The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Adelay looked down at him and let him cling to her. She didn't say anything about him calling her mother. It was endearing and it soothed some beast in her that she never thought would be tamed. "He had a rough day." She stated and opened the door to his room. Feeling his warm tears seep through her shirt, she blinked and took him to his bed. "Shhh, you can sleep now. Naomi has your things. You can get them when you wake up. I'll get you for dinner. I bet you're going to be hungry." She laid him on his bed and pulled the covers up his little body.
Noah smiled and began to rest. It had been a long day, espically when one is trapped inside a mirror. Max nod his head at the mistress and began walking out with her. Dinner time came and they were all settled in. The twins hugged and cried as they at as Logan and Max to everyone what happened. "It's funny, that detective have caused alot of weird thing to happen lately. I'm fearing it's a curse." Andrew said and a few agreed. jack wasn't at the table. He was on the balcony looking at the old photo again. He wanted to rip it into pieces and throw it away, but he just couldn'tCall him crazy, but he wants to do a little reunion. There things could be settled once and for all.
Adelay looked around the table. Jack wasn't there. "Serenity. Go and check to see if the detective is still alive." She stated. The pink haired girl nodded and excused herself from the table. Knowing where he was, she could sense his distress and walked onto the balcony. "Jack?" She stated, closing the glass door behind her. "Are you okay?" She asked walking up to him. Glancing at the picture, she smiled. She didn't really know that Damon was an old friend, but she didn't put it passed him. She didn't know the woman though. "Your friends?"
Jack quickly pust the picture back under his hat and clears his throat. "Old friends." He answered. He'll have to make sure to dodge some questions now that she fully sceene it, but he thought of something else. "Pretend that you didn't see it. I'll be heading to bed. Tell your mom that I'm not hungry." He said and heads to his room. Once there he goes to a drawer on the side of his bed and looks at the picture one more time. "It's all in the past now..." he though as he place the picture in the drawer and closes it.
Story V: The Once 9 Lives of Anastasia

Another month passed in the castle and everything seemed normal. The twins were goofing off while cleaning clothes, the chefs were preparing a five star meal for dinner, the cleaners were busy making the foyer spotless, and the head maid and butler were arguing again. As for Jack, he was chatting to Serenity and the gardeners Andrew and Allie when a simple question came to mind. “You know, I was wondering. Does the mistress have any friends at all? I know she’s a vampire, but she must have someone she can call a pal. Besides us of course.” He said to them. “Come to think of it. I’ve never seen any of friends, if she have any?” Andrew replied.

Outside the castle, Max was busy washing all of Adelays’ cars. He was deep in thought and sighs remembering how he and Clare would race to see who would finish first. A frown came to his face as he try not to think about the past. He stopped for a second hearing something. “Hello?” He called out but there was no reply. Shrugging his shoulders he continued on until he herd it again. He turned around and sees a black cat. From the looks of it. The poor creature was badly injured. “You poor thing.” He said and carefully picked it up. Feeling bad for the kitty, he secretly takes it to the castle and begins healing it.
Serenity sat on the bench in the garden with Jack as the gardeners chatted with them and worked. "Actually, I've never heard anything about my mother having friends either. Not even my father or aunt said anything." She paused when Allie nodded her head, saying she didn't know anything about it either. Serenity shook her head too and looked at the boys. "Maybe with her being a vampire and living a lot longer than most people, all her friends died out and because of that, she couldn't bare to make anymore?"

The cat purred against his chest and nuzzled into his body heat. She was in a lot of pain. Her ribs were most likely cracked and her paws hurt from all the running she had been doing to get away from the stupid ass police. Closing its green eyes, the cat soon found safety in the drivers arms and drifted off to a light sleep
All of them began thinking and scratched their heads. 'What's with all the chatter?" Logan said as he and Mercedes came out and sees them. "You've been here longer than any of us. We were wondering if Adelay had any friends at all." Jack said and Logan thought about it. "I can recall one. But I think it more a rivaly friendship than a normal friendship." logan said causing a few gasped. It was a shock to them to say the least.

Max takes the black cat to his room. He places her a his soft pillow before healing her paws. Once that was done, he snuck into the kitchen and tool a bowl and a bottle of milk. "You forgot the cereal." Oliver said, but the driver ignored him. Returning to his room, he pours the milk into the bowl for the cat to drink when she wakes up.
Mercedes nodded. "Yeah. But I've never seen her. The mistress has gotten letters before. And they had a meeting once. But other than that, I can't recall anymore." She looked at the everyone and looked around the gardens, happy to have the sun shining on her face. "But it's been awhile. I don't even know if her friendish person is still alive or not." She too shrugged and closed her eyes a bit. After the small fight with Logan, she was a little tired.

