The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"I never thought I would say this, but thank goodness you're here Logan." Shawn said to him. Logan easily kept him tied up as he unties the rest. "Go along with it. Jack is here to help out and save our real mistress. Serenity is also safe along with Mercedes." He told them and a great sigh of relef came out from them. "I might as well face the music." He told them and heads to find Sophia.

Jack was being very cautious in the castle. He peeks into Logans room and sees Kevin looking over Logans swords. Sophias' butler chuckled looking them over as he began to steal each one. "Such weapons should only be held by a real gentleman." He muttered. Jack walks quietly to another room to see if anything else has been stolen.
Sophie was currently roaming the halls, looking at paintings of scenery and Adelay with her brother. Disgusting creature. Looking to the next room, she seen that the door was ajar. With a small raised brow, she glided over to the door, discovering that Adelay's study was inside. Pushing the door open al the way, she peered inside. There were books everywhere. The light was dim, obviously for the vampires sensitive eyes. And the red wooden desk was in the middle of the room with a black seat behind it.
Logan looks around for Adelay cruel sister in law. He figured the only place she would be was her study. Calmly, he walks ovver and finds her sitting there like royalty. "Miss Sophia, I'm sorry to inform you that Lady Serenity isn't here, or anywhere to be exact." He tells her not really feeling sorry.
She was looking through a random book, not so much interested in it as she was in ripping out the pages. Looking up at Logan, she raised her eye brows at him, annoyed by his presence already. "You lie." She stated, pushing herself out of the chair to stand up. The half gone book in her hand gallo to the floor. "You do understand that the life of your mistress is at stake here."
"Mistress Adelay is a strong woman. She won't die that easily." Logan told her. He grares at the vixen as he sees the pages on the floor. Looking at her desk he notices a list. He decides to take it and look at it. "Forming a party to stroke your own ego I see." he said and puts it down. "I suggest you don't touch anything else, if you want to breath that is." He advises her before leaving.
She chuckled under her breathe as she watched him leave. Though she was hosting a party it wasn't exactly to stroke her own ego. Mostly to celebrate that her sister in law was no longer in the family and that her niece was released from the asylum. Now if only she could get her hands on Serenity and then everything would be perfect.
Jack continued to search for misplaced things when he herd kevin on the phone. "Listen. Sophia wants you to keep her there. Good, good. Make sure that trap is fool proof. We still want you to find Serenity. Yes, injured arm or not. She wants her to complete her plan. Don't fail us Mr. Kene, or else." He said over the phone before hanging up. "Kene? No it can't be." Jack muttered and then heads back to the celler.
Mercedes made sure that she wasn't going to hit Jack when he came back. Serenity was sitting on the hay with the twins, playing a card game that the twins had thought her in no time. "Aw Naomi, you're the Old Maid." Noah whispered with a giggle. Serenity smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.
Logan returned first and then Jack. Relaxing in the hay and holding Serenity's hand Jack bit his bottom lip remembering the name he herd. "Well it's safe to say that Sophia isn't going to rest until your back in her arms." Logan tells her. It wasn't the best thing to say, but it was fact. "Got anymore info? How about the others?" Jack asked. "They're all fine. It turns out that she's going to be throwing a house warming party tomorrow night." He replied. "I went into the Mistress study and found the invite list. many aristocrats will be there. Though one name I never herd of. D. Kene , I believe." He said. Jack gave a low growl and said. "Damon Kene..."
Mercedes looked at Logan. She didn't know the name either. But it seemed like Jack did. Serenity handed the cards to the twins and looked down at the detective. "Kene?" She asked quietly. The girl wouldn't put it passed her aunt to do something this terrible in her mothers own home. Especially without permission. If only her father was still alive.
Jack gave a big sigh as he continued to hold her hand knowing she isn't going to like what he has to say. Damon Kene is a legend among vampire hunters. I've worked with him and I fought against him for about 3 years now. The last time I saw him, I was fighting him in New York City. I saw him fall off a bridge and presumed him dead." He then shook his head and looks Serenity in her pink eyes. "He's the one that kidnapped your mother." He tells her.

Kevin heads to the study and smiles seeing Sophia there. "Mi'lady, it seems that the vampiress servents are coorperating now. They're for some reason doing the regular chores and being very polite." He tells her before reading the guest list. "I've talked to Mr. Kene. He'll be there for the party." He tells her.
Serenity looked at him. A vampire slayer? Her mother was in danger? "Do you know where he is?" She asked, looking at them all. Mercedes seemed to be worried about the well being of Adelay as well. They never bothered anyone enough to be a threat to anyone let alone a vampire slayer.

