The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him. "Aquaintances." She stated. "We've known one another a very long time." With that stated, she turned around, leaving the room. She was tired of being insulted and if she continued to stay there, she'd probably would of scratched the man. Sighing, she turned back into a cat and roamed the halls until she got to Max's room.
"Looks like I'm on the case." He said and got his hat on. He exits his room and heads outside. Sure, solving a simple fame job is simple once he finds all the right evidence. The only X-factor that he's worried about is if the Slayer is who he thinks it is.

Logan was walking down the halls after taking some medicine for his allergies. "Damn cat. I'll give her the boot once I find her. The mistress had already chewed me out for it." he grumbled before sneezing again. He turns the corner and sees Anastasia exiting the Detectives room. "Ah-ha! You annoying little furball. You will not have your way." He said and picked her up. "No pets in the castle." He said and begins to take her outside.
She hissed at him and turned into her human form and ended up twisting herself from his grasp. "I'm not a pet." She stated with another hiss. Flipping backwards, she jumped away from him giving them both a good few feet between them. She looked at her nails again and grinned. She wasn't going to be thrown outside like some puppy who peed on the carpet. She refused to.
"But you are annoying." He said walking over to her. "Listen here you---Ah Choo---pesky feline. I don't mind that you know the mistress, but For the sake of my health, you need to scram." Max walks in behind Anastasia and holds her. "Too bad Logan. I just herd from Jack. He's taking her case so Adelay decided to let her stay inside." The driver smirked making Logan growl. "Fine, but so help me if she ruins anything, I'll be on your head." He said and walked away. "Annoy fool." Max muttered before smiling at the werecat. "You okay?"
She watched Logan leave and turned to Max. "Yeah. I'm fine. People around here don't care much for cats, do they." There was a hint of nervousness in her voice as she rubbed the back of her neck where Logan had picked her up. She hated when people picked her up like that. It hurt her and it annoyed her at the same time. She wasn't a kitten. Atleast not anymore. "I'll try my best not to ruin anything."
"Don't worry. I know you won't. I don't know why people are so negative about them, but I don't mind at all." Max said and gently rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm just amazed that I helped a pretty woman in the process." He chuckled and takes her back to his room.

Seeing that they weren't on talking terms lately, Jack took a cab to the police station. He wanted to get involed in this case, but of course he must get the okay from them in order to get some clues. Once he arrived he states his reason why and they simply turned him down. Pricks. The reason being is because they already got a slayer on the job. Ignoring their refusal, he 'borrows' the case file and begins his investigation.
She smiled slightly and walked with him to his room. "Well atleast one person doesn't mind cats around here." Once in the room, she turned back into a cat and jumped onto his bed, laying on his pillow once again. It was just the most comfortable part of his bed, she couldn't help it.

Selene was walking through the doors as Jack was leaving. She paused and walked after him. "Jack." She stated, swiftly following him. "What are you doing here?" If she dug into her mind, she'd already know why he was there, but she wanted to see if he would tell her the truth first.
Max chuckled seeing her rest on his favorite pollow again. He didnt mind that at all as he lays on the bed and pets her. He was fond of all animals truthfully, but did like cats better. "I like cats trutfully." He replied as he gently scratched behind her ear.

Jack stopped once she asked that question. He sighed knowing lying to her was next to impossible. "I working on a case. One in which I believe our third partner is involed in." He stated. "I'm heading over to the crime scene to see what I can find." He turns his head slightly and looked at her. "If you run into him, let me know." he said and walked on.
Anastasia listened to him and started to purr once his fingers carressed her fur. With a slight 'mew' as if answering him, she moved onto her back, her paws in the air and her body slightly curled while she looked up at him.

Selene watched him leave and sighed. That kid was going to get himself into trouble one day. Watching him leave until he turned the corner, she shook her head and walked through the glass doors and into the police station, two manilla folders in her hand for her own case.
"Your so cute like that." Max chuckled and playfuly tickled her. As he played with her, began thinking about why Adelay and Anastasia weren't on equal terms. They do know each other and she did seem nice. He forgot about it for a while and focused on her. "You can stay here if you like. I love the company, animal or human form." He silghtly blushed.