The cat lazily opened one eye and smirked a little at him. Atleast he was a kind human. He wasn't like most that tried to kick her or throw shoes at her. Scooting up a bit, she licked his hand with her rough tongue and laid back down to sleep. A little purr filling the silence of the air.
"Ten years, if My memory is correct." Logan said. "The only thing I know about this person is her name. Anastasia, I remember correctly." Logan said. He too was tired from his recent argument with Mercedes and decides to head inside. He walks up to the guys quarters, but he begins to strat sneezing for some reason or another. max herd the sneeze and knew it was Logan. Thinking, he decided to not hide the cat and just hope that he doen't come in. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. I promise." He said and kissed the top of her head.
The cat woke up, hearing the sneeze. Her ears became to move back and forth, listening to the footsteps outside the door. With a small mew as he kissed her forehead, she moved out of his embrace and ran undert he bed, hiding behind a few shoe boxes, making sure she wasn't seen. Atleast until the butler left. She forgot about his worthless allergies to cats. Damn her and her idiocracy. Pawing the carpet, she bent her head down and looked out to the door from under his bed.
Logan continued to sneeze until he reached Max's room. He opes it and just sees him. "You okay?" Max said looking at him. "Is there a cat here?" hthe head butler asked him and Max instantly shook his head. "No, I haven't seen one here?" He said in a regular tone. "Well, if you do, kick that filthy beast out." He replied and closed the door. Hearing the footsteps fade away, max goes under the bed and gently holds her. "Kicking you out will be the last thing I'll do he said petting her gently.
The cat looked around the human servants room. She blinked a few times while her ears moved back and forth listening as the sound of foot steps faded away into the background. A low, rumbling sound came from her throat as his fingers ran through her short and silken black fur. After she was set down, she trotted over to the bowl of milk and sniffed at it. He probably didn't know that cats were really lactose intolerant. But who cares, it was food and right now she was hungry. Laying low to the ground, she started licking at the white liquid in the bowl.
Logan continued to sneeze. he knew there was a cat somewhere and he was going to find that feline and give her the boot. "Damn allergies, damn cat fur." he grumbled as he sees the mistress coming towards him. "Mi'lady, is there a cat somewhere?" He said as her rubs his nose with his hankerchef.

Max watches her drink the milk and sighed with relief knowing she was safe for now. "Now then, with that settled I might as well name you. about Midnight? Nah, too dark. How about Tabby? Nah, too origional," He said petting her. He needen a name that he'll know she'll like. He didn't realize the the cat already has a name.
Adelay stopped and watched him rubbing his nose in his hankerchief. A cat? Raising a slender eyebrow she looked down the hall behind him and met his gaze. "No. I don't have any damn cats here." She stated simply. "Why would I have any cats here?"

The cat glanced up at him, a small growl forming in her throat. But then again, he could name her whatever he damned well pleased. He was feeding her and she wasn't going to complain. Closing her eyes again. She continued licking up the milk in her bowl.
"I know you have a negative thought about them and you know about my allergies. But i do believe either a cat got in easily, or someone is hiding a cat." He said as he sneezed once again. "I'll keep looking." He said as he goes to find the twins. He was going to find that damn cat, hopefuly it won't kill him first.

An idea soon sparked into Maxs' mind. "I got it! I remember seeing a name on a letter one time. I think you'll like it. I'll call you Anastasia." He said and smiled. looking at the time he got up and streched. "I got to head out for a bit. You stay out of trouble Anastasia." He smiled and left the door opened alittle bit.
Adelay gave him a single nod and passed him as she continued down the hall. A cat, huh. Either it was just a normal cat or it was something else. She'd have to do her own investigation as well. Smirking, she continued down the hall and through the doors to her own study, closing the door behind her.

Anastasia looked up at him after he said her real name. A letter? It must of been one from her. She lifted her head and licked the milk from her bottom lip and waited for him to leave. It was then that she peeped her head out, watching him walk down the hall. Peering down the opposite way, she didn't see anyone. She wasn't going to find any trouble today. She wasn't healthy enough and her paws were still hurting. Damn police. She had lost two lives already. She was shot once years ago by a passer-by thinking she was a ground hog. Idiot. And a few weeks ago in the back of her shoulder. Slipping her head through the opening, she used her hind legs to close the door and went to Max's bed. Smelling his cologne, she got familiar with his scent. Kneeding the bed with her paws and claws, she circled a small spot and went to sleep on his pillow.
The twins were taking a nap on a warm blanket that just finished coming out of the dryer. They hear some footsteps and they got a mini chalkboard and cloerful chalk. "Okay you two, I know how much you like to hide stuff, did you by chance bring a cat into the house?" He asked them. While sleeping they began to write. Noah wrote an "N" while Naomi wrote an "O" creating the word "No." Sighing then sneezing, Logan shook his head. "Alright let me know if you see one." he told them and they wrote, "OK."

