The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"True, it's been like forever for me to open up to someone. But I think I found that person." He said and looks at her. He hild her hands that was holding the cupcake and give a soft smile. "You Nicole, I never felt this way about anyone before, not even the mistress. That's why I..." He just couldn't put it into words, so he let his actions do it and kisses her lips.

Jack goes towards his room and hears laughter in a closet. Curious, he opens it and sees Serenity and the twins playing Go Fish. He smiles and watches them He was glad to see his partner this way. It feels like she opening up more and more. He decides to let them finish up. It looks to be a intese game for the three.
Nicole was stunned. She didn't know what to do. Sire she used to have a crush on him, but they used to fight so much she really never acted upon it. It surprised her that he was actually the one to act out on his own feelings.

Naomi looked up at her brother and Serenity from her cards. A grin on her face. They each had two cards in their hand and Naomi was hoping to make a match. "Serenity!" She called out, pointing to the pretty pink haired girl infront of her. She giggled. "Do you have a 5?" The girl was quiet so long that they thought she didn't hear her. But then one side of her mouth curved up. "Go fish."
Oliver held the kiss. He was a fool not seeing Nicoles' advances in the past. He was just more focused on cooking to perfection, something he picked Nicole on for that. He hoped it wasn't too late, now that he seen the real her. He doesn't want his heart to be alone any more. "I'm sorry, but I care about you I really Do." he said and kissed her once more before pulling back.

Jack chuckled quietly as he watched. His eyes was more focused on Serenity than the twins now. He wasn't suprised at all that Max and Andrew was fighting over her. She is very beautiful. Her pink hair and eyes, and her soft personality was enough to warm anyones heart. A light blush came to his face as the game was coming to an end.
Nicole slightly kissed him back and when he moved back, her brown eyes blinked at him. She was confused and she really didn't know what to do. "Th-thanks again for the cupcake. It's really good." Her smile was kind and her eyes were soft.

It was Serenity's turn. "Noah." Her eyes glided over to him. "Doyou have a 7?" Noah sighed And puffed out his bottom lip while handing her the card. She paired themup and set them aside. "Naomi. A Queen?" Naomi copied her brother and gave Serenity her last card to beat the game. "Aw. You won, Serenity. That was fun!" The older girl smiled slightly and gathered the cards up to put them back in the box.
"Nicole, what do you think of me?" Oliver asked calmy yet seriously. He had to know if he was too late or not to win her. He doesn't what to do if he was too late. He looked at the cupcake and then her. as he awaited her answer.

Jack clapped at the great game that was played. "Good game to all of you." he said breaking his silence. The twins hugged her for teaching them a new game before hopping back to the Laundry room. "They took a liking to you already." Jack chuckled and helps her up.
Nicole looked up at him and sighed. "I think you're a wonderful man. You have amazing abilities as a cook and you can be very kind." A small smile came to her face when she said that. "And any woman would be lucky to have you. I used to like you a lot. But because we used to fight a lot, I made myself believe we weren't going to be anything."

She grabbed his hand to stand up, looking sown at her dress, she made sure that it wasn't ruined. "I guess you could say that." Serenity with the cards in hand, put them back into the box and in the same place the twins had them. When she turned around, she stared right at him. "You didn't tell me someone died here recently."
Oliver felt guilty about the fighting. He did it to hide his feelings about her. In truth, she's the girl of his dreams. Her beauty was breater then all the other girls in the castle in his opinion and she the greatest in making desserts. "You're an amazing woman. You can cook the greatest desserts and you have a sweet personality. Any guy would lover to be with you." He said and held her hands once more. "I almost gave it up due to my lonelyness, but no more I know who I want in my life. I want you, if you'll accept me." He began to blush remember he kissed her to show his feelings. "Kiss me...if you still have those feelings for me."

Jack sighed not wanting to relive that case. "I was given no choice in the matter. Claire was going to kill me if I didn't fight back." He telld Serenity about his first case here. How her mom was being blackmailed and nearly killing her and him on seceral occations. He also included on how she was targeting the rest as well. "Once I exposed her, She snapped and...well you know the result." He replied.
Nicole stared at his lips. A part of her wanted to kiss him and the other was scared to do so. Setting the cupcake down on her counter, she sighed a little trying to figure out her feelings. Placing her hands on his chest and lifted herself on her toes to kiss his cheek. "I'm sorry, Oliver but I really don't know what I want anymore.

