The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"Yea, I'm guess she was in a good mood just to do just that." He chuckled and grabbed something from his longcoat. "I agree Simon You don't anything like what you did to a clown a while back. I herd he came in just for fun, but he saw something he wasn't suppose to see." He pulled out a mirror and a pen. Nodding to Selene, he gives her the mirror. "On my signal..." He said to her and begins scribbling on the ceiling. "You bastard!" he shouts and the detective smirks. "Now!" he said to her.

"Yeah, but where's Jack, where's our fool?" Logan asked seeing only the tiger...standing on the ceiling. "Did did he do that?" Max whispered begore noticing half of the chain leash. That alone showed how Adelay vanished when she was inside.
She put the mirror over the scribbles on the ceiling, listening and watching Jack as he wrote whatever it was he was writing. It looked like chicken stratch to her, but she didn't say anything just because she didn't want to be rude.

Adelay looked up at the ceiling to see the tiger there. "Must be a different dimension. This trailer is like a seperate world for the magician." The vampiress didn't step in side for the fear that the tiger might fall. Haley looked at Mongo and gasped. "Mongo! How in the world did you get up there? Had I known you to do that, we could of put that in our act." She put her hands on her hips, playfully scolding the tiger.
"Ahhhh!" The magician saw is reflection in the mirror and he appeared infront of the two. Now, out of control, Jack, Selena and Mongo got back onto the floor of the trailer. "A mirror demon. You use mirrors to trap the innocent so you can continue living longer. Now that you're busted, I suggest you tell us where the mirrors you trapped your victoms are." He smirked at him knowing they got him right where hthey wanted him. "It isn't over yet. I might as well trap you two in one as well." He said and attacked them.

Mongo looks at the others upside down until he was back onto the floor. "That is one amazing white tiger you got there." max joked and looked inside. Soon enough Adelay symbol was becoming visable to them. "Looks like their winning, mistress." Logan said to her.
Selene held the mirror up. "I'll break this mirror, killing you, Simon. Now I know they're all in mirrors. But where they are, I can't figure out." She stated with a smile, twirling the loop in the handle around her gloved finger.

Haley scoffed. "Hey!" She said, her hands on her hips still. "He's pretty smart, ya' know." She pouted at him and stepped inside. Adelay looked at her symbol on the wall. "Yes well, for now they are. We won't be able to find Noah until Jack gives us a sign as to where we can find him. And maybe others if there are others too."
It was a stand off between her and the magician as Jack looked around the area quietly. He noticed a black trunk and he goes to it. "Stop!" Simon shouted causing a barrier of swords around it. "I worked too hard gathering my victoms. You will never have them." He laughed and it only caused Jack to laugh as well. "I think I know what to do now." He walks over to where Adelay's symblo was and began writing backwards in print.

They notice Mongo walking towards the wall and stops there. "Jack is up to something." Logan said as they begin to see some letter. He was relaying a message to them. Jack figured that this was a realm of mirrors be decided to write backwards. He wrote, ".duol tuo eman tsal 'snomiS yas nehT .knurt kcalb eht ot oG" in the realm they were in, but in the real world, the clearly saw the message, "Go to the black trunk. Then say Simons' last name out loud."
Haley looked at the writing and frowned. Looking around, she didn't see a black trunk. Adelay went through the whole trailer until she found it. "What's the magicians last name?" Haley went over to her with Mongo. "LeBleu, I believe. But its locked, how are you going to open it?" Adelay scoffed at the human girl and pulled the lock right off the hinge. With a smirk, she flipped it open and said his last name.
Inside the trunk was plenty of mirrors all of which had someone inside. Looking at them all Max spotted the mirror that had Noah. He was mouthing tho them "Help, help." Logan grabs it and sands it to Adelay. "What now?" He asked the vampiress.

"My collection! You'll pay for this!" Simon yelled. The swords surrounding the now open trunk in his realm began to fly around the room. All of which was pointing to Jack. "Uh-oh..." He mutered as one sword fly stright towards him. Dodging one be begins to write backwards again. ".su ot gnihtyreve evael dna meht kaerb t'noD" he wrote while dodging the bades. "Don't break them and leave everything to us?" Max read out. "Ok Selena, do it!" He said trying not to get killed.
Adelay looked down at Noah and carressed his image in the mirror. "What have to wait." She nodded to what Max said and began to set out the mirrors one by one around the room. So when the spells wore off, they would be seperate and not cluttered in the trunk against one another. Haley moved out of the way and made Mongo sit on the floor while Adelay went about her business.

