The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Jack ran like hell to escape the cops. No doubt if they get him, this case would turn for the worse. In the forest he bean to take a breather, only to hear some footsteps. Loading his gun he turns andd sees no one. It was because Damon was traveling above him, tree to tree.

"Thank you, madame" Max sighed and walks out with her. The twins looked at Adelay and them at the two. They gasped seeing max holding her hand. "Does he like her?" The chuckled and began putting the clothes in the dryer.
Adelay looked at the two and then to the twins. "I certainly hope not. I don't want a cat in my castle." She stated. Naomi looked at her brother and shrugged. She's a cat? Their mistress turned and left leaving the twins alone to fold their laundry. "I didn't know people could turn into kitties." Naomi said while folding a pillow cover.
"Meow...meow....I can't." Noah said and shook his head. Once He folded andother pair of pants, he tugged his ears to look like cat ears and meowed around his sister to make her laugh. Max walks with her outside and sighed. "You have to forgive them they are children after all." He said to her. "If push comes to shove, I'll be your bodyguard intil the case is solve." He said to her.
She giggled and skipped around making horse sounds. It was always a fun time when they did laundry. Anastasia hopped onto the railing of the balcony and started to walk on it with perfect balance. She was a cat after all. "Thank you." She didn't really want a body guard for the fear of them getting hurt but the offer alone was very endearing. "But I don't want anyone getting hurt." She stated with a frown. "You know," she turned to him as she walked. "I noticed that there are two in every pair here. Two cleaners, twin laundry specialist, one maid and butler and most likely gardeners. But there's only one you." She jumped over a vase of flowers. "Why?"
Max go up on the railing as well. He didn't have perfect balance like her, but he managed to stay up top. "Oh shes dead. the detective you met killed her and rightfuly so." He tells her about how she was blackmailing Adelay for more money and how he killed her infront of everyone. "After that, the mistress believed that one driver was good enough and didn't hired another." He got off the just to get back on. Walking backwards he was now facing her. "Would you mind telling me about yourself? And why you and Adelay are frenemies?"
She listened to him. That was kind of sad. But justice was rightfully served in her case. "Um," she stated, thinking about where to begin. "We used to be friends for a long time. And then one day Adelay died. But at the time I didn't know she was being turned into a vampire. So her lover at the time came to comfort me and he ended up getting me drunk and we had sex." She shrugged. "She didn't really love him. And at the time I didn't know what I was doing. She ended up walking in on us in her funeral dress and drank him dry. Said that she would never forgive me and that was about it. I think she just has anger issues." She did some back flips along the railing as she spoke.
"Thinking about it, he nod his head. "But I'm guessing you already know that she found another, got married and had a child." He stated and walked on his hands. "But that's Adelay for you. She rarely looses her cool. That was until Jack came. Compaired to you and him, that detective pushes her buttons more." He chuckled before being on his feet again.
She walked on her hands too as she listened before pushing up and landing back on her feet. "Does he?" She questioned, thinking. "I wouldn't be suprised considering the look she gave him earlier in the garden." She looked out to the gardens and then to the full moon.
"It's true, Hopefully, he won't cause you any trouble as well." He said and gets off the railing. He takes her hand and helps her off as well. "But I can assure you this, is good at what he does, so all you have to do is stay alive." He smiled. he couldn't help looking in her green eyes.
She blinked and took his hand, jumping from the railing, her heels clicking on the marble. "I certainly hope so." She paused. "I'm going to try. Its rather hard when I've lost two just being her already." Anastasia blinked and walked to the door.
Max took a breath and nod to himself. He tooks her hand and pulled her back to him. His body clinged to hers as a smirk ran across his face. "Then I guess I'll have to try harder to protect you." With that said, he kissed the werecats' lips. He didn't why exactly why he did it. Was he foolish? Did he miss his partner? Whatever his reason, he held the kiss for a while before breaking it.

On one side of the castle, The was a guy scaling the walls of it. He carefully made his way across the small ledge until he reached a window towards a room. He looked at it and smiles knowing it was Mercedes room and that it was empty. Picking the lock from the outside. He slips inside and rest on her bed.
She opened her eyes and looked at him. Her 'owner' kissed her. She smirked. "Do most human males do that as a code of honor to protect a woman or are you trying to flatter me?"

It was quite awhile before Mercedes came back, it was after dinner time and everyone was taking the rest of the evening off like they normally did. Usually they would take showers and go to bed. Or read or just do whatever it is that they enjoyed doing. Saying good night to Elizabeth, she walked backwards through her doors and smiled, closing it. Turning around she noticed someone on her bed and jumped, clinging to the door behind her. "You scared me."
"It depends on what the female thinks. As for me, it's a little of both." He smiled and caressed her cheek before petting behind her ear. "I hope you don't mind." He said before kissing her once more.