Jack was walking down the hall until he reaches Adelay's study. Knocking and then entering, the detective comes in to see her reading something. "Fan mail?" He joked as he goes to her and sat on her desk. "Looking at it closely he sees it was a letter.
Adelay looked up at the detective from the letter. "No." She said simply. "Its a letter. But not fan mail." She finished the first page and continued onto the second one. Sighing, she leaned back into her chair and finished reading. It seems like Anastasia was introuble. She probably deserved it. That's probably why they were having a 'cat' problem. Folding the letter back up, she looked up at Jack. "Did you need something, detective." She stated boredly, dropping the folded letter onto her desk.
"Somethings up Logan, He keeps complaining about a cat problem around here, yet I see no cats anywhere." He sighed. He takes the first page of the letter and reads it. "Well if it isn't fan mail I'm guessing a from a friend..." He keeps reading and added, "..and is in distress."
She glared at the detective getting into her business. "Yes. She'll live." She stated, standing up, tapping her nails on her desk. "And Logan has cat allergies. If he's sneezing the way he is, then there is a cat around." Adelay blinked and crossed her arms. Whether it was a normal cat or not, she still had to get rid of it. "When you find it. I want it."
"If you say so. He said and hands Adelay her letter back. He got up and left and began his own search. Max returned to his room to see Anastasia asleep on his bed. So cute. He goes over and pets her gentlyas he thinks about getting her a nice small bed for her. was then that the detective knocked and came in. "Hey Max I need your help with....." He stoped taking as he saw the cat and the driver petting said cat. Gulping he pick her up gently and makes a break for it. "Wait!" Jack said and gives chase.
Anastasia opened her eyes while someone petted her. She hadn't heard someone come in. But she was relieved that it was the human male that had picked her up and brought her in here earlier that day. Then the door opened. Her green eyes fully opened and she was about to run until he picked her up and ran. In his attempt to get away from the other man, she was being slightly shaken and it made her a little woozy. Closing her eyes, she slightly dug her claws into Max's shirt hoping to stop herself from being shaken and from being dropped.
"Don't worry he won't him get you." Max assured them the camotion of running startled all in the castle. Shawn and Elizabeth, who had just finished waxing the floor sees it be a waist as the two ran around the area. "Aw, come on!" Shawn pouted and sees them go. The chace went stright into the backyard where they pass Serenity, Mercedes and the Gardeners. Max looked back and sees Jack still chasing him. He now sees why she found him annoying. Looking foraward again he fail to see Logan ahead. "Look out!" He shouts but it was too late. They clashed, squishing the cat in the process. It fell off him and lay motionless.
Serenity and Mercedes gasped, running over to the both of them. Serenity ran over to Logan and held his head. "Logan? Are you okay, love?" She whispered, it was then that she seen the cat on the ground. She went to reach for it but stopped, realizing that it lay motionless. Tears formed in her eyes. There was something odd about the cat. But nontheless it was dead. Mercedes looked down and frowned. Poor thing...
"I'll be...Ah Choo...fine. Can't say the same about that furball there." He replied and got up. There it was, dead as a doornail. Jack stopped and looked at the cat and sighed. he knealed before it and touched it. "Poor kitty." He said and looked at all of them. He sees serenity on the verge of tears, so he gave her his hankerchef. Mercedes in disbelief, and Andrew making shre Allie didn't see this. A few words went around until they all see the mistress heading towards them. "Well, here the cat, or I should say warecat." Jack replied remembering the first page of the letter.
Serenity wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at her mother. A were-cat? That's why it's aura was different. Adelay stopped and looked at Jack with a glare. Always in her business. Sighing, she bent down and picked the cat up by the hind of its neck. Holding it up to her face, not two seconds later that the cat shook and opened its eyes. Recognizing who it was, Anastasia hissed and swiped at Adelay with her claws. If Adelay didn't pull her away, she would have a nice scratch mark on her cheek. "Damn cat." She stated and threw it half way acrossed the garden.
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