The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Sophie was about to ask what servant he wanted requested but before she could, Kevin interrupted them. Looking at him, Damon seemed to know this Jack fellow. "I believe Holiday was his last name. He arrived last night." She sat down at the desk in the study. "He seems to be close to Adelay and her daughter." Leaning into the chair, she looked at him. "Do you know this fellow?"

Elizabeth smiled. "Its quite alright. I would of been fine if I didn't work so hard to finish the curtains in the ballroom before morning." She just wanted to get things done that way she wouldn't have to worry later nor have time to waste. But a small nap seemed really good. And then she'd be back to work. The party was tonight, and she didn't want anyone to get into trouble for not doing their work.
Upon hearing that, Damon couldn't help but laugh. Never in a million years ever since their duel in New York City would he see his heated rival. "Jack Holiday is a detective who intrests are in paranormal things like ghost, monsters...even vampires. We worked together and fought against each more times then I could count. If he's here then I'm willing to bet that he's here to rescue your sister-in-law from my grasp. Not to mention to keep your niece away from you." He said still chuckling.

"I'll handle the rest sweetie. You just get some rest and I call you when the party is about to begin." He said and walks down the hall. It was going to be a long while before the party, but he knew he could get it all done before the time limit.
Sophie glared at him. How dare this juvenile peasant play tricks on her while staying under her watch. If it was a game he wants, than a game he will get. Once they find Serenity, then Damon could do what he pleases. "Well, Mr. Kene. We will just pretend he's not here to bring us down. Once you find him, you do what you wish but I want the girl." Standing up, she grabbed a bell and rang it. "After I have her, you can do what you want with Jack Holiday." After a few more minutes, Mercedes walked into the room, her hands in her lap. "Yes?" She questioned, at first she almost forgot about Sophie and Kevin. Sophie smiled at her. She had always been a good worker, even when she was younger. "Take Mr. Kene to his room and help him prepare for the party tonight." Mercedes nodded and bowed. "Yes ma'am."
"Do not worry, I due owe that dick so much after our last encounter." He said and walks with Mercedes to his room. He let her lead the way while he check her body out. He like what he saw drom the blonde maid un aware that she helping Jack out. "Tell me Mercedes, what are you doing for the party tonight." He asked as he walks beside her.
She listened to him as they walked to his room. Opening a door, she walked into a rather elegant room with a large bed with wooden cherry oak bed frame, and other cherry oak furniture. The linens were a dark blue and the pillows white. There was a closet, window, night stand, chair, table, and book case. And its own connecting bathroom. "Normally servants aren't allowed to go to parties. Just cooks and caterers. And usually the twins do that." Her voice was soft and her blue eyes bright in the nicely lit room from the morning sun.
Damon listened to what she had to say. He really much care for the room for his eyes were locked on the head maid. "That's not right. A beautiful lady like yourself locked away from a party. Sounds like Cinderella to me." He replied and caressed her cheek. "How about you being my date? Take alittler breather from working so hard." He offered and winked at her.

Jack and Logan swapped shifts on looking after Serenity. The detective heads to the gardeners cabin to check on them. As he thought those two were sound asleep from making plenty of boquets. Sighing, he heads in, not knowing that his rival is inside as well.
Mercedes looked at him. Why would someone who said such nice things be a murderer and a rival of Jack. Smiling, she looked down at the floor. Maybe it was best if she were at the party. Just in case something terrible ended up happening. Closing her eyes a moment, she inhaled and looked up at his handsome face. "Sure." She smiled. "I would like that." If anything, she could learn more about him, maybe even where he had Adelay. If she got him drunk enough...

Serenity was sitting on the hay, eating an apple and reading a rather interesting book. Looking up at Logan, she waved at him before turning the page. It was actually a pretty good book. Of a peasant girl who lived with her father who meets a vicious beast in a castle. And the servants were turned into household objects under a spell because the Prince was selfish.
Damon smiled and pulls her body close to his. He didn't blush as his looks her in the eyes. "I thank you. I'll make sure you have a good time at the party." With those words, Damon kissed Mercedes on the lips. He believes he could trust her and with being his, he hope to get the where abouts of where Serenity was.

