The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Serenity watched as he ran out of the kitchen after giving her the bowl of soup. Why did he leave so suddenly? Taking her bowl, she looked for a spoon and took the soup to the island in the middle ofthe kitchen that the cooks used. Pulling out the chair, she gently sat down and slowly began to eat.

Nicole was standing outside Adelay's door. Waiting for her to open her study. Normally she would of knocked but she heard that the mistress was in a very bad mood and though she didn't know why, she wasn't going take any chances.
"Nicole..." Oliver said rushing to the burnette. He sighed a relieful sigh seeing that she didn't go in. "I don't think you want to go in there, not if you value your life." He whispered on how her mood went from bad to worse. "I don't know if she knows she's here, but I don't want you to go near her. Not yet at least." He said and soon herd the knob turning.

Jack sat across from her Serenity while eating his soup. He take a few glimpses at her befpre looking away. How is it that such a kind quiet girl like her have a short tempered mom like Adelay. It boggled his mind and he scratched his hair. "" He was try to start a friendly chat, but it was hard with such a case at hand.
Nicole listened to him and about to agree to just leave until the door knob turned and Adelay threw open the door. She glared at the two as she stood there. "What the hell do you two want?" She stated through clenched teeth. Her nose was slightly wrinkled, like a dog giving a warning growl.

Serenity took a few bites of her soup, her other hand in her lap and she had verygood table manners for one being treated as an animal within the last four years. "Do you live here too?" She didn't look at him, but she knew that he was watching her. It didn't make her uncomfortable, but she knew that not having something to say and sitting in silence was probably making him uncomfortable.
Oliver placed Nicole behind him. He looks into his mistress eyes and didn't back down. He know this was disaster, but she wasn't herself. "Mistress, I ask you to get a hold of yourself. You should be happy that she's home. Your actions recently really hasn't been all lady like, like Serenity." He knew that it would strike a nerve, but hell, it had to be said.

Jack gave a thankful sigh that she spoke. He was getting very nervous since he couldn't come up with a question. "No, I don't. I like in a city called Chicago." He smiled and showed her his ring. "This ring right here is my key to getting to this place. At first I thought it was a regular ring that I could pawn, but that wasn't the case." He then demonstrated it by tugging on it. "You see, once I put this on, I'm bound to a contract. To solve a mystery. It'll only come off when I solve it."
Adelay listened to him and smiled. It wasn't a kind smile or even a small smile. No. It was sinister. "Is that so?" She questioned. The animal in her wanted to lash out and kill him but the small human side of her glared. "If you value your worthless life cook, I would keep my mouth shut." With that, she slammed the door in his face. Very loudly at that.

Serenity looked at the ring. It was her fathers ring. But she didn't tell himthat. She doubted anyone even cared. If her mother didn't care enough about it, than why would she make a scene about it. "I see. So your here until you solve this problem." after a few moments, she pushed the half eaten bowl of soup away and looked at him. For someone from Chicago, he was pretty far from home. How did her mother find out about him in the first place. "Have you been here before?"
Oliver looked at her sinster smile. He was unphased by it but it made him gain goosbumps. Once the door close, He turns to face his cooking partner. "That could've gone worse than I imagined." He sighed and held his wrist together. The chilling threat was still in his mind.

"Yes, but it wasn't a request by her to solve it. It was from one of her servents." He filled her in on Shawns problem. How he was being set up for murder and how Logans body ended up in his closet. He gave a smile and nod his head to her next question. "I have indeed. Your mother was being blackmailed and she wanted me to find the culprit. He tells her what unfolded in the case and how much danger he was in along the way. "After the case, I was rewarded this ring, so I decided to do some research on it. I believe this is a used ring." He said figuring that someone else owned it.
Nicole couldn't help but be scared. She was so scary sometimes and she couldn't help but fear for her life. "What- what was that all about?" She whispered, looking up at Oliver, moving away from the study. She would have to talk to Adelay later. Right now it wasn't important.

Serenity listened as she looked at her hands in her lap. "I see." Her voice was soft and angelic sounding, much like her mothers. But unlike the older woman, her voice didn't lie about her personality. "Yes." Leaning forward, she glanced down at the ring again. The metal was slightly faded, but the red gem didn't loose its shine. "My fathers."
"Sorry you had to see that. I guess my emotions got the best of me." He placed his hand on her shoulder. "I don't want you to worry. I promise I will not see you get hurt. But...I think that detective might be the only one to tame her wrath here." He looks into her eyes and them gives her a soft kiss on her lips. "Chin up, we got dinner to prepare." He sain and holds her hand back to the kitchen.

