The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She watched the rabbit scurry away from the tree and back into the bush. She took soft steps toward it, making sure she was behind him so if she needed it, he would be able to shoot before anything happened. "What are we going to do?" She asked, looking down at her feet and then to the markings on the ground. None have disappeared yet so that was a good sign. Things seemed to be moving rapidly for her pace.
"I would like to know that as well." Logan said appearing all of a sudden. Still in his ghost form, he goes to Serenity. "If I know that detective, it'll be something foolish yet effective." He whispered to her. Your dad said he wanted you next. Well sadly for him theres going to be a substitue in your place." Jack told her as the tree begins to glow. "Serenity...." A different voice said to her. It was her father. "Serenity. I have a feeling Logan is there. If he warns you of an attack, stand still and let me know." He tells her.
She looked at Logan. Jack did seem like someone who ran into battle screaming without any intention of a plan. She blinked her eyes. Too many people talking at once. Should she answer them? "Father?" She asked, staying behind Jack, her eyes moved back to the tree and then to Logan. Her eyes soft as she did so. "He hasn't said anything about an attack yet..."
"He on the move. He senses only you. He'll strike why aren't you moving?" Logan said. Jack could see the fear in her but he kept his ground. "Remember when he said he going to attack let me know." He reminded her. "He coming, watch out!" Logan shoust at her.
Serenity jumped back and moved a few feet. She looked at Logan. "Why is he acting like this?" She called to the butler as she watched Jack, making sure that he was going to be okay. She hoped she was back far enough not to be caught or Hirt but she still feared for the detective.
Jack noticed her Jump and that was all the signal he needed. He sees the zombie hand pop out of the floor and aims for her ankle. "Forgive me." the detective said to her. Jack quickly pushes Serenity out of the way and the Zombie hand grabs his ankle instead of hers. With a smile on his face and a thumbs up to her, the hand trips him up and drags hin into the ground.
Serenity fell to the ground with an "oomph". Quickly she scrambled to reach out to him. "Jack what do you think your doing?! Shoot him." She frowned at his thumbs up. Was he a total idiot? Was this a part of his plan? He was going to get himself killed what was he thinking?!
Jack felt groggy. His head was hurting something awful. It was like a hangover but ten times more painful. He finally opens his eyes to see where he truely was. "As I expected. I'm inside the tree." He thought and looked around. He turns a corner and he sees Logan tied up by the roots. "Logan!" He said and goes to him. " goddamn idiot! Look out!" He tells the the detective. I thick vile lashed you and he avoided it. "'re not Serenity!" a voice yelled. "You're not scaring me. Show yourself, Sebastian." Jack called out.
Serenity was freaking out a little. She had no idea what to do. Quickly moving to her feet, she ran into the castle cursing the long dress that she was wearing. Finding her mothers room she banged on the door. Adelay who was reading a book was slightly annoyed at the unnecessary pounding went to open it. When she seen her daughter her angry features softened just a bit. "Jack was pulled under the tree."
Sabastian appeared before him. His body was intangled with vines. On his left hand was a bullet wound that Jack gave him. His eyes was red with anger as he grit his teeth. "Serenity...give me my Serenity!" He shouts and unleashed his vines on him. "Serenity is okay." Jack said trying his best to dodge them. "Please, just listen." Sabastian was too much in a rage seeing he was tricked.
Adelay rushed down to the garden with Serenity and Mercedes in toe. When they appeared to the tree, Serenity and Mercedes stayed far behind while the vampiress, who did not fear of being dragged under, moved closer. She was a little ticked but she didn't know if it was from Jack's stupidity or Sebastion's childish antics.
"Sabastian, I know why you're bitter." Jack said and dodged more. "You haven't found peace of mind. You gateway was blocked." Sebastian managed to get a hit on Jack. A cut was shown on his right cheek and it caused him to heit one side of the tree. "Lies! I am at peace! I just want them to join me." he said ticked off.

From the branches of the tree outside. Jack's body fell to the ground. It was motionless like Logan, but the cut on his cheek from inside the tree was visable in his natural body.
Adelay moved out ofthe way and managed to catch his upper body as he fell. "Stupid human." She looked him over towns sure he wasn't hurt. Mercedes gasped and ran to get Andrew and Max. Serenity closed her eyes with a frown. Somehow she felt that this was her fault. "Sebastion," Adelay said through clenched teeth. "You can be such a dumbass at times."
"You fool. They still love you. They want you to be at peace." Jack shouted. Sebastion still wouldn't listen to him as he attacked one more. The vine grazed the detective on the side of the head causing him to bleed a bit. The injury was easily shown on Jack's body outside as well.

