The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Bellini looked at the photo and smiled slightly. Remembering her younger sister she left behind awhile ago. Looking up at the detective she sighed. "I don't know. He and I don't normally get along. You'll have to ask around. There's a psychic who might help you. But she's not normally around when you want her to be."

Adelay watched the table fix it's self and she looked around. This man wasn't a normal magician. He used magic most never used. Raising an eyebrow, she walked over to the wall in the 'living room' putting her hand on the wall she closed her eyes and mumbled something in Latin. Bringing her wrist to her mouth, she bit into it hard. With two fingers, she dipped them into her own blood and drew a symbol on the wall. It was a curse and a warning that she will find him where ever he is. The blood quickly dried. It would be there forever. With one final lick to her wrist to clean the blood, her fangs retracted into her mouth and she walked out. Almost pulling the door off the hinges while doing so.
"A psychic that pops up anytime. Heh, that's the hilight of my day." Jack rarely believes in them except for Serenity whose powers are amazing. He thanked her and would be back if he had more questions. Looking for more answers, he decided to go to another trailer. He see ones at was ajar abit and heads there. He took a peek inside and blushed seeing a lady changing and topless. It soon turned to fear when he saw a tiger roared at him. "Tiger!" he said before falling over.

"Mistress." Logan said as he and Max heads over to her. They looked all over until they heard that a mad woman stormed into Simon's trailor. "Are you okay? Where have you gone? They said that when you entered that trailor, you vanished." Max said to her.
Haley quickly pulled her bustier top on under a plain white tee shirt and ran over to Mongo, her arms around the tiger's neck. "Easy, Mongo. It's okay." Looking at Jack, she glared. "You should probably knock before entering. Otherwise if there was no one in here, you would of been attacked."

Adelay looked at them and licked her lips. "Bastard won't admit he has Noah. I went in there to get him but he acted as if he didn't do anything of the sort." She paushed and looked around. "Where's the detective?"
"I heed to that advice. Last time I went through without knocking, I got creamed by a shovel." He said and touched his head remembering the pain. Mongorest around Haley while keeping a close eye on the detective. "Anyways, I apologize for the intrusion, but I'm on a case. There has been a kidnapping here and I think your magician is guilty of it." He showed her his badge and begins questioning her.

Both of then shrugged their shoulders. "By the time the car stopped, Jack got out and followed you. I'm guessing he got lost and decided to do his own investigation." Logan said then looked at her wrist. "You did something to the trailor?" Logan asked being curious about the wound she have.
Haley sat down on the couch with Mongo at her feet as she petted his head and scratched behind his ears. "The magician? Simon?" She questioned and squinted her eyes for a moment. "Oh." She stated and looked at Jack. "The little boy that he used in his perfomance." The red head smiled. "He was a very cute child." Then she frowned realizing that he was kidnapped. "Oh my. I can't believe that the magician would do such a thing." She stated.

Adelay looked at Logan. "Its nothing." She stated and looked around. "Lets look for the detective. Odds are he probably got himself killed already." She stated and then turned around, right in her face was a clown and she jumped a bit, holding her chest. "Don't do that." She warned.
"Oh really? I'm guessing you don't have anything against him." Jack said writing some info down. He looks at Mongo and he gave a low growl at the detective before purring when Haley started petting him. "Nice tiger, I think he likes me." Jack chuckled before Mongo roared at him again making him jump. "A-anyways was there a time that he talked to you? Or had a disagreement?" He asked the tamer.

"S-sorry..." Greg said pretending to weep. "I herd that you did the impossible and entered Simons' trailor. I had to see if your okay." The clown pulled a magnifying glass out of his hat and looks at her deeply. "You know you got scary eyes..." he sated before Logan pulled him back. "Alright clown, unless you want your last laugh, I suggest you leave the mistress alone." He said and Greg gasped. "Mistress? Are you related to the ringmaster?"
She patted the white tigers head and smiled, as she watched Jack jump. She thought a moment, her eyes traveling else where. "Hm." She tapped her fingers on the tiger's head. "I don't think so. We don't talk much though." She stated with a sideways smile. "I'm sorry. I don't think there's much I can do for you. If you ever need anything, Mongo doesn't like the magician. Animals have amazing instinct and a good sense of smell. If you need his animalistic talents, don't hesitate to ask."

Adelay raised an eyebrow at him and stared into the magnifying glass as he pushed it into her face to show her eyes. "No. I'm not related to your 'ringmaster'. And yes, I did go in that aweful trailer." She crossed her arms, the soles of her shoes twisting back and forth into the ground. "Have you seen a man with white hair? Wearing a long dark brown coat?"
"If he doesn't bite my head off first." Jack nod his head and walks over to mongo. Seeing him now relaxed he pet him as well. "You know, now that you mention it. "I might have to borrow your friend here. I'm fearing this kidnapping is beyond your typical magic trick." He nos his head to her and exits her trailor. He felt stumped at this point as he walk to another trailor. He touched it and already his had a bad feeing about it. He looks trough the window from behind the trailor and sees all sorts of posters and magic objects. "This must be Simons' trailor." He thought until he herd a gasp. His head quickly turns to see the aerial girl looking at him. "Yes?" he asked calmly.

