The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Mercedes shook her head. "I can't look after her. Mr. Kene wants me to join him for the party." She stated with a slight frown. Elizabeth smiled slightly and thanked Shawn, but her arm wasn't hurting as badly as she did earlier. Turning her attention to Jack she shrugged. "Its okay. I was only sitting on the stairs taking a small break. I had cleaned the whole ball room and curtains before that. And I over worked myself. After the incident I was going to go back to cleaning but Logan insisted that I took a break for a while. After I eat I'll finish cleaning." She looked at Mercedes. "I can look after Serenity if you wish. I don't mind at all."
"Right then, I'll be in Logans room. Tell him to meet me there." He said to Elizabeth. After lunch, the twins followed Elizabeth to the cellar. The two of the carried the clothes and blankets while they let her handle the food.

Damon woke up ninety minutes before all the guest were to arrive. He heads over to Mercedes and held her from behind. "Hey there beautiful. I had a lovely dream about you." he said acknolodging the scent of her perfume. "I hope you're aready for our date tonight." He added.
Elizabeth knocked on the door and opened it with the twins behind her. Serenity was sleeping with her night gown back on and the large petticoat that she wore as a cushion from the uncomfortable hay. The twins ran inside and put the things down before waking her up. They giggled silently as she stretched. "We brought you clothes and stuff." They said happily jumping around. Elizabeth clicked the door closed and locked it behind her, throwing the keys to Logan. "Jack said he'd be in your room. He has a plan set for attack during the party."

Mercedes was currently finishing the work she had to do and jumped slightly at the arms that formed around her. Smiling, she leaned back into Damon and closed her eyes mostly because she was tired. "Did you?" She flirted. "I would love to hear about it, but I have to start getting ready for our date. But when the party comes, I would love nothing more than to hear about your dream." Her voice was soft and light. She knew what she'd be wearing tonight. She just had to take a short bath and get ready.
Logan was back in his suit and smiled as he ate. It almost looked as if nothing happened after their moment of pleasure. "Thank you guys. I'll shall be on my way. Just make sure you keep it silent. The walls are thin after all." He said before hugging Serenity. "Thank you..." He whispered before heading out.

Just as he exits, Kevin appered before him. "Hello..." He said before kicking him in the gut back into the cellar. He walks on top of him and sees Sophia's darling niece. "Ah, Lady Serenity. It has been a while." He said with a sadistic smile on his face.
Serenity stammered back, now she was freaking out. Looking around, she got to her feet. Elizabeth stayed silent and looked around as well. "H-hello Kevin. It's not so much of a pleasure to see you." Serenity called, looking down at Logan hoping he was okay. The twins didn't dare move to attack Kevin, knowing they were too small. Other than the door behind Kevin, there was no way to escape. Elizabeth moved over to stand infront of her, wishing she had a weapon. The twins took that moment to run for the door, one on the other side of the room and the other on the other. So if one got caught, the other could escape.
Kevin sees this and only stopped Noah. He tossed him back towards Elizabeth and Serenity before going after Naomi. Logan grabbed his ankles and stopped him. "You bastard..." Kevin galred and kicked him hard again. "I guess I got to settle with four."

Jack was still waiting as he herd Damon and Mercedes head down the hall. "You're in luck. I told Sophia about it and you now have the rest of the day off. Go rest up and I'll see you there. He said before going in the opposite direction. He sees Naomi rush pass him and thought nothing of it.
Mercedes nodded, seeing Naomi pass them down the hall. It was odd because Noah wasn't with her. That only caused her to get worried. Naomi seen Jack out of the corner of her eye. She was on the verge of tears, clinging to his clothes, she pulled him into the room making sure that Damon didn't see them. Closing the door, she breathed. "Jack. Kevin found us he's got Serenity and Elizabeth and Logan and Noah down stairs." She held her face in her hands.

