The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

He gives her one last kiss before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. He felt guilty for the first time in his life. He was starting to have feelings for Mercedes and his plans to get Anastasia was going his way, not to mention another person he wants to get.

Morning came and Damon was already gone. The way he entered the castle was the same way he exited the castle. It was a good thing too begace when he left, Jack returned after being locked up for the night. But it doesn't matter now. He had the clues he wanted, and an extra gift that he 'borrowed' from the crime scene. All he had to do now was to get the werecat to play nice. Hopefully he could get it done before his lunch date with Selene.
Mercedes had already been up, she felt Damon move from under her earlier that morning and she had decided that it was time to bathe and start her day, herself. Yawning, she walked down the hall until a certain black cat crossed her path and she sighed. Continueing on her merry way, she went down for breakfast.

Anastasia looked at the maid and her ear twitched. She was starting to get hungry, so she figured if she followed the blonde haired girl, she'd be able to get some food. She snuck around behind her, trying not to get killed or caught by the head butler.
Jack yawns as he heads up the stairs. He looks ahead and sees the head maid. "Mercedes. Good morning. Can you have my breakfast sent to my room. I'm too tired from all the hell I gone through for Miss. Nine Lives. Speacking of which, have you seen her? I need her to do something for me." He was looking at her and not looking down. He gets close to her and he accidently steps on the werecat losing another life.
Mercedes looked up at Jack and shook her head. "No, actually I haven't seen her at all. I wonder--" Then the sound of some sort of sickening crunch happened and she looked down. "Jack..." She paused. "I would run if I were you." She knealed down, looking at the dead cat at her feet and sighed. "Unless you want to lose your one and only life."
"Oh, dear....Tell her that I'm not here." He said and ran like hell. It wasn't his fault the hall was dark and she was a black cat. Max exits his room and sees Jack running past him. He wondered what happened and sees Mercedes looking down at Anastasia. "Not again..." He siged and slowly pets her. "How did this?" he said as she revives herself again.
Mercedes fell backwards when the were-feline revived and transformed into her human form. "That damn detective. I'm going to kill him!" It was then she lifted her nose into the air and ran after him.

Mercedes gulped and looked up at Max. "I think the poor thing has....5 lives left. But Jack pretty much took away 2. She was put in the wash last night and the one the slayer caused and one she had a long time ago. And Jack was the one to stepped on her. Not I." She began to get up and wiped her dress of any dust or dirt.
"Oh dear, I better calm her down." Max said and ran after Anastasia, who inretern was chasing Jack. The detective sees someone runing towards him and it was the werecat. gasping, he ran faster. "Listen, I'm sorry, for making you lose another life, but in retrospect, you should've meowed...or at least cough up a hair ball." He said entering the backyard.
She continued running after him, jumping over any object in her way effortlessly. "You damn human! Because of you I've lost two lives already!" She followed him into the back yard, jumping down the small flight of stairs. "I ought to strangle you with my bare hands!"
"If you do, you'll never be proven innocent. I have the evidence to do so, but I'll need you help." He said as he continued to run. Max sees this and decides to let the detective suffer for a good while. Minutes had pass and max decided to intervene. he catches up to the werecat and starts petting her. "Easy now, you scared the fool long enough." He said and kissed her cheek.
She growled against the human male driver and watched the detective run away from her. Oh, how she would enjoy to dig her claws into something at this moment in time. With a huff, she turned on her heel and went back in the castle. Too many humans. That, and she was hungry. Throwing open the door, she went straight for the kitchen.

Serenity stopped when the door was thrown open and watched as the beautiful were-cat walked past her, only giving her a small glance on the way. She gulped and looked down to the floor as she walked by and looked out the open door. What happened out there?
Max followed her into the kitchen and bowed to Serenity. "I know that look young mistress, and all I can say is that I saved the detectived from his own end." Max replied walked pass her. Oliver and nicole sees Anastaia and the male cook gulped seeing that expression on her face. It saw at scary as Adelay. "W-what would yoiu like for breakfast?" He asked her.

Jack sees Serenity and waves her over to his direction. It was bad enough he was areested yesterday, but to be nearly clawed to death? This case better be worth it since he has all that he needs.
She pulled out a chair and sat in it. Her elbow resting on the granite hard top of the island in the middle of the kitchen and her chin was lazy set inside the open hand. "Eggs. Toast." She stated simply, looking off to no where in particular. She was just so mad. "I dont' care how they're made or what toast." She licked her lips, hearing Max come into the kitchen behind her. She didn't have to turn around. She knew his scent and the sound of his steps.

Serenity raised an eye brow at Jack but walked over to him anyway. "Jack." She stated, looking at him slightly confused. "What was that about. You're not introuble again, are you?"
Max sits beside her and relaxed a bit. "Eggs and toast would do just fine as well. He replied to the cooks. Looking at her, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He was living well until she was framed and now lost a couple of lives. Damn the detective for causing most of it. He continues to calm her down by petting behind her ear. "Just forget about him. I'll see what he wants." He said to her.