"Hmmm....I did see one not too long ago. He was in search of someone and then met up with the ringmaster. By the looks of both their hair I thought that was her husband." Greg told the three. "That's Jack alright. But I doubt they're related either. Come to think of it, we don't even know about his past." max replied.
"You shouldn't be looking into his trailer." Her french accent was thick and she had a lolipop in her hand. "He doesn't like anyone around it." Emilie looked at him from underneath her hat. Her eyes blinking a few times. Of all the circus employee, she was the one who talked to the magician the most. Though they were brief conversations, they were longer than most.

Adelay looked at Max. He was right. They didn't know much about who he was. But she had a feeling that they were going to know at some point. "No. He's not her husband. But we do need to find him before the troublemaker gets lost or gets himself killed." With that, she moved around the clown and began searching for said detective.
"So I herd from the ringmaster." He said to the girl. By the looks of her and from the photo he saw Naomi holding, he smile and points to her. "You're Emilie. You the one that Noah had his eyes on throughout the show." He said in introduced himself. "That boy I talked about has gone missing and we feared that the said magician had kidnapped him. What do you know about him?" He asked her as his back rest against the trailor.
She looked at him. It must of been the boy whose cheek she carressed during her act. "I'm sorry." She said apologetically and turned around, hoping he would follow her. She led him to her own trailer, opening the door, she waited for him to walk inside before she closed the door behind her and walked inside. "Simon tends to let a lot of kids help him with his acts." She stated, and stuck the lolipop back into her mouth.
Jack followed Emilie to her trailer. By the looks of thing, Noah had a good eye on beauty. It seemed like she knows alot more then the other. A good chance to get some info about this mad magician. "I see, have you ever preformed with him?" He asked her. Thinking about it another question came to his mind. "What is the deal the ringmaster and Simon? I herd that they don't see eye-to-eye often." He asked.
She shook her head. "No. I've never performed with him, but I've watched him perform." She stated and climbed the rope she had in the trailer, wrapping it around one of her thighs, she dangled in the air. "Bellini and Simon never see eye to eye. They got into a huge fight once. He wanted to saw someone in half but she wasn't having it. She didn't want anyone getting hurt." She licked the lolipop and swang back and forth. "I think he just wanted to have alittle fun. But Bellini was right. If something went wrong, then we'd be in a lot of trouble."
"Alright. Tell me, have you experience anything 'off' about him. When I placed my back against his trailor. I could sense a dark vibration filling that area. Also, has anyone ever been inside his trailer? I willing to bet that our captive is in there." He said looking up ay her. His looks at her swinging back and forth, nearly getting dizzy. It was at that moment he felt another presense. He turns quickly but saw no one.
She frowned at him and sat up back up, swinging as she sat in the air, with only the rope holding her up. "Someone tried going into his trailer once before." She stated and started spinning in circles before she fell down the rope, almost hitting the ground. "He got really, really mad. Almost quit the circus." She stated and bit a piece off the sucker. "I don't know why. Its only a trailer. I think may he's hiding something in there." She climbed back up the rope again.
"Some people have secrets so deep that it would drive them into a frenzy. Simon is no different. He closed his notebook and managed to go to her ear. "You should see him again. I have a feeling you won him over." He said refering to Noah. He tips his hat to her before leaving. He takes a few steps forward and sees the others looking around for him. He runs over to them and smile. "Where the hell have you been?" Logan asked the detective. "Besides getting my head ripped off by a white tiger, no where in preticular." He replied. Where have you been?" Jack asked Adelay.
Adelay looked at Jack and crossed her arms. "I went after the damn magician. He pretended that he didn't even have Noah." She cracked her knuckles. "Once I get my hands on him, I'm going to tear him apart." She snarled, her teeth bared but her fangs hidden so know one knew that he teeth retracted to expose fangs.

