The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Everyone looked at her as her voice rose like that. From that single look, she was acting like her mother. If she continued like this there would be no doubt that the vampire side of her might be unleashed. She was the daughter of one after all. "H-he's outside. He doing valet parking for the guest." Shawn answered now wanting to get on her bad side.

Jack managed to injure them as he heads up to the Attic. He used the secret entrence and meets them there. he raised a brow seeing all of them trembling. He then sees why the rage on Serenitys' face.

"You look worried. Here, let me help you relax." He tells Mercedes as he unzips his pants. He grasps her breasts as his hard member thrust deep into her cave. He massages them as his thrusting got faster and faster. "I herd from Sophia that you despised her as well. I can take you to my hideout in the woods out you could see her death as well." He moaned out to her. He was enjoying himself too much that he didn't hear the balcony door bust open by Sophia.
Serenity slipped the knife back into her pocket, as Jack came back into the attic. Kicking a box out of her way, she made her way over to him. Too angry to care at this point. All of this to get to her, this was crazy. Going as far as to hurt Elizabeth and Logan, now she was pissed. "Jack." She stated. "I want a gun. Now."

"Yes," she moaned out as he thrusted into her. She was sort of enjoying the rough pleasure until Sophie threw open the glass doors, almost breaking them. Managing to push off the balcony, she stopped Damon's hips and turned around behind him. Her breasts to his chest. Right now he was her shield. Pulling up her panties, she stood back up to be slapped in the face by Sophie. "Why the hell aren't you doing your job, Kene?"
Jack actually gulped hering her voice. "Adelay...I mean Serenity I can't give you one. It's the only one I got." He said. His fingers were actually trembling. He never sense this much rage since the time Claire was blackmailing the vampiress. He placed his hands on her sholders and said, "Calm down."

"But I am doing my job. I was attending to this beautiful maid. She needed mouth-to-mouth." The slayer said putting his pants back on. He adjusted his bow tie again and pressed his finger to her lips. "Besides...listen." He told Sophia. It was round that moment that he, Mercedes, and Sophia herd Serenity angered voice and asked Jack for a gun. "Now if you'll excuse me..." He said smirking and leped to the balcony railing. He leaped again to grab one of the vines in the castle. Swinging on it he bust through a window. He was now in the attic where he sees everyone, including Serenity and his rival.
Sophie removed her hand from around Mercedes' neck and left the balcony. Taking a big breath, Mercedes instantly put on her dress and ran into the ball room and out the front door, looking for Max. "Max!" She called out to the empty cars, looking around for him. He had to be here somewhere.

It was that moment that Serenity grabbed Jack's gun. Standing infront of him. Sure all those years in the asylum maybe made her a little crazy, but she wasn't about to just sit there and let things crumble around her like a child with building blocks. Both arms out infront of her and at the end was a shiny black gun. Her legs were spread apart and her pink hair fell out of its braid. Her teeth were clentched and her brows were knitted together. Aiming it at Damon, she glared at him.
Max was making out with one of the female guest at the party. Who would of thought that driving an expensive car and a little white lie could lead to this. Aw well, he wasn't complaining about it. It was then he herd Mercedes call out to him. He apologises to her and goes over to the head maid. "What's up?" he asked her ready to help out.

"Damon..." Jack said as they locked eyes on each other. The slayer then sees Serenity aiming at him. He sinse the rage in her and scoffs at her sorry attempt. Without blinking he slaps the gun out of her hand and then hits her cheek with the back of his hand. "Thanks for the gift Holiday." He said and places her over her shoulder. He leaps backward out the window and onto the railing again. Smiling to see Sophia there he shows the vixen her niece. "Son of a fucking bitch!" Jack shouted and grabbed his gun. He rushed out of the attic to go after him.
She rolled her eyes and wiped his mouth of the dark red lipstick. "Red definately isn't your color." She stated and looked around. "Give me your gun." She whispered, her hand open between them. "I know where Adelay is. I can go get her myself if you just give me your gun." Her blue eyes looked up to him pleading. "Hurry."

Sophie smiled and snapped her fingers for Kevin to take Serenity away from Kene. "Well, Damon." She said. "Did you kill your friend yet or no?" She questioned, Serenity then came to. Blinking her eyes open, she lifted her leg and kicked Damon in his groin. Stupid ass hole thought he could hit her and get away with it!?
"You do?!" Max said and decided to let her borrow it. "Shouldn't you wait for Jack first?" He said out of concern. "Not to memtion that he could boobie trap the place." Lots of things was going on and he wasn't shure if she could handle it.

