The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Serenity smiled and skipped over to her mother. "Hi mother. What are you doing down here?" She asked. The vampiress raised an eyebrow at her daughter. "What is going on down here?" She then heard a jaguar threat and she knew. "If you all want to be killed, fine. But you should of closed the door behind you." With that, she turned on her heel and walked up the stairs, closing the door behind her. These humans were idiots. Didn't they know what a were-feline was like backed into a corner? Let alone out in a the wild?

The large cat turned her attention to Jack and threatened his movements with a large swipe of her paw. The claws barely knicking the cinder block since this time, it was only a threat. She continued to circle around them, her yellow eyes glowing. Her beastly growls and threats never waivering.
Good news, He got the mark he was looking for. bad news, he was cornered. the detective gulep as he moves a bit. Only to be folloewd by her. This was bad. He didn't feel like being on her menu today. He sees max coming to and he motions to hm to leave. Max shooks his head and he was over to her unafraid. "Relax...." He said as he touched her fur.
She growled and took a threatening swipe at him as he touched her. Jumping back a bit, the large cat perched down low, her shoulder blades moving up and down while she got into the right position to strike.

Adelay sighed and turned around. "Jack. Don't shoot her. Because she always revives as the animal she died in. She'll keep attacking and she'll keep dying. Its pointless." She stated loudly while walking up the stairs. Serenity turned her head to the room, the cat was still perched down ready to pounce.
"And to think the cops conficated my gun." Jack replied to the vampiress. "Besides, I'm more worried about Max. I fear he lost his mind." He added as the driver continued to look at her. Still unafraid, he walks calmly to her and pets behind her ear. It's okay Anastasia. It's me, Max." he said and hugged her beastly form.
The feline stopped as soon as she was touched and growled, moving low to the ground. But after a moment, her head nuzzled into his hand and her anger started to die down. Serenity looked at what was happening and sighed in relief that no one was getting killed.
"Come on. Return to us Anastasia. I did promise to protect you after all." Max said and kissed her nose. Jack saw it as the perfect oppertunity to slip away and out the cellar, cinder block in hand. "Let's leave them" the detective said as he decides to head to his room. Logan did the same thing and held Serenity's hand leaving.
Serenity took a quick peak back into the room as Logan dragged her away. "Well," she stated, lacing her fingers with his. "That was interesting." She smiled. "Do you think she'd be able to live here with us?" She looked up at her lover, her pink eyes big and round. Almost puppy eyes.

It took her a few moments, but she then realized what was happening and she turned back into her human form. She looked around and realized what had happened. "He-you-I--...that freaking detective locked me in here! And my food is probably cold. Damnit."
"It is not my decision to make. It is for the mistress only." Logan replied as he looked at her. If he were to have his way though, he would've easily kick her to the curve. "Why? Do you want her to stay here?" He asked her.

"Now, now. It'll be okay. We can reheat it or have the cooks whip you up and plate for you." Max smiled seeing that she was returning back to normal. He looks into her eyes and kisses her once more. just for safe measure. "Lets return to our room. I'll return with som breakfast for you as well." He said and help her to his room.

Jack was in his room eating his breakfast and examining the two marks using a maganfying glass. It only last a minute thous as the patters of the claw marks were entirly different. "And just like that her innocence has been proven." He muttered. All he had to do now was to figure out what caused the marks that killed the millionaire. Shrugging his shoulders he deceided to hold it off for a few hours and call Selene.
She smiled and then shrugged. "She doesn't seem so bad." She rubbed her soft thumb over his hand. "Do you only hate her because she's a cat? Or is it something else?"

The she-feline nodded and got off the floor, wiping her jean shorts off, she looked around. "Why did he lock me in here anyway?" She questioned as he led her out of the cellar.

'Madame' Selene sighed while she stood in a run down old ware house in the outskirts of Chicago. But this is were the 'whistle maker' lived. No one used these buildings anymore. And the old man had made this is home and worked under 'special' police watch. Though the man wasn't deadly entirely, it was more of the fact that he could create deadly weapons and fix anything that included 'Heaven' and 'Hell' objects. Currently, she was waiting for the whistle to get fixed.
"I don't hate cats entirely, although it does...Ah Choo....give me allergies. It's just that this one betrayed Adelays' trust." He remembered the conflict between the werecat and the vampiress and told her about it. "She was upset about it. Adultry is an unforgiveable offense." He sai to her.

"Something about a sample claw-mark from you. He wad to see you beast side and force an attack to get that sample. I'm guessing that's why he had a cement block in his hands." He said to her since he wasn't in on his plan.

He calls her up and got her voice mail. "Selene, It's Jack. Remember our lunch date? I'm be at the Cafe Rose at noon. Don't worry, I'll pay for lunch. Bye." He said and hangs up. A minute later Damon got her voice mail and he replied. "Selene, it's Damon. I'm in a rush to get that whistle. I found the criminals location. I'll be at the Cafe Rose at noon so you can give it to me there. I'll also pay for lunch if you don't mind. Bye." He said and hangs up.
"Oh." She said sadly while looking down at her feet as she walked. She couldn't help but think about what happened between her mother and Anastasia. It just of been terribly bad for her mother to hold a grudge against someone for so long.

Anastasia nodded. Anything for the case. But still, she was still angry about how he had to do it. Cornering a were-cat wasn't the smartest thing to do. Especially when angering her before hand.

