The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"She?" She questioned. Then she realized what was happening. Sophie. That bitch! She hoped above all hope that Serenity would be okay. Hopefully someone would be able to see what was happening before it really happened. She would be there to protect her own daughter, but she was a bit tied up right now. Balling her hands into fists, her nails biting into her skin, she made sure jot to tear the ropes. Raising her arms she hit him in the spine.

Sophie set the elegant white cup down on the table next to her, looking at the pitiful excuse of a man her own brother and sister in law called a butler. A black dress covered her body and her blonde hair had every silken strand in place. "That doesn't matter at this point. Where is the girl?" Her accent was thick with an English accent and her black heeled feet tapped on the marble floor when she rose to stand.
He was unphased by it and gave a long sigh. He puts her down on the ground and pulled a small spraying bottle out. "Sleep..." He told her and sprayed it to her face. Of his own creation and it a gas made espically to put vampires to sleep for a while. "We're almost at our destination." He said and carries her again.

Logan looked at her and then the butler that poured her another cup. He seen those eyes before. It was Sophie. A silent gulp went down his throat and he shook his head. "There ar plenty of girls here. Mercedes, Naomi, Elizabeth. Which girl are you talking about?" He decided to play the fool. He knew who she was after.
She sighed, tired of antics and games. "You know who I'm talking about." Picking up the cup again, she sipped at it and smiled at her butler before setting it back down. "You're no idiot. Unless you want to play the fool card with me. It would be unwise though." Sophie sighed and moved over to the window, her hands infront of her as she looked out the window to see a garden. Atleast someone was doing a good job in this dump. "If you hand over my niece, there won't be any problems." Turning on her heels, she looked at Logan and narrowed her eyes on his. "And I doubt you want any problems."
The butler, Kevin, had his hair down across his eyes. And yet, he was looking at Logan. He gave a sick smirk on his face and Logan glares at the two of them. "Fine, you win..." he said, "I'll get Miss. Serenity at once." He said and heads up stairs. Once he vanished from their sight, Kevin gave a long sigh. "He's lying, I can see the fear in his eyes." He told his mistress. Noding to her. He heads upstairs and begins his intent to kill him.

Logan dashed across the hall to Serenity's room. He sighed with relief not seeing her there. He next goes to Adelay study and sees the twins building a house of cards. "Guys, we need to go." He told them. "Go Where?" they asked as they finished. Logan gave a smirk on his face and told them, "Chicago."
Serenity was currently with Mercedes. They had both seen the carriage arrive. Trusting Logan to get the others, she took Serenity through a number of secret rooms and halls until they were somewhere in the castle locked in a safe room. The pink haired girl was a little confused, taking the small candle, Mercedes found a peice of white chalk and a stone on the wall. With a finger to her mouth notifying the girl to stay quiet, she wrote "Sophie" in white letters in the stone. Serenity covered her mouth. She hoped her mother was okay.

The twins smiled to one another and nodded, going with Logan to see Jack. They were excited, it had been awhile since they seen him. They would suprise him with a visit and maybe a game of Go Fish with the suprise.

Sophie sighed as she sat back down in her chair. Fine then, it was going to be the hard way. If that was how he wanted it, then so be it. It would be a funeral for all of them. She didn't care. As long as her niece was back in her hands, that was all she was intent on having. Nothing else. The girl wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. She wondered who this man was that the nurse described at the Asylum. But it was no bother, she'd probably come across him sooner or later. Picking up the cup, she sipped at her tea patiently.
Jack was currently watching some comedy movies. However his ideal of comedy movies were horror flick. Call him twisted, but in his line of work, it all seems too funny to him. "Hehehe, she stepped right into that one." He laughed and ate some popcorn. Unbeknost to him, a hand touched his left shoulder and he was spooked the hell out of his skin. he turned around to see the twins and Logan.

Kevin returned to the Sophia and walked down with the cooks and the cleaners. Tied up and no where to go. He placed them on there knees as if they were knealing before a queen. "I found these rats scurring along the halls, refusing to work." He told her then chuckled.
The twins smiled at the tv screen. "Jack! Jack! What are you watching?" They pranced around, going around the couch to watch the tv.

