The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

The twins who usually went to the kitchen every once in awhile to get some snacks off of Shawn frowned when the door to the kitchen was open. The lighting and thunder cracked outside, which made Naomi jump. "Why's the fridgerator door open?" She mumbled, looking around to see if anyone was standing in the kitchen. "Noah, m-maybe we should to back to our room. The-there's no one here..."
"'re right sis. L-lets go..." Noah shivered as the looked around. The soon see the Kitchen door bust open and a shadowy figre appear as the lightning flashed. They both let out a big yell which caused Shawn to yell back being spooked. "Mistress! Mistress! Monster!" They screamed and head towards her. "Wait.." Shawn said but the duo were too quick. In his hand was the only thing left of Logan, he glasses.
They screamed all the way up to their Mistress' room. Waking everyone up in the process. It had been almost half a year since the mystery of the blackmailer and everything was fine up until now. They burst into Adelay's room and she was already sitting up in bed. "M-monster in the kitchen!" They ran around the bed and hid under the covers.

Adelay sighed, and pulled the blankets from her cold body. A black silk night gown covered her body as she softly moved toward the door and down the hall. "What the hell is going on?" She asked as Mercedes walked out of her room, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, holding a candle. "M-mistress. I don't know." She said sleepily.
Shawn rushed up as everyone went into Adelay's room. He was the last to arrive and he pants for air. "Mistress..." he said as his hand was still clenching Logans glasses. "What happened to you Shawn? You're all wet." Oliver said before he noticed him holding the glasses. "What are you doing with his glasses?" He soon asked. Before he could speak he saw the evil glare of the vampiress. She knew he hated him for the abuse he suffered from him.
She raised an eyebrow at him. "What have you done?" She asked coldly, the twins moving from under her blankets to see everyone gathered in her room, except for Elizabeth who just walked in in a pink night gown, rubbing her eyes. Nicole was the only one sleeping like a rock in her own bed. And the gardners in their own cabin. "What's all the commotion?" She asked sleepily.

Mercedes looked down at Shawn's hand with the glasses and gasped. "But...if he did something to Logan," she paused thinking though she was tired. "Why would he still be holding his glasses?" She questioned, looking at Elizabeth as she walked in and patted her on the shoulder. Adelay continued to glare at Shawn. "What happened."
"Logan...tree glowing...dragged down..." he was still gasping for air as he dropped his glasses. They were alrey broken before it fell from his hand and there was mud on it lust like his feet. He looks at her again before going a bit pale. "No...I...I" he was what he was fearing from that look. She thinks he murdered the head butler of this castle.
Adelay was emotionless but she considered what Mercedes was saying. But from what she was seeing, it seemed that he did indeed kill Logan. A glowing tree was just perposterous. Bending down to pick up the dirty, broken glasses and looked at them, then looked back up to Shawn. "You're story is that a glowing tree sucked Logan into the ground." She stated unamused.
"Yes..." he said calming down. "I herd him say master and then he was dragged down into the ground." It was as blunt as he could get as he gave her an honest look. He wouldn't have believe himself if he didn't see it. He turns to his lover, Elizabeth with the look as of he was being framed. "I sware to you mi'lady, I saw the tree in the backyard glow and it sucked Logan into the ground."
The former lover of hers and the father of her child was buried under the tree. But what reason did he have to pull Logan under, she didn't know. Sighing, she walked over to the nightstand beside her bed and put the dirty pair of glasses ontop of it. "I'm not saying I fully trust what you're saying." She turned back to him. "But you look to be telling the truth. Because of what happened with Claire, I have to believe that you did murder Logan." Elizabeth's breath hitched and she frowned.

"You are not to leave this castle until we figure this out." She wasn't in the mood to lock him up or be cruel. But she did need to find out what really happened. "Now," she stated. "Get out."
His eyes began to water hearing her say that. All he could do was nod his head. He left and head back to his room. He knew what he saw and he was no murderer. Sure, he hats Logan with a passion, but he would never stoop so low as to kill him. He needed help, and he need it fast. He looked at the twins and locks his eyes on him. "I know all about you jumping to different places. I'm begging you two, go get Detective Jack Holiday. He can help clear my name." The two tilt his head and decided to go to Adelay to get her approval first before doing such a thing.