"Good," she looked up at her butler with a smile. "Have the cleaners decorate the ball room while the cooks slave away in the kitchen. I want everything to be perfect. And when that I'd done, I want beautiful flower arrangements to be made for the party." Sophie skimmed over the list making sure she didn't forget anyone. With that done, she continued to roam around the castle.
"Not really, He doesn't stay in one place often. But since he's going to be at the party, he'll no doubt tell this Sophia person her whereabouts." He said and gets up. "I'm going to see her for myself. It's always good to know your enemy ahead of times." He said to them. "I can tell you now that you're already on her bad side." Logan tells him. "But I don't know her." Jack said and Logan replied, "It doesn't matter. If you're not rich, you're not worth her time."

"As you wish madame." kevin said and heads to the Garders cabin. He enters without knocking and glares at them. "Okay you slackers, move out. Ms. Sophia wants a floral arrangement right now!" he tells them. "Until you do, this cabin belongs to me."
Allie jumped at the cabin door being slammed open. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Her brown eyes gleaming. She wiped of her jeans and stood up from the stool she was sitting in. She was making a basket for a beautiful bundle of flowers for Serenity. Her eyes hard, she forcefully put on her gardening gloves and glared at him the whole time until she walked out the door.
"Just who the hell do you..." Before Andrew could finish, the tip of a knife Kevin stole from Logans room was aimed at his throat. "I happened to be the new head butler of this castle. Now unless you want to stop breathing, I suggest you follow the little girl and get to work now." Kevin said all that was a gentle smile on his face. Glaring at him, Andrew turned and heads to his sister. "Sophia? Adelay's sister? This is bad." He whispered to Allie.

Jack looked presntable and enters the castle. He sees the shattered vase and Elizabeth who was cleaning it up. Seeing she's okay, he heads to her. "Elizabeth, how are things?" he asked quietly.
Allie stomped through the garden with her brother. "Pompous asshole of a butler thinking he can come in here and boss people around whenever he pleases." She mumbled. She hated having to pick flowers for something that wasn't important to her. And for the fact that this was against Adelay's wishes made it even worse.

Elizabeth brushed some of the smaller dark blue porcelain pieces into the dust pan. Looking up to see Jack, her frown turned into a smile. "Jack." She said softly. "It's so nice to see you. Logan mentioned you were here."
"Indeed, Logan was more laxed then him." Andrew added. He had a bad feeling about this. Ever sinse the blackout, he moved Allie from the dinning room back to their cabin making sure she was safe. "I fear something bad happen to her if that witch is involved. And more over, Serenity could be in danger." Andrew needed to find someone, probbly the detective that helps out often.

"True. I also herd there was going to be a party here as well. Do you know where everyone else is? And what about this Sophia girl? Is she reaaly that evil?' He asked her. The more he knew about her, the better understandinghe'll get in order for him to save Adelay and protect Serenity.
Elizabeth continued working. "The others are doing their jobs. And as for Sophia," she paused and looked up at him from her position on the floor. "You should see for yourself." Brushing the last of the vase up, she sighed knowing how beautiful it was before going over to pitch the broken pieces in the trash can.
"I will. He said and heads up stairs. He was careful along the way meeting up with Shawn and Max. He finally reached the study and saw the door slightly open. He peeks in and sees Sophia there lounging about like she rules over this place. "Well, it's now or never." jack thought and knocks on the door. "Miss. Sophia, are you in?" He calls out.
Sophie was currently looking through the window down at the gardens below. Noticing the chopped down tree, she wondered why Adelay would so such a thing. Then again beasts acted out without thinking so she didn't think much of it. Hearing someone open the door, she looked at Jack. "And who are you?"
At first, he like what he saw. A stunning lady as if she was a queen. It was when reality hits him and sees her as an enemy to both Adelay and Serenity. He cleared his throat and walks over to her. "Holiday, Jack Holiday. I'm a close friend to the cook and I normally help out around the castle." He lied, but his voice made it look like the truth. He takes her hand and kisses it gently and smiles. "And may I ask who I'm talking to?"
Sophie inclined her head to him when he kissed her hand. Atleast he had manners. "Lady Sophie Turner." She moved her hand away and looked at him through hard blue eyes. "And you do not live at this castle?" She asked, walking away from the window to sit down at the desk once more.
"No, I live a mile down the road. I was tlking to Oliver when the phone suddenly clicked off. I got worried and traveled by foot to see if everything's okay." He explained and sat across from her. On the table was the invite list. He gazed over it and saw his name there. Oh this was going to be a good encounter if things go smoothly. "Is everyone alright? I do worry at times." He said to her.
"Yes." She stated, leaning back into the chair with her hands in her lap. Her black dress pooling at her feet. "Everything is just fine." Sophie looked him over. He didn't seem like someone who would live down the street. But then again she didn't care. "Did you need something else?"
He could see the erigance in her eyes. He decided to go a step further in his investigation and probe her mind. "There is one Miss Sophia. Is that filthy beast of an owner here? I said that i worry about them, but it's mainly because of that...that vampiress that looms over this place. I cannot stand the sight of her." A strong lie, but it was convinceable to the voice.
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