As the police chief gave Selene her folder, Damon enters the station. He dropped his briefcase as he recognized the red har and cigarette holder. "Selena?" he said regaining his compoisure. "Is that you?"
She wiggled and kicked her legs against his arm, making sure not to scratch him. With a mew, she got up and nuzzled her face agianst his cheek and purred loudly. After a few moments, she kneeded the bed against his chest and curled up, her back against his large chest and her head resting so when she opened her eyes, she could see who was coming through the door.

Selena turned around, looking at Damon. "Well, welcome home, Damon." She stated, grabbing her folder off the desk and walked to her own office cubical. Her cigarette holder in her mouth ready to be lit once she got in her office. She knew he would come, not only because Jack had for warned her but because she felt it.
Damon scoffed at what she said. He wasn't home, far from it to be exact. Nevertheless, he did followed her to her office. He closed and locked the door and made sure no one was looking. "And to think, I was looking for you. I need to take something off you." he said and showed her a briefcase. He opens it up and inside were plently of gems and jewlery. "It should total $500,000 for what I want from you." He said and then showed her an unique looking dog whistle. "As you can see, it took a few damages. I need you to repare it." He said.
She lit her cigarette as she sat down, turning in her chair, she came face to face with a large briefcase of jewels. Looking at it, she looked up at him and then to the whistle. "You want me to repair a whistle?" She chuckled, taking a small puff of the cigarette through the black cigarette holder. "What for?"
"There's a werecat that needs to be exterminated. I got her once, but she damaged the whistle and stopped my pet." He stated. and sta down across from her. "You head of the Star murder? A popular mogul was killed due to scratched marks on his neck? Well I found evidence of that proves her guilt." He said to her. Just like the detective, he flirted with Selene as well. He takes the holder from her mouth and into his. "So can you help me out?" He asked again taking a puff.
She rolled her eyes and grabbed the whistle out of his hand, examining it. "Are you sure it was a were-cat, Damon?" She questioned, looking up at him from a raised eyebrow. It was hard to tell sometimes since most weres did have claws. "Do you have any evidence as to why she killed him?"
"I saw with my own eyes Selene." He replied and goes to his pocket. He shows her two sharp fingernails. "These belonged to the werecat. One from the scene of the crime and the other when my pet fought her." He explaned. "You can ask the cheif about it as well. He's the one that gave it to me." He added.

Max streched an picked Anastasia up before placing her back onto the pillow. "I'll go get us a bite to eat. I'll be back soon." He kissed her nose and heads out. She was in his room. Nothing bad could happen to her, he hoped.
She sighed, digging into her mind. The man was wrong, terribly wrong. The reason why the nail was there wasn't because of murder. But it was fate and she couldn't screw that up. Bringing the whistle to her face, she held it up between two fingers and looked at the damage. It would take a few but she'd be able to fix it. "Fine." She stated and moved her blue eyes to him. "I'll fix it."

She laid back down onto the pillow and curled into the fluffy material, closing her eyes and going back to sleep.
Damon smeked as she agreed on it. Leaning over the desk, he kisses her lips. "Thanks, I'll return tomorrow for it. By then, I should have two treasure at my disposal." He chuckled and placed the cigarette holder back on her desk. With a simple nod, the slayer got up and left fer office.

The twin ran down the hall chuckling. They accidently forgot to get Max's laundryand it was almost dinner time. "We can't be late. We can't be late." They sang and entered his room. They gathered all the dirty clothes, including the bedsheets, and bundled it up. They were unaware that Anastasia was within the bundle of dirty clothes. "To the laundry!" they said and heads there.
She sighed and set the whistle down as he left the office. Those two boys were going to be the death of her someday. Picking up her phone, she picked up the whistle once again and dialed Jack's number. The detective did want to know if Damon did visit after all. But she didn't have to tell him what he wanted. After all, he never asked.