Back in chicago, Jack was kicked out of his fifth bar in the last 4 hours. He had a bad tendency to cause a fight when ever he enters one. It isn't his fault though, they mock his career as a paranormal detective and he often throws the first and last punch. He looked at a small puddle and notices his black eye. "That's a keeper..." he smirked and heads home.
After a long talk with Adelay, the twins jumped to where the man who wore Adelay's ring was. Seeing Jack looking into a puddle they giggled and skipped around him. "Jack! Jack! Jack!" They sang out, jumping and skipping through the puddles.

Mercedes had went back to her room and Elizabeth had waited behind for Shawn. The look on her face was mixed with sadness and concern. "Shawn..." She carressed his cheek with her soft hand. "Are you okay?" She knew that it hurt him to be accused of killing Logan. But right now she seemed to be the only one who believed him.
"He was spooked a bit before he sees who it was. He smiles and begins to skip with them before he stopped. "Noah, Naomi. It's good to see you two again." He smiles and decided to cover up his right eye just for the sake of not being asked about the black eye. He felt a few more rain drops falling her he takes the twins to his home/office.

Shawn returned to feel the touch of his lover. He try his best to smile for her, but that was impossible. He is being framed for murder afterall. "No, I'm not. I'm innocent." he said and weeped alittle on her shoulder. "You probbly don't believe my words either." he said.
They gasped seeing the houses pass by and bounced in the back seat. They were still in their pajamas and hoping around in a car. They really needed to lay off the sugar. "Jack, Shawn is introuble." Naomi says and looks at her brother who nodded. "Yeah, Mistress thinks he murdered Logan!" Noah chimed in, looking at Jack from the back seat of his car.

She smiled softly and held him close. Feeling his hot tears on her shoulder. "I believe you didn't murder Logan. You're not one to murder someone. But it is hard to believe that he was pulled into the ground." She said softly, after awhile, she took his hand and went to her room. She figured he didn't want to sleep alone tonight and her bed was big enough for the two of them to sleep in. It was late and they needed to get some rest.
Upon hearing that Jack, stops at a stop sign and looks at them. "Excuse me?" he said not relizing he exposed his black eye to them. I know he hated someone. But he usually wirte his anger out." He arrived to his home and lets the twins inside. On the wall was the note that they wrote to him and in a small safe was the ring that made him go to the castle. "I got to see this for myself." He said and puts the ring on.

All Shawn could do was thank and kiss Elizabeth. he got out of his dirty clothes, leaving only his boxers on, and got into bed with her. He needed to be held. it just wasn't his night.
The twins frowned seeing his black eye and followed him to the castle. Adelay was still awake and sitting in her chair, reading an old leather bound book when the twins appeared. "We found him, we found him!" They danced around before going back to their room. Adelay nodded and watched them leave. The storm outside was beginning to let up to notable sprinkle.

