The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Adelay looked down at the boy and smiled. "It was entertaining." She stated and patted him on the head. Serenity looked at Logan and nodded. "Yeah. Its very good. Better than I imagined as a child." The Ringleader rode around the ring as the clowns cleaned up.

"Now, after a belly of laughs, we're going to charm you with an aerial act. From ropes to silk, I give you the Amazing Emilie!" The lights dimmed and one spot light settled on a girl in the high-tops with a long string of white silk next to her, she waved at the crowd and wrapped the silk around her left leg as she slid down to the floor. Emilie bowed and began climbing up the silk.
Noah smiled as Adelay said that. It made him happy to see her smile. Once he turned to see the next act, his heart nearly stopped. He looked at her as she preformed high in the skies. Everyone was looking up at her, but only Noah was looking you with his face a blushing red. "Wow...." he said quietly.
She walked up the silk, and held on with one arm as she twisted the fabric around her waist and thighs. She was now hanging upside down and blowed a kiss to the audience before she let go, falling and being tossed down to the floor but she stopped just inches from her death and climbed back up the silk.

Naomi looked at her brother blushing and giggled. "She is pretty, huh. And very cool. I thought she was going to fall."
Noah simple nod his head at his sisters' response. His eyes was completely stuck on Emillie as she preforms. Logan looks at Noah noticing that he was the only one standing up. He looked closed and chuckled seeing his blushing face. "I think someone's in love." Logan said to Serenity as he watches them again.
Serenity leaned forward and looked at Noah and smiled softly at Logan. "Its cute." She stated. Emilie swang the silk back and forth until she was on the top. The silk was wrapped around her waist and her legs where spread out, stretching outward. As she swang about, she spotted a young boy standing up seperately from the crowd. She smiled and slid down the silk and wrapped it around her right leg and her right hand grasped the fabric as she swang all the way to the boy, her soft fingers carressing Noah's cheek before she swang back and did one last dive before climbing back up and wrapping the silk around her thighs and waist, sitting in mid-air.
Noah face got redder as she caressed his cheek. Sure, Adelay did that before, but this one was different. His hert started to beat faster and his body felt warm. It was very obvious that the laundry male was falling in love. They see the act was coming to a close, but he was still stand through it all. "You can relax now." Logan whisper to him. he turned and nod his head before sitting back down.
Naomi covered her mouth with her hand as she giggled.

Emilie waved before diving forward, her body twirling and flipping as she made her way to the ground. Just inches before, her feet landed gracefully and she bowed as the Ringleader came back and stood beside her. "Lets here it for the Amazing Aerial Artist Emilie!" She clapped along with the crowd as the girl climbed back up the silk to the circus tops. Bellini then held her sceptor close, and the lights came back on. "Now we're going to get dangerous and introduce you to the Maiden of the Jungle!" It was then a white tiger was put into a large cage with a girl. "Meet Haley and Mongo!"
The magician heads out of the trailer. and walks over to the big ten along the he sees Emillie and tips his white hat to her. "Brillant as usual." He said stopping her. "I can hear the wild woman about to entain the crowd so I must prepare." He chuckled trying to start an idle conversation with her.

Mongo growled and walked aroun Haley as some dramatic music began to play. He teeth were flashed an he licks them thinking on how much he would love to feast upon her. The crown were on the edge of their seat hoping Haley would be alright with the white tiger stalking his prey.
Emilie smiled, and tipped her own hat to him. "Thank you, monsieur." Her french accent was thick and she winked at him. "Good luck." She stated, patting him on the shoulder as she passed him.

Haley smiled at him. "Alright, Mongo. Lets give them a good show, shall we." She whispered and cracked her black whip against the cage making a loud crack and a clang noise from the metal. She circled around, her eyes upon the white tiger as he circled his prey. She also had a few other objects in the cage as well. A stick, a chair and a hoop.
"Merci." He said tipping his hat to her again. He watched the performance as he sees the ringleader as well. Of all that he sees in the circus, she was the only person that he doesn't see eye-to-eye with. He doesn't say a word to her, he just nod his head before resuming looking at the act.

Once Mongo herd the whip crack he gave a loud roar. To the crowd it was as if he was ready to pounce. However, just to the two of them, it was a signal in which says that he is ready to preform with her. Knowing her commands he frist leaped from the floor onto the chair and waits for her next command.
Bellini looked at the magician and didn't say anything while Haley continued her show. She didn't much like the magician. He was odd. And since she was in the circus, she had come to meet a lot of odd people. But he sent shivers down her back when he smirked. She didn't like it much.

Haley smiled at him. "Good boy." She stated softly before going over to the hoop. Cracking the whip again, she held it up and away from her body so he could jump through it.
He gave a grin as he contined watching the act. He showed off his teeth as he leaned against a pole. All the while he held a silver dollar in his hand and twirls it around and around. "Just make sure no one goes into my trailer. We don't want any accidents to happen like last time." He said to her with out looking at her.

Mongo twitched his nose as he looks at the hoop. The crack of the whip was his signal to move. He gave a pouncing like leap and cleared the hoop with ease. The crowd clapped as he circles around Haley once again.
Bellini scoffed and rolled her eyes. Of course they don't want anymore mishaps. It almost cost them the whole show last time. All because one of the clowns wanted to go inside and get something. The magician had to be a drama-queen about his trailer. Then so be it.