Max bumped in to Mercedes and he holds her. "Miss. Mercedes, relax. Is something the matter?" He asked her. The look on her face said it all as he runs with her back outside.
Adelay smelled the metallic scent of his blood as it flowed from the injuries of his body. Mad because she couldn't do anything about it, she spotted Mercedes with Max behind her as they ran out into the garden. "Keep him safe," she stated as Mercedes dragged Jack's body away right near Serenity. Her mother went to the gardeners cabin and banged on the door.
Jack pants a bit as Logan look on. "You're gonna die if you don't have something up your sleve." Logan said to him. Jack rolled his eyes as he looks at Sebastion. "Die fool!" He said as he fires a sharp vile sright towards his heart. "Do you think your attitude will please Serenity?!?" He shouts at him. The vine stops one inch towards his heart as he looked at him. "Killing me won't bring you back to life or have peace of mind."

Andrew and Allie herd the bands on their door and sees Adelay. "Mistress, is theres a problem?" Andrew asked and noticed Mercedes and Max carrying Jack away. "What happened?" he asked looking at her.
"An ax." She stated to the male gardener. Allie looked outside at the tree and then back to their mistress. "Find me one." The vampiress was in no mood for an explanation. She wanted this to stop, plus hitting a tree would probably give her a little bit of anger management. Serenity watched Max and Mercedes take Jack away from the tree as Mercedes went to get a first aid kit for his injuries. She had no idea what to do, she didn't want to be dragged in nor did want to stand around helpless.
"I just don't want to be here anymore." Sebastion sighed. Jack moves the vine away and goes to him. "I know your stairway to heaven was blocked." He said and then he pointed to Logan. "And it's all thanks to him, for planting that tree on your grave." Logan gasped at what he said he never believe this something like this could happend. "He loves plants. I just thought it would be fitting." He explained.
After getting the object she needed, Adelay walked over to the tree and placed her hand on it. The bark was rough and gently scrapped the soft, cold skin of her hand. 'I'm sorry my love...' Taking a step back, she held the ax just above her head and brought it down to collide with the stem of the tree. It made a small indentation, but it was one step closer nontheless.
"Trust me Sebastian, they'll be alright. Adelay and Serenity are two strong women. "They still have a place in their heart for you." Jack said and pats his soulder. "Kind words from her new husband." He said and smiled. Jack chuckled and shook his head. "Sorry, I'm just a detective." He replied. Sebastion chuckled back and begins to change. the roots were vanishing and the vines tying Logan up were beging removed slowly.
Adelay thrusted the ax into the stem, her strength never faultering. It took awhile but eventually she got close to taking the tree down. Throwing the blade of the ax into the ground she looked up at the moon and sighed softly. A woman's work is never done. Serenity watched as her mother pushed the tree over and it began to fall to the ground, the stem making grotesque cracking noises as it did.
"The Light..." Sabastion said looking up. "As much as we would like to join you, we gotta split." Jack told him. A smile ran across Sebastions face as he grabs something from his pocket. "Give this to Adelay." He said and begins accending. Jack and logan looks up as their bodies began to vanish. Out side Jack begins to stur and then opens his eyes. " head..." He grunted.
Mercedes smiled, throwing herself on Jack and hugged him. Glad he was okay. "Thank goodness you're alive." Moving away from him, she slapped his chest. "Don't you ever do something so stupid ever again! We were worried." Adelay walked over to them, looking down at Jack, she shook her head. "You must be either very insane or very stupid to do what you just did." Mercedes got off of him to go check on Logan. Running to his room, she threw open the door.
Logan scrattched his head, he was less injured then Jack so me managed to walk on his own two feet. He see mercedes busting into his room and he sighed while crossing his arms. "It's very unlady like to barged in like that Don't you have any manners?" he asked her. Yep, he was back to normal.

jack looked at Adelay while holding his chest. "If he would have gotten Serenity, he would've never listen to reason. By then it would've been too late for talk." He told Adelay. He stood up as best he could as he touched the bandage around his head.
Mercedes ignored him, jumping on the arrogant man, she clung to him. Her arms formed around him in a hug. Even though they didn't exactly get along, they did grow up together with Serenity. And though she didn't show it, she did care about his well being.

She made a 'hn' sound. Looking over at the fallen tree, she turned her attention back to Jack. "Yes well, thank you." For saving Logan and her daughter, she was grateful. Not happy since she didn't show much emotion, but grateful that he helped them once more.
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