Serenity held her chest and winced when he kicked Logan. It was Elizabeth who went over to see if Logan was okay. Hopefully her and Logan could grab Kevin while Serenity ran out. It wasn't the best plan and it could probably get them killed, but it was a plan nontheless.
"What..." He said and gently pets her head. "Shh, not more tears. I'll save them." He hugs her tightly and wiped her tears. "He begin thinking about the castle and he smirked. This was becoming a game of chess to him. "Naomi, go to the Attic and hide. I have a feeling that's there they'll move to." He whispered to her.

Logan dived and pinned down Kevin. "Serenity, Elizabeth. Run!" He shouts. as he handles Kevin. "I'll be fine." Kevin squirmed and elbows him more. He grabs Elizabeth, but growls seeing his main target escape.
She nodded her head and wiped her tears away. Opening the door, she made sure no one was around before going to Adelay's study. Sophie wasn't there, she was probably getting ready. Pressing a secret button hidden in the wall, the book case opened up and she ran inside before it closed.

Serenity ran out of the room with the clothes that the twins had given her, Noah ran after her as well. Elizabeth moved to kick Kevin. "That's for hurting my arm!" She shouted as the door closed behind them. Noah held Serenity's hand and led her through halls to get to the closest place next to Adelay's study. There, he led her into the secret enterance to a part of the attic. Naomi was hidding behind a few boxes when they arrived. Noah went to see if she was okay and Serenity was quickly getting dressed in a pair of Nicole's jeans and a slightly big t-shirt. It was easier to maneuver in since she was practically wearing dresses all the time. Her feet were still bare, but she didn't care. She was really worried for more than just her mother now. It was also for Logan and Elizabeth. Searching the boxes she tried desperately to find some weapon of some sort. She had to go back and save them.
Kevin out powered both of the and tied them up. He drags both of them to Serenity who was in the bedroom getting ready. "I found the girl, she's still here, but these two idiots let her escape." he said tossing them to her feet. I think a nice, painful show would help entertain the guest, right milady?" He said to her.

Jack moved about as well as Damon. They nerly saw each other as the detective head into the study and Damon heads into Mercedes room. Jack noticed a row of books down except for one. He goes and finds a button and presses it. It lead him to the attice where he sees Serenity. sighing and the twins hugging each other and crying.
Sophie grasped Elizabeth's chin hard and made her wince. "Yes, Kevin." She stated with a gleam in her eye. "I believe a show would be very entertaining." With that she pushed Elizabeth out of her grasp, the pink haired girl looked at Logan, her green eyes worried. She didn't exactly know what this meant but she knew it wasn't good.

She pink haired girl was desperately searching boxes, she found a rusty hunting knife which was in her pocket. The light blue jeans were ripped at the knees and hugged her thighs and hips. Her hair was coming loose out of the braid, but she didn't care. Looking at the stairs, she breathed a sigh of relief seeing Jack. "Kevin has Logan and Elizabeth. Aunt Sophie probably knows that I'm here. I have to save them or find my mother." She breathed, going back to the boxes.

Mercedes was nearly done getting ready. She wore a powder blue silk evening gown. It was backless and showed off her perfectly sculpted back. The only thing holding up the gown was the neck which was only hooked by a long chain. The chain was silver and cascaded down her spine. The front of the dress was slightly revealing the top was a very deep V that hung to just the middle of her stomach. The dress clung to her hips and flowed down like a waterfall to pool at her feet. Her stilleto heels were clear and had silk straps that criss-crossed up her legs to keep them up. Her long blond hair was curled and pulled up into a Goddess like head dress. Her make-up was done perfectly and she was finishing up putting on jewelry and her lightl scented perfume. When the door opened she turned around and stood up, thinking it was Jack with bad news. She let out a soft breath seeing Damon.
"Calm down..." Jack said holding Serenity. "Take a few breaths and relax. "I'll go find them before any hard comes to them." He turns and nods knowing Shawn would wnat to save her as well. "As for your mom, Mercedes has it under control." he told her. As soon as she gets the info, She'll tell me. I'll get you and we'll both save her." Jack said smiling.

