The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Adelay looked at Jack. "He's relieved of all probations." she closed the door behind her and walked the opposite way to her room. After while, everyone had made it to the dining hall. Serenity was late seeing how she had gotten a proper bath and Elizabeth helped her to get dressed. Her outfit was simple. A long white dress with long sleeves and a thick black over coat that she slipped off the shoulders, and the sleeves were too big, bundling at the hands only showing her fingers. Her hair was braided loosely with strands in her face. Naomi even offered to do her make up. Some eye shadow, lip gloss and mascara later she figured she probably didn't look like herself. Elizabeth had pulled out a small box with jewelery in it. It was gold and the necklace resembled barbed wire that tied up her neck with pale pink roses and matching earrings.
Jack was chatting with others awaiting for dinner to be served. Once they all saw Serenity appear he, Max, and Andrew stood up and gave a faint blush. "Oh my God..." the said silently as if they were looking at a princess. Max bolted to her and kindly offer up his seat. Andrew bumped him out the way and offered her his seat. The two men glared at each other until the see Jack giving her a vacant seat. It was righ across from him. They gave a low growl at the cunning detective.
Adelay shook her head at them. Men. Serenity looked at the detective and softly sat in the seat that was offered to her. "Thank you." She kindly stated, looking at the empty plate infront of her. She sat between Allie and Mercedes. Allie stared at her. The girl was beautiful, she wasn't jealous but she would die to have her soft hair. Nicole was the first to start bringing out food.
"It's my pleasure, partner." he smiled as the two got even more jealous. "Kill..." they both thought as Oliver begis to serve as well. Shawn and Elizabeth came down hand-in-hand. He was relieved that he was innocent, but still wanted to see Logan alive again. Sure, he hated his guts, but he would never want another person dead.There was one empty spot. It belonged to Logan, but he was there, just as a ghost and in the same condition.
Serenity looked at Logan at the dinner table. Even in partial death he still wanted to be a part of the 'family'. It was bittersweet. Nicole patted her shoulder as she set a bowl of mashed potatoes infront of her and Allie. The young girl kept her hands in her lap. Adelay had her hands around a goblet of red wine. She had her fill of blood for the day. Elizabeth sat down at her spot next to Mercedes and they waited for the cooks to sit in order to dig in. But it was then that Serenity felt odd. Her stomach felt uneasy but she kept it on the downlow.
The main dish was soon served and the cooks sat down. With that everyone began to eat. Jack turned to see the empty seat. Sure, he didn't see it, but he probbly bet Serenity did. He said nothing about it as he took a bite. Delicious as ever as he smiled and thank the two chefs. He looked at everyone. Max and Anderw were glaring at him thinking he got all of Serenity's attention. Noah balance a spoon in his nose and a fork on the spoon to entertain his twin sister. Mercedes, Allie and Elizabeth were talking girl stuff. However he look at Serenity again and saw her not looking good. He got alittle curious about it.
Serenity stared down at her food, picking the corn around the mashed potatoes with her fork. She wasn't hungry but her mind felt hungry. She never felt like that. Glancing up at everyone from beneath her bangs, she noticed Jack looking at her funny. Her mother glanced at her too but she didn't seem to be bothered by it like Jack was. Moving her head up, her pink eyes looked into his and she smiled very little trying to tell him that she was okay.