She smiled at him and reached into the pocket of her skirt. Finding a stand, she put the hoop into the holders and lit the hoop on fire. "Okay Mongo. Just like we practiced. You can do it." She circled around the hoop and cracked the whip once more, waiting for the magnificient tiger to jump through the hoop.
"I didn't hear an answer, Ms. Bellini. Or maybe you do want me to quit. It doesn't matter much to me this circus has been a total drag." His skills as a magician was greats, but his manners towards some people including the ringmaster needed some help. Simon LaBleu turns to look her in the eyes. "If only he was still the ring leader, then maybe the profit would still be at its peak." He chuckles at the cold response he gave, knowing full well how to push her buttons.

Growling at the firey hoop, Mongo simply glares at the fire. The twins held onto each other hoping the white tiger doesn't get burned. A drumroll was played as he herd the cracking of the whip. He laped through the firey hoop and landed on his feet unburned. He gave a big roar as the audiance applauds.
Bellini growled and crossed her arms over her chest, her foot tapping on the ground. He was really pushing her this time. "No. I won't let anyone in your trailer." She stated, ignoring his pompous, egotistical attitude. Maybe if she ignored him like a pest, he'd go away. Fixing her hat on the top of her head, she cracked her knuckles with her sceptor in her hand.

She smiled and threw water onto the hoop and the flame steamed and died. Rolling up the whip, she smiled and bowed, going over to the tiger and hugged him around the neck. "Good boy." She stated and scratched his ear. Hooking a leash around the giant collar around his neck, she opened the cage and got off the stage with him.
Mongo purred and licked her cheek for the great preformance. The two heads out as the walked passed Bellini and Simon. He gave a low growl to Simon only as the left the tent. Rolling his eyes, he takes his cane and nod to the ringleader that he was ready to wow the crowd.
Haley looked up at the magician and patted Mongo's head as she pulled him back. "Come on, Mongo. Lets get you a big juicy steak." She said happily and went with him to his large cage. Bellini watched the tiger and Haley leave and then glanced at Simon. She inclined her head to him and walked out into the ring. Twirling her sceptor in her hand, she stood on the stool again. "Wasn't that amazing?!" She stated, clapping her hands. "Okay. Now for the show you all have been waiting for, the Mystical Magician, Simon LeBleu!"
The arena went dark as one light shine upon him. He moved his hat and bowed to the crowd before he made the hat float in midair. He the removed his cape and shoes and made them float as well. It was as if he made a duplicate of himself without the actual body. Waving his hands the invisable magican he created started to dance. It twirled around wowing the crowd and give off huge applauds. He pulled out a green blanket and draped the invisable magician over it. He pulls it out to show it in a green hat, cape and shoes. Finally he takes a checkerd patteren blanket and wrapped both him and the green costume in it. "Magic!" He called out and he appeared in a checkered pattern suit. with matching hat, cape and shoes. "Thank you all." He said as they cheered loudly.
Adelay sat back and crossed her leg over the other, her arms crossed and she settled in her chair as she watched the show. Her eyes were planted on the magician as the crowd clapped. Noah and Naomi were making 'ooh's' and 'ah' sounds. Serenity smiled at Logan and grasped his hand as she watched the show.
"Ladies and genltemen, For this trick I need a volunteer from the crowd." He said and thr people started raising their hands, including the twins. He gazed upon the crowd and used his cane to point. "You there good sir." He said pointing to Noah. He gasped and chuckled as he gooes down to meet him. He shook his hand and points to a medium sized box.

He takes him into the box and closes it up. Grabbing a flashlight, it showed a silhouette of Noah. He grins at the crowd before turning the flashlight off. The held the box with both hands and begin squeezing it smaller and smaller until it was in the shape of an ice cube. Clutching in his hand, he tosses it and the cube became a dove. The crowd clapped, but it caused some to whonder where he had gone.
Adelay squinted her eyes at the magician. He didn't seem right. Naomi's mouth became a large 'O' and she clapped with the crowd. Serenity smiled and leaned forward in her chair to watch the magician as she continued to hold Logan's hand. Naomi swung her legs back and forth in the chair as she waited for her brother to appear somewhere. She looked around and then to the dove and the magician.
The dove flew around and arena until it anded behind Adelay. Behind her was Noah, petting the dove that was pearched on his shoulder. "Did you see? Did you see? That was amazing!" Noah chuckled. The crowd stood and see him and that all cheered for Simon. "Thank you! You all have been wonderful." He said as he sees Bellini come out.
Adelay looked at Noah and inclined her head to him. Naomi laughed. "That was so cool!" She stated and scrambled in her seat. Bellini walked out to the middle of the arena and did a little jig. "Alright everyone! That's our show. We are so glad that you could come and see our amazing friends and people we call our family! Please take a look around, we have animals, a petting zoo and you can even buy a broucher our staff will autograph for you!"
Max was relaxing in the car as he sees the five coming towards them. They had some food and some toys which made him smile. "I'm guessing you all had a good time. The cooks have prepared dinner, so we can eat once we're home." Mas tells them as he opens the door for them. "Thank you Max, and how about the detective. Has he settled in yet?" Logan asked and he nod his head. "He said there was one more iten he needed to get before he's completely done." Max replied.
Adelay let the children in first before she climbed in with Logan and Serenity in toe. Naomi smiled and ate her cotton candy. "Look Serenity! I got Haley's autograph and a picture of Mongo." She showed her as she at the light blue, sweet treat in a bag in her lap. Adelay smiled at the girls excitment and looked at Noah. "So, Noah. How did you appear behind us?" Adelay questioned him as the car started up.
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