"I kinda figured." He told Serenity. "The proof was inside the ring. On there was an engravement. I Believe it was just a S and a T on there. I fiughred that the T stood for Turner." he said looking at the gem. "If you like, I will give it back to you once the case is done." He soon extend his hand to her and girps it so it wouldn't pull back. "I'm truely greatful for your help."
Nicole was slightly stunned at his actions, watching and listening to him. Jack would tame Adelay? She doubted it. Walking back into the kitchen several minutes later, she walked into the kitchen seeing Jack and a link haired girl there. At first she thought it was Elizabeth but then she realized her hair was too light and too long for her to be Elizabeth. "Hi there." She smiled at her, moving to look at her in the front. Her light eyes seemed to look through to her soul.
Jack smiled at her until he herd Nicoles voice. He looks up to the the chefs entering. He let goes of her hand and nod to them. "Thank you for the lunch. I was great. can't wait for dinner." He chuckled and stood up. Looking at Serenity, he helps her up and out the kitchen. "We better give our clients the update about the case." He said taking her to Shawn's room. It would be better to go there first before heading into Adelay's study.
Serenity inclined her head to Oliver. "Thank you. The soup was very good." She turned her head to Nicole and smiled. "Nice meeting you." Sliding off of the chair, she followed Jack to Shawn's room. Her steps followed a few feet behind him.

Nice got to work on finishing up dimmer preparations. "She seems lovely." She stated, getting herself something to drink before doing anything else.
"She is and she's the daughter of the vampiress." He said and to her as he washed his hands. He turns to look at her taking a sip before helping him out. He chuckled quietly remembering the kiss he gave her and and looked directly at her lips. A smile came as he dried his hands.

Shawn as relaxing on his bed with Elizabeth. His head was above her chest as he looks into her eyes. "I hope he finds something. My hands hasn't stopped shaking after finding Logan in here unconcious." The memory burned into his mind as he looks up at her and gives her a kiss. He sighed until he herd a knock on the door. "It's open." He said and Jack enters the room with Serenity.
Her mouth opened slightly, amazed and a little confused about her being here. "But I thought Adelay didn't exactly want her here." She said quietly, pulling out a recipe card for some strawberry cupcakes. "And how does Jack know her?"

Elizabeth smiled at him and caressed his cheek. When the door was opened she smiled at Jack until her eyes laid on Serenity. "Jack," she said in a motherly tone. "I didn't know you were bringing a friend."
"I doubt that he did know about her. Someone must've filled him in about her." He tells her. Other than Logan and Mercedes, Oliver was the third longest person to serve under Adelay. "To tell tyou the truth I can think of two people who would tell him. And one of them is currently in a coma." He tells her and pulls out a recipe card for beef stroganoff. "I'll ask Mercedes about it." He said going to Nicole.

"Well, she's my partner for this case." Jack said introducing her to the cleaners. Shawn looks at her and bit his bottom lip. He heart started to beat faster as he turns to Elizabeth. "Doesn't she look like Mistress Adelay?" He whispered to her and looked it her again. He imagined her with white hair and red eyes and nod his head seeing a perfect match.
She nodded. "I see. I hope Adelay doesn't know that it could be Mercedes. She'd be really mad." Getting a package or strawberry cake mix, she poured the flour mix into a bowl with other ingredients into the bowl as well. "Everything was so calm until all this happened. I was really starting to enjoy it."

Elizabeth moved her head to the side, looking at Serenity. Her features were slightly softer and she looked a bit dazed but yes, she did look a lot like Adelay. "Well," Elizabeth smiled. "Welcome to the castle." Serenity put her hands infront of her and laced her dainty fingers together. "Have you found anything about the case?" The female cleaner asked Jack, her hand moving down Shawn's chest to grasp one of his hands as her heart pounded under his ear.
"Ha, whenever that detective appears, peace is the last thing that comes to my mind. Or have you forgotten about the last case?" Oliver laughed as he cooked the meat and noodles. He lets it cook as he watches her stir. "But I do hope you're right. The last thing we need are two head servants in a coma." he thought and got the frosting out for her.

