The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Adelay stopped and raised an eyebrow. "A demon?" She asked, looking at Jack. "Why didn't I see that before?" Moving her hair over she shoulder, she wiped the dirt off her hands and knees. Well that was fun while it lasted. "And how did you know that?"

She turned her head to Logan and offered him a kind smile. "Thank you." She stepped over him and bent down. "I'm not a psycho. It is you who has lost his mind." With sad eyes, she stood back up and made her way deeper into the maze to look for her aunt.
Jack picks him up and shhok his head. "No, he's human." He replied as the imposter trembls in fear. "Like I said before, I've worked with Damon plenty of time. We knows each other like the backs of our hands." Jack points to his hair and pulls it to show a green wig. Tossing it aside, he then points to his eyes. "Damons' eyes are purple, not blue." He tells her before droping him to the ground.

"You bastard..." Kevin looked up at him as Logan shook his head. "I'm not like you, so I woun't kill you. I'll let the proper athorities handle this, if the real mistress doesn't gets her hands on you first." With that, he walks over him and searches for Sophia with Serenity.
"Then where's the real slayer?" She questioned, her eyes going red again. She stood there, looking at Jack as she dropped the male human to the ground. Walking over to him, her fangs extended in her mouth and she hissed. "Where's Damon!" She grabbed him by his shirt and fisted her hands into the material.

"Aunt Sophie?" Serenity questioned. She stepped around the corner to be slapped across the face hard enough for her to fall to the ground. With an 'oomph' she fell onto her side and scrambled onto her back. Her looked down at her and grabbed her by her hair. "You have caused enough trouble, child. Your mother and her band of misfits have irritated me for the last time." She pulled her head back and exposed Serenity's throat. "Now I'm starting to wonder if taking you back to the asylum or if killing you would be the best choice."
"Probbly already gone. I assume he saw your true self and collected all that data. By now, he's probbly long gone so you won't be able to catch him." Jack could see the rage in her eyes. If looks could kill, then a whole country of people would have parished. Being calmed about it, Jack pulls away from her. "Killing me won't make him come back. He doesn't give two shits about me. Besides, you still have your sister-in-law." Jack said and takes her back to her castle.

"Do either of those and it'll be the last thing you ever do!" Logan pointed his sword at her. Though a gentleman, he wouldn't heasitate to kill. Espically if the lives of his mistress or his girlfriend were at stake in all this. "I've already delt with your useless butler. You got nothing left. It's over, you lost, and I know Ms. Adley will be here any time now."
Adelay let the man go and went with him back to her castle. It would be nice to step on her own ground again. It was the awful truth but she hadn't had this much trouble with anyone since even before she was married. Being in a cabin, almost touched by the sun and staked almost in the heart. And she felt this was only the beginning of many more adventures to come. Especially when this came from being friends with the detective.

"Wait, Logan." Serenity stressed out as her aunt's grip on her hair loosened. "I can take care of this." Sophie grinned and looked down at her niece as her grip on her hair tightened ten-fold. The pink haired woman winced in pain and held her aunt's wrist. Her eyes closed and she pulled the older woman down, her fingers slipped from her soft hair. "Let go of my hair."
As they ran, Jack began to think. Okay, so her sister-in-law raided her house, called it her own, broke a priceless vase, ripped some pages from some of her books, changed the curtains to show sunlight during the day, threw an aristocratic party, and had her servents abused, humiliated, and forced slave labor. No way in hell was he going to tell her that! "Um Adelay...I want you to know...when you get to your home, it wasn't the servents fault." He said to her.

Logan was a bit worried but acknowledged Serenity's request. He puts down his sword and sees what Serenity had in store. He believes in her, no doubt, but he will intervene if anything bad happens to her.
She looked at him and jumped over a bush easily. "What are you saying, detective?" She stated and swung from a branch, getting four or so feet ahead of him and stopped so he could catch up to her. By this time she was worried for her castle. "What did they not do."

