The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Jack got out of the car first and opened the door for Serenity. Max got out and saw her. "Oh my God...what an angel." he thought and got her bags. Jack Helps her out of the car until he turns his head and sees Mercedes. He nod to her showing that he has her without any problems. "How's Logan's condition?" He asked her. Andrew sees the detective and asked him to check out the tree again.
Mercedes came down the stairs quickly, holding her dress while doing so. Serenity was just getting out of the car and pink haired girl smiled at Max thanking him for opening the door and moved her eyes to Mercedes. They didn't speak to eachother but Serenity stepped toward her and slowly embraced her. Her hands clutching at Mercedes' back and the blond hugged her. Listening to Andrew, she turned her head and let go of Serenity. the girls followed Jack to the back where the tree was.
"What?! Impossible!" Jack said looking at the line. I'm telling you first there was ten, then we saw one line disappear, and now another line vanished just around ten minutes ago." Andrew said as his sister nod his head. Jack's theory about the bad omen was getting spot on. "Only eight lines left..." he muttered and looked at mercedes. "We better check on Logan's condition asap." He said and runs there. As he the a voice called out to the pink-haired gorl. "Serenity....Serenity...." he said quietly.
Mercedes ran after Jack, making sure to closely follow. Serenity watched them go. The hectic mood around her was very different than the one at the asylum. Everything was always quiet and calm. She took a step to follow until a voice ran in her ears. Frowning, she looked around as the gardeners walked away. "Hello?" She asked softly so no one else but hopefully the voice could hear her.
Jack and Mercedes were in Logan's room. There the twins, wereing black as if attending a funeral, were looking over his. "He has a cold, a head cold." noah said to the. "Now he has a chest cold." Neomi replied. Jack touched tose areas and they were right. "Strange...those areas are cold, but the reast of his body is as warm as the living?" Jack replied.

The voice got louder and louder for Serernity but it was soon cut off by a different voice, Logans' voice. "Help...someone..." he said.
Mercedes downed at Logans current state. "But," she began. "Why just those two areas and why are the marks disappearing?" Looking at the twins and shook her head at their attire and paced the room. It was a few moments after that she realized Serenity didn't follow.

Serenity frowned and looked around. "Logan!" She called, hearing his voice. "Where are you?" She looked at the tree and stood infront of it just a few inches infront of the marks in the dirt. She didn't go near it, afraid she herself would be pulled under. But she had to keep quiet. She didn't want someone to hear.
"I know and hey...Where's Serenity?" Jack asked and looked around. The twins soon gasped and covered their mouths hearing that name. They herd Adelay talk about her once in a while but never knew the full details. "Stay here with Logan. I'll go get her." Jack said and heads. out.

Logan's voice was faint, but good enough for her to hear. Before long He appered in a ghostly state...sort of. The only thing showing on him was his head and his chest, nothing else. "Serenity....Serenity! Look Out!" Logan sai and the same zombie arm popped out from the ground and grabbed her ankle.
The twins looked at eachother and Mercedes snapped her fingers to get their attention. The looked up at her and she covered her mouth with her index finger. "She can help Logan and Jack." She stated and the twins stood there contemplating on telling or not.

She opened her mouth to talk to him but before she could a cold hand grasped her ankle tightly and she screamed, falling to the ground. Clutching onto the grass, she heard the blades snap under her fingers and her hands fisted large chunks of the earth to keep from being pulled. Looking around, she tried desperately to find a way to get away.
"Serenity!" Jack shouts and saw the zombie like hand. He had no time to loose. He grebbed his gun and loaded it with a special bullet. He fires upon it and it hits the hand. It lets go of her ankle and slithers it way back into the ground. He goes ot her and and holds her tightly. "Are you okay? What the hell happend?" he said planting her head onto his warm chest. The scream caused the the Guardeners to run towards the dirention, along with a certain vampiress.
She looked over to where the hand was and looked around the garden for Logan. He was gone. None of her ghostly encounters were ever like that. Moving away from him. She stood up and after looking down at her now slightly grass stained dress, she looked up to see the eyes of her mother. She looked really angry.

"Looks like no one's going to be getting any sleep around here." Adelay stopped and looked deep into the light pink eyes of Serenity. "Jack." She growled and moved over to him, almost pushing Serenity away and grabbed the collar of Jack's shirt. She fangs bared. "Who the hell told you to bring her here!"
"Damn...strong" He thought, but what would he expected. Adelay was a vampire after all. He members the promise he made to Mercedes and kept his word. "I did. I did it on my own accord. She's the only one who can help me solve this case." His glare matched hers and wasn't going to back down. "I don't care what you do to me, but she is my guess and my partner for this and I refuse to let you kick her out." He was defending her daughter with all he could muster and hoped she be reasonable about this.
"You have a lot of nerve going behind my back, detective. Especially when you decided to snoop into very personal business." Letting go of his shirt, she pushed him back a little beyond pissed. Today was turning into a damn perfect day. Giving one last glance to Serenity she growled at the gardeners and walked back into the castle.

