The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Jack groaned twice within twenty seconds. The first was when she slipped his member into her tight hole. The seconed was when she sank her fangs into is neck. To him this was double pleasure, and he loved it. His began moving his hips along with her as he grabbed her breast to start massaging them. She need to feel good to as she feast upon him after all.

Logan sat her down onto his bed as she thanked him. He blushed as he caressed her cheek. "I would do it all over again if I had the power to turn back time Serenity." He leans in and kisses her again. He love the fact that she was his and he belonged to her. His hand ran through her pink hair as he felt her tongue. "We should tell the mistress about us soon." He said within the kiss.
After a moment or two, she pulled her fangs out of his neck and licked the wound clean. Sitting back up, she licked the blood from her lips and fangs before she moved her hips swiftly along with his. Her other than trailed up his arm and formed over his hand, squeezing his hand while he played with her breasts.

Serenity blinked and nodded after he spoke. She was a bit afraid to tell her mother. She didn't know why. But she did. Laying down on the bed with him, she yawned and cuddled her head into his pillow. "How does it feel to have your first day off in forever?"
jack smiled as she finished tasting his blood. Hi hands dontinued to grope her breasts as his thumbs brushed over her erect nippiles. His hips rocked with hers as he tried to thrust deeper and deeper in her body. His length twitched as it felt good in her.

"Amazing, we all deserved it after dealing with her. I herd rumors that they're calling her insane. Apparently most people don't believe in vampires." He tells Serenity as he cuddled with her. He shows her the article in the newspaper and smiles. "In a sense, you got your wish." He tells her.
She moved her hips faster. Leaning back, she put her hands on the bed and bucked her hips up a bit. Letting her white hair down, the ends tickled the skin of her back. Opening her eyes, she looked at him with a smirk and a soft purr escaped her throat at how good it felt with him inside her.

"Yeah." She said softly. "I guess so." She took the paper and held it up, her head moving to his chest, the light pink hair falling all over the place. She smiled slightly as she read the article. "Maybe they'll eventually put her in a secluded room and she'll know how it feels." In a way, a part of her felt terrible for what happened. But another part knew that the woman deserved it.
he lets go of her breasts just to sse them bounce. He didn't how much longer it would be till he released his seeds but he wanted to last. His upper body got up and his lips made contact with her breasts. He looks in to her eyes as he sucks on them. His hands touched her hips and made her bounce faster so she can have her own release.

Logan lets her rest on his chestas she read the paper. he didn't felt sorry for her at all. In fact he hoped that she feel the same pain and torture Serenity felt, but that was his own opinion. "A lot of things happen. the blackout, your rage, a fight and chase and our..." he began to blush remembering that they had a moment of pleasure and that he took her virginity.
Adelay threw her head back as he suckled her. Her hands gripped the bed spread as a familiar feeling rose in her body. The unexplainable heat the started to grow within her. It wasn't too long after that she growled and came. Her hands tightened and her thighs squeezed his hips as the pleasurable waves coursed through her body.

Serenity folded the paper and put it back where he had got it. Blinking, she looked up at him and frowned. "You regret what happened?" She asked, lifting herself up with one arm, her other rested on her small waist and her hand over her stomach. She didn't regret it. Though it was something she had to get used to, since she never fully understood what it was in the first place. She had no one around to teach her. Other than Logan, no one showed her that love not only could be expressed through feelings but with bodies as well.
Jack felt that wave of pleasure flowing from Adelay, it wasn;t long until he felt that same feeling again. He moved his hips faster and faster untill he couldn't take it any longer. He pulls out of the vampiress and thrust in her mouth. He made her suck on it as he groans out and released his hot load in her mouth He panted and smiled as he looked at her, hoping she like the taste.

"No, I don't regret it at all. I'm actually happy that I did it with you. You mean everything to me." He is kissing her lips. He had experience thanks to Adelay. He just had to make shure not to go too far with Serenity. He pulls her close and gives her a big hug. "I would show you my love and make you feel good all over again That's how much I love you." He said smiling.
The vampiress swallowed every last drop before moving her head away from him. Licking her lips, her red eyes looked up at him with a smirk. "Well you didn't have to do that in order to move in. Just a 'thank you' would of been fine."

Serenity smiled and hugged him back after he pulled her close. The warmth of his body relaxed her and was getting a bit sleepy. She didn't sleep too often due to her just not sleeping. It was always easier for her to sleep when she was with someone else. But it was rare.
"I know." Jack chuckled as held her close. "But like I said, there's something about you that drives me wild. I don't know what it is, but I happen to like it." He kissed her lips one more time before getting up. "I got some things to get from my move so I could settle in. See you in few." With that, he took the ring off and vanished.

Up in Mercedes room, a shadown looked over at her. He gave a sigh as he looks at her beautiful figure. Knowing he didn have much time. He places a rose and a letter on the her window. He knocked on it three times and then diappeared.
The blonde groaned and turned in her sleeping state. Hearing the knocking, she blinked her eyes, a bit sensitive to the morning light. Sitting up in bed, she looked around and frowned. No one was there. Looking over to her window, she got up and walked over. Looking down at the rose, she smiled softly and picked it up to smell it. Looking at the letter, she picked it up and went back to her bed to sit down before reading it.
The letter wasn't long, no it was just to the point. A handwirting so crafted along with a unsusal coat of arms. One that had to be form a royal bloodline. "I really had fun that night though it was brief. We will meet again my dear Mercedes, count on it. Sincerely, Damon"
Raising an brow, she reread the letter another time to make sure it was real. She didn't ask Adelay or Jack about that night. She thought he was dead because her mistress killed him. Blinking with a tired smile, she smelled the rose one more time before folding the letter back up and slipping it in her drawer along with the beautiful rose to savor it.
Story IV: The Mad Mgician

Ladies and gentlemen , boys and girls, children of al ages! We welcome you to the Magnificent Walbash Circus. Here you’ll see the thrills, the joys, and the excitement of everything we have to offer. You see our masterful ringleader calling the shots, our aerial girl grace everyone with her beauty from the skies, our fearless lion tamer to prove who really rules the jungle, and our clowns that is sure to make everyone laugh. But most of all come to see the man that has stole the show every time he performs. The master of illusion, the mystic of wonder. The one, the only, Simon LaBleu.