Sophie let go of her niece's hair before she landed on the ground. Serenity rubbed the back of her head and began to stand up. "Why did you put me in that God awful place?" She questioned, running a hand through her hair as her aunt began to stand up. "Because you're crazy. That's why." The older woman fixed her clothes as she stood up. "I'm not crazy. If anyone deserves the title of crazy it's you."
"Well...." Sure, he said that there was no way in hell that he would tell her. And he stuck to it like glue. He looks ahead and sees the castle in sight. "You you want to know, I suggest you head inside and see for yourself. I'll look for the other and help out as much as I can." He lets her run up ahead as he goes arounf the back of the castle. There he sees Kevin on the ground bleeding. Sighing he cuffs him.
Sophie laughed and shook her head. "No my dear. You've been here too long. These people think you're normal? Really? And you actually think your mother and her servants love you?" She held her stomach as she laughed. Serenity stayed silent. "They don't love you. Especially that mother of yours. That's why she got rid of you." Serenity looked away with her eyes closed. As if the simple act alone could block out her aunt. "Oh? Did that hurt your feelings? I'm so sorry. But you needed to know. You see, vampires; as damned as they are, cannot feel emotion. Let alone love. As a child of a vampire, you are damned yourself. Honestly, you were never supposed to be. Forever you will always see the dead. You're only friends are dead." She laughed and shook her head. "Don't you think that's hilarious?"

Adelay walked up the stairs to the large doors to her home. Glaring slightly at the door, she clicked it open and walked inside. What she seen angered her to high levels. Her floors were dirty. Champagne and glass all over her marble floors. A few small puddles of blood in the middle of the room. Her curtains were open as was the balcony doors. A high floral smell was everywhere. Too many of her precious flowers were cut from the gardens and put in vases. And this was just the ball room. Sophie. That bitch! Running out the door to the balcony, she landed in the garden just at the enterance to the maze. Passing Kevin and Jack she snarled at them and made her way to the middle of the nice sized maze. "Don't you think that's hilarious?" She heard and stepped out of the shadows into the moonlight. "I don't think that's funny at all."
Logan shifted his eyes to the left to hee Adelay there, in all of her pissed off glory. He took a step back knowing he would die if her got in her way. "Welcome back, milady." He said and turned to Sophia. "Tell me something, if you said was true, then why did you blackmail the master?" He asked knowing he struck a nerve. "You see all the servents here know the truth of what you did to him, the mistress and Serenity. Did you really think you could get away with something so low as this. I'm soory, but you're not going to fool any of us anymore, espically your own niece." Logan walks over to the pink haired maden and holds her. "As for being loved, we all do. Even Adelay herself. Why wouldn't she be here if she she knew that her only daughter was in danger?" With that she turns Serenity's head a bit so the vampiress could see the slap print Sophia caused on her cheek.
Serenity held onto Logan and trembled ashamed of what she let happen when he moved her head to show her cheek to her mother. Adelay turned to her sister-in-law so quick it could break a mortal neck. In a heart beat she had the woman against the maze wall by her neck. "You bitch. You think you can come in here and take over my castle and throw my daughter back into the asylum like she was yesterday's news." She tightened the grip around the woman's neck, which caused her to struggle for breath. But she wouldn't kill her, atleast not yet. "You're not so smart as I thought you were." Unclutching her hand, she let the woman fall to the ground, holding her aching neck. "I should of killed you a long time ago when I had the chance. Your own brother kept me from doing so. Now that he's no longer here, I don't think there's anyone who feels any pity for you."
"I don't." Logan said as he kisses the bruise on Adelays cheek. "Looks like your theory's wrong. Sophia Turner, you're under arrest for kidnapping, breaking and entering and conspericy to atempted murder." Jack said walking to her. Jack placed some cuffs on her before looking at Adelay. "Are you sure about this? This is the woman that hired a slayer to kill you." He replied and got Sophia up.
Sophie hissed as she was pulled up by her wrists. Adelay looked down at her emotionless and bared her fangs at her. The woman pulled away from Jack, thinking the animal was going to bite her. The vampiress laughed, it was slightly evil, but it was a laugh nontheless. "She'll get what she deserves in prison. If she ever gets out, I won't have any problem finding her. And if I still feel bitter about it, then I'll kill her." Smirking, she put her hands on her hips. "Now, I have a castle to clean because a filthy rat decided to go in like they own the place and make a mess."
Jack smiled and nod his head. He sighed with relief seeing that this whole mess had came to a close. twenty for hours had past since that night. Jack decided to stay and help clean up the mess. It was the least he could do. Logan was happy to be with Serenity and everything seemed to be cak to normal, if there was a normal. As like every case coming to an end, Jack was in Adelay's room. This time however, it was he who requested to see Adelay. He thought about it long and hard throughout the day and he had confirmed his decision.
Adelay was dressed properly when she opened the door to her room. Her hair was pulled back and she wore a dark red velvet dress with a victorian broche in the middle of her front collar. Closing the door behind her, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him. "I thought you'd be gone by now, Mr. Holiday. What did you want to speak to me about?" She asked, walking across the room to her chair, taking a moment to smooth her dress, she sat down next to the candle lit stand and crossed her legs.
Jack scratched his head before looking at his hat. He closed his eyes and and remembered all that had happened ever since he got that mysertious ring and a distress letter. He chuckled at all the wierd events he had with all he met and all the dangers he experienced as well. From arguing with others to having sex during the night. He walks up to her and smiles. "I want to live here." He simply told her.
She looked up at him, her eyebrow rose. "You want to live here." She repeated. "That is a rather odd question, seeing as you talked so well about Chicago and how nice it is." She set her elbows on the arms of the chair, her hands lacing together while her chin rested upon them, a gleam in her eye. She knew that with all he had done for them, she couldn't deny him if he wanted to really be here. "But," she sighed. "If that is what you wish, than your room is permanently yours. Just don't cause too much chaos, detective. I've already got my castle clean. I don't need it tore up again."
Call it selfish, call it crazy, but this is what the detective wanted. He smiles and nod his head before going around to Adelay. "I rarely do. Besides, the city was getting to boring and I have more fun here." With a smirk on his face, he gets the vampiress out of her chair and against the wall. "And if I may, theres another reason why I want to be here..." He told her as his body was pressed against hers and he gives Adelay a deep kiss.
She growled against his lips when she felt the wall at her back. She was rarely backed against the wall and she was lucky she didn't lash out at him. Her red eyes closed and her lips pressed softly, yet coldly against his. Her hand reached up to grab his collar, pulling him closer to her.
He was glad he didn't get killed due to that. he has really fallen for the vampiress and it showed. He didn't know why, but it drove him crazy. His hips grind against hers as he lets his tongue feel her fags and her tongue. "I know you still have some rage in you and that you haven't feast since your kidnapping. I don't mind if you take it out on me. Get as dominanyt as you please...mistress." He whispered in her her before kissing her again.
Her eyes flashed red for a moment before she closed them and kissed him back. Her fangs grazed the skin of his bottom lip and she growled deep in her throat. Pushing off the wall a bit, she pulled her dress up, rubbing her thigh against his hip and moved her hips against his as he grinded into her.