She clawed the sheets as she was bundled up. Hearing children, she sighed. It must be Adelay's children. Frantically, she started to meow hoping that she could get their attention or hear her. She didn't want a bath. Not right now. And not in a washer. She would lose another life.
Jack was at a mansion where the murder took place. Looking around he walks over and sees claw marks on the safe. the marks were red with the victoms blood, but from the looks of it, it didn't cause the safe to be open. Accoring to the investigation by the cops, gloved fingerprints were caused in opening the safe. He soon herd his ringtone go off. It was weird because the people in the castle doesn't have his number. "Hello?" he said answering it.

The twins didn't hear her meows as the reached the laundry room. The placed all of Max's belongings in there and starts it up. Max return with some grilled carfish only to see his bedsheets and blankets gone. "Oh God..." He said and rushed over to the laundry. Once he got there he went to his knees and sighed. "Not again...." he said hanging his head.
Selene smiled into the phone. "Your friend came to pay a lovely visit." She stated simply after hearing his voice, knowing he was at the crime scene of a case he wasn't signed to work on. If anyone caught him there, he'd be in a lot of trouble. Turning around in her chair, she looked out the window with her feet against the wall.

After the washer stopped, Anastasia threw the top off the machine and growled. Damn kids. Damn detective. She was in total danger in this castle. Dying every couple hours. Her hair was dishelved and her clothes were wet and she was getting rather upset with having to die. She now had 6 lives left. Precious lives. Once she hit one and dies, she'd be dead forever. She was huffing and her nails were biting into her skin as she climbed out of the machine soaking wet.
"What did he want from you? And how much cash did he spoiled you with?" He replied as he looked inside the safe, As he thought, it was cleaned out. He looked at the claw print again and chuckled to himself. Like or not in his opinion of cats, Anastasia was framed."

The twins screamed and ran out passing Max in the process. "Mistress, Mistress! Monster in the washer!" The said up and down the castle until they found her in the study. max sighed and grabbed a towel and helped dry her wet body. "I'm so sorry." he said not realizing he was touching her body.
She sighed again. "He wanted me to fix something for him. In return I get a hella lot of cash in jewels and gems." She spun back around and crossed her legs one over the other, looking down at the whistle again. She'd have to take it to a specialist to get it fixed. But she knew all the right connections.

She hated water. Baths and showers were exceptions. But washers, large ponds, the sea and lakes weren't her forte. Looking at Max, she politely grabbed the towel from him and tried her best to dry herself off. "Thanks." She stated. Now that she was down to 6 lives, what was she going to do?

Adelay listened to the twins and raised an eyebrow. Monster in the washer? Getting up, she sighed and walked down to the laundry room to see a soaking wet Anastasia and Max holding an extra towel for her. She took in the situation. The twins accidentally put her in the washer. With a smirk that started to grow, she burst out in a full out laugh which caught the she were-cat's attention.
"Okay so it's a lunch date, and you're paying. Besides, I got some good info as well. You see..." Before he could say anything, A few cops enters and pointed their guns at him. "We'll tak later, the pigs want their truffles back." With that he hangs up the phone and exits out the window.

Max looked at the werecat and then the mistress. Hearing her laughter and her anger wasn't a good thing for the driver. "He instantly got inbetween them hoping a fight wouldn't happen.
She hung up the phone and shook her head. Hopefully he'd be in one piece when she seen him for their lunch 'date'. Chuckling to herself she picked up the whistle and slipped it into her jeans pocket. With her cell phone in hand and keys, she left her office, locking it behind her and left to get the whistle fixed.

Adelay continued to laugh and Anastasia sighed, ruffling the towel through her long hair. "Okay, okay. I know. I died in the damn washer. Its freaking hilarious." She rolled her eyes and kept the towel wrapped around her hair. Adelay held her stomach and gasped for air. "Oh, I haven't laughed like that in such a long time." Her eyes moved to Max and she raised an eyebrow, a smirk still on her face. "She's allowed here for now. Atleast until the case is solved."
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