"Not yet. I wanted to finish my..." He the groaned out in pain as Serenity did that. He lets go of her causing her escape...again. Kevin sees her and grabs her. "Going somewhere, troublemaker? A psycho like you derses to go back to the Asylm." He said smirking at her. "And a freak like you desered a hole in the head." Jack repled as the end of his gun was against the back of Kevis head. "Now let her go and step away from her, now." The crowld gasped seeing the peasant detective at her party. IT was the final straw for them as they begin leaving one by one. Admist the crowd, Damon recaptures Serenity and holds her tightly. "Stay where you are, or I will kill her!" He shoust pulling a knife from out of his sleve and pointing it to her throat. "Come, lets watch your mothers' death. I just got the okay from your aunt." He said and exits the castle.
She continued to hold out her hand. "He said he wanted to finish her himself. He couldn't of boobie trapped the place. Most likely only around her so she couldn't escape." She looked at Max. "Max, I don't have a lot of time, if you don't give me your gun I'll go alone and unarmed." She took a step back to tell him that she was in a hurry. "If not I'll get an axe from the gardeners."

Serenity gasped and her head was pulled back as the gun was pressed against the smooth skin of her neck. "I hate you." She breathed as she was pulled out of the castle. At least she would see her own mother before they both died. If she was going back to the Asylum, then she'd really be insane. Giving one last look to Jack saying that she was sorry, Damon pushed her out the door.
"Alright, but I'm going with you." He gives her his gun as he goes to the car and secretly got another. When he returned to mercedes, they see Damon rush out with Serenity. "That's they guy i picked up." Max told her and they followed him.

Once Damon was out of his sight, Jack begins to go after him. In moments like this, Damon wasn't the only one that's cunning. He sees Mercedes and Max up ahead as all of the heads into the forest. Jack was no different, but insted of taking the low road, he took the high road and jumped from tree to tree.

Damon was not in a good mood now. "First stabbing me in my left arm, now kicking me in the balls. You pink-haired tramp, did you really think I would turn a blind eye on that?" Still at knife point, He drags her all the way to the his hideout. He opens the door and sees Adelay. "Look what I got..." He said and showed her daughter to her. It was as if he was egging her on to move so all those stakes would pierce her full of holes.
Serenity was struggling in his grasp. Seeing her mother, she looked up to see the wooden stakes and looked at Damon. "You're going to kill an innocent person because of money?!" She balled her hands into fists seeing her mother.

Adelay dug her nails into the ground, seeing her daughter. "You didn't think keeping me here in the day light was cruel enough? With the fucking light shining through the window almost touching me. Now you bring her here to see me die." Her fangs were bared to him and her growl was very animalistic. If she were free she'd bury her fangs into his neck and drink him dry. Serenity looked at her mother. When she was this way, she did look like an animal. But she was backed into a corner with stakes above her. Anyone would be acting that way. The vampiress looked at her daughter and her features softened. "You're not hurt too bad are you?" Serenity felt tears in her eyes and she shook her head. Adelay looked up at the stakes and then blinked before looking at her daughter. "Good. Because if I make it out of this, every single one them will die. Sophie, Kevin and you, you rat bastard slayer!"
"Tough talk freak. But I'm holding the cards now. I wonder how much you care for her, and how long it will take before you snap." He poked his blade around Serenitys cheek causing some dots of blood to appear. "Stop right there!" max shout and points his gun at him. He turns to see him and Mecedes and he smiles. "Ah, Mercedes dear. I must thank you for the wonderful evening." he said as he holds Serenity tightly. Jack snuck behind the house through the window He sees the trap, and everone there. It seems that he had to trun things around. He got Mercedes attention and mouthed to her silently, "Distract him." He moved over avoiding the trip wires and touched Adelay. he puts a finger to her lips so she wouldn't say a word.
Mercedes looked at Damon, sadness in her eyes. "It doesn't have to be this way. We really did have a wonderful time." She said sadly, her hand out to him as she stood beside Max in all her beauty in the moon light. "Damon, put the knife down and let Serenity go. We can put all this behind us." She took a step toward him, her blue eyes almost in a puppy like state. Adelay inclined her head to Jack and stayed silent as she listened to Mercedes try to stall Damon from doing anything stupid.
Jack carried Adelay from the trap in a split secont the wired was tripped and all the stakes were fired missing both of them. "Looks like Adelay made her decision. I wonder what her final words are." Damon laughed thinking he completed his job. He turned and gasped seeing that Jack was holding Adelays body close to him. "Game over Damon." the detective smirked and lets Adelay go. Growling, he shoves Serenity to her mother and exits the house He grabbed a few stakes in his hands and waited for her. "Come on freak! Suck my blood dry! I dare you!" He shouts to her.
Adelay caught her daughter, slipping her hand into her back pocket, pulling out the rusty knife. Serenity gasped and looked up at her mother. "How did you know I had that?" She questioned silently. "I had to rub off on you at some point during your stay." The vampiress winked at her daughter and flashed her a smile before cutting her night gown all the way up to her thighs. She needed room to run or walk. Stepping out of the cabin and into the moon light, she closed her eyes and took in a breath of fresh air. "Ah, the moonlight. Its beautiful." She opened her eyes and they glowed red. "Don't you think." Mercedes pulled Max out of the way and Serenity stepped outside as well. At this point she truely was afraid of her mother.
"I agree. Perfect night for a kill." Damon replied. He had his weapons ready as he ties them to some cords. He sees a leaf falls and smiles at her. Once it hits the ground, he throws one stake at her. It grazed her shoulder before it retracted back to him.

