as they finished their lunch and chatted about. It seemed like hours had pass with the fun conversation they had. "Look at the time. I must get going. I'm still on a case after all." jack said and leaves the cafe. "I must rool my self. Thanks for getting the whistle fix Selene." Damon places it in his pocket and leaves in a different direction. The waitress came back and gives the psychic the bill for their meal.
Typical. Skipping out on the bill. Sighing, she gave the waitress her credit card and waited for a receipt to come back in order for her to sign. Leaving a five dollar bill on the table, she took the last sip of her coke and left. Next time though, she'd be the one making them pay for the meal.
Jack arrived back to the castle safely for once. It was odd seeing old friends, but like he said before, it all in the past. He now had all the evidence to Anastasia not guilty and he had a feeling on who was responsable for framing her. He walks down the hall. and knocks on Max's door. "Max? Is she there with you?" The detective asked. max was relaxing with her after have her eat a warm lunch. "It's the guy you love to hate." The driver chuckled as he kisses her cheek.
She rolled her eyes as she continued to eat a tuna melt sandwich with french fries. "Of course it is." She eat a fry. "As soon as I get relaxed he has to show up." With her plate in hand. She moved to the corner of the bed, making sure she wouldn't get touched, killed or angered. "What do you want?" Anastasia called out to the door, waiting for said detective to open it.
Jack enters and see them relaxing. "I hope I'm not interuping your litter box time. I just came to give you an update on your case." max rolled his eyes having about enough of his insults to Anastasia. Jack sat down on his bed so he can look across from her. "Much to Logans dismay, you are right, this was a frame job in the works. When I got you claw sample when you went into a fit, I compared it to the marks on the safe at the crime scene. Needless to say they didn't match." He told them and max hugged her. "But whose mars are those on the safe?" Max asked and the detective shruged his shoulder. "All I know about it is that it isn't human. However, I have a small hunch whose behind this whole thing." He told them. I would expect he'll be here at two o'clock on the dot. Which is about thrity minutes from now." He said and then left.
She raised an eyebrow as she listened. "Then what am I supposed to do?" She watched as he moved out off of the bed. "Run and hide like a kitten with a sore paw?" She threw down a french fry and began to get up.
"That and your foe will trash the castle looking for you, or you can do the same thing you done to the beast you fought. All in all, the person's true motive will still be there. Sadly, you're not the motive." he said and exits. max stood up and looked at her. "You're not the motive?" the driver said puzzled. Holding the werecat's hand, he takes her to go see Jack. What do you mean she's not the motive? And where are you going?" He asked him. He ignored Max and looked at Anastasia. "You you're going to fight then follow me. I know where he'll be at." Jack said and walks to the garden.
She was slightly confused. "Fight the slayer!? Is he crazy?" She screamed. The only advantage she was was hoping that this slayer knew nothing about weres. Sighig, she leaned against the wall and slid down, down to sit on the floor. Her legs spread out in the middle of the hall and her shoulders slumped.
"You won't be fighting the slayer, no, he has a bigger fish to fry. The one you'll be fighting is the one that help set up your frame job." Jack said as continued to walk. Max stoppss and sat beside her. "Are you scared?" max asked concerned for her.
She chuckled and shook her head. "I'm a feline. And part human. I have a few lives left. I'm not scared of anything." Her head lifted and she looked at Max with a small smile. "But if I die. You were the best were owner I ever had." She patted his shoulder and moved her legs so she was sitting Indian style.
Max blushed as looked at her. "Well then why are you sitting in the hallway?" He said and smiles. "Besides, allowing you to die is completely out of the question." He kisses her lips before he stood up and follows Jack. The detective was outside looking at his watch there was ten minutes left untiil is prediction came He see the driver and begins to wonder what he was up to.
She watched the driver leave and lifted her head to lean against the wall. She came eye-to-eye with a vampiress. She scoffed and moved her haze. "What do you want?" Adelay smiled and shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "To help." Anastasia looked at her. "How?" The woman handed her a wooden box. "It'll help. Atleast a little." Then walked away. Inside the box was a gun, a silver dagger and a sword. "Aeast the gun will surely help."
"Five, four, three, two, one..." Jack counted down and like clockwork, he appeared. "Him?!?" Max said and glared. "Don't be too suprised, I knew it was him that framed Anastasia all along. Am I right, Damon?" He said and the slayer smirked at him. He walked along the ridge twirling the whistle Selene helped fixed. "I'm shuoldn't be suprised either. The loyal dog has appeared. Did you get that freaks approval?" He said insulting Adelay in the process. "I assume you're here to pay her a visit." Jack said to him. "Yes and to bring that sexy kitty to justice." Damon smirked. "max growled and shouts, "Over my dead body!"
She watched Adelay leave and tucked the weapons into her pockets, and held the sword in her hand. It shined, even in the dim lit hallway. It was time. Getting up, she ran toward the balcony and opened the door. She could smell the stench of the slayer. She smelled the same scent last nigt. What the hell? Opening the door, she ran across the decent sized space and jped off the ledge, landing on her feet a few feet behind Jack.
"Looks like the pieces are all here. I know that vampiress is somewhere in there and I'll have to go through you to get to her. Since I don't want to get my hands too dirty. I got a little friend with he. You should remember this, my pretty kitty." He shoued her the whistle in his hand and gave a light chuckle before licking his lips. Inhaling, he blows the whistle but it gave off no sound.