"Wait! Detective?" Haley ran up to them, Mongo was on a silver chained leash. And there was something in his mouth. "I-I found this in my trailer. After you left. It was in my room on my bed. Mongo sniffed it out and picked it up." The white tiger held Noah's black top hat in his mouth. "I seen the same hat in the picture that you gave me. Noah was wearing it."
Jack turns his head to he Haley and Mongo. He pets the white tiger and he lets got of the hat. Examineing it, he noticed his name on the inside of the rim. He hands it to Logan so he could examine it. "Yeah, it's his alright." Logan confirmed to the others. "This doesn't make sense. Why is it there when it was the magician that took him?" Max asked and Jack tapped his chin. "A possible frame job. I've seen it alot. Did anything happened when you were inside the trailer?" he asked Adelay. Logan intervened and said, "I do remember seeing no one inside when I popped my head in there. But after i turned around, Max and I saw the mistress in a huff." That sounded weird, yet possible. "Haley, I'd like to boorrow Mongo for a few minutes. I have a feeling this magician isn't human at all, literally." He said.
Haley looked at Adelay, Logan and Max before she looked back to Jack and nodded, She handed him the chain and knelt down to her tiger. "Mongo, Jack is going to take you to see that mean ol' magician. You be good." She kissed his nose and stood back up, looking at the detective. "Don't you let Simon hurt Mongo, or I will hurt you." She stated, her hand resting on Mongo's giant tiger head. Adelay looked down at the beast and smiled. It was a beautiful creature who loved his owner and friend. "If you find out what the magician is, I want to know."
Mongo licked Helays cheek as jack nod to her. "I have a feeling he won't be involved in this. He said and moves on with him. Logan sees that look in Adelays eyes when she saw the white tiger He leans over and whispers in her ear. "If you do get one, I refuse to train it. I like my body intact after all."

Jack walks mongo closer to the magicians trailer. Already, Mongo starts to go a bit wild as they got closer. "Easy there, I did promise her no harm will befall you." The two finally made it to the front of the trailer, but they see someone already there. The white tiger growled as the detective easily smirked. "Miss. Bellini told me that you'll appear when I least expected it. I must admit I forgotten about you." He said figuring that it was the psychic she talked about.
Adelay smirked while she listened to Logan in her ear. "Don't worry. I already have a hard enough time keeping up with all of you. I don't need a big cat in my castle, tearing up my curtains and chasing after you all for breakfast." She smirked and Haley shook her head. "If you train it right, and feed it when you're supposed to, you won't have problems." She ran a gloved hand through her hair and looked around. Everyone was getting ready to practice for their routines. She didn't have to, Mongo pretty much knew what they did. She just hoped they'd be alright.

Madame Selene inhaled on her cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke. Her lips formed into a smirk. "Well, Jack. I wouldn't miss the party now would I." She flicked the cigarette against her side, the ashes falling to the ground as she did. "Well," she put the end of the cigarette holder into her mouth. "Are you going to open the door or not?" She stated, her gloved hands setting on her hips before her eyes glanced down at the tiger.
"Long time, no see Selene. I must admit that I invisioned you to be the psychic she talked about." Jack was fully familiar with the red head as he walks over to her. Unlike Damon, he was fully okay with her mystic ways, not to mention her figure. "how long has it been...three, four years since we 'talked'?" He takes the cigarette holder and placed it in his mouth just for the hell of it. "I have a funny feeling you already know what he truely is." He opens the door and the three heads on in. However inside the trailer, was only Selena and Jack. He noticed that Mongo was gone, yet he knew he had the chain wrapped around his arm. "Another demention..." the detective sighed looking at her.
"Hmmm almost four." She stated, taking the cigarette holder back out of his mouth and stuck it back into hers, taking a long inhale. When she walked in, she looked around. "Yes and no." She stated, flicking the ashes of her cigarette anywhere she pleased. "We're in the same dimension but yet we're not." She gave a smirk, noticing the chain had no animal at the end. "Keep a hold of that chain, love. He's still at the end of it." She put her cigarette out on the table and put the holder away. "Its like a dream realm. We know we're sleeping yet we move around in the dream. We're still in our demension, but its not our own anymore."
"Very perceptice of you psycho...I mean psychic." Simons' voice was loud and echoed around the room. "Welcome to my world, where I rule all." The trailer began to shake and within an istant the two of them were standing on the ceiling. "Well I did predicted the mad part of it." Jack said and added. "All joking aside, where's Noah as well as all the other people you kidnapped?"

Mongo gave out a loud roar as if he was calling for help. They herd it and began to follow the sound. "I have a feeling our detective is in trouble...again." Max told Haley and Adelay. "Yeah, but since when doesn't he stay out of trouble?" Logan asked.
Selene chuckled. "You're funny, magician. Real funny. He has them here somewhere. But they're not what they seem." She stated, feeling the urge to light another cigarette. Looking around she lifted her feet, looking down. "Watch yourself, Simon. Or else you'll be getting foot prints on your ceiling that you can't wipe off." That's when she spotted it. The symbol on the wall. "You're vampire friend." She looked to Jack. "She made that on the wall there."

Haley ran to the sound of her tiger roaring. "He seems like one to always get into trouble." She stated, running along side Adelay. The vampiress stopped infront of the magician's trailer and sighed. "Your tiger's in there."
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