The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She looked up at him with a smirk. "No. That thin o's not here at the moment." Closing the guest list on the desk, she leaned over slightly, her elbows on the folded piece of paper. "I'm sort of babysitting so to speak." Crossing her legs, she searched his face for any lie. When she didn't see one, she decided that this guy was okay.
"Oh thank goodness. I feared that she ended their days here." He smiled and goes over to her. "I must say that the babysitter is doing a grand job. Not to mention that she's also beautiful." Putting his charm in place. He woos her more and kisses her hand again. "Mind if I were to see you again? I have a feeling that we have so much in common." He said and winked at her.
A peasant? Being so straight forward? It was different. But not so bad nonetheless. Nodding once, she let a small sinister smile cross her lips. "So be it." She leaned back into the chair. "Go, do what you wish. Just don't cause trouble."
It was a good start. Now that he won her trust, he can move about the castle freely. He nods to her and heads out. Surely, this wasn't the last encounter. He heads to the kitcken and sees the cooks working harder than usuall there. "Take a break Nicole, I can handle this." He said to her with a concern look. "Mind if I help?" jack asked and they smile seeing him. "But how..." "Relax, I'm on the case." Jack assured them.
Nicole slumped over the counter, she was exhausted. Lack of sleep and hard working wasn't her forte. Seeing Jack, she waved at him lazily. "I hate cooking for this witch." She mumbled, reaching for her forth cup of coffee tonight.
"Jack, if you would please, take her somewhere safe. I've done this before." Oliver said to him. "I know just the place." He replied. Looking to see if the close is clear, he carries Nicole in his arms stright to the cellar. Once there, he lays her down on the hay and smiles. "Rest, I'm positive he'll have it under control." He tells her. Turning to the rest he gives as depressing sigh. It's worst then I feared. They're working overtime." he tells them.
Nicole yawned and turned over, instantly falling asleep on the hay. Mercedes looked down at her and then back to Jack. "Oh God. I hope they'll be okay. We can't help bringing them down here. Someone will notice that they've gone missing.." She looked at Logan and then to Serenity who was soothing back Nicole's hair while she slept.
"I'll go check on the others, She can't be too supicious if she sees one and they cover for the other." He tells her. He heads back out to repeat the process. It was nearing midnight as Shawn and Aliie going at the Cellar to get some rest. "I'll head there one more time. I've been gaining her trust more and more. All I need to do now is to get into the party." He tells them and leaves.

Once back in the castle he goes to Sophia in Adelays bedroom. Walking over he sits on the bed beside her. "It seems that they finished all their work are you having a party of some kind?" He asked playing the innocent gentleman once again.
Sophie turned her head and looked at him. The room wasn't so bad. Bt she hated these dark red, black and white colors. No taste at all. And no class in her opinion. "And why would you like to know?" He was a curious one indeed. Though they shared the same opinion of Adelay, they still weren't even acquaintances. She smirked, curiosity killed the cat and he best make sure to watch himself.
"Because, I seen her throw stuff like this before. I alway volunteer at these events. And I get to hang with my friends." He responded. He was close. His nice words rolled off his tongue with out hesitation and his eyes were locked on hers withouth wavering. It was a must inorder to get close to Damon.
"Is that so?" She asked, getting off of the bed. "Well, if you help the others with their meaningless preparations, then I'll consider you being at this party." Running a finger over the nightstand, she checked for dust. The cleaners were doing their job too. Good.
"Then I shall be here at the apporiate time. Until then goodnight." He smile went across his face as he walks out. Followed by a chuckled once he was far away from her. Unbeknost to the detective, Kevin was hiding behind the curtains on Adelays room. He walks over to her and smiles. "Should I follow him?" he simply asked her.

Jack returned to the cellar to see everyone asleep except Serenity. He walks over to her and sits beside her. "Worried about her?" He ask and looked at her.
Sophie nodded. "Yes. But don't do anything to him. I want to see what he's up to."