Logan sits beside her as she continued reading. "Everythings is going smoothly so far Serenity. I just hope jack doesn't screw it up." He said sighing. He then remember her bright smile after the detective left in his last case. Curiosity got the best of him as the smile didn't fade from memory. "Serenity, what do you think of him?" he asked her.
She let herself kiss him back. It seemed that without her knowing, they both needed information from eachother. They needed to use eachother. With a smile, she bowed to him and left the room, politely closing the door behind her with a soft click. Sighing a soft sigh, she began to walk down the hall.

Serenity closed the book, her eyes moved over to Logan and she frowned. "What do I think of him?" She questioned, setting the closed book beside her on the hay. "He's a good person and a rather good detective. Though he acts too quickly, his intentions are always good." Her eyes searched Logan's. "Romantically, I'm not sure. I don't normally feel those feelings, Logan." She put her hands into her lap. "You know that." She smiled and chuckled lightly. "You know," her voice was quiet. "When I was a little girl and when we used to play together, I always thought we'd get married and have lots of babies and live in a castle like this and live happily ever after. But things change." Her vision looked up to him again and she looked at him unembarrassed of what she had just said, no blush was apparent on her face. She was very serious and it was such a long time ago. Childish fantasies were no longer in her world.
"I understand. I must confess that I had those type of feelings back then. It broke my heart when you left. I found it unjust. I knew Master Sebastion would never do such a thing. I just glad I now know the truth about it." He moves closer to her and holds her hand. He felt guilty that he wasn't there when she needed her the most. "Serenity, I want to help. I want to bring the old fun-loving you back from back then." He said looking into her eyes.
She searched his eyes and smiled. "I think that girl ran away a long time ago, Logan." Her eyes were a bit sad, but still soft nontheless. "She disappeared when I was strapped to a bed and stabbed with needles and taken to do electroshock therapy. She coward in fear at the thought of having only dead souls as friends. And she blew away in the breeze once the sun touched my face." Her hand reached up to carress his cheek and she leaned close to him, her hand on his cheek moving over his neck down to his chest over his heart. "But I think you still have that little boy in you somewhere."
"No, It's not dead. I saw that smile you had once before. The smile that brightened everyroom in this castle. The smile that made everyones day, including mine." He caressed her cheek as her hand moved to his heart. "That's the Serenity I remembered. I knoe the little girl is in you as well. It hasn't died, it was locked up. Afraid to see that light again. You are my friend Serenity Turner. And I wanted so much more." His hand soon touched her heart. He used his other hand to remove his glasses since he wasn't wering any when they were young. "I care for you deeply Serenity..." He said and finally kissed her lips. He didn't let her go as he did this.
Serenity's eyes grew wide and her breath hitched when he kissed her. She never thought this would happen once they grew older. She never even thought that they'd ever see eachother again. Her hand gently pressed over his heart as he kissed her. She found that maybe this was secretly what she wanted. Just to be with Logan. But she didn't know what he and her mother did when she craved blood or sex. Her eyes slowly closed and her lips pressed against his in a soft, chaste kiss.
"Serenity...come back to us....come back to me His thinking was fully focused on her. He was her firend, and still is. He just let his true emotions out with that simple kiss. He wanted to pull back, but instead his arms wrapped around her waist. The simple kiss got more passionate by the second. His heart knew what it wanted now. it wanted his closest friend to be his lover.
Her hands moved up to his neck and her fingertips gently touched his warm skin. Her pink braid falling over his shoulder and her bangs covered her closed eyes while his kiss got more passionate. Moving closer to him, her hand moved to wrap around his neck and her body grew a little warmer in his embrace.
As the embrace continued, Logan felt warm. A feeling he rarely had when he was pleasing Adelay. He didn't want that feeling to vanish and once he felt her hands touch his neck, he had a feeling she was thinking the same thing. He finally broke the kiss and smiles a her giving off a light blush. "That dream as a young girl. I want those to come true. I love you..." He said finally confessing. The young kind was back in his heart. Now that he's matured, he wants to now grant her youthful wish.