The party started right on sechdule. Damon looked at Mercedes and smiles a big smile. I thought it was impossible for you to become even more beautiful.." He said and kissed her hand. "Well then, ready to go?" He said linking his arm with hers.

Jack was dressed in a black tux and attending to the guest. Thanks to Olver and Nicole he managed to figure out what to do. He looked around wondering what Sophia had instore for Elizabeth and Logan.
Serenity nodded and pushed the knife deeper into her pocket. If Kevin came for her, she'd have a weapon ready. Going over to the twins, she wiped their tears and put a smile on her face. "Okay you guys." She said softly. "I know you're scared and you don't want to help with this party, but you have to be brave for Adelay." They nodded. Already dressed in a good outfit to serve the food at the party. "Just make sure to stay around Jack, okay. He won't let you two get hurt." With a sad nodded, they put on a happy face and held hands as they skipped down to the party and into the kitchen where Nicole and Oliver were dressed in their fancy kitchen outfits.

Mercedes nodded and looped her powder blue silk gloved arm into his, the gloved reached up to her elbows. "Yes, and you look very handsome yourself." She straightened the bow tie around his neck and placed a blood red rose into the pocket of his jacket. When they walked down the stairs to the party, she seen the twins serving small appetizers and drinks around to many of the guests. She couldn't believe that a bitch like Sophie had so many friends.

Sophie was finishing up getting dressed. Her hair was tightly curled and she had black laced gloves on her hands. Her dress was strapless and the top was a corset like, pushing up her breasts. The dress was white with a see through floral lace overtop. It was a poofy looking dress and her shoes were a black stilletto heel. Putting a black rose into her hair, she looked at Kevin to see if he was ready and then to Elizabeth and Logan. "We have quite a few things for you two to do tonight. I hope Serenity can hear you scream. Maybe then she'd come down and show herself."
Jack sees the twin helping out with him as the crown liked how cute the duo were. The detective knew he had a full plate oon him. Finding Logan and Elizabeth, geyting the info from Damon thanks to Mercedes, and hoping that Serenity would stay safe and not do anything foolish. Yep, he has his work cut out for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Damon and he turns not to be exposed just yet.

Damon walks down with Mercedes and the crowd was in awe seeing the couple. "Looks like you're stealing the show." He whispers and smiles. The two mingled with the crowd as they hear about some entertainment being presented. "Intresting...but until then tell me more about yourself." he said to her.
Entertainment? She feared what that meant and she hoped above all hope that it wasn't gruesome. Looking to Damon, she smiled and took two crystal classes of champagne from Naomi and handed him one. "Well," she began, glancing over the crowd and a few men looking at her and talking with their guy friends, she turned back to Damon and smiled. "I've been a maid here for a long time. My grandmother was a maid and while my mother was sick, I took up cleaning jobs to help out around the house." She took a sip of the bittersweet alchohol. "When my mother died, I got a job here as a middle aged teen. Once the head maid died, then I took over the job. I am now twenty three years old and still working as a maid." If she put it that way, her life seemed boring and if it was, then she wouldn't have any other life. She liked it here. "What about you?" She asked, moving a bit close to him so some arrogant aristocrate man wouldn't grope her or pull her away.
"Oh me, Oh I do nothing important." He chuckled and hold her body to his. "I'm a vampire slayer. Been on since I was ten years old. Slew my first vampire at that age as well. The pay is great and my clients pay for my travel. I've traveled the world from England, to France, and even the States. To tell you the truth, I would still be in the States if it want for Miss. Sophia." He said as he took a sip of more champange. "I'm actually on assignment." He told her.

Kevin smirked and walks over to Adelay. "The entertainment is ready." He whispers to her and walks back to his prisioners. Jack saw Kevin and decides to follow him. If anything, He could stop this maniac from doing any harm.
Mercedes smiled as she listened. If he actually wasn't working for Sophie and had Adelay somewhere, she would of considered dating this fellow. "That's very interesting." She stated, her slender arm moved around the back of shoulders and her other held up her glass of champagne. "Is that why the blood sucking beast is gone?" Her voice was very seductive. She actually suprised herself. She was never this way.