Noah and Naomi were too excited to see the circus to this place. They wanted to see anything and everything they had to offer. “Hey sis, maybe we should do an act. We can juggle with the best of them.” He chuckled and danced around with her. To them this was a dream come true. As they look around, Logan and serenity was looking after them. “I’ve never seen them so excited like this before.” He told her as he holds her hand. “Hurry, hurry. We’re gonna miss the show!” The twins told them. “Be patient, remember we promised the mistress to meet her at the big top.” He told them.
Naomi giggled as she danced around with her brother. Excited about the circus, she clutched the annoucement poster in her hand with the magician on the front of it along with some other photos of the entertainers. She skipped around some people as they smiled down at her and her brother as they ran for the main tent.

Serenity looked at Logan and smiled. She was a bit excited as well. She had never been to a circus before and she was eager to see what they had. But she controled her excitement. Her fingers laced with Logans and the soft pad of her thumb rubbed against his own. She looked around as some people were offering card tricks, balloons and even food. The tent was very large with yellow, red and white stripes. At the top were blue and green flags. "I'm kind of excited too."
""This is my second circus I've been to. I was acting like those two when I was little." Logan chuckled and confessed. Everything was so lively there. The animal preformed and the clowns made people laugh. Looking around the were plenty of poster advertising LaBleu's preformance under the big top. The couple finally made it where the see the twins and the vampiress. "Sorry if we kept you waiting, milady." Logan responded and bowed to her. "We kinda lost track due to this place."
Adelay looked down at Logan. "You're fine, Logan. The twins seem excited. And we saved a good spot." She sat with the twins as they fidgeted, waiting for the show to start as a lot of people gathered with their kids and even other friends. Serenity sat down next to Adelay and the twins sat at her mother's right. Leaning back into the chair, she crossed her legs and held Logan's hand in her lap.
The crowd was packed as they got to there seats. Noah smiled along with his sister as the show was about to begin. There in the center of the ring was the Ringleader. Annoucing to everyone the proformances that will take place. The crowd were at awe at the amzing feats that the proformers displayed. "It makes me want to join the circus, right Naomi?" Noah said joking because he would never want to leave Adelay.
The Magnificent Bellini was the Ringleader's name as she called out. She was standing on a large pedistool that the elephants used to step on. She had a long white sceptor with a crackled glass glowing ball on the end. She twirled it around her fingers and hands as she spoke. She smirked at them all and tipped her hat after introducing herself. "Now, I know I may not be funny looking as the clowns but I assure you I'm quite the entertainer."

Naomi giggled and nodded as she looked at Bellini. Settling into her seat, she swung her legs as she leaned forward to watch the show.
The clowns from a circle around her and applaud at her words. "It is true. She is great at what she does. She can make us laugh..." Greg told the crown and on clown began to laugh. "She can make us amazed..." He said and anothe clown said, "Wooooooow." in a funny voice. But she would never, and I mean ever make anyone...cry." He said and pretends to weep befre chuckling. The preform for the crown before and got a great ovation for it.
She laughed as well, before jumping up on the stool and did a toe-touch. "I don't know about you, but I'm not as amazing as the show we have for you tonight. So without further a-do, I am going to introduce you to our show!" Jumping off the stool, she did a small skit with the clowns to warm up the crowd.
The skit was of the old wild west. Greg and his crew were dressed like cowboys and performed for the crowd. They all used water guns as pistols and fired on eachother and the crowd. They did, however missed Bellini and knew that she would get all of them as part of the act. "The twins really got a kick out of it and Logan smiled.

Backstage in a private room, the magician was warming up. He felt relaxed as it looked over at a small black trunk. Walking over to it and said a magic word and it instanly opened. He looks at what was inside and gace a nice smile. "Time to add to my collection." he said to himself before closing it again.
With a wide 'O' for a mouth, Bellini pretended to be offended as she purposely was shot with a water gun. Skipping over to the end of the ring, she pretened to be angry and pushed her hat above her head as she pushed a large canon over to the skit. It wasn't heavy, but she pretended that it was. After awhile of pushing it, she went to a clown and stole his gun and shot him. Watching as he fell down, pretending to die, she took a pack of matches from his pocket. And skipped over to the canon. With a western type yodel, she lit the extra long wire and waited. With a large watch on her wrist that took up her whole arm, she tapped her foot.
The only clown remaining was greg as he was too crafty to get hit. Acting curious he walks over to the cannon Looking at her hi licked his fingers and defused it. He chuckled thinking stoped it from being fired, but the cannon fired anyway and was cover with whipped cream. He falls over getting a big laugh from the crowd and applaud the ringleader for being the last person standing.
She applauded herself and smirked at the crowd and bowed as the applauded. Going over to the stool, she got a red blanket from underneath it. Going over to the canon, she showed the crowd that there was nothing behind the blanket and as she crawled onto the cannon and sat on it, she covered herself and the big machine with the blanket and jiggled it. After a few moments, she uncovered herself and she was sitting on a white horse with a blond mane and a black top-hat.
"That was amazing, right milady?" Noah said and as he clapped clapped loudly. The crowd loved that preformance, and to think that was just the opening act. "Enjoying your first circus?" Logan whispered to Serenity.
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