Hearing a beep, she pulled out her phone. Two voicemails? Raising an eyebrow, she listened to them. 'Ugh.' She thought. Idiots. She'd rather just hit them both upside the head and then be done with it. Once she got the whistle, she headed to the Cafe. Maybe she'd think of a way to keep the two from fighting and destroying the place. She got there before noon and stood outside waiting for them. It was time to settle this once and for all.
Damon made it to the cafe second and sees Selene. Smiling he goes and sits beside her. "I knew you couldn't resist me...or an offer for free food." The slayer chuckled and kissed her hand. "I can feel it's aura. My whistle is fixed." He thanked her and began reading the menu. Jack arrive a minute later as Damon was reading the menu. "Damn I had long day. Sorry you had to see your future husband this way." The detective chuckled and kissed her hand. Hearing his voice, Damon put down the menu the two rivals see each other They both got up and pointed. "What the fuck are you doing here?! What the fuck am I doing here?! I'm here to see Selene, so what the fuck are YOU doing here?!?" They both said at the same time.
Selene sighed and rolled her eyes. Standing up, she grabbed both their heads and hit them together. "Now you boys cut it out. Lets just sit here and have a nice lunch together like we used to in the old days. Without any trouble from either of you." People were starting to stare and oddly, she was getting a little embarrassed. With her hands set on her hips, she looked at the two of them with a angry glare. "Now sit down!"
"Fine..." Damon scoffed. "Whatever..." Jack scoffed. They both sat down and not looked at each other. "Still raping others and steaaling their cash I see." Jack blurted. "Don't confuse my real job with yours." Damon replied and the two began to glare. When the waitress ask for anything to drink, they both said, "A beer, make it a double! Quit coppying me!" Be both got up again. "You looking for trouble you siver-haired dick!" Damon shouts and breaks a plate over the cafe table. "Bring it on you green-haired bastard!" Jack replied and breaks a plate over the cafe table. Their hate for each other was too great.
She sighed and stood up again, this time she hit the backs of their heads with her hand. "Shut up. You're scaring the waitress. Now, we used to be partners and this used to be our favorite place to relax and eat after a hard day on the job. Now shut the hell up and sit down. And if you don't act nice to each other before this luncheon is over, I'm going to be really, really angry." She slammed her hands on the table, looking up at them. "Now. Sit. Down. And stop raising your voices."
They both turned to Selene and sighed. "Jeez Selene, lower your voice." Jack said sitting down. Yeah, this is a quiet cafe and your scaring the waitress and costumers. So unlady like." Damon said as he sat down. They once again refused to look at each other. as they began to order. "Selene, I must ask you not to talk about the past." Jack replied and read the menu. Do you have it?" Damon asked Selene refering to the whistle.
She sighed and leaned back, ordering a soda. "Lets not talk about business right now, Damon. Lets talk about something else." Leaning back into her seat, she lit a cigarette and huffed inward. "So, how have you two been?" She questioned. "Any new girlfriends? Fun one-night stands? Rowdy parties?" She crossed her arms over her chest and waited for them to answer while the waitress brought their drinks.
"I don't know, it's been boring here." Damon lied. "Just the same old, same old." Jack lied. They didn't want to talk about their cases, espicaly with their 'third wheel' across from them. "And how about you? Still keeping your chasity in tavt for me?" Jack asked and damon scoffed. "For you? Bull! She doen't anything to do waith a hack detective like you. Espically when she has a smooth slayre like me around." Damon replied. "Yeah, smooth like sandpaper. Why don't you tell the time you kidnapped a young girl." Jack said referring to Selene. "Please it's not as terrible like the time you trick a girl into sleeping with you." He replied back.
Selene sighed. She knew that this was a bad idea. But somewhere in her mind, she had hoped that they would be civil for once. "I see where this is going." She stated and leaned back, her cigarette emitting smoke as she took small puffs on it. Moving her head a little to the side, she decided that looking out the window would be more interesting than listening to them bicker and argue like children.
Silence loomed over the three. They all looked in a different direction and gave their own sigh. Where had the friendship gone? It has been years since they were together. But there last case was the reason for their disbanned. Both Jack and Damon had their reasons but their friendship turned into a bitter rivaly. "It'll tell you this, I don't regret my decision back then. I'm just following the family line. Elimiating all blood-suckers, by any means nessecary." Damon said and Jack grit his teeth. "But an innocent child? Even I have my limits." Jack responded.
She then looked down at the table, her eyes a bit saddened. They didn't talk about what happened then. And she knew they didn't want to. But she knew that it was a sore spot for her two companions. Taking a sip of her soda, she glanced off in her own direction and thought about the good old days when they were best friends. Glancing up, she seen the waitress coming with their food.
The two ate in silence again but then looked at Selene. Sad about the expression she had, the finally looked at each other. They nod to each other knowing what to do. "Remeber the case wahe Selenes' hair was covered in gum?" Damon said and it co a chuckle from Jack. "She wouldn't dare let us see her face for a month. Luckly we got pictures of her." he said and they both laugh.
She choked on her french fry and growled. "Well, maybe if a certain demon slayer would stop throwing gum over his shoulder while driving his motorcycle, I wouldn't of had that unfortunate mishap." She swallowed her fry and looked up at them with a smile.
"I don't know, you look cute with short hair." Jack said and got out his wallet. Inside he still had the picture of her embarrassing moment. This got a good laugh from the two of them.
She hid her face while she ate. She enjoyed having long hair. Glancing up at them, she smiled. "Its not as embarrassing as someone switching someone else's gun with a painted black toy squirt gun." She looked at Jack and snickered.
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