Sophie smiled and rang a bell, silencing her few hundred guests. "Now," she said in a cheerful voice as she stood up, her dress grazing the floor. "I have some entertainment for everyone this evening. I know I haven't had such entertainment in a long time. Most of them are beasts and vampires. But I thought I'd do something different today. Tonight I have two very lazy servants. As I'm sure all of you do hate the lazy ones." Some of the crowd laughed and some lifted their glass to toast her. The twins finished giving out champagne and ran back to the kitchen. This wasn't good at all. "Now, enjoy." She sat back down in her chair and waited for Kevin to bring them out.
"Oh the vampire is gone, but she isn't dead...yet. No, I have to find her pink haired niece. She eacaped me and stabed my left arm to escape." He said as his face got close to her. "But that can wait. Right now there an angel in blue that I must kiss." His lips brushed against hers as his arms wraps around her waist. He gave a long sigh as Sophia talked. "Come my dear, voyeurism isn't my cup of tea. We can 'talk' more there." Damon said and takes Mercedes outside.

Kevin takes Elizabeth and Logan on infront of them. There were in their undergarments as the crowd laugh at them. "Fitting humiliation for failing to do your work.' He said as he grabs a whip. Jack glares at Kevin and loads up his gun. "He had to stop him, fearing that something bad could happen if this goes on.
She wrapped her arm around him as he kissed her. At least Adelay was still alive. As he led her outside, she smiled at the beautiful white marble balcony that over looked a beautiful garden. There were white roses in vases and a white marble bench outside. The night was clear and the sky sparkled with stars. He didn't like seeing torture but he killed vampires for a living? It didn't make must since but then again vampires didn't bleed like humans did. The stained glass door closed behind him and at that moment she felt as if she turned her back on her own family. She hid the emotions in her eyes and smiled at him.

Elizabeth looked down at her floor, her tears falling onto the polished marble. She never thought anything like this would happen to her. Her bangs shielded her eyes from them. How could people be so cruel. The ropes were biting into her skin and the humiliation from them seeing her wasn't a feeling she knew. At that moment, she felt sorry for any servant that these people had their their household. Seeing Jack, she choked out a sob and glanced a Logan.
Damon smiled as he caressed her cheek. He kissed her once more as his hands rubbed her bare back. "I know I have a job to do, but I can find this Serenity person later." He said and found the clasp to her dress. He unhooks it and lets the straps fall. "Right now, I feel like pleasing my personal maid." His kissed her down to her chest as he exposes one breasts and massages it.

Kevin gave Logan a few lashes, but he doesn't even flench. "Humph, my true mistress inflicts more pain then you. You know, Adelay? The woman this braver that that coward you call a mistress." Logan smirked and Kevin punched him in the jaw." Hold your tongue dog!" he said and steped on his head. The crowd laughed and cheered as the tell Kevin to give Elizabeth some hot wax. "She does have beautiful skin. but servents like her doesn't deserve it." He laughs and pour some o her. Jack prepare to take aim util he saw Shawn rush over and tackled Kevin down.
Elizabeth gasped, hearing Kevin sock Logan in the jaw. "Logan!" She cried out, trying to move her arms she listened to the crowd cheer, her tears staining her cheeks and her eyes red and puffy. Hearing Kevin move next to her, she closed her eyes, her head moving down. Her hair falling over her shoulder and dangling like a curtain. Feeling the hot wax touched her skin, she screamed. Her hands balled into tight fists, causing the rough ropes around her wrists to bite into her skin and make them bleed.