A nice innocent smile. Eyes as shiny like a pink diamond at night. It was official to Jack: Serenity was definately hiding something. What it was he doen't know. He sat back in his chair and smile back at her before taking a sip of his wine. "Logan should return no later than tomorrow night." He proclaimed and made the servents look at him. "Tomorrow night?!" Shawn said abd began to burst into laughter. A laugh only a madman would make.
Serenity stayed silent. That did seem a little quick to solve a case but if he knew what kept Logan the way he was and knew how to help him, she would be glad to have her childhood friend back. Adelay looked at Jack. "You seem to know why he is the way he is, Jack. What do you have in mind to save him?" She questioned, her red eyes staring him down. Serenity looked acrossed the table to the empty seat Logan was in, seeing if he was hearing any of this.
He was going to respond but it was cut off by more laughter by Shawn. "I mean it Shawn. Serenity and I will..." "Serenity will be joing me along with Mercedes." Shawn said breaking his glass. The detective looked at him and his eyes were widen. This wasn't Shawn, his eyes went from yellow to a light blue. "They will joine me sooner of later. and You my darling will have nothing truely left." He said looking at Adelay.
Adelay growled and slammed her hand on the table. "Damnit Sebastian! Leave the boy alone. He wants to enjoy his own damn dinner. Go back to the hole you tried to crawl out of." She was standing up now. She was getting rather irritated with the events of today. She wasn't worried about Mercedes and Serenity being dragged down. She knew Jack and herself would protect them. Serenity even could talk to the dead. The young girl sat there, shocked that her father would do something as to take over someone's body and Mercedes seemed a bit afraid. The fork she had close to her mouth that she was about to take a bite of, paused in midair. The mashed potatoes falling off the eating utensil and back onto the plate.
Shawn, currently possesd by Sebastion looked at his former wife. He then looked at the detective and then the two young twins. A smirk ran across his face before he kissed her lips. "Didn't take long for you to remarry, did it? I think I'll take the young ones with me to my new home." He chuckled and then laugh. "Over my dead body!" Jack shouts and points his gun at him. He had a special bullet already loaded and his finger was on the trigger. "Calm down. I can arrange that soon enough." he said. The ghost left Shawns body and the male cleaner collapsed on the floor.
Adelay scoffed and rolled her eyes at her former husbands words. Idiot. She thought, sitting back down. She glanced over at the twins and then down to Shawn who collapsed on the floor. Elizabeth already at his side, his head in her lap. She waved her hand infront of his face, "Shawn?" Serenity stood up from her chair and quickly walked over to them.
Jack did the same thing a dchecked his pulse. "He's gonna be okay, thankfully. He just needs some rest." He said as the guys nod and helped him to his room. Anothe game for keeps. If this keeps up, then he'll probbly move here from his home and office. This was too thrilling for him. This whole house was full of haunting mysteries. He then looked at Serenity. "Tonight, we strike." Jack said to her with a serious look on his face.
Elizabeth went with them to make sure that Shawn would be okay until he woke up. Everyone else just watched as the men and Elizabeth left the table. Seems like everytime Jack comes around the dinner table was always the hot spot. Serenity looked at Jack and nodded. If he really wanted to kick this thing in the butt tonight then so be it. But first, she wanted to do something.
After Dinner Jack relaxed in his room and waited for Serenity. He was to form a plan with her on how to get Logan back. All the while the treat by Sebastain lingered in his mind. He clenched his fist as he looked up at the ceiling. Has he gone mad?" He thought to himself and streched his arms.