Sophie smiled at them and stood up. Walking over to Shawn, she held his chin a bit roughly. "Where is the girl?" She asked looking down at him. Her expression was more emotionless than Adelay's. Her eyes dead. It was then that she realized Logan wasn't there. Still clutching the man's face, she turned her head to look at the others, then back to Shawn. "Where is that bastard butler?" She spoke through clenched teeth. She was getting really tired of games already.
Jack tooks some breaths and smiled at them. "Oh this? It's just a horror movie, nothing much." He said and turns it off. "So what can i owe the friendly visit?" the detective said and grabs his pack of cards for them. They sat at the table and tought them how to play Old Maid. "Adelay is gone." Noah said to him. It made him tilt his head a bit and shoock his head. "She's probbly going to buy some sweets for you guys." He responded and Logan shook his head. "No. We believe she's been kidnapped. And it has her sister-in-laws' fingerprints all over it." he replied. Jack stood from the table and scratched his head. "Before I go, tell me more about this." He said.

"Logan has gone to get Serenity. As for the girl, which girl? Theres Naomi, Elizabeth, or even Allie." He replied. He was following Logans orders just in case something like this would happen after the glowing tree case. They were all not to say a word about Serenity. For her sake and no matter what the cause.
Sophie tightened her grip. She really hated to be played the fool. "Serenity, you idiot. Where is she!" Pushing Shawn away from her, she looked at her butler. "Find Mercedes. She's with her somewhere." Though she didn't come to this hell hole, she knew of the servants Adelay and Sebastion had long before Serenity was born. If Logan was still around then the blonde was too. Other than that, she knew no one else here. And again, she didn't care. They were filthy enegmas who slaved their life away making a creature of hell happy. For what? Food and shelter. While they kissed the ground that demon of a woman walked on. It was the right thing to do to get Serenity out of here. Now, if everyone would cooperate then they would have a grand ol' time.
They continued to play Old Miadd as Logan explained to him everything. "Sophia Turner is the sister of my old master, Sebastion. they used to be a colse pair and would act like a true brother and sister should act like. Of course, stories like that are only in fairy tales. Once she herd word that he was marring a vampire, Sophia flipped out. He hated her with a passion. saying that she isn't 'pure' enough for her brother. Friction was cause and they rarely spoke. When she herd that Serenity was born. It was the last straw. Somehow , she won her in the will know the rest." He said to him. "Where's Serenity now?" the detective asked. "With Mercedes, safe from that witch." he answered. Jack nod to them and grabbed his ring. "I'll prove Sophia's guilt and return Ms. Adelay safely back to the castle." He said and puts the ring on.

"As you wish, mi'laady. By the way, the invitations for your house warming party has been sent. It'll be ready to go tomorrow night." Kevin said and begins his search for Mercedes.
"Ah." Sophia breathed happily. "Good. Then if no one will bother to tell me what I want to know then I will start with the preperations." Walking through the 'living room' she looked at the paintings and decor. It was okay. For an animal. Her eyes landed on a vase that was in the corner of the room. It was rather elegant looking. Dark blue with silver designs and curved inward handles on eachside. Slipping a finger through the handle, she examined it like someone looking at art should. "Quite lovely." Then she dropped it. The vase shattering on the black marble floor. "Beasts of he'll shouldn't be this lucky."
"You bitch!" Oliver shouted. He remember giving that vase to Adelay for her birthday. All the money he saved just to get that was now shattered by this vixen. It was a time like this that he wished Jack would foolishly enter and save them. But for now, they were at her mercy. "Atleast Serenity is safe...." He muttered quietly to Nicole.

Jack, Logan, and the twins were outside the castle gates. They proceed to hide as the see Kevin walking down the hall. through the window. "I'm guessing he's looking for anyone else." I said and Logan nod. "That's Kevin, Sophia's personal butler. My creeps me out more then anything in the world." He told the detective. He nod and begins writting down the information. "Do you know where Serenity is?" He asked and the twins whispered her location.
Nicole gave a small nod, looking at the aritocratical woman in the black dress. Sophie laughed, shaking her head at the chef. "Now don't get too upset over a little old vase." She wiped her hands together, going over to get her cup of tea and sipped at it. The seam rolling out of the cup into the air as she moved it. It was still hot. She loved her tea scolding. Taking a small sip, she walked over to the servants, cup in hand. "I think we should have a small get together." She smiled. "Don't you think?"
Oliver sneared but decided to go along with her sick game. "Fine, but you know whose house it really is." He repled. His eyes never pulled away from her. Shawn looks at his girlfriends wishing there was something he could do to help her out of this. Kevin returns to Sophia and and hands her a bloody butter knife. "I found this in your nieces' room. Mercedes has vanished as well as Logan" he he sighed.