"No need to be startled beautiful. I just came her to relax. Besides, it's been a while since I saw my lovely date." He tips his hat up to reveal that it was Damon. "Been a while, Mercedes." He smirked.
She purred once his hand found her ear and she continued to purr once his lips found hers. She kissed him back softly before her body slowly morphed into a cat. She hated it, but being a were on full moons, she stayed in her animalistic body. Mewing up at him, she frowned, hoping he wasn't angry.

She sighed and kicked off her shoes, setting them infront of her closet for the morning. Going over to her bed, she pulled out her hankercheif and hit him in the chest with it. It didn't hurt but she didn't really want to hurt him. Even after what happened. "That's for scaring me like that." She hit him again. "And that's for not listening to me that night." And again. "And that's for scaring me because I thought you were dead until I got that rose a few days later."
Max looked up remembering the fuul moon was out. He looks down at her and still smiled. He kinda figured that would happen, but he didn't mind. He held out his hand and lets her go on it. "Come on, I got some catfish in my room." He chuckled and pets her softly as he heads to his room with her.

Damon was suprised by it. He was expecting a slap in the face, or worse. But he could sense her feeling and and got up from the bed. looking at her eyes he hugged her. "I didn't mean to scare you like that." He kissed her cheek. "I was employed by my client at thet time. I have a honor policy afterall." He kissed her other cheek. "I still have feelings for you though it was brief."
She smiled and moved onto his hand. For a cat, she was rather small. She didn't mind though. It let her hide in smaller places when need be. The sound of fish had her stomach growling. And she was hungry.

She sighed and and looked away as he kissed her. She wasn't going to slap him in the face or hurt him. She wasn't like that. But she understood the code of work. Sighing again, she looked into his green eyes. "What are you here for? And tell the truth." She heard Anastasia say something about a slayer after her. She just hoped he wasn't the one.
"Me? I'm here to see you. I had no cases and I had nothing planned. So I decided to see you and only you. Of course, I couldn't just walk through the front door." He easily lied to her, but the actions of him caressing her cheek and his voice made it convencing. "Why, is something the matter?" He said looking into her eyes.
She blinked and shook her head, her facial features softening a lot. She nuzzled her cheek into his hand and her blue eyes looked up at him. "No. I just thought there'd be a reason. Like last time." She whispered.
"There is a reason and it is to see you." He leans down and kisses her lips softly. His lets his tongue slip into her mouth before heaing a cat meow. He had a feeling she was hiding something and desides to pay no mind to it, for now. "Unless you don't want me here." He teased and began sucking on her neck.
Mercedes hoped the cat would shut up before she got into more trouble. For some reason, even though he wasn't on the job he'd hear her. He had some pretty good ears. She moaned softly and closed her eyes once his lips found her neck. Her hands clung to the back of his shirt and her head tilted to the side.
"You got that nervous look again." He said feeling her tense up. His fingers traveled down to the laces of her lolita dress. Untying one after another, his hand slips through and rubs her bare back. "Looks like I got to put you at ease once more." He whispered and blew in her ear softly. He herd anothe meow and pretends not to hear. Espicaly when he has a sexy maid there.
She sighed, that cat is going to get herself in trouble. She went weak in the knees once his hot breath blew into her ear. His warm hands carressed the creamy skin of her back and she relaxed a little. Her eyes closed and she prayed that Anastasia would shut up. What the hell was Max doing to keep her meowing like that?
"Here you go. Here's another catfish for you Anastasia." Max chuckled. It made him smile seeing her enjoy the meal. Everytime she finished a bite she would meow with joy. He pets her as well letting her meow be louder. besides, it's not like anyone else was here.

"You're tensing again. Why are you so nervous?" he said as he continues to pretend that he doesn't hear a thing. His hands finished anf last lace of her dess and he slips it off her with ease. "You can tell me Mercedes. I promise to keep it between you and me." He replied and contiued kissing her neck as one hand massages her breast.
After eating her last piece of fish, she jumped into his lap and set her paws on his chest, nuzzling her forehead against his chin. A purr never escaping her throat as she did. She rather liked this human. He was different than most. He cared.

She smiled and arched her back, stepping out of her dress as it fell to the floor. "I-its nothing." She moaned out. "I keep hearing noises is all. I didn't lock my door." The familiar smell of his cologne invaded her senses and she reached up, her hand forming around his neck and she gently massaged it. If anyone knew he was here, she'd be in big, big trouble.
"Okay, i believe you." He said and kissed her once more. He felt her hand on his neck and kisses her deeper. His hand rubbed her breast faster as his fingers softly tweaked her soon erect nipple. His free and as unbuttoning his shirt hor her as he smelled her perfume. He couldn't forget that lovely scent, even if he tried. "We must resume where we left off since the party." he said within the kiss.
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