"Does accidental murder count?" Jack said sighing. He streched and pulled out a piece of the safe that was at the sceene of the crime. On there was a gash on there that no human could've possibly cause. "The funniest thing werewolves and werecats is that they have three forms. Their human form, their animal form, and finally their beast form. This slab her was caused by a beast." He said and showed it to her.
She sighed and moved her head into his hand. Removing her hand form her chin, her fist hitting the table. "I'm starting to think that coming here was a bad idea. I keep dieing everywhere I turn. I might was well hide in your closet until all of this blows over." Her heels clinged on the metal bars that held the stool she was sitting on together.

She looked at it through an evidence bag, then back up to Jack. "A beast." She repeated. "Okay. But that doesn't tell me anything. What if she did it in her beast form? Or is that not a cat claw print?" Her pink eyes looked at the jagged marks on the light grey metal and then back up to Jack's eyes.
"That's what I want to know. I want her in her beast form so I can examine her claws. I doubt this was her doing but if this was taken to court, this will prove her innocense." He said looking at her. "The only problem is like werewolves, once in her beast form she won't be able to distinguish friend from foe. In other words if not careful, she might end up hurting if not killing her only friend in the castle." He said refering to the driver.

"Don't worry. I doubt anymore lives will be gone from you, as long as you avoid Logan, Jack, and Adelay." Max assured her before kissing her cheek. "How about a ride around town. I can treat you to lunch as well." He offered.
Serenity smiled, getting an idea. "What if we lock her in the safe room that we were in when aunt Sophie was here. She might get angry and scratch something. Maybe a cement block. Then you can match the claw prints?" Her face lit up as she spoke, hoping her idea was brilliant enough for the detective to accept.

She looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes looked big and sad. "I don't think that's a good idea. What if someone of the police force or even the slayer sees me? I don't mind, but I don't want you getting hurt as well." She stated, crossing her legs as she spoke.
"Add in a few insults and we got ourselves one pissed off kitty. I love the plan." Jack smiled and accepted thhe idea. "get the gardeners, I know they have a few cement blocks." He said to her as he tapped his chin. What he need now was live bait, and he was out of the question.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't bare to see your sad face. I know the detective is trying his best." Max said caressing her cheek. "Of course, I don't want to see you locked up and bored all day." He added and smiled. "Oh just kiss her already, you know you want to." Olver said and the driver glared at him. As this was going on, Logan entered and sees Anastasia sitthing there. He sneezed and shooked his head. "No, no, no! Max, get that ugly furball off that chair!" the head butler stated.
She nodded and walked outside, heading for the gardeners cabin before they came into the castle for breakfast.

Anastasia turned in her stool and glared at the butler. After her eggs and toast were put on the table, she grabbed her plate and her glass of milk and walked out of the kitchen. "Asshole, butler." She stated and turned out of the door way, going up to Max's room with her food. Whatever. She was tired of being killed, insulted and thrown around like some rag doll.
Jac saw Max there and an idea popped into his head. It was probbly going to be the final straw and it would most likely end up with some house damnage, but it'll work if planed vorrectly. He walked up to Logan and whispered his plan. having learned about what he uncovered he decides to go along with it. Seeing the were cat down the hall, Logan sneaks up behind her and takes her breakfast and milk. "Come and get it...feline." He said and ran off.
She stood there shocked that someone actually took her food from her. What the hell was wrong with Adelay? How could she put up with these people. She didn't know. Growling, she shook her suprise away and ran after that damn butler. "Damn you! You're going to drop my food!" She turned the corner, jumping over the twins as she went.
"Remember, get her in to the cellar." The thought was runnig through his mind as he did his best to avoid her the rest sees the chase and decided to follow. What was Logan thinking? It ran through their minds as he heads for the cellar. There, he placed the food and mik on the ground and was face to face with her. He sees the cinder blocks there, so the plan was set. Sneezing first, he avoided her grasp and exits the cellar. "Now!" Logan stated and the bith Jack and Serenity closed and lock her in.
She ran over to the door and tried to open it. Banging on it, she snarled. She felt like a caged animal in the zoo. Where everyone laughed at her and took pictures for their own entertainment. How cruel. Her fists pounded on the metal until they hurt. But she wasn't giving up so easily, it was then that she began to kick the door. "Let me out!" She screamed, hitting the door again. She didn't care if her hands were going numb, she wanted out.
"Just a little longer..." Jack said as the three of them held the door. Cruel, yes. Wrong, you bettcha. But it was the only way to let her beast form out. It was working, until max appeard. He got in there way, and unlocked the door. "Don't!" Both jack and Logan shouted, but it was too late. Max opened the door and went to her.
By then, Adelay had come down the stairs. "What the hell is all this commotion about?" She asked, while Max went into the safe room.

Anastasia's eyes were glowing red, her growls were lethal and her nails grew into claws. She was forming into a being that looked like a human who was trying to be a black panther. Her eyes turned yellow and her roar sounded much like a jaguar. When Max entered the room, she growled at him and crouched low, circling him like a wild cat would do to a stray human in the jungle. Her upper lip was pulled up while her nose was wrinkled, displaying her feline canines that were long and sharp.
"Oh Crap!" Jack said as max frozed there scared. He didn't want to make a single move as it could be the end of him. "Distact Adelay, we don't need two pissed off women." Jack whispered to erenity. The threes guy looked at her not knowing what to do. It was there that Jack made his move. He dash in front and got a cinder block Surely his actions would get the attention of the beast.
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