She breathed out, hearing those words escape his mouth. She never thought she'd hear them from anyone. Not even her own mother. Her hands slowly moved over his back and she moved closer to him, hugging him. Her head tucked under his chin and her eyes closed. It would take time to find that little happy, always smiling, carefree girl that once lived in this castle and ran through the gardens with him. But with time she knew she would become who she was meant to be. She was so glad that she saved him a few months ago. Without Logan, the castle and everyone in it wouldn't be the same. "Logan," she whispered. "I love you too."
A smiled once he herd her feelings about him. The girl that he spent most of his time with, the girl that read plenty of books with was now his own. He gugs her back feeling that warmth she gave off. A warmth that they had for each other. "Serenity, dreams can come true." he was and kissed her neck. His handrubs her back until it touches the thin straps of her dress. His hand touched one of her straps and lets it slide off her left shoulder.
She opened her eyes and moved to look at him. She then grinned, her teeth actually showing. "Like a fairytale." She said happily, her arms still around him. When the soft strap of her night gown slid down her shoulder, she looked down at the exposed flesh of her collar bone and top part of her milky white breast. Serenity moved her gaze up to look at him, wondering if he was ready to do this with her. She didn't want him to regret it and neither did she. It seemed that he was close to her mother and she didn't want the vampiress to be angry about not having Logan around her as much anymore.
Logan looked at her as his lips parted from her neck. He nod his head at her response. it was more then a fairytale, this was love. He then noticed her gaze. He had pleasure Adelay before, but it was to appease her thurst. He wanted this because he really loved her. Looking at her he nod his head telling her that he was ready and he couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. He proved it by removing his black jacket, his white tie, and unbuttons his red shirt to expose his chest to her.
Her lips parted as he removed his black jacket and tie. Her eyes flowed up to his handsome face, her eyes searching his for any sort of hint that he changed his mind. When she realized that there wasn't, he already had his shirt unbuttoned. Her soft hands moved to his chest, her warm, soft fingers gliding over the smooth skin of his collar bone and pecs. Her tongue darted out to moisten her bottom lip and she let out a heavy breath. She wanted this too, but she had no experience with something like this but he seemed to understand what was happening pretty well. And she trusted him not to do anything she wouldn't like, he knew her best afterall.
He notice that final ounce of doubt was gone from her. He nod and lets her remove his shirt completely. He took a breathe as his hand went to the last strap of her nightgown. He touches it and then slides it off her.He pulls it down slowly until it was around her waist. Her breasts was not exposed be gave off a small blush. His body touched her allowing her breasts to toush his chest. It felt warm, he love that feeling alot. He kisses her lips once more before leaving a trail of them down her upper body. With no more doubt in either of them. He lips made contact with her breasts for the first time.
She pushed the unbuttoned shirt down his arms and off his body, laying it on the hay. The cold hair hit her skin, making her smooth, creaminess form goosebumps. His warm lips against her half naked body gave her chills and the sensation made her moan softly. Her eyes closed and her hands caressed his head lovingly. She moaned his name softly and her head moved to the side laying against her shoulder as she looked down at him.
Logan continued to please her supple breasts. his lips moved from one to the other as he felt her hands on his head. hie let his tongue toy with her hardening nipples as he looked up at her. he could her her moans of delight, but he saw that she wasn't blushing. he had a feeling that if he made her blush, then the old cheerful girl would come back. His lips left her breasts and back to her lips. He lays her down on the soft hay and begins removing her nightgown causing his pink haired lover to be nearly naked before him.
Noticing what was happening, a very light pink blush came to her cheek bones and she moved to cover herself. It was the first time she ever thought of being with Logan this way. Sure they were now adults and this sort of thing happened when they were attracted to one another. But she still was slightly embarrassed about being exposed to him. Her body felt hot and her eyes were glazed over while the light pink blush deepened to a cotton candy pink color just one shade darker than her eyes.
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