The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Mercedes took his hand and dragged him out of Shawn's room, and down the hall and corridors to Adelay's study. "I think I know someone who may help you." She whispered letting go of his hand to search through Adelay's desk quietly, careful not to make an noise that someone could hear.
His eyes were wide open once she dragged him to Adelays room. From her words and spark of curiousity struck as he herd what she said. "Thanks very kind of you Mercedes." He stared, "But why the secretcy?" He finished. It wasn't like the head maid to do something behind her mistress back.
She shook her head continued to search the desk finding a folder buried underneath many others. Pulling it out, she laid it on the desk, her hand spread out to keep it closed. "Because of the past. We are never to talk about this person. Not because of what they do but because of the Lord and Mistress of the castle."
The spark of curiosity turned into a flame as the detective looked the folder and scratched his chin. "By order of both Adelay and the former owner eh?" There was alot of reasons why she would said that, but he kept it to himself for the time being. "Where is this persons current location? Their help would be valuable to the case." He asked Mercedes.
She sighed and looked down at the folder. Lifting her hand off of it. "She's in the asylum." She stated before opening the folder to show him. There was no picture, just a birth certificate, letters, some drawings and papers from the asylum.
He looks at her and kisses her softly. "I'll make you that I take the fault if anything happens. I owe you that much for helping me out." He said and took all the information. He hid it in his coat and heads to Max. "Max can you drive me some where?" He whispered in his ear and he nod his head.

In the Asylum, A sprit as sitting richt across from the girl he had a smile on his face as he looked her squarely in the eyes. He took and deep breath and held up his hand of playing cards. "Do you got any 9's?" he asked her then crossed his fingers.
Mercedes smiled and watched him leave. Hopefully she'd help him. Though she was the nicest person imaginable, she had a big sore spot of her mother.

Serenity grazed her light pink eyes over the cards in her hand, no smile on her face to give her away. Her light pink long hair was loose and cascaded down her shoulders and back. It was a little dishelved and knotted. A white cotton dress covered her body. The straps were thin and the dress reached to her knees. It was what....4 years now that she was here. And still, no one believed her. After awhile, she gave up. Accepting the needles they jabbed into her skin and the pills they shoved down her throat. It never helped and being angry at them was a waste of time too. Shaking her head, she looked at him, a small smile on her face. "3's." She stated. Without much contact, she didn't talk much other than the 'friends' that stumbled upon her from the Asylum.
Max and Jack got their hats on and the left the castle and to the location Jack adressed him to go. He had no idea why Jack would want to go there. He kept asking and asking, but Jack would always respond with, "Personal matter." Max finally gave in and just nod his head. Upon arriving, Jack told him to wait here. He enters the asylum and showed the head nurse his badge. "Detective Jack Holiday. I am here for the release of Client 1314." He said refering to Serenity.