"Serenity, let's head back. I highly doubt she'll lose to him in this state." he said holding her hand. "Besides, as she busy with him, you aunt might make her escape. I know you want some payback as well. You have her blood after all." He smiles and giver her his gun.
She turned her head as the stake grazed her shoulder, making the cold blood form in its wake. Turning her head back to the slayer, she smiled and cracked her neck. "You didn't say ready." She took a single step toward him. "You know, slayer. I've always wondered. A wooden stake through the heart can kill just about anything." Adelay moved her glowing eyes back up at him. "So why does it have to be wooden? I mean, a long time ago humans as pathetic as they were had nothing else to use but today they have a lot more to work with. But you seem to be as stupid as they were back then..."

Serenity looked at the gun and pushed it away from her. "I am my mother's daughter and as much as I would like to shoot her and get away with it, I have something else in mind." Walking back into the cabin, she grabbed two stakes and walked back out. "I want her to feel the pain that my mother would of felt." Walking to the car, she stopped and looked at Mercedes. She seemed a bit sad, putting her hand on her shoulder, the blonde looked at the pink haired girl and hugged her, glad she was okay. With one last saddned look at Damon, she walked back to the car with Serenity.
"That's because what they work with was fear in the moonlight and safety in the sunlight. I don't fear the moonlight, I embrase it myself. For generations, my family embrased the moonlight to rid of you freaks and clense the fear from others. You are no different, mortal daughter or not. And as for stupid, the only person stupid is the fool that made you get pregnant." he said insulting Sebastion. "Now then...ready?" he smirked.

Jack decided to stay with Adelay just in case she needed back up. It was unlikely, but this was his rival and he did had a few aces up his sleve. Max got in with Serenity and mercedes and drove back to the castle. "Misstress Serenity, I've only knew your mom for four years. And i can tell you now. She is one hell of a woman. And I'm glad to be working for her." He smiled.
She laughed. "You know nothing." She stated and held the knife in her hand. With a small smile, she looked at him. "Ready." She stated with a grin. The knife twisted around her hand and her finger. "Play fair." Adelay smirked, having a specific plan set in her mind. Her bare food nestled into the wet grass.

Serenity smiled slightly and fingered the hand made stake in her hand. "Thank you. She is a good woman. Though she has an animalistic side she's still my mother." With a small smile, she looked out the window and watched as the shadows of the woods passed by.
"Since you are woman, or somewhat of, I'll acknowledge that rule. I Damon Kene, son of the late Diego Kene, will see to your death." He smirked and charged at her. His attacks were swift and percise, refusing to let her go on the offense. Jack sees him attacking Adelay and just stood there. he knew he would charge in if the moment was at hand.

Max made it back to the castle and opens the door for them. "Becareful..." the driver said to Serenity as he sees her pass him. "Better check on the others, they might be in danger." He told Mercedes and runs with her.
Adelay blocked every hit that he offered her. Swiftly manuevering away for every punch, hit and attempt to stab her. Her soft hair following her graceful movements. Smiling as she fought with him, she was rather enjoying this. Not for the fact that she was toying with him but for the fact that it was a long time since she last fought against a slayer. Back then it was about a couple hundred years. Grabbing his arm as he attempted to stab her, she gripped it and kneed him hard in the rib cage.

