The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Kevin wondered about trying to see if the detective was telling the truth or now. He easily hopped to the top of the roof and looked around. He soon sees him and Serenity in a loving embrase. "Oh this is good. This is very good." He said quietly and sides off the roof.

"You know, my offer still stands Serenity. I would love it if you come with me." Jack said calmly. His lips begin to touch hers again before it went to her cheeks and her neck.
She frowned feeling eyes upon them. "Jack," she breathed. "I think someone is watching us." Her pink eyes looked around the garden as a chill went down her body. When she didn't see anyone, she frowned. Was she really crazy? Did she really need Togo back to the asylum? Her gift seemed to be whittling away.
jack looked up at the roof and then back at her. "I don't see a thing. You must be still cautious about the events going on." He said holds her. "Is it your powers Serenity, were you hspeaking to someone?" he asked her. His grip around her body to his didn't let go. He wanted her to be safe...with him.
She shook her head. "No I just felt someone watching us." Looking around she really didn't see anyone. "Let's go back inside." It wasn't that she didn't trust herself but she felt better bei inside than she did out in the open.
jack no his head and they went back to the cellar. "You're right, don't you worry, We'll all keep you safe from Sophia. And as Soon as I find the whereabouts of Adelay thanks to a certain slayer, you'll be back in her arms." He smiles at her to show he was serious about it. He hasn;t let her down before, and now wouldn't be a good time to do so.

"It's true, she is still in the house. And that 'neighbor' knows where she is." Kevin reported to Sophia. Are there any further steps you want me to do?" he asked with a sinister smile on his face.
Sophie stroked her chin, thinking. "He is definitely up to something. And if he knows Serenity then he more than likely knows the servants and Adelay as well." She went over to look out the window. It was early morning. Around 5 o'clock. The sun would be rising soon and that means she would be spending the rest of the day getting ready for the party. Turning her head to her butler, she smiled. "Dint be too rash just yet. Find out where he's hiding the girl."
"As you wish madame" Kevin said. He exits her room and decides to look everywhere. Ne notice they were gone but knew they would spring out at anytime. He just have to be patiant about things like this.

Morning came and Jack was sound asleep with the others. He begins to open his eyes a bit and notice Serenity on his chest. he knew nothing happened, but still, he like the feeling. He leans over and kisses her forehead. "Time to wake up." He tells her.
Serenity groaned and blinked her eyes open. Realizing that she was laying on Jack, she moved off of him. "Good morning, Jack. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lay on you." Looking around, she seen the twins sleeping side by side with Alloe not too far from them. Nicole was using a small bundle of hay as a pillow as she slept on the floor. Mercedes and Logan were sittin on the floor and leaning against the wall. The blond had her head on Logans shoulder and was snoring softly. "What time is it?" She whispered as she sat up fully on the hay.
"Good Morning Serenity." He said as he sat up. He chuckled as he herd her apologize for laying on him. "No need to apologize. I din't mind it at all." He replied and his chuckled increased. He pointed to her cheek and and smiled. "Your blushing..." he whispered to her before seeing the others waking up. "Once they're fully away we'll go over strategy." Jack said to her.
Serenity cleared her throat and then nodded. Getting off the floor, she dusted herself off and looked around. It was Nicole who stirred in her sleep. Turning over, the brunette looked at the ceiling and sat up instantly. "Oh God." She rubbed her face and stretched. "It wasn't a nightmare after all..." Serenity smiled slightly at her and shook her head slowly. "No. I'm sorry. It wasn't."
"Okay, listen up all. I need you guys to return to castle. Just continue doing what you do and stay out of trouble...this goes for the twins as well." jack said to them. It wasn't a good idea for them to head back, but Sophia might catch on if she continued to notice the lack of staff. "Logan, Mercedies and myself will rotate turns keeping an eye on Serenity until the party." jack added and looked at them. "Sounds good to me." Logan said.
The twins nodded and tugged on Serenity's clothing. Looking down, she patted their heads. Naomi giggled. "We'll brin you some food and things to play with when we can." She smiled at them and nodded. "Thank you." Mercedes yawned and blinked her eyes. "Okay," she groaned out. Her back hurt from sleeping against the wall and her neck was stiff. She felt like a under paid and overly worked employee. Pushing off the wall, she stood up and dusted off. "Okay, Naomi and Noah let's go up with Nicole and get breakfast ready." Nicole got up as well, eager for more coffee and the twins took each of Mercedes' hands.
"I'll head out as well, I can't let that freak take over so easily." Logan stated about Kevin. "If anything else comes up. Let me know. Every bit helps for a case like this." Jack streches for a bit and sees them leave. "I can only pray for their safety." He said as the door closes.