From what he did the sky turned dark and the red. I bright red spot appeared on the ground before him The ground began to tremble as if someone or something wanted to get out. Jack gasped seeing a sharp claw pop out from the ground it was followed by a head, then body, then tail. It was a hellhound and it looked like it was ready to feast on his victoms. "This hound here killed the millionaire I confronted him and sealed it in this whistle. Remember hin Anastasia. He's the one that made you lose your first life weeks ago." he smiled. "With a snap of his fingers, the hellhound begins to attack them.
She growled. No matter how much her and Adelay fought. No one was going to hurt her friend from long ago. She looked at the hellhound, determination in her eyes. There was no way she was going to die today without saving the lives of everyone in this castle. Her sensitive ears picked up a gasp. It was faint and far away. Then she knew.

Her keen eyes watched the hound as it circled her, the sword in her hand in defensive mode. "You were in the castle last night." She raised the sword as the ugly animal swiped at her. "I could smell you. Your sickening scent." The pert nose on her face wrinkled as her heels dug into the ground. She was a little rusty with weapons and fighting but she'd get the hang of it again soon. "Why were you here?"
"Sorry, but that's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me..." He easily leaped over them. and dashed into the castle. "Wait!" Jack said. He tried to run inside, only for the door to be blocked by the hell hound. It charges at the detective, but max shoots it side. It didn't make a dent on the beast, but it did get his attention. "Over here mutt!" Max shouted and it chased him.
Mercedes ran back from the balcony and into the castle, she hoped Adelay knew what was going on. Picking up her dress, she ran down the hall as quickly as she could in search of her Mistress.

Anastasia sighed and jumped in between the hellhound and Max. Aiming her sword, she swang it infront of its face and growled. "Your business is with me, hound. Back off the human."
Damon ran down the hall as well. He turns the corner and sees Adelay watching what was going on. "Marvelous, wouldn't you agree vampire?" He said getting her attention. He didn't dare take another step knowing her moves. His stakes were ready to kill though.

The hound turned to where Anastasia was and and took a swipe at her He barked loudly and he chases her. Max run after the hound and continues to fire. "Your bullets won't work." Jack informed him. "I don't care..." Max shouted. His voice got the hounds attention again and with its tail, he sends max flying against the castle wall.
She glanced at him through the corner of her eye. "I knew you would come for me." Adelay didn't move, but she kept her eye on him. "But to stray away from battle. How did you know I knew the were-cat? Or was that a bonus?" Mercedes stopped before turning the corner. She could hear Adelay talking and didn't want to be seen or heard. So she leaned against the wall, hidden around the corner, listening.

Anastasia heard the loud crack at the castle wall and she turned around, seeing Max. Holding her sword up, she started swinging violently at the animal's face. She was angry now and her swings were fierce.
"Actally, I didn't know from the start. Like I said before, it was that hound that killed that guy and it was I that defeated him. I was looking for a reason why he would kill him and there I was it. A guest list for some sort of get-together. On there was your name and hers. I did my research and that's how I found the connection. As for you, you're the first vampire to escape death by me. I couldn't let go. So I used the whole frame scheme to have Anastasia famed and hunted. She would have no choice but to go to you, seeing your the only friend she has."

The beast dodge and attacked as well, an even contest. Jack helped Max up as the fight continued. "Ana..." "Quiet, you done enough.' Jack told the driver.
Adelay blinked slowly and slowly nodded her head. "So because I got away, you still want me dead. Even though I don't bother you at all?" She continued to look out the window. "You must have some deep issues for killing things."

She pointed the sword and moved her arm out, trying to atleast jab it in the eye. If it was half blind, she'd be able to have an advantage, for now.
"Though, Sophia is in a mental ward, the contract between me and her is still valid. Only she can cancel it and no one else. But even if she did I still would have gone after you." He took one step closer to her. "I told this to the you new dog during lunch. I'm continuing the family name. Eliminating vampires by any means neccessary. You are no exception to the rule."

"No...I must..." Max moved away from Jack and trys to go to the werecat. "Must protect...Anastasia." The hellhound sees Max out the corner of his eye but, didn't realize the sword and looses an eye.
She smirked. "An innocent victim of family tradition, hm." She heard him take a step and she turned toward him. "You do understand that most vampires aren't terrible, right." She was in no mood to fight with him. Her stance was laid back and calm.

Anastasia quickly swiped the sword to the side, blood flying across the grass like a red rain. "I told you to pay attention to me." She smirked and jumped back a few more feet, knowing the hound would be angry.
He bit his bottome lip hearing that the memory of seven years ago came back to his mind. The last case that he, Jack and Selene worked together. "Funny, your new pet said the same thing to me secen years ago. I'll tell you the same thing that I told him. Tradition is tradition. He put down his stakes and smiled. "Wouldn't you agree Mercedes?" He said knowing she was there. "The scent of your perfume and our dance still lingers." He replied.

The hound was now irate. He began roaring and swiping at anything including making some holes on tha castle walls. Out of one eye, he sees the werecat and goes after her. His speed in creased as he corned her As his cals bears down. Max got in the was and his back began to blead. "You okay? I could bear seeing you lose another love." He smiles before falling over. Perfect prey for the one eye hound.
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