Serenity looked up at him as she closed the closet door behind her. "I know. She told me. And she said that you can't sword fight to save your life." She looked up and down the halls and held her arms close to her body.
Oliver felt somewhat crushed heaing that. He could only accet her words and damn himself for his past actions." I understand. Sorry for bothering you. Be bright and early for breakfast." He said and stood up. He looked away from her to hide his sad face, "Good night..." He sighed and left her room. Once our and sat against the wall with his knees to his chest. All he could do was regret his past actions.

"Well...she didn't have to say it like that." He sighed and shook his head. He walks down the hall with her and towards the garden. All the while he looks at her then deverting his eyes away before she looked at him. "She is cute..." He thought then looked again. "Is Go Fish the only game you know?" He asked out of the blue.
Nicole swallowed the limp in her throat and watched him leave. She softly closed the door behind him and went over to her bed. Laying on her stomach, she cuddled the pillow under her stomach her face in the pillow. She felt so stupid so stupid to let him walk out like that. But she was scared.

She smiled slightly upon hearing the sore spot he held for Claire. Thinking about his question, she looked ahead of her while they walked. "Yeah. I was never really taught anything else. And my aunt was never a fan of games." Serenity turned the ornery with him. "Did you figure out this problem?"
Oliver looked up at the ceiling. He thought long and hard about it. His hands began to shake. The though of her being just a cooking partner his beginning to scare him. He then thought about the kiss and how he enjoyed kissing her. Both of those visions flashed through his mind until a spark went to his head. "I can't...I can't loose her." He said and got up. He opened the door and closed it seeing nicole down on her bed. He lifts her off so she was standing up and held her. "I need you. I can't think of anything now. All I can see is you." He said.

"I know a few games. After the case, I'll would love to teach you some." He smiled and heads outside with her. The cabin ligh was on because Andrew and Allie wanted to see this glowing tree. Jack looks at Serenity and nod his head. "Mercedes said something about your dad. I don't think he's at peace yet." He tells her.
Nicole gasp as she was pulled off the bed. Knowing the smell of his cologne she clutched to Oliver's clothes. Burying her face into his chest, she smiled slightly. "I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to Hirt you that away."

She smelled the flowers and the night air once they stepped outside. "I see. That is a theory." She stated, sitting on a bench close to the tree but far enough so she wouldn't get hurt. Putting her hands in her lap, she pulled up the black over coat over her shoulders.
"I forgive you. I'd do anything for you....I like you. More than you'd ever know." He said smiling. The scent of her perfume was simply devine. He looks into her eyes and gives a soft smile. " Your eyes, they show fear. I've seen that look before when I looked at myself. What are you afraid of?" He asked and kissed her cheek.

Seeing the line were still as is, Jack heads over to one of the flower beds. They were in full bloom at night the he had to smell them. He sees Serenity in the night air and he could sense a nice aura from her. It was soft and gentle. It made him blush lightly just from that. He picks up a flower and gives it to her. "For you Serenity..." He said and sat beside her.
Nicole sat on her bed and sighed. "Scared of myself. Scared of being with you and things not working out." Sitting on her bed, she ran a hand through her hair as she looked out the window. "I really like you, Oliver. I really do."

She smiled and opened her hand to accept the flower. Her fingers fingered the petals with her fingers before smelling it's wonderful floral scent. "Thank you. It's beautiful." Taking the flower stem, she slipped it through the pocket of her coat so it stuck out through the black abyss.
"The way we were was in the past. Break through the doubts and focus on the now. Your true feelings will help shape a better future." Oliver said caressing her cheek. "As for me, the now is saying to make you happy." With a calm and loving look on his face, he leans in and gives her a passionate kiss. He sees clearly what he had to do and will see through it.

"That flower isn't the only one that beautiful." He said and quockly covers his mouth. He tips his hat to hide his face and then gives a slight smile. "You're going to be safe Serenity. You, Mercedes, and everyone else in this castle. I'm ready to take that gamble and solve this case." He holds her hand under the moonlight and smiles as his eyes locks on hers. "You can trust me."
Nicole wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. Her eyes closed and she inhaled the scent of his cologne invaded her senses. She held onto him, afraid he might leave if she left go.