Selene nodded and lit her cigarette before she gripped the handle of the mirror in her hand and bashed it against the wall. The mirror hit the wall with a clang and it shattered in many, many pieces. She inhaled on her cancer stick, the orange light glowing and greated grey ashes.
The blade stopped one inch towrds Jack's face before it fell onto the floor. "" Simon groaned out he could see that his body was breaking apart. There were cracks all aronda and he begins to break apart. One ashe touched him and he burst into pieces. "We get that alot back then." jack sighed as he goes to the red head. "So how long have you've been trailing him. I have a feeling that you were on this case undercover." He smirked and pulls her body close to his.
She smirked. "About a year and a half now. I was working in Chicago when the circus came to town. A young couple had a 7 year old who offered to help the magician with his act. When they got home, their kid wasn't what he was supposed to be. He was replaced with a simple doll. And about two weeks later, the same thing. So I started tracking him down and got a job here as a pyschic." Selene inhaled her cigarette and flicked the ashes. "I didn't know you were here. How did you hear about him?"
"Let's just say I'm currently under emplyment for a vampire. One of her servents was kidnapped by the same magician and I was on the case. He sees her inhale the cigarette. He kisses her so the smoke in her mouth went to his. He exhales the smoke and chuckled. "I have to say, the way he used his magic trick to capture them was smooth. He grab a young volunteer and plcae them in a box. Using a flashlight. he wou luminate the box to the victom wold see only mirrs around him. Once it was off, their body was sucked in and easily replaced by a puppet. And to think it was all disguised as a simple trick."
She licked her lips and stuck the cigarette holder back into her mouth with a smirk. "I knew he was somehow doing it in his acts. But I never thought about mirrors." She stated and looked around. "Now detective. How do you suppose we get out of this dimension and back into the real one?" Her blue eyes looked around behind a stream of smoke. "A vampire you say? That seems rather interesting. You must be paid a lot of money."
"Indeed, plus a better room with a view." He chuckled. "As for leaving, look up Selene." On the ceiling there were cracks forming. "Since the mirror demon is no more there's basically no need for this diemension. So it'll slowly crack until..." Upon saying that, the diemension shattered like glass and they were back in reality. They see that everyone is there including the white tigher. "Hi all." he said chuckling.
Selene gracefully landed on her feet and flicked the ashes somewhere random. Now that her investigation was over, she was free to leave. Inhaling the rest of her cigarette, she put it out on the bottom of her shoe and she patted Jack on the shoulder. "Alright, old friend. I'm going. I have another case I have to take care of." With one quick wink, and a wave she walked out of the trailer.

Haley looked at Jack and smiled. "You did it, Jack! Great job!" Adelay was holding a sleeping Noah in her arms. He had been through a lot since the kidnapping and once he was free, she hugged him and he instantly fell asleep in her arms.
"Another bazaar case close." Jack said as he sees Selena leave. jack smiled seeing Noah in Adelays arms, not to mention those that were trapped by the magician. "Now if you'll excuse me..." He said and runs to her. "Wait..." he said holding her hand, "I have a question to ask you. It's only fair since you asked me." He turns to see the others staring. "But it has to be privae. Somewhere that you can use you psychic ability." he whispered in her ear.
Selene raised an eyebrow at him. With a slight nod, she takes him to her own trailer. It was temporary, but a trailer that suited her purpose in the case. There were magazine articles, folders, newspaper clipings and photos of her present cases. "What did you need to ask me, Jack?" She closed the door behind her and took off the metal poofed out contraption around her waist and set it on the floor. Going over to her table, she sat behind it, her legs crossed and her hands on the table. She was a psychic indeed. With her own crystal ball, tarot cards and other trinkets she used for pay and show.
"I get stright to the point because I know you're curious about it as well. Of course, I'll give you my payment once you give me the answer." He winked and sat down across from her. He takes his hat off and pulls his wallet out. Inside there was an old picture. On it was him, Selene and Demon. "Where's Demon Kene currently? I saw him 2 weeks ago while on another case." He said to her.
She looked up at him and didn't even look at the picture. She knew what it was. "Damon Kene." She stated and sighed. "He was paid to go after your vampire friend." Selene then took a glance down at his picture. "He's been currently in hiding." She didn't tell him about his recent trip to a certain maid's window. "But he's been hired to get rid of a woman." She frowned and leaned forward. "A were-cat actually." Selene murmured.
"A warecat? That's rare. Why would a slayer like him go after someone that isn't a vampire. I can only guess it's due to a common bond with her and a vampire." He said before taking the picture back. It made him sigh wishing that the good old days would come back. but that's going to be next to impossible now. It's all in the past now. Standing up he goes over to his friend and smiles. "So what payment will it be this time?" He smirked and caressed her cheek before his lips clashed with hers.
Selene smiled. "You know Damon. Always in it for the money. He doesn't care who he has to shoot to get it." She patted his shoulder once he kissed her. "Ah, Jack. Always so good with the ladies as I recall. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to take an I.O.U. tonight. I have to leave or else I won't make the 6 o'clock train back to Chicago." Standing up, she ran a gloved hand through her red hair and smiled.
"It's a bad habbit that me and Damon have, I know. But you us, we never turn a blind eye for beauty, including you. I guess that's why you deny us when were close to having sex with you." He laughs and hugs her. "Until we meet again." he whispers in her ear and smiles until leaving he trailer. He streched and walks back to the others. "I have to thank you for letting me borrow Mongo. I think were becoming friends now." He said to Haley and chuckled, but the white tiger roared at him causing Jack to jump again.
Haley laughed. "Mongo never much liked men. I think he's just comfortable with women." She stated and smiled at the detective. "But you're very welcome. I'm sure Mongo was very glad to help." She patted her tiger on the head and looked at him. Adelay chuckled at the display of Jack being scared of the white tiger. "I think its about time we go home." She began and started to take Noah to the car.
"Indeed." Logan replied as he follows her to the car. Max waved to both of them as he goes start it up. "Give them my thanks, they've been a big help. And tell Emilie, that her number one fan will be okay." Jack said and leaves with them. "First Damon, and now Selene. I fear if we do have a reunion, heads will be rolling thanks to Adelay. He thought as he got in the car.
Haley nodded and waved bye to them as they got into the car. "Okay! I'll tell her! Thank you!" She stated and watched them leave. Adelay had Noah's head in her lap after she got settled into the car and looked at Jack. "Thank you, Jack." She stated, looking out the window.
The car arrived home. and they all welcomed them back. Jack and Logan talked to Serenity as Max followes Adelay. Noah starts to stir and then opens his eyes. "M-mother..." he said quietly looking at Adelay seeing her, he isntanly clinged to her. "He real..." max said seeing his tears.
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