Serenity was looking at her feet, her shoulders were bunched together from being slightly scared and embarrassed. Her left hand was running her right arm to keep from getting goosebumps and calming herself down a little. Her bangs covering her eyes. Allie frowned and looked at her brother and the door that just slammed shut then back to Jack and Serenity. "Are you guys okay?"
Jack looked at Serenity and then the siblings before sighing. This case was getting more heated then the last one. he simply nod his head before dusting his shirt off. He walks over to Serenity and tilts her chin up to look at her. "Like I said...I defend you you no matter what. Come, let head in. I'll need you to take a look at something." He said and begins leading her to Logans room.
She slowly walked behind him. The halls were dimly lit as always and the halls were covered in red carpet with the lanterns that held candles. Passing the rooms, she dared not peek inside to see who was in there or what the room was, she stayed a few feet behind Jack. Her steps were light as she kept her gaze on her feet.
Jack takes her there and the they see Mercedes with the twins. "She knows..." He whispered to the head maid and shows Serenity Logan as he leans against the wall. "He in a state of coma. His head and his chest are as cold as ice. The strange thing about it is that the rest of his body is as warm as the living." He explained before he asked, "What happened and why did that hand attacked you?"
Serenity walked over to Logan and knelt by his side. Her head buried into his cold chest as she hugged him. She felt terrible about what was currently happening to him. "Logan appeared to me. But he wasn't in fully body." She removed her body from his and looked at them. The twins just stood there staring at her. "Just his head and chest." She shrugged at the last question. "I heard someone call my name. It wasn't Logan. Then he tolde to watch out and I was grabbed."
Jack wrote down the information onto his notebook and nod his head. "It was a good call to have you here after all. Your gift will be a blesing if we can save Logan." He said looking at her. "I have a feeling those lines on the ground and the body parts of logan's human and spritual forms are one in the same. In other words every time a line vanishes, one part of Logans body becomes cold and it appears in a ghostly form." He said and points his pen at Serenity. "Your gift of sight proves that theory."
She nodded and looked at Jack. Right now her gift was a blessing and right now she would help. But when the time came, she knew she would eventually have to leave. Until then, she would do anything she had to do in order to do what she was brought here to do. Getting off the floor, she brushed off her knees. This sure was an eventful day.
Looking at the time, Jack simply chuckled. It was already past 3 and he didn't have anything but breakfast. Looking up at his now partner in his case, He walks over and walks out with her. "How about some lunch. We can't solve a case with an empty stomach." He said and chuckles, trying his best to make her smile.
Serenity looked at him. Her bottom lip curved upward only slightly at the thought of food and she nodded. It was rather different to eat lunch so late but if that's how things worked around here then she wouldn't complain. Hopefully after lunch she could find Mercedes and ask her if she could have some clothes and then sleep a little. She was a little exhausted and this would be the first time she would sleep in three days.
Oliver was busy making preperations for dinner. on the counter was some soups and a few slices of toast that was made for luch today. It was reserved for Jack since he was gone of quite a while. As he sets things up, he began to worry about Nicole. He knew she was going to talk to Adelay about something. What it was he didn't know. The thought of her being alright was stuck on his mind as he sees Jack and Serenity enter the kitchen. "Hello there." he said to them and Jack just nod his head. He turns to see Serenity, someone he never met and smiles at her.
Serenity looked at him, her head slowly mo it to the side as she looked intently at his face. "Do you cook?" She asked him, looking at the soup and toast on the counter. It looked very good and she clutched her stomach as it started to growl painfully. She didn't make a face though, it stayed clear of any emotion. She looked innocent, almost child-like. She may not be as old as Logan or Mercedes but she wasn't as young as Allie or the twins.
"Uh...yes, I'm the cook." Olivers face began to blush seeing her. Oh how cute this girl is. He talks to them and extends his hand to her. "I'm Oliver, head chef for the castle. May I have your name please?" He said with a smile. Jack looked on and smiled. He realized that the cook didn't know her, so there would be nothing wrong, he hoped. "I bet your starving." He chuckled and looked at her stomach. He nod his head and prepares to make anothe bowl of soup for her.
She took his hand and let go. "Serenity." She stated, listening to him. Okay he was the head chef. She smiled slightly when he asked her about being hungry and nodded. "Thank you." she stated softly, waiting for her own soup to be poured. Looking up Jack, she looked away from him and then around the kitchen. As a young girl, she was never allowed in here. And during that time, there was a different person cooking.
Jack got his bowl and heats it up a bit. Once Oliver was done with Serenity's plate, he side-steps twoards the detective's direction. "You know, she's super cute. What do you know about her?" He wishpers in Jack's ear. "Besides the fact she's Adelay's daughter?" He whispered back. He looks at him with open eyes, then he looked at the pink haired girl. He gave a silent gulp and serves Serenity her bowl before blazing out of the kitchen. He herd some rumors about the mother/daughter relationship, all wasn't very plesant. His concern was now on Nicole who was currently try to get a word with the vampiress.
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