The twins had fallen asleep with their heads in her lap. Serenity was looking down at them until Jack walked in. She never slept much, so not sleeping never bothered her. "Yes. She's in the hands of a slayer." She looked at him. "Why wouldn't I be?" At worst her mother could die. If this slayer thought about being nice, her mother could come back injured.
Jack moves the twins so tha were still sleeping. He takes Serenitys hand and helps her up. "Come, alittle air might help you." He looks to see the coast was clear and takes her to the garden. "I wouln't worry about her. I have a feeling she's safe. He isn't those cold-heated slayers that kills first and ask questions never. No, he more clever then that." He tells her.
She walks with him through the halls. "I'm still worried." She breathed. The halls where dark and very dimly lit. But it was still bright enough to see. Her feet were bare and they glided over the cold stone floors. When they got outside to the garden she could smell the floral scents in the air. The light smell calmed her somewhat but not enough to make all the worries go away.
"I know, I worried to." With his hand holding hers, Jack continues to walk around the garden with her. He wishes that he could make her smile, but with a situatin like this all he can do is help her cope. "Serenity, I know it's been a while, but I got to know. How are things between you and Adelay?" He said looking at the floral bed.
Her hands were crossed over her chest as she thought about his question. "It's okay. It's not as bad as it was but it's not the best relationship either." Tucking her hair behind her ears, she looked at the bed of exotic flowers. "But it's fine." Her smile was small but reassuring.
"Well, at least you got company. I know everyone here is your friend. They were worried sick about you all night." Jack told her. He looks at Serenity and smiles lightly. He reaches out to touch her hands and looks her in the eyes. "I also glad you're okay. It has been a long while since I last saw you." His head tilts down until his forehead touches her. He never acted like this. Was he expressing his real feelings for her?
She looked into his eyes as his forehead pressed against hers. "I know," she continued. "And I'm very sorry that you had to come here under these circumstances. I'm glad Logan came to get you. We really need your help once again. I just hope we aren't too late to find my mother. Who knows what aweful things my aunt will have that man do to her."
He could hear her voice of sorrow and worry. It broke his heart just to hear that coming from her. Without thinking, he just kissed her lips. It was deep and passionate, to calm her down and relax. He will save Adelay, even if it ment the end of his old friend. "She will be fine. I will save her. He said and kissed her once more.

In a hideout deep in the woods. Damon as relaxing in a chair as he looks at Adelay, very much alive. She wasn't gaged nor tied up, but she was on a contraption of his own design. "Ah, you're finally awake." Damon said smiling. "If I were you I wouldn't leave that very spot your on." He then pointed up and there were twenty-five wooden stakes pointing at her.
She felt his lips press against hers. It was an odd sensation. Never having such human contact before. It was definately a first. She knew it was to help her feel better. And for that she was grateful. "Thank you, Jack."

Adelay blinked her red eyes open and glared at him before looking up and seeing the wooden stakes there. "If you're going to play with me like some kind of child's toy, save it. You might as well kill me. I don't much enjoy playing games." Her black night gown was dirty, her long white hair still fell over her shoulders and down her back. Looking around and listening she realized that they were still in the woods. Where, she didn't exactly know since she lived around a lot of wilderness to be secluded.
"Oh I wish. But my client told me not to...yet." He turns around to look out the window. "I know that you have a innocent little girl there as well. The fiesty creature gave me alittle love tap." He lifts up his left sleve to show his upper arm bandaged. "Never thought I would get stab, but no worries. I'll make sure to pay her way." He smirks.
She growled at him. "If you lay one finger on her I will haunt you from my grave you bastard." Atleast her daughter could fend for herself. Though how good, she didn't know. She knew that everyone in the castle was okay. Until Sophie didn't get what she wanted. That would be Serenity. And since Mercedes had her somewhere safe Sophie would be raising all hell in her castle. She tried to look for a way out or to escape but seeing as there were stakes above her, she decided that that plan was a fail.
Damon walks over the her, making sure he doesn't trip the wire. he looks at her strugling and kiss her lips. "Don't worry, I'll be very gentle with that pink rose." He steps back knowing her she charged at him, it'll be her death. "Now if you excuse, I have a gala to attend to. He leaves the house and locks it. He was this close from getting the chance to kill Adelay, but without Serenity in his grasp, that won't happen soon. It's a good thing he got the cash in advance.
She cursed him above all curses. That bastard. Who the hell did he think he is, keeping her under a death machine and pressing her buttons? Then knowing she couldn't lash out, practically laugh in her face before leaving. Pompous slayer. She growled and looked around, maybe if she got up without tricking the wire, she could escape. But even if she did get out, the door would be locked and daylight was coming soon. Ruhr now it was useless, but come nightfall she would rid herself of this nuisance.
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