The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Adelay lowered her eyes and looked at the ground, her sensitive earing picking up Mercedes' light sigh. But the blond haired girl didn't move from her spot. "Yeah." Mercedes called, loud enough for them to hear. She leaned against the wall, her finger tips rubbing on the cold stone. "But the sad part about tradition, sometimes it's not always right." Her blue eyes slowly closed and she opened them again.

"No!" She growled. It was then that she heard the crack of a whip and she looked around. Holding Max close to her, she rolled ontop of him and carressed his cheek. "If you know what's good for you, human you will stay alive." Looking at Jack, she frowned. "Get him out of here, detective!" Standing up, she heard the crack again.

Selene stood there, dressed in all black, a pair of sunglasses on her face and her red hair sticking out from her all black outfit. A woman stood by her side as they approached. She cracked the whip again, this time very close to the hell hound's ear. "Now, I couldn't just sit back and let all the fun happen while I knew it was happening, now can I?" She smirked at Jack and gave him a wink as she headed into the castle, letting the woman deal with the hellhound. The police woman had bigger things to deal with. Walking into the castle, she began her search for Damon.

Catina turned the whip around her body, it circled her before she whipped it again. "Its been a long time since I dealt with a beast like you." Her voice was laced with a Romanian accent.
"That is also true. I'm sorry." He said sighing as he got his stake out once more. It was there he felt the ash of a cigarette on the back of his neck. Turning around, he sees Selene. "Well, well. Was this a favor from Holiday or did you decide to but in?" Damon smirked and looked at the whistle. It had a small crack on it.

Jack nod and got Max into the castle. Once he was safe he goes back outside to assisst the new lady. "So, where have you been all my life?" Jack joked as he looks at the beasts. "I'm guessing by how you look, you're a demon slayer." he said getting serious.
She blew the smoke out of a small crack between her lips. "Damon. This is wrong and you know it." She didn't bother lifting her sunglasses. "I'm here to arrest you for frame and murder." Her cigarette lit up again as she puffed at it, a gun in her hand. "Because sadly, this is my tradition. You're becoming the one thing you sworn to put away." She lifted the gun to his face and loaded it. "A criminal. Put the weapon down." It was then, Mercedes moved from around the corner and ran down the hall, a few feet behind Adelay.

Catina looked at Jack and snorted. "Of course." She cracked the whip again, driving the hellhound back a few feet from the were-cat. "How did this beast get here anyhow?" Her yellow eyes had a gleam in them as she took the advantage in the battle.
"Murder, Sorry, but I murdered no one. Like I told Adelay, I discovered the dead body and the hound. As for jail....I think I'll pass." He tossed the whistle at Selene and dashes pass Adlay to leap off the balconcy. "You escaped me again vampiress, but it's far from over." he said escaping.

The detective told her everything about this twisted case. "I'm guessing you're after the hound. The injured fool would hunt you down if you went after Lady Litterbox there." He said to the Catina. Angered, the hellhounds leapss over Anastasia and after the new girl.
She sighed and watched him escape. Going over to the balcony, she didn't see him at all. With the whistle in her gloved hand, she walked back into the castle. "I'm sorry to intrude into your home like this." She looked at Adelay. The vampiress nodded her head with a smile. "Its okay. I understand why you did so." Selene smiled sadly. "Thanks." Looking up at Mercedes, she inclined her head. "I'm sorry." She stated again and turned to leave.

She took a glance at the detective. "I'm a demon slayer. I specialize in slaying creatures from hell itself. I've seen more blood and gore in my life than a World War II video and more gruesome creatures than a Hell documentary." She cracked her whip at the creature again and smirked. In her other hand, she reached down to her thigh and pulled out a silver gun. Anastasia, seeing that the woman had the hound undercontrol took off toward Max. Dropping the sword to the ground, she knelt down beside him. "Max?"
"A silver Webley Mk VI Revolver. Very rare indeed." Jack said seeing her loading up a bullet. As the hound heads towards the He fires a shot from his own gun. The special bullet pierced one of the hounds legs. "You're more experienced, so I'll let you handle it." He replied. Max opened his eyes and smiled at her. "Why the long face?" he asked.
She smirked. "This is one of my old ones." She loaded the black bullet and circled the barrel. She the monster hobbled over to them, she lifted up the weapon and shot it in the forhead. A bright blue electric current surrounded the beast, as it fell to the ground. Putting the gun back into the strap on her thigh and raveling up her whip, she took out a bottle of Holy Water walked over to the hellhound. Taking some into her hand, she flicked it at the hound. It started to sizzle and steam.