Oliver manages to make every single dish that was required for the party. He was completely wiped out from the whole experience. He was sitting on a chair and sound asleep until he herd the door opening. He smiles seeing it was Nicole and the rest.
Nicole headed toward Oliver with a small smile. "Hey, wow you did all the food for the party." She looked over the dishes and hugged him. "You didn't have to do all of it in one night, I would of came up here to help as soon as I could." She felt bad for sleeping while he did all of the work. The twins sat down at the island, each picking a piece of fruit from the fruit basket to eat. Mercedes started making coffee. "You did a very good job, Oliver." The blonde smiled and patted his shoulder.
Oliver looks at Nicole and smiles. Through his eyes, she was the only one in the room. He hugs her back hearing her concern. "It's cool. I said I've done this before. Besides you were more tired then me. I didn't like seeing you suffer like that." He looks up and and sees Mercedes making some coffee. "I herd, that it'll satart at 5pm. Does Jack has a plan of attack yet?" He asked before taking a sip of coffee.
Nicole looked over at Mercedes as if she knew the answer. "Right now his main concern seems to be getting into this party." She made a cup of coffee for herself and Nicole and a glass of chocolate milk for the twins. The head maid decided to stand up. "Other than getting this Kene guy and Adelay back that's about it, I believe."
"According to Jack, he's already in as a volunteer helper." Logan said entering the kitchen. He made his cup of coffee before cleaning his glasses. "In any case, we should all be there working. I'm afraid that it's the detective that has the hardest challenge. He's such a magnet when it come to nearly killing himself." He finishes his cup before clapping his hands. "Okay all, get your breather in then begin working, and do becareful. Sophia's 'pet' I surely lurking about." Logan said to then and heads to see Sophia herself.
Mercedes gulped down her coffee and scurried the twins out of the kitchen. The head maid went to find Elizabeth to see if she was doing okay. The pink haired cleaner was currently cleaning the ba room. She was dusting and cleaning the large curtains that hung infront of the giant window and balcony to one of the more elegant gardens. The twins ran off to do some laundry and maybe help clean a little.
"I don't know why you had to get me. I prefer walking." Damon said to Max. He, of all people didn't like this as well. "Trust me I wouldn't if my like wasn't in danger." Replied and drove him to the castle. Once they arrive he opens the door for the green haired slayer. "I still can't believe it was too easy to slip in. Thanks to that little short cut I found." He said and chuckled.

Shawn was cleaning the dining room and mopping all the floors in the house. He was informed of what to do thanks to Mercedes and and kept his eye out for anything and everything. He herd the doorbell and goes to open it to see Demon there. "Good day sir, Lady Sophia has been waiting for a while." He replied. Ignoring him, the slayer tossed his hat to him and heads to the living room to await her.
Mercedes passed Damon down the hall. In her mind, she pretty much acknowledged who he was. Taking a small bow/curtsy, she smiled at him, though it was fake it seemed pretty real. "Good morning, master. Would you like me to show you to Ms. Sophie's whereabouts?" She asked nicely. Though he was a slayer intending to kill Adelay, he wasn't all that bad looking. But she knew better, she was a maid and this wasn't a brothel.