"The cellar." Logan replied. "It's the most private place in the castle and theres only one way to access it." They followed him towards one side of the castle. "Master Sebastian created this for emergencies just like this." He press a single brick on the castle wall and a door begins to open. They went inside quickly before it closes on them. Following his lead, they head sown the stairs .
She laughed. "Adelay lives here yes, but this dump is really Sabastion's. Its in the family name." Sipping the tea, she turned to Kevin and looked at the bloody butterknife. "Hm." She stated. Elizabeth turned her gaze to her boyfriend, smiling at him as if signalling that she was okay. Though the ropes were cutting into her skin a bit.

Mercedes heard footsteps. Frowning, she whispered to Serenity to go to the corner of the room and hide behind some bales of hay. The younger girl obeyed. Looking around, the blonde found a shovel. Picking it up, she stood beside the door just incase someone who wasn't supposed to enter looking for Serenity came in. She'd hit them and lock them down here for all eternity.
Jack walked down the steps and saw the door to the cellar. "I hear someone." Jack said and decides to go in first. He peeks his head through the door before falling on the floor. Logan runs over to see Mercedes, a shovel in her hand, and a detective with one nasty bump on his head. "This is why I always say to knock before entering." Logan told the twins. They nod to him as they poked an unconcious Jack.
Mercedes, realizing who she just hit, gasped and dropped the shovel. "Oh Jack," she whispered, seeing the nasty bump on his head. "I'm so, so sorry." She was freaking out a bit and looked up at Logan. Serenity popped her head out from behind the hay, hearing the loud 'clank' of the shovel hitting something.
"On the lighter side you help teach Noah and naomi a good lesson." Logan smirked and helped Jack up. Coming to, he glares at the head maid. "What the..." Logan quickly covered his mouth. "Got to be alittle more quieter. the walls ar thin enough for someone to hear." Logan responded and he nod his head. "That frickin' hurts you know." He said to Mercedes. Sighing he turns and sees Serenity.
Mercedes frowned. "Hey," she whispered back scolding him. "I was protecting us. Its not my fault you didn't knock like Logan said." Serenity brushed the strands of hay off her nightgown and walks over to them. "Hello Jack," she said very quietly. "Its nice to see you again. I'm sorry it has to be under these circumstances."
Jack didn't her what Mercedes said and focused his attention to the pink haired girl. "I know, but I guess it can't be helped. He said and kissed her hand. Relaxing now he looks at all of them. "Now that I'm here you better tell me what happened from the very beginning." He said and Logan starts it off.

"It was just another night. Everyone was getting ready for dinner when the whole castle went into a blackout. I went to check it out and that's when i herd three screams. Two I knew was from the mistress and Serenity, but the third I never herd. I sounded like a male though. Once i fixed the lights. I saw Sophia in the froyer." Logan said.
Serenity frowned. "I stabbed someone." She looked down at her hands. "Someone came and took my mother. I stabbed him. It was right after the black-out. When the lights came on, my mother and the man I stabbed was gone. And Mercedes ran into the room to get me." Mercedes nodded. "I seen the carriage arrive before the black out. But I didn't know anything like that was going to happen. Since Logan and I can pretty much walk this whole place blind folded, I went to get Serenity while he checked the electricity. It was then I took Serenity down here."
"I had a feeling someone was stabbed, I saw a small trail of blood near the gate. The kidnapper either got in the carrage or went on foot." Jack said tapping his chin. Is there a way out. I need to do alittle spy job for see what and who I'm dealing with." He told them. "You can try, but if they see you, you could die." Logan told him. A smirk ran across his face. "I'll risk it." he replied.
Serenity moved close to Logan. "What about the others?" She looked at them. "Do we have to stay down here and wait to be found after they're dead?" She asked. Sophie may be her aunt, but she was ruthless and cruel on a good day. At best, she was just cold. Mercedes moved some strands of hair out of Serenity's face. "We'll figure something else. Right now we're safe down here."
"Twins teach Serenity that new card game i tought you. I return here safely with a full report. Logan, let's go.' Jack said and he nod. They left the celler and near the front door. "I'll go in you do your best keeping out of sight." Logan said and Jack nod. Logan enters and sees the others tied up. "Kevin..." he mutters and growls as he unties them all. "Are you okay?"
Elizabeth was the first to respond. "Yeah, we're okay. Sophie broke one of miss Adelay's vases. She said she's going to have a little get together tomorrow night." She rubbed her wrists after they were free from the burning sensation of the rope rubbing against her skin.
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