The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Logan raised a brow as she hugged him. Though he sees her doing that, he smiled and hugs her back. "I'm sorry if I made you worry. It wasn't right fr a gentleman like me to do so." He said and smiled. "Now then, where is that damn fool. I need to thank him once more. He said and holds her hand. Smiling at her, he walks out with Mercedes to find him.

"Was it you that chopped down that tree?" Jack asked Adelay looking at the fallen tree. It was a bit brash, not clean like the gardeners would have done. "I guess you can say that you help your husband out. You freed him from his pain and opened a gateway for him." He added.
Mercedes smiled when he hugged her back and blushed as he held her hand down the hall. "He's outside by the tree." She stated, going with him outside to find Jack. Serenit. Turned to them and smiled.

Adelay shrugged at him, not really enjoying the fact that she helped her husband. Serenity turned to Logan and smiled at them. Glad he was okay afterall.
"Why so cold? I thought you would be happy to to see him free from pain?" Jack said pushing another botton on her. He sat up and streched as he looks at the fallen tree. Touching it, it begins to age. it looked old and begins to crumble apart. He lets out a sigh before smiling.

Logan sees Serenity. It's been years after his master's passing that he got to see her. He lets go of Mercedes hand and gives her a big hug. "So i wasn't dreming. You're really here Little Pink." He said smiling at her.
Adelay rolled her eyes and watched the tree decay infront of her. So he really was the one who kept the tree ageless. Picking the axe up off the ground, she set it against the gardener's cabin before patting Logan on the shoulder and going back into the castle.

Serenity hugged him back, her face burying into his chest. She had missed him dearly and she was very glad he was okay. Looking up at him, her eyes seemed to glow in the moon light. "I'm not so little anymore."
Logan laughed and pats her head. "True, but you'll still be that little pink haired girl that it tend to. But I'm glad that you matured into a beautiful young lady." Jack leaned against the castle wall. Smiling that good friends are reunited once again. He heads back in and walks beside Adelay. He puts his hands in his coat pocket and felt something. it was the letter that Sebastion gave to him. "Adelay, you got a message. I suggest you and Serenity read it together." He said and hands it to her.
She looked at him and then down at his hand and then to the message. Taking the letter, she looked at the condition and back to Logan. "Both of us you say!" She stated, looking at him once again. "Then we will." With that, she took the letter and headed upstairs to her study. Serenity helped Jack off the ground and smiled slightly.
Jack gave a simple nod as he sees Serenity. Once he got up. He hugged Serenity tightly. "You were amazing Serenity. I'm sorry if I scared you like that. Mercedes already land a hit on me." He chuckled and let go. He the whispered to follow her mother He wanted her to see his message as well.
She patted him on the back as he hugged her and then left to go see her mother. Figuring she was back in her study, that's where she went. Knocking on the door, Adelay answered it and let her in. "You wanted to see me?" She asked. Adelay sat down on a small couch and patted the seat next to her. Serenity a little hesitant, sat down next to her as her mother opened the letter.
"Adelay, Serenity. I'm giving you this letter to tell you the truth about why I let our daughter to my sister. As you know I was suffering from an illness and it was going to take my life. I never wanted to give our child to her. I knew she was special, that she could see things that no one could, but I still loved her as any father would. However Sophia had other intentions. She hate me for marrying you for having my child. I have arguments for years about this, until she finally placed my back to the wall. Unless I agree to hand Serenity to her, Sophia would have killed you her personally. I've saw him, Diego Kene, the gretest slayer in this era. I couldn't let that demon end the ones I love the most, so I gave in and gave her cousity of our child. I still regret that even on my deathbed. I am so so sorry. Please forgive this idiot. Serenity, though emotionless, Adelay loves you with all her heart. Adelay, Embrace your child remove you still just for a minute. Let this be my last request. Forever in your hearts, Sebastian Miguel Turner" The letters on the paper soon vanished and turned into a pictue of Adelay and Sebastian holding Serenity as a baby.
Adelay sighed and looked at the letter as it turned into a drawing. Looking at Serenity, she could see that she had small tears forming in her eyes. Sighing, she wrapped her arm around her daughters shoulders. Holding Serenity close to her, she held her close. After a few moments, she looked down at her. "Hush now. No more tears." Serenity nodded and smiled up at her mother. The vampiress wiped her daughters eyes before getting up to frame the beautiful drawing and put it on her desk.
It was dawn and jack walked to Adelays' Room. He looked at her and the he sees the new picture. A smile creeped on his face as he goes to her. "You loved that jackass, didn't ya?" He said and holds the picture. Jack hoped that it gave her some peace of mind. The ring on his finger began to get loose. This case was closed. "Looks like I'm done here....for now. He kept it on though because he had to say farewell to someone else.
Adelay looked at the pictures. "Yeah." A real genuine smile spread across her lips as she continued to look at it. Turning to Jack, she patted his shoulder. "See ya around detective." She smirked, her fangs gleaming in the candlelight. Putting the frame back on her desk, she went to find the twins and gather them for breakfast.
"Hopefully it'll be for a friendly visit and not a wild case that'll make me do stupid things." He laughed and hugged Adelay before heading out the door. Sill griping the ring he heads to Serenity's room. He opens the door and smiles seeing her there. He knew she wasn't going back with him and it was just fine with him. She needs to be with her mother after all. "Hey Serenity. I came to say goodbye." He tells her.
She was sitting in the edge of her bed looking at the scrap book that her mother gave her yesterday. Hearing the door open, she looked up and seen Jack. Closing the book, she set it on the bed and stood up. Her long white night gown falling to the floor. "You're leaving? Did you check on Shawn?"
Jack nod his head as he walks towards her. "He's gonna be just fine. He'll begin his duties after breakfast. Logan is back to his normal self, much to the shagrin of everyone else, including Shawn and Mercedes. The twins are jumping for joy knowing that you're staying with Adelay. As for me, my work here is done." He said and smiled. "I wanted to personally thank you once again. You should embrase this gift. If it wasn't for it. You would have lost a childhood friend."
With a small smile she nodded once and inclined her head to him. Glad that everyone was normal and okay. "Thank you, Jack. But the very gift you say that I possess has put me in confinement for quite sometime. Kept me from human connection." Her light pink hair was in one long braid off to the side and the bangs and small strands in her face were slightly curled. "Thank you. For saving me from that place."
"I would do it over and over again if i could travel back in time." He said to her. He he puts his hat back on and gives a gentle smile. He knew he would see her again someday. But hopefully not for a case. His heart began to beat faster as he was close to the pink haired angel. He nod his head and wrapped his aram around her waist. He pulls her close and gives her a passionate kiss on her lips. It seemes like a lifetime, but it was only for seconds. He broke it off and removed the ring. He filps it back into his pocket and began to vanish. "You should see Chicago one day. I promise you'll have a blast there." He gives her a thumbs up one more time and then was gone.
Serenity stood there dumbfounded. She didn't know what to say. Not used to human contact, she waved bye to him as he vanished. "Good bye Jack. And I will think about Chicago." Smiling, she slightly showed her teeth for the first time.
Jack returned to Chicago. Same House, same office. Everything was the same. And it was boring as hell. He streched and sat on his chair and looked up at the ceiling. The only thin on his mind was the kiss he gave Serenity. He touched his lips and began to smile and blush.
The twins burst through her door, dancing around her and holding her hand. After getting dressed, she went down stairs to start breakfast. For now, they would be a family. The twins were lime younger siblings. It was almost like happily ever after. Almost.
Story III: Hunted