Elizabeth took a deep breath and decided that it was time for a break. Sitting on the stairs, she wiped her face with a hankerchief and looked around. Dining room and floors, check. Ballroom, check. Now all they needed to do was wipe tables, dust, make beds, check rooms and rid up if need be, and help 'decorate'. She was getting really exhausted and the fact she didn't get much sleep didn't help either. Never again will she clean for a party they only knew about the night before. Atleast Adelay would tell them a week ahead of time. It was ridiculous in her mind, but she knew well enough not to say anything.
"Well, well..." Damon thought and smiles at Mercedes. Looking at the blonde he like what he saw. Just like Jack, he had his thing for beautiful women. Sophia and Serenity was no exception as well. "I don't think we met before, my dear. Call me Demon. Master is too harsh for you to say." He takes her hand and kisses it. "I'll be fine, I can wait for her to come down here."

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kevin asked Elizabeth with a cold glare. He grabbed her arm and pulls her up. His grip was tight as his eyes were locked on her. "I don't remember telling you to take a break, now did I? Useless, just like that damn vampire." Shawn and Logan see this and instantly goes to him. "I told her to you working her to the bone." Logan lied but was convincing. Shawn pulls her away from Kevin and glared at him. "If you bruised her, so help me God I'll..." Logan waved at him telling him not to cross that line. He fought him before and he hates to admit it but he his stronger than him. "I'll see to that Elizabeth gets back to work." Logan responded. Kevin scoffed at his words and heads in the opposite direction.
Mercedes gave him a curt nod as he spoke. "Yes, Damon." She said politely, a smile still on her face. Her blonde hair falling over her shoulders in thick waves and her black dress almost touched the ground. "I'm Mercedes. The head maid in the castle," she looked down the hall, seeing Sophie walking toward them. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." Turning around, she headed in the opposite direction, going to find something to do or clean. Sophie walked over to Damon, watching Mercedes' small retreating form. "Ah, Mr. Kene. Its a pleasure to see you once again."

Elizabeth frowned, rubbing her sore arm covered by the sleeve of her dress. There was a cleaning rag still in her hand and her body ached almost as much as her arm was. Kevin's grip was rough and she knew that it would atleast leave a pretty nasty mark for a few hours. Looking at Logan and Shawn, a tired smile met her lips and once Kevin walked away, she let out a breath that she had been holding ever since he grabbed her. "Thank you." She said tiredly patted Shawn's hand before going up the stairs to get back to work.
"A pleasure to see you as well, Lady Sophia. You looking more like royalty by the second. I can see you're getting ready for the party. Hopefully I'm not interupting any preperations." He kisses her hand and walks with her. "Your sister is under 'considerable' watch. You were right when you said that she had a short fuse." He chuckled. and looked around the place.

"Elizabeth, head to your room. You are in no condition to work for a few hours." Logan told her. He leans over and whispers. "Take a break. You earned it." Shawn helps her and takes Elizabeth to her room. "I'm sorry..." Shawn quiwtly said to her.
Sophie smiled as they walked down the hall together. "That beast is not my sister. But she has terrible temper. I guess that's the animal in her." Seeing that some of the decorations were being put up, she glanced out every window as they passed. "And no, you're not interrupting at all. Would you like one of these servants to find you a room for you to stay in?" She turned her head to look at him. "I'm sure you're tired from keeping up with that thing all night."

Elizabeth let out a tired breath and smiled at Logan before going with Shawn to her room. Hearing him, she turned her head. "Why are you sorry?" She asked, opening the door and closing it behind her, locking it. She didn't trust Kevin or Sophie and she didn't want them coming into her room and waking her when she was ordered by her real boss to take a break.
Damon Looked at her and thought about her offer. Some rest would be pleasant after dealing with Adelay. And he knew just the person he had in mind to help out. "Sounds devine, thank you. Oh and I do have one request for the servent." He smiles before seeing Sophies' butler. "Madame, everything is on sechdule. However, that guy you told me about, Jack. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him or your niece." Kevin told her and it caused Damon to raise a brow. "Jack? Forgive my interruption, but his last name wouldn't happen to be Holiday, would it?" he asked.

"It should've been me working last night instead of you. I said to go on and let me handle it." Shawn said with his back to the door. He crossed his arms and looked down. He know this might've happen, and now he regreting it.
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