Serenity opened her eyes and turned over onto her back. Staring up at the ceiling, she blinked a few times and sat up. Her hair probably looked like a rats nest, but she didn't care. Pulling the covers off of her, she let her bare feet touch the floor and the light blue silk night gown she wore touched the floor. Going to the door, she yawned and turned the door knob in search of Logan.
Jack smiled as she lifted her dress up. Her growl sent him into a frenzy. Lust filled his eyes as his hand toucjed her smooth cold leg. Though he's feeling her body now, he wanted to really fell it. He breaks the kiss and unzips the back on her dress. "Lteeing it slip off her, Jack removed his shirt and pants. Only in their underwear, his body rubs up against her and kisses her neck.

Logan was in his room feeling relieved and relaxed in his room. He spent most of the day polishing his sword collection. He hated the fact that Kevin tainted them with his hands. After another strech, he got up and open the door to see Serenity down the hall.
Adelay hissed out of her mouth softly and leaned her head back, exposing the creamy white skin of her neck while he kissed it. Running her tongue over her lips, she gripped the back of his shoulders, holding him against her while her leg still looped around his waist and her dress fell to the floor.

Serenity rubbed her arms as she walked down the hall. Everyone was in their rooms taking a break due to them working so hard to get the castle cleaned. She really enjoyed her mother being the mistress than her aunt. Watching as a door opened, she smiled seeing Logan. "Good morning." She said softly, bowing to him.
"Why? Why do you have to be this good to drive me this wild?" He asked Adelay as he licked her neck. He looked it to her red eyes to giver a quick kiis before removing her bra and panties. He removed his boxers before lying on the bed. He held her naked body as she was on top. He did say for her to dominate. Thought they both were, he wouldn't mind it at all.

Logan smiled and bows to her. "Good morning, sleep well?" He asked before letting her in his room. Though it was very clean he still claims that it was still dirty. "Forgive the mess." he said making up the bed. Once complete he kisses her lips and chuckles. "So how may I help you?"
She smirked and instantly moved to take him into her wet cavern. The feeling of him inside her made her moan. Her nails ran down his chest and she rocked her hips against him once before leaning down to sink her fangs into his neck. His metalic blood flowed into her mouth and she purred at the taste. Her eyes closed, she began to suck the dark red, warm liquid into her mouth.

Serenity smiled and looked around his room. "Its not a mess at all." At the looks of it, it was probably cleaner than her room in the asylum. And that was pretty tidy. Her lips felt warm and tingly after he kissed him and she wrapped her arms around him. Her arms vertically on his back, she held him close while her head laid on his chest to listen to his heart. "I just wanted to thank you."
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