Serenity looked around the ball room. No one was there. Just trash on the floor and bottles of liquour on the table tops. Mercedes ran up to the attic, her heels clicking against the stairs as she did. She didn't see Sophie or Kevin so she quickly opened the enterance to the attic. "Elizabeth? Logan?" She called quietly, lifting up her dress as she quickly made her way up the stairs.
Demon felt it but simply glared at her. He grabs her leg that kneed his ribs and tossed her into a trees. He brushed a bit of dirt off before running his fingers through his hair. "Is that all? I guess female vampires don't hit as well as males." He shrugs his shoulders and leaped up into the trees. Having an areal advantage, he sees her and launched his stringed stake at her. He knew she'd dodge it, so he retrats it back to his hand. He moved from tree to tree, out of sight and launched two more at her.

"Over here!" Shawn said Mercedes as he tends to Elizabeth with the help of the twins. "Logan has gone to look for Kevin. He said he has a score to settle with hin." He told her. He finished up the bandages on Elizabeth and wipe some sweat off. "Where's Serenity?" he soon asked her.

Kevin took his mistress into the hedge maze in the backyard. Logan sees them and began to chase after Sophia, only to be blocked by him. "Let's settle this..." Kevin smirked and tossed Logan a sword. He had on as well as they stood in a battle ready position. "En Guard!" they both shouth and began their duel.
Adelay winced as she hit a tree and rolled once before gaining control. "Maybe not." She stated, cracking her neck and listened to him in the trees. "But again we are smarter." She dodged the first one, but the second grazed her hip before she grabbed the wire that he tied around it. Wrapping her frail hand around it, she pulled hoping to pull him from his spot in the trees.

Mercedes moved to them as fast as she could with heels on. Bending down with them both, she hugged Elizabeth feeing terrible for what happened to the girl and looked at Shawn. "Serenity went after Sophie." Looking up at Shawn, she gave him a hopeful look and looked around. "You know," she moved a box to set with some others. "After all the years I've been here, I've never been in the attic."

Serenity looked around the castle. She didn't hear anyone, so she took off to the back yard. With a stake in hand, she heard voices in the maze. Looking around, she smiled and went after them. Hearing both Kevin and Logan, she ran up to their battle, looking for her aunt. Lifting the back of her shirt, she tucked the stake into the back of her jeans and covered it with the tee.
Damon saw what she was doing and chuckled at her efforts. "It futile, just submit." he tells her as the first stake returns to him. He leaps down from the trees and throsw it at her heart. "I got you now he smirk, but didn't realize that he exposed himself to her. All the while, Jack watches this and sighs to himsel. "That's not him..." He thought to himself and heads over there.

"I know, it looks amazing. Serenity found this dress of Liz." He said showing the head maid. He showed her more things like pictures, trinkets, even some valuable jewlery. "I'm guessing the Mistress placed it there whenever she wanted to look back at the past." He tells her.

Logan was busy dealing with Kevin. For butlers, they were evenly match swing for swing and thrust for thrust. Off the corner of his eyes, he saw Serenity and smiled seeing she's okay. "She's inside the hedge maze. Be careful, she is armed." Logan warned her. "Damn blabber mouth." He growled and blocks the entrence. "You'll have to get through me if you want my mistress."
Adelay frowned and knocked the stake out that came close to her heart with the one in her hand. "I'm not one to submit." Her lips formed into a smile, her fangs showing. With one swift move, she threw one of the stakes at him. Her sensitive ears picked up movement and she looked behind her, seeing Jack.

Mercedes looked around with him. "Yeah, but all this stuff, other than the Master's is really good." She opened a box and found some old things of Serenity's. "Serenity's stuff is in here too."

Serenity sighed, pulling her shirt down and walked over to them. She was really tired. Sleeping on hay, being carried off to the woods. Having to be in the attic for hours and now all she needed to do was go through an enterance that Kevin was obviously blocking. "Move." She stated simply, looking right into the eyes of her aunt's butler. She was hightly irritated and she just wanted to get this over with, take a bath and go to bed.
The stake pierced his left shoulder and he cried out in pain. Jack walked until he was beside her. "Sorry, but I'm afraid your vengence will have to be postponed for now." He whispers and walks past her. He heads over to him and pienced the stake in even further. He was soon on his knees beggin for mercy as the detective sighs. "Now I know why he came back from the dead." He sain and pulled some skin off him. Demon was really Demon at all. He was just one of the guest at Sophia's party. "The real Demon isn't that careless in his attacks."

Kevin smirked and points his blade at her. "And why should I listen to a ghost talking psycho like you?" He said to her with a smile. Having about enough of her, he tries to stab her. He fell shot of doing that when Lohan stabbed his hips. "The lady asked you to move." He said as Kevin falls to the ground.
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