She gasped, feeling the thin fabric of her dress fall, the chain brushing the marble. In her head, she could hear the sound of a whip and a scream from Elizabeth, a crowd cheering. She felt torn, but she had to find out where Adelay was. No matter how she got it. His lips made contact with her warm skin and she moaned softly. But if he was occupied here with her than it kept Serenity safe a little longer. Her heels clicking on the tiles, she brushed her frail fingers through his hair.
Jack gasped seeing what Shawn did. This was not definately in the plan. Aw well, love make people do stupid things. As he kept Kevin at bey, he dashed out and grabs Logan and Elizabeth. Once he saw that, Shawn got off and ran with him. The crowd gasped they turned to Sophia. "What the hell?" One person said to her. "You better have a good excuse." said another. "Since when does she have party crashers?" said another.

Damon's lips went to her breasts and gently sucked on them. His tongue gently teased her nipples as he looked into her eyes. He could sense that she was enjoying this so he could now let his guard down. "I wasn't going to harm her. I would just let her see her mothers' demise deep in the forest. it's where I always finish them off." He said as he removed the rest of her blue dress.
Sophie stood up and growled. "Someone shoot the bastards!" She stated, getting up off the chair. Going over to Kevin, she pulled him up by his jacket. "Go get them!" She yelled, ignoring the guests that were currently upset. Clapping her hands to silence her angered guests. She motioned for the band to play. "Just a little mishap with the entertainment. But I assure you, once they come back, I'll be whipping them myself."

Serenity heard it, it was faint. A scream. She was currently hidding deep in the attic, behind a bunch of boxes. She was still going through boxes but she had yet to find anything she needed. A lot of the things she found in this section was her fathers. A lot of his clothes, some documents and random things he always kept as a keepsake. But the scream sort of startled her. Closing the box, she wiped off her jeans and started climbing over boxes.

Mercedes glaced up at the sky. Deep in the woods, she thought. That's where Adelay is. She must be in a cabin or lodge somewhere. It shouldn't be too far from here. Her dress falling to the floor, she stood before him in a pair of lacey white panties, her heels and her jewelry. Reaching over she locked the doors to the balcony and stepped out of the fallen fabric, she laid it on the marble bench without moving from her spot. Closing her eyes slowly, she let out a breath and leaned into his touch.
"Get them to the Attic. I'll hold him off." Jack told Shawn. He nod his head as he took a knif he took from the kitchen before hand and cuts their rope that was to their wrists. As they move a gunshot was fires. It was Kevin and a few of Sophias friends. "Aw shit." Jack said fires at them. I was saving my bullets for Damon too." He muttered and keep firing.

Shawn took them there where he saw Serenity. around the boxes. "Serenity." Logan called out before falling over a bit in pain. Shawn hold her gently and wipes her tears while kissing her. "I told you he'll pay if he harms you." He whispered to her. He held her hands to stop her from shaking.

Damon ignored the chaos that was happening inside. He turns Mercedes around and bends her over the ledge on the balcony. He slips her white panties down to her ankles and sees her wet folds and anal. "So lovely in the moonlight." He said and begins licking both places. As he does that he hears something else. It wasn't the crowd nor the gunfire. It was people near the very top of the castle. The same crying the he herd inside has mysteriously move to the top. He had a feeling he knew what he'll fine.
Running over to Logan, her long legs almost tripping over a few boxes as she desperately tried to get to them. "Oh my God," she breathed, looking him over and buried her face into his neck. "What happened?" Elizabeth choked back a sob, she rubbed her bleeding wrists. Serenity looked in one of the boxes earlier, pulling out one of her father's outfits and a sun dress for Elizabeth to wear. She then looked for an old shirt, she cut it into sections and bandaged Elizabeth's wrists and then aided Logan's bleeding back. "Oh Logan..." She breathed. It angered her to know that her aunt would do such a thing. At this point she was beyond pissed. "Shawn." She spat out. "Where's Max?"

Mercedes tried her best to concentrate over the gunfire, it was really hard thinking that her friends were getting hurt or that Jack could be dead. Her hands clutched the railing of the balcony, she could feel the night breeze on her face and naked body. And the moonlight shined down on her, making her skin look blue-ish. She too heard the crying, hoping that Elizabeth would calm down soon. Or else they would already be caught.
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