Oliver waled to the west wing to Nicole's room. He had a determined look on his face as he heads there. Waving at the twins, who were playing with their new 'sister', he reached her door and knocks on it. "Nicole? It's Oliver." He stated.
Serenity was being dragged down the hall by the twins as they talked to her about all the games she could play. Most of them she knew nothing of. But she did know how to play cards. Smiling slightly, she stopped and told them of 'Go fish'. They seemed pretty excited about it and really looked toward to play. She waved back at Oliver as he headed toward a certain room.

Nicole was listening to music and drawing until she heard a knock. It was Oliver. A little confused, she put her drawing pad down on her bed and made her way over to the door. Opening it, she confirmed it was indeed the head chef. "Oliver?" She asked. "Is everything okay?" He normally didn't come to her room knocking on her door.
Jack was silent through the evenging. He asked the gardeners to let him know if anything changes in those lines. It was urgent to know if things gotten worse. If it does then he'll have to move as soon as possible. He then thought about Serenity. It must be hard for her to go through this. Sebastion had made it clear that she was on of the targets as well as Mercedes. He sat up and nod to himself. He'll check on her first.

"Yeah, it's cool." He said as he entered. He listened to the music she was listening to and felt relaxed. "I saw you didn't get a chance at any dessert, so I took the liberty to make you this." He reveals to her a strawberry cupcake the he presonaly made just for her. "I hope you don't mind." He said turning his head.
"So you ask if you have a number or royal card to see if someone has it." Serenity explained. The three of them were currently in the twins old secret hide out. They looked at eachother and smiled, nodding that they understood how to play now. It was Noah to start the game. "Do you have a King, Serenity?"

Nicole looked at the cupcake and smiled. It was really mice of him to do that for her. It was her favorite. "Thank you, Oliver. But you didn't have to do that for me." she had a big smile on her face because of this selfless act.
Noah nod when Serenity said to go fish. The twins were liking her more and more. Since everyone is often busy around the castle, they only rely on each other to have fun. But now with Adelays' daughter here, things were looking brighter for the duo. "Your turn sis." Noah said to naomi.

Jack made his way to Mercedes room. He was leaning against the door as he looks at her. Seeing her hands still shaking he goes and holds them to calm her down. "Quite a scare during dinner." He said and sighed. That possession trip was unexpected.

"I had to. I know you like dessert." Oliver replied and smiled. He sat down beside her and exhaled a breath. "Thing are always heatic when Jack is here. Remember the first time? He smashed the mistress's wine glass." He said chuckling.
Mercedes looked at Jack and smiled slightly. "Yeah, something like that has never happened before. But that's not what scared me the most. It's the way the Lord was acting. He was always so kind. Now he seems bitter and mean." Mercedes sighed and sat down on her bed, staring off elsewhere as she looked deep in thought.

Nicole snickered at the memory. "Yeah and the mistress seemed pretty angry. Jack always seems to press her buttons more than any of us do." She smiled slightly and licked a little bit of the cream cheese icing from the top of the cupcake before picking the strawberry slice on top and eating it.
"Come again?" Jack said wanting more info. He got a small chair and sat across from her. It puzzled him hearing her said that. Of course, he had no clue of his personality, so he can't judge him that easily. "Tell me more about him. I know you were silent the first time."

Oliver chuckled and nod his head. "One day I fear she world actually kill him. He's a rebel compaired to all of us working here." Looking at his hands, he began to move a bit closer to Nicole. "I hope you don't mind, but I borrowed your recipe for that dessert. It's really good." He said giving a light blush.
Mercedes looked at him as he sat down infront of her. "The Lord was a kind man. Always smiling and would always cheer you up if you were ever down. He was selfless and had no problem helping someone out if they really needed it. And then he married Ms. Adelay. She wasn't as um..." she paused. "Cold then as she is now. But she was still a little high strong but the Lord loved her. He knew she was a vampire before any of us did. He was afraid that if he told us too soon, we would fear her. Which we understood. But for awhile it was a little hard to deal with."

Nicole nodded. "Aw. Well it used to be my grandmothers recipe. We used to make them all the time. So when she died years back, I kept the recipe and everytime I make them I always remember us being in her kitchen as a little girl standing on a chair with my little apron on and a whisk to stir the mix."
"I'm not suprised. I would be too if I knew she was a vampire." Jack scratched his head think on what could cause him to be bitter. "Well the only reason I can think of for that change of heart is due to the fast he isn't at peace. He passage to the other world must have been blocked some how. He looked out the window and sees the tree. "And I think I know what cause that block." He though then looks at the head maid. "You don't have to worry. He won't get you." He said and kissed her softly and smiled.

Oliver nod his head understanding how she got it. "You're lucky to have someone. I had to do everything myself when I was young. No family, no friends. I worked at a very young age as a restruant cleaner. I read cookbooks and decided to be a chef." He said and moved a bit closer to Nicole.
She frowned and watched him leave the room. Maybe he knew how to solve the case. Yawning, she decided that it was bed time. She was extremely tired and she didn't feel like doing anything else so she began to get ready for bed.

Nicole frowned deeply as she listened to him. She didn't know his life had been so rough. But then again, she never asked. "I'm sorry, Oliver. I didn't know you didn't have anyone." sometimes bein alone and experiencing life from your own mistakes and not being sheltered is the best thing. But it always helps to have atleast one person there with you to help through tough times.
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