Elizabeth crawled into her bed after him, the area she was sleeping in was still slightly warm. Crawling over to him, she draped an arm around him and buried her head into his shoulder, kissing his chest. "It'll be okay, my love. Jack will help you..." She whisped before dozing off to sleep.
"It's funny, it's begins to storm back home, but now it's just a light trickle here. Did it storm recently?" He said and goes to her. He helps her off her chair and kisses her lips. "Hello Ms. Adelay Turner. So nice to see you again. What seems to be the trouble this time?" he asked her in a calm cool manner.
She raised an eyebrow after he kissed her. "You got yourself a lovely shiner there, Mr. Jack Holiday. Its nice to see you again." She stated, putting the book onto the chair she was sitting in. "It seems that Shawn seen Logan get pulled into the ground tonight. The tree in the back yard was glowing and when Logan went to inspect it, he was pulled under. Shawn had come up with Logan's glasses in his hand. I believe that the cleaner murdered him." She stated, holding up the glasses for him to see.
"Bar fights can do that to a person." He chuckled and smiled. He listen to the problem and it made him raise an eyebrow as well. "A glowing tree? Really?" he said looking at his glasses from the broken lens to the clops of mud. "You think Shawn caused this. I can only figured that I'm here because you want me to prove his innocence or his guilt depending on what I find." He said befor taking his book out and writing the case down. "I'll need to speak with him in them morning, by the looks in your eyes, you're desperately needing sleep."
She blinked. "Well, I had just gotten to sleep until the twins ran in screaming that a monster was in the kitchen." She stated. "I believe you know where your room is." She stated softly, making her way over to her bed. "Good night, Jack." She stated, pulling the blankets down and crawling into the large bed and handing him the lit candle on her night stand. "Don't get lost." Adelay smirked before laying down.
"Don't worry, I will." He Joked and closed the door. He holds the candle and begins to move to his room. He he goes to the froyer abd across to the east wing of the castle were all the males slept. He found his old room and decided to go to Logan's room instead. He was gone alright and everything was as neat as ever. A chill ran down his spine and he turns around quickly. No one was there as he heads back to his room and rest, for in the morning the investigation begins.
Everyone slept soundly until it was time to get up the next morning. The cooks were the first to rise, getting everything ready for breakfast. Nicole was getting so much better at following recipes and she prided herself in her famous pancakes with fruit topping and her cakes. Walking into the kitchen, she yawned, still in her pajamas and slippers.

Mercedes was next, already dressed in her maid outfit. Preparing her room, she made her bed and wandered down the hall and lightly knocked on Elizabeth's room. Opening the door, she smiled seeing Shawna and the pink haired girl in eachother's arms. She knew they had a thing but she didn't know how long it took them to notice it. Going over to the bed, she closed the door behind her and gently shook them. "Hey guys. Its time to get up." She whispered. Elizabeth blinked open her bright green eyes and yawned. "Morning already?"
Oliver heads down to the kitchen and sees Nicole already cooking to perfection. "Morning he said and brewed some coffee for the two of them. "Nicole, I want to apologize." he said and hands her a cup. He remembers how he would insult her and called her a fake chef, but after the blackmail case, she's been proving him wrong over and over again. He apologized for his words though he was really close to her from the begining.

Shawn sees Mercedies and gasped. He thought that their relationship was just between them. "M-morning Miss Mercedes. How are things?" he said and holds Elizabeths hand from under the bed sheets.
Nicole smiled and took a cup of coffee from him. "Its alright. It was my fault for not following directions in the first place." She stated, sipping at the coffee. She loved having a cup early in the morning. Always made her warm and the caffiene always woke her up.

Mercedes smiled and stood back up, her hands on her hips. "Good morning, Shawn. Its time to get up you two. Get dressed and washed up for breakfast and then you two can get started on cleaning rooms." She stated softly before walking out of the room, closing the door and locking it behind her so no one would walk in and see them. Elizabeth stretched and stared up at the ceiling. "I don't want to get up.."
"But my words were rude. Chef or not, I did cross the line at times." He holds her hands softly as he holds her cup. The look in his eyes were sincere and honest. After seeing her create an impressive dinner while he was sick made him change his thoughts about her and gained a friendship. Month by month he gotten alittle more attrative to her that he actually kissed her cheek.

"But you have to. How else am I going to get to the bottom of this case?" Jack said as he quiety opend the door and leaned on it's side. The voice caused all three to look at him. "Holiday!" Shawn said totally relieved that the twins fufilled his request.
She clutched his hand and smiled. "Then its okay. You're forgiven. Now," she smiled letting go of his hand after he kissed her cheek. "Should we make bacon or sausage for breakfast?" Nicole asked, sipping the coffee in her hand.

Elizabeth sat up, rubbing her face and running a hand through her hair. With a groan, she moved back so Shawn could scramble out of her bed. She was not a morning person. Throwing herself back onto the bed, she rubbed her growling tummy and closed her eyes. "I hate mornings..."
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