Serenity looked up at him, shocked at his comment. "I know I will. You seem to protect everyone here pretty well. But I still fear for Logan." She looked around the gardens. "Andrew and Allie do a beautiful job here. The flowers are well taken care of and beautiful."
Oliver closed his eyes and fell over on top of Nicole on her bed. His blonde har gently falling her brunette hairas his tongue enters her mouth. "Don't be afraid. My love will help break your fears." He quietly said to her as he kisses her cheek and neck. As if it was fate, her radio begins to play a romantic melody.

"He will be saved. He won't die on us." He said to her as he looks at the garden as well. "Indeed. Adelay did said they're the best at what they do." Jack closes his eyes and remembered what he and the vampiress talked about. "Serenity, do you want to stay here, at this castle?" he asked her.
She smiled up at him. "Oliver, Indont think I'm ready to sleep with you sexually tonight. But can you sleep with me?" She whispered, staring up into his eyes, her own searching his as if pleading.

Serenity looked at the tree. "Technically this is my home. But everyone here is more like a stranger. I was in the asylum so long, I became comfortable with the confinement. I'm not used to being around so many different people all at once. But yes. I would rather stay here more than my aunts or the asylum."
Oliver chuckled and smiled at her. To tell you the truth, I'm not ready for that big step myself. I'll know when I'm fully ready for that moment. Although I can't refuse the offer of a beautiful lady." He nods and cuddles with her. Allowing his nose to soak in her perfume.

Jack bit his bottom lip. He remembered what Adelay said what will happen if she stay there. If only he could see her aunt maybe be a negoiator. All he wants is to see Serenity smile. "Then do it. You gain alot of good friends here, two silly but kind siblings, and a mom who truely cares for you though hides her emotions well." He stood up and cross his arms before nodding his head. "Of course, thanks to this ring. I can come and visit you as well." He turns to give her a thums up and a smile.
She laid beside him, her head on his chest and she closed her eyes listening to the music. "Thank you again for the cupcake." Her whisper was soft as she muzzled her face into his chest, her arm draped over his stomach and side.

Serenity looked at him. "I see. Well the twins do seem to enjoy playing Go Fish with me." She murmured softly and then her eyes landed on the ring. She looked at the blood red ruby that shined in the moon light. Standing up, she looked around the gardens and then the tree and then back to Jack. "Do you like it here?"
"You could say that. It's really intresting and alot of intresting things happen to me and everyone else here in this castle." He tips his hat again remembering that he sexually slept with Mercedes one night and Allie the other. When he remember what he and Adelay did before he left the first time. His completely covered his face with his hat. He let out a few breathes before looking at her one more. "I would love to stay here. But I'll miss my own home as well." His hand holds both of hers as the moonlight shines more. "But, I'm a detective. I'm not sure if theres a job for me in this home. Besides being a bodyguard." He chuckled hoping it would make her chuckle as well.
She moved her head to the side as his same hands embraced her cold ones. "A body guard?" The question in her voice was apparent. "For who?" She noticed how he covered his face with his hat but she didn't exactly know why but see believed it was from being embarrassed. "What is Chicago like?" Serenity wondered how large cities were. Her aunt lived in a small but right town where they had maids and cars. But she was old fashioned and enjoyed carriage rides. That she didn't understand, but never said anything.
"For...for..." At that moment he wanted to express his feelings for her, but he just didn't have it in him yet. "For everyone. I've been solving crimes and protecting people all in one circle. I wouldn't mind if I just protect from now on." He said and chuckled. He laced his fingers with hers as she asked about his home town. "Oh it's a busy city. It's very hot in the summer and very cold in the winter. Plenty of buildings to view and people to meet and greet." He summed it up and told some intresting stuff about the citty. "You'd like it there espically if you..." He frozed his words almost telling her that he wanted her to live with him.
She listened as he spoke to her about his city and the people there. "I don't think I could live in a city. It seems like too many people." Her eyes caught something moving in the bushes a few feet away and she moved her head to see what it was. Just then a rabbit jumped out, sitting on it's hind legs and sniffing the air with his rapidly moving nose and got back down on all fours.
"You never know until you try. That what one of my teachers told me when I was in college." He said. He watched the rabbit scurry along and pass the tree. As soon as it got near it it quickly turned the other way. "It's about time we save Logan. And I have a plan how." He said and the walks with her toward the tree.
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