"Indeed, and I can say that Shawn isn't that crazy. I had a feeling that this was paranormal activity in the works and my prediction was spot on." He said and shows the two of them his information. He told about the lines on the ground and how each of his body parts goes from warm to cold. "I enlisted Serenity to the case because she has a great gift. She could see the sprits of the dead." He said and looks at her allowing her to finish the update.
She looked at Jack and then to Shawn and Elizabeth. They must be a couple. How cute. "Ever since I was little. Logan came to me but I could only see his head and chest. Then a hand tried to pull me under." She really wasn't a talker, but it seemed like Jack was trying to break her from the shell she built herself.
"I didn't get a good glempse at it, but from what i can tell, your words were correct. Logan did get pulled under." He said and showed the couple am orange bullet. "Thanks to my studies of paranormal science. I created it to ward off the dead. I shot the hand tha grabbed Serenity's ankle and it retreated back into the ground." He then proceded on telling them why. She saw only Logan's head and chest. Shawn sighed with relief. "So I guess the case is solved?" He said and Jack shook his head. "The ring's still on my finger. Serenity and I need to pull him back to the living, if possible." He said then looked at her. "Serenity, do you think you can come in contact with Logan?"
Serenity shrugged. "The dead don't normally think they're dead. Most don't try to talk to beings at all. And some don't want to be tampered with. If Logan wants me to contact him, he will answer when I call." Her hand reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I can try."
"You do that, I'll talk to Adelay one-on-one." He walks over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I trust you, partner." He winks at her before, leaving Shawn's room. Once the door close. Shawn begins to snicker at Serenity. It wasn't that he didn't believe in her power, no, it was for something else.

Jack heads down the hall and runs into the twins. "Is it true? Is she there?" The twins repeated those questions over and over. "Yes, Yes! She is here and Adelay already knows. I know you two are somewhat immune to her moods, could you two follow me?" He said and heads to her study. He didn't even knock on her door as he enters and sees her clutching her gobblet of blood.
Serenity frowned. Trust? It was an odd thing to say. Especially to someone who never truthfully trusted anyone. Watching him leave, she heard a noise coming from Shawn and she turned her head quickly to look at him with a questioning look. What was he laughing about? Certainly nothing funny happened.

Adelay licked the blood from her lips. "You decide to go behind my back and bring my daughter here and now you refuse to knock? I should of killed you for your insolence earlier." Her voice was smooth almost eery. Her dark eyes already seemed darker and when she seem the twins peek out from behind Jack, she raised a white eyebrow.
"You do and your favorite 'pet' is as good as dead." He said going to her desk. "I don't know what's your deal with her, but try embrasing her gift instead of shuning it. She's already proving to a valuable asset to the case. She help proved Shawn's word to be true." He tell her what he know as the twins looked on. I tiny shiver came to the. They never seen anyone talk down to her like that.

Shawn smiles as he looks at his lover. "Call my crazy but I think he's getting too friendly with his partner." He said and snickered again. "H-hello? Anyone out there? Serenity? Are you there?" A voice called out . It sounded like Logans' voice as it called out again.
Adelay rose up to meet his eyes, if looks could kill then well, the poor detective would already be dead. "You got some balls, Jack. Instigating in family matters you know nothing of. She may help you with this case, but once done, she's going back." The twins looked at eachother and frowned. They were secretly hoping that maybe Serenity would stay and play.

Elizabeth smiled and looked at the girl. She was rather pretty. "Now, my love. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." She stated and ran a hand through his soft golden hair. Serenity looked at the display of affection which made her slightly uncomfortable until she heard Logan. "Logan?" She answered. "It's me. Are you okay?" Her eyes darted around trying to find him and when she didn't see him, she quickly left the room in search of him. Elizabeth shivered. She didn't hear anything. Maybe Jack was right. She was gifted.
'The hell she is!" Jack snapped back at her. "Unlike you I think her powers are cool...and less painful than getting the blood sucked out of me." He same and equal and vicious look to her. The sparks were surely flying as Jack wasn't going to back down. "Have you seen her? Have you seen the syrenge maks all over her hands? She isn't crazy, but you simply negleted that fact. Like a common fool!" From those words, the twins instantly flead the study.

"Serenity? Sweet Pink?" He called out her nickname he gave to her. "I'm somewhere...Roots all over. It hurts to move." He said to her. "But are you okay? He tried to pull you in too." He said to her.
She growled low in her throat. "You wanted to be bitten. And the syringe marks on her arms are non of my concern. You see, it's her aunt's not mine. So don't judge a personwithot listening to the whole story." Adelay snarled, her eyes seemed to burn into his and she slammed her hands down on the desk. The books jumping into the air almost an inch. "Unlike most humans I'm not an arrogant fool. Can you possibly see a vampire raising a young girl? Me no less?" She laughed."He decided that when he died to let her live with his sister. Who was I to disobey."

Serenity looked around the castle, following his voice. She smiled at the nickname. It caused a pang in her heart that almost brought tears to her eyes. Almost. "Yes. I'm fine. We're trying to save you. Do you know if there's a way? Why did he drag you down there?"
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