Anastasia carressed his cheek. "Because you're hurt. Are you crazy? Why would to do that for me? You know I have other lives left."
The beasts began to cry out in pain. It was as if it was begging for mercy, but none would come from this slayer. it's body began to dissolve and melt causing the whistle in Selene's and to crumble and become dust. Jack walks over to her and shook her and. "Holiday, Jack Holiday. I must thank you for your help." He saiid and kisses her hand.

Max chuckled and caressed her cheek. "I'm not that hurt, It's just minor scratches. As for why, well...I just didn't want to see you loose another. I did tell the mistress that I'll take full responsability for your safety." He said blushed. "There is another..."
She watched Mr. Holiday shake her hand and kiss it. Atleast he was formal. "You're welcome." She said in Romanian. When Selene walked out, she let the dust in her gloved hand blow away in the wind. Seeing that everything was fine, she walked over to Jack. "Jack. Damon got away. Keep an ee out for him."

Anastasia smiled softly and leaned forward, kissing his cheek. "Thank you." Her voice was soft and she purred in his ear. "You are the kindest owner I have ever had..."
"I had a feeling he might. He's not goting to rest until he has Adelay dead. He's too hung on tradition." Jack sighed. "You better report back to the station. I need to talk with her about something." he replied and puts his gun back in his coat.

max shivered as he purred in his ear. He the looked in her eyes and held her. "I don't mind being your owner, but I think I'm better suited to be your lover." He turns over so he was on top and kissed her lips passionately. "I care so much about you." He said and gave a purr of his own in her ear.
"Hm." Selene gave Jack a mock salute and continued on her way to her car. She flicked the cigarette she had in her mouth into the ashtray and got into the drivers seat.

Anastasia was a bit shocked to say the least. When he purred into her ear, she shivered and her eyes closed. "I'm very glad you're okay." She whispered against his neck.
Jack leaned against the wall and looked at her. "Back in the old days, Damon wouldn't stop talking about you. You remember the Kene Family, do you?" Jack said as he sees the sky clearing up.

Max smiled and carried her in his arms. Injured back or not, He kissed her all they up to his room. "I'd do anything to keep you safe." He replied ans he pets behind her ear and kissed her lips once more. He had his body cling to hers as his lips reached her neck.
Catina looked up at Jack from the bottle of Holy water she was putting the cap on. She then slipped it into a strap on her thigh. "Ah." She didn't smile. "The Kene family. A long line of vampire slayers." She moved to stand a few feet infront of him. "They lived in Transylvania a long time. Then moved to the states in search of a new life." It was then, her glossed lips turned into a smirk. "The past still haunts. No?"

Anastasia purred and held him close, her back softly on his bed. Her lips soft against his, she then moved her head and looked at him. "Do you need bandages?"
"Yes, it does. And i was peaceful back then as well." Jack frowned. as he scratched his head. "To deny generations, that's no simple take. The blood is too thick to even think about leaving a historice dynasty." He then looked at her. "But I know your family worked along with his."

Max shook his head telling her that he's fine. "Don't worry. I'll be okay. Just be at peace as I make you happy." His words were soft in her ear as he purrs again. His hand rubbed her exposed waist as to too whent under her shirt.
She nodded twice. "Yes." It was then she took the time to look around the garden. It was a mess. "Family tradition is hard to escape. Especially when it was the only thing you ever learned. When we were younger Damon didn't much like having his life already set for him. He wanted to do his own thing." Her voice thick with the rich Romanian accent. "Demon slayer and vampire slayer are two breeds in one. They go hand in hand but vampire slayers have it easy." she scoffed. "Your friend was raised to kill vampires. Stalk the night and protect the streets and people who walked upon them. Somewhere along the line, Damon lost track of that. He now hunts for money. Not stopping to think if what he is to do, right or wrong. You still care for the slayer, no?"

She nibbled on her bottom lip while his warm hand moved along her tan skin, giving her goose bumps and shivers. Her eyes started to close and she began to purr.
"Yes...I mean no...I don't know." Jack sighed. "All I know is that two triggers caused him to be this way. And the rest was just a downward spiral from there." He looks around at the garden, Oh won't the gardeners be ticked about this.

"Good girl..." he tesed and licked her neck. He loved how she purred. It was a sould he could get used to. His hand soon reaced her bra covered breast and he begins to massage it gently. His free hand continued to pet behind her ear and ran his fingers through her hair.
"I see." She looked back at him. Even when they were children, they had their destiny set at their feet. She had grown to accept hers and honor her family laws and tradition. "Damon is a good man. But he shouldn't try to be someone he is not because of others telling him who he is supposed to be." Her yellow eyes bore into his. "He'll learn one day." Her moved her hair over her shoulder. "Someone will show him the true meaning of honor and tradition. Not what he thinks it is."