The Ghost chuckled and gave her three of them. Just like that, she won for the 10th time in a row. "'re good Serenity." he said and claps for her.The ghost had a small chill go down his back and looks at the door. "I must get going, I have a feeling we might not see each other for a while." he said then vanished.
Serenity frowned and watched him vanish. How long would be awhile, she thought. Picking up her cards, she bundled them together in her hands and put them in a drawer beside her bed. The nurses decided that she wasn't suicidal and allowed her to have a small night stand with two drawers. Her room and everything in it was pure white. Save for the light pink of her hair and eyes. Sighing sadly, she crawled onto her bed and leaned against the wall. Her legs were pulled to her chest and her forehead rested on her knees, hiding her face from the world. It was around the time that the nurse brought her lunch. Maybe that's why her playmate left...
"Miss. Serenity, Someone has came to release you. All your materials has been packed and ready for you." The nurse said to her. The nurse wouldn't dare touch her and wondered why Jack would order her release. She just shrugged it off and waited for her to come out. Jack, on the other hand?" leaned against the wall and waited for her. He gave a big yawn as he looked down the hallway. Once he sees them heading this way, his eye were completely shot open when he saw the pinked haired girl. "Adelay..." he muttered once he saw her face. He really looked like her.
Serenity slowly got off the bed and followed a few feet behind the nurse. She hated being treated like a deathly sick leper. It was hurtful and degrating. Her eyes blinked slowly at the man and frowned deeply at he first words that came out of his mouth. "No." She simply stated. The hurt apparent on her face.
He walks up to her and nods his head. The difference he saw in her and Adelay was the pink hair and eyes. "Forgive my foolishness. My name is Jack and I need your help. I would like for you to come back to the castle with me. It is a matter of life and death." He told her. He felt like a fool from what he first said. He noticed the syrenge marks all over her arms and gave a sigh.
She searched his eyes and looked around the white hall. The nurses swerved around them trying to avoid her at all costs. "Why?" Her eyes searched his for some kind of answers and slowly her hand reached up to touch him. The tips o her fingers pressed onto his chest and she felt warmth and he was solid. He wasn't a ghost, she knew it, but she wanted to make sure. It had been a long time since she was last at the castle. She was beginning to think her own mother didn't want her. And when she did, the woman didn't even have the decency to come herself. Typical.
"I came here thanks to a friend, Mercedes." He said. He hoped the name ringed a bell for her. He soon stoped talking as she touched her. It was almost like she hadn't touch actual flesh before. He soon held her hand gently. It felt cold, but from the looks of her, she wasn't a vampire. "I'm not sure you know her name, but she told me about you and you can help solve a case dealing with one of the servents of the castle named Logan." He tells her, once again, not sure if she knew that name either.
She pulled her hand away from his and moved it back down to her side. Yes, she knew Mercedes and Logan. She played with them as a child. Mercedes was her personal maid for sometime and Logan was like a brother. But that was a long time ago. "Logan?" Her head slowly moved to the side. "What happened?" she was curious. It Mercedes was the one to bring him here then it must be pretty bad. She didn't exactly know who this guy was or what he actually did but maybe she did need some time to go home. Maybe her mom did want to see her and maybe Logan did need her.
"Logan, is not feeling quite himself. He on the border line of death and I believe with your help we can both save his life." He fills her in on the details and tells her on how he knew that the former master was buried under the tree, How Logan was mysterously dragged into the ground, and the fact that the tree was glowing. "I haven't seen this myself, but I'm willing to bet that this is going to be a case where kidnapping could lead to murder if we don't act fast." He said.
Serenity listened. Her father, even in death was a gentle man. How he loved her mother, she wouldn't ever know. Looking down at her hands, she rubbed her fingertips together as she thought. Why would he drag Logan under the tree though and then leave him the closet? She didn't understand. Lookin up at him, she put her hands back down and walked down the hallway. Her steps were light and even. Very proper and lady like. It seemed like she was ready to go.
Jack Followed behind her, carrying her luggage. He thought about how much a gamble this would be and how bad the fireworks could get if they were to see each other. He shook it out of his mind as he opens the door for her and got in the car. "To the castle." Jack said to Max and he nod his head. It was a quiet ride back He looks at her before looking away. Why on Earth did she put her there was beyond him. He exhaled a breath and broke the silence. "I gave you my name. May I please know yours?" he asked still not knowing her name. He might as well if he was going to work with her.
She sat near the window. Her head was turned to look outside as they passed by houses and trees and street signs. Somethings were the same as before and some were new. Turning her gaze to the corner of her eye, her soft pink eyes glazed at him. "Serenity." she stated, her nails tapping on the door that connected to the window. When they passed a cemetery, she went back to sitti properly with her back tithe seat. Her feet were still bare and her eyes looked down at the floor with her hands in her lap.
"Thank you." Jack replied. He looks at her actions and tries to figure her out, not to mention acknowledge her figure. When the car pass the cemetary he sees her reaction. He then remember his conversation with Mercedes. This coyld be her, the medium she told him about. he decides to break his silence once more. "How long have you been talking to ghost?" he asked calmly.
She looked up at him and sighed a little, her eyes moved down to her hands almost ashamed of her abilities. But her mother is a vampire, it wasn't everyday a being such as a vampire gives birth to a normal child. She could been a vampire too...but fate didn't happen that way. "Seeing since 4. Talking since elementary." though at the time, she was only a child and didn't know that the people she had talked to weren't able to be seen by others. People thought she had imaginary friends since young children tended to have large and strange imaginations. But as she grew older kids started to see differently.
He sat back and listened to her words. It was a cold story indeed. To see thing one person couldn't, to be called strange and crazy for your powers. It made him hate the world he lived in at time, but he had to accepted it. This was the reason he got into paranormal science at college before adding a law degree to it. "No one believed you have they?" he said but this time he wanted to look ather and Serenity to look at him.
She scoffed and held her arms out. In her life the only person who wasn't afraid of her was her father. And even he sent her away. When she was young, she couldn't understand why someone who loved her would send her a way. But when he died, she knew he didn't want her left there with her mother. For years she lived with her aunt in England. Until the middle of high school when a few incidents happened she tried to explain. But the school board and principal called her insane and wanted her put away. The police hen turned her to the psychward. She had been there for four years. Logan only visited twice and Mercedes sometimes sent letters but that was all. The small wounds on her arms from syringes and testing needles were somewhat visible on the creamy skin. "What do you think."
Jack smirked as he saw he arms. But in a way he felt sorry for her as well. "Well, in my opinion, I don't think you're insane. I do believe in ghost. I have have to in my profession. And I don't regret it one bit." He touched her arm to feel the marks on her delecate skin. She's been through alot and nod his head with confidence. "Well then, I'll make sure you'll never go back there or any other medical ward again." he said as the car arrives at the castle.
She didn't say anything to him. All it did was sound like empty promises to her. Looking back out the window, she remained quiet until the car stopped infront of the castle. Well it looked the same from the outside. Though there was a lot more plants than she remembered. But then again the last time she was here, she was 6. Staying in the car, she wiggled her fingers a bit looking down at them. She was slightly nervous. This was her home and she hadn't been here in such a long time. She was really eager to see Mercedes and Logan and her mother. That is, if Logan was okay and unharmed. She didn't know anyone else in the castle and wondered if they knew about her.
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