Deep in the woods was nothing but darkness. Wild animals that owns the night shines their brightly red eyes. Scurrying speaking, crying out as the night rolls on. Through the forest is a man. He listens to the sounds of the woods and he steps on every leaf and every twig. Some of his green hair covered his eyes and an emotionless look was shown on his face. In his left hand was his favorite creature: a spider, a tarantula to be more precise. Over his right shoulder was a person a woman with long white hair. She was asleep as he continues to carry her.

The sound of his phone rang and the animal of the wood ran from the noise. He stopped walking and sighed since he loved the sounds of the woods. He goes to his coat pocket and answered his phone. “Yeah? Yeah, I got her. She was as weak as I though she would be. Nah, the little bitch stabbed my left arm got away. Damn…don’t get so upset! I got the big fish like you said. Fine, but I expect double for doing this. Just make sure you finish on your end. Okay, bye.” He hang up the phone and continues to walk hoping to listen to the voices of the woods again.
Adelay stirred slightly in her sleep. She awoke with the sound of animals and a man talking. Her head was pounding as if she were drugged. It was then that she realized she was being carried. Blinking her eyes, the vampiress confirmed that this was not a dream and that this was indeed real. The man's voice was loud in her sensitive ears. And it was rather annoying.

It was then that she growled. Her fangs showing in the moonlight and her nose was wrinkled, her eye brows furrowed. And for a moment her blood red eyes glowed at the acknowledge that she wasn't in her own home. "Who the fuck do you think you are?" She could smell that he was human and the animals around them didn't help either. No wonder she hated the woods.
"Well well, my catch of the day has awoken." He said and chuckled. Sighing, He placed her donw on the ground. He cuchkled as he watches her squirm like a fish. "Please, you should stop. A little more struggling and the rope will trigger a powder fill with garlic." He warned her. He looks over her ad squeezed her cheeks to see her fangs. "My, how I love vampires." He said and picks her back up over his shoulder then walks on.
She hissed at him, her fangs bared. Once she was free, she would throughly enjoy biting him and draining dry. Adelay wanted to claw him or bite him or kick him but the fear of garlic stopped her. Smartass slayer thought he had her by the teeth. "What the hell do you want, you son of a bitch?" Her hair was falling down like a snow white waterfall as she looked down at the ground. His green suit was beyond gross. Reminded her of the boogers that the twins had when they were sick.
"Me, hehe, I just want the thrill of the hunt. The money I got is just an added bonus from my client. She's going to handle the rest." He looks at his left hand and pets his pet spider. "Isn't that right, Maxwell." He said and then laugh. "Oh yes, I got a good sum of cash for a vampire like you."

At the castle Logan finally fixed the the power of all the lights in the house. He rushes upstairs to check on everyone. The first place was the den, where Adelay was first sceene drinking her wine. "Mi'lady are you okay, I fixed..." Once he got there he didn't seehis mistress, but someone eles. A real Aristocratic lady sipping some tea handled by her butler. "Excuse me, but who are you?" he said her.
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