She flickered her eyes open and moved her head into his touch. His fingers mo if through her Lon hair calmed her nerves and body while his hand on her chest made her hot to the core. Her purr got faster and louder.
"I can only pray that your right. I fear we're loosing him by the day." Jack thanked Catina for her assisstance in this matter and offers her a ride home. It's the least he could do since Selene left.

"Have I told you that those soulds drive me crazy?" He said before kissing her. "Unlike Logan, it's in a good way." He removed her shirt to see her bra as his actions with his hands on her hair and breasts continued. He grins at her as he slowly licks her neck.
She accepted the offer since it was a further walk home and she really didn't feel the need to have to walk home in heels. That and she was tired. Selene had asked her to come here as a matter of personal business from Transylvania. She had only been out of her country once before. But because it was from special police duty, she was able to get herself an apartment.

She looked up at him and moved so she could help him take her shirt off. Laying her body back down on the bed, she arched her back, pushing the padding of her bra covered breasts into his hand while his hot tongue scorched the sensitive skin of her neck.
Jack drove as she gave the directions. "Give me you output. What do you think of him? I positive that you worked with in once. You did say that your family is close to his." He said starting a conversation. It's true, he didn't know much about him, and the same goes for Selene. In return, they don't know much about the detective either.

His tong went from the bottom of her ncek to her lips once more . He stopped petting her to unhook her bra and exposed her breasts to him. "The driver blushed seeing them before smiling. He kisses down her body until it reches her soft mounds. Max kisses and sucked on one side as his hand massages the other. He smiled seeing her in ecstasy.
She looked out the window as he spoke to her. "I think Damon is afraid." She sighed and smoothed her skirt as the trees rolled by. "Afraid of the exact thing he was bred to kill. Afraid of losing control." She crossed her arms over her chest and her gaze moved to the window once more. "When we were younger, teenagers, we were sent out to do our first kill. With all of the training we had, we were ready. In that night I had killed three demons and he, five vampires. On our way home we were attacked. I was almost bitten by a vampire. And Damon saved me. I swore to save him the way he saved me." She glanced at the detective at the wheel. "He has strayed too far from the boy I grew up with."

Anastasia caressed his head and massaged his scalp as he fondled and tasted her skin. Her pink darted out, licking the full lips on her face while her head moved into the pillow, her hair everywhere. Green eyes opened slightly to look down at the man whose touch was kind and made her shiver at the same time.
He listened carefuly to her voice as she answered him.. It sounded sadden and depressed. Out the corner of his eye he looks at her body language.It looked like she was in pain from the question he asked her. At a stop sign he turned to face her and asked a simple question. "The boy you grew up with or the boy you fell in love with?" The traffic light turned green and he continued to drive.

His lips and hand alternate between breasts to give her more sensation then she could hope for. Sure she was a werecat and had a better status then him. But if Logan could win over the mistress, the why not him win over Anastasia. He removed his lips from her body so he could remove his shirt and his pants. Once in his boxers, he gently removed her shorts and caressed her inner thighs.
She looked down at the dashboard, a small smile on her lips. "That boy I fell for isn't the man I know today. Atleast not from what Selene tells me." Catina's legs crossed one over the other and her arms that were crossed over her chest moved down to her lap. "Its been a very long time. I don't think we'd recognize one another. Being slayers, we're still different and have two different jobs in the same. I stayed in Transylvania, I hunt demons. He chases fangs. I fight horns."

Anastasia moved her hands from his body to the sheets of his bed by her side. Looking up at him, she offered him a kind smile. Tonight, she would enjoy this. But in the morning, she'd be gone. Part of her was saddened, but the other knew that it was right. She couldn't stay here. Knowing Adelay couldn't stand her for too long and the butler he despised cats. Plus, she kept dying here anyway. It just wasn't for her...
"It may be different, but the cause is still the same, to rid the evil side of them. Back when I was working along with Selene and Damon, we all agreed that there is good and evil in demons and vampires. We made sure to rid the good." Jack said as they made it to her apartment.

His hands crawls from her thighs to her waist, to her breasts, until it reached her shoulders. He lays on top of her and his lips goes to her ear. "I'll miss you and will never forget you. So lets make tonight a night we'll never forget." Like her, he believes that having her gone would be better then staying here. She lost too much and it could get worse if she stay. With a smile on his face his slid down her body and goes between her legs. Moving her underwear a bit be started licking her folds.
She waited until the car was turned off before she opened the door. "And what happened to that decision. Something bad had to of happened for him to think that there is an evil in everything and everyone." Her eyebrow rose and her slender leg moved out of the door and onto the ground and then the other, she sat side sattle on the passenger seat.

She smiled sadly at him while he moved down her body and her body jolted when his mouth connected to the most sensitive part of her. Her back arched and her hands gripped the pillow beneath her head. A light moan escaped her mouth while a soft breath said his name afterward.
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