The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

Noah was busy admiring his autograph picture of Emillie as he herd the vampiress asked that. "Sorry mistress, but I promised Mr LaBleu." He chuckled and looked at the picture again. The drove away from the circus and towardss the castle again. The twins were talking chuckling as they nod there heads at each other. "Great idea, sister! we should put of owr own circus for......." Noah soon began to feel real sleepy as his eyes lids soon shut. He did say a single word as he soon fell over on si side of the car. "Poor kid tired himself out from all the excitement." Max said looking out the mirror.
Adelay looked at Noah and then Naomi. His sister frowned. It wasn't like her brother to stop in mid-sentence like that and just instantly fall asleep. "Noah?" She asked, shaking his shoulders. "Noah?" She asked a little louder. "Mistress." She stated and looked up at Adelay. "He won't wake up." Her bottom lip was trembling and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.
Logan looked back at Noah as well. His sister had a good point, they never stopped at mid-sentence. He reached over and shooked him. "Hey Noah, Naomi is getting worried." He told him, but still no reaction from him. "I don't like the looks of this...." He said to Adelay as he wipes a tear from Naomi. The car got back to the house where Jack and Mercedes were waiting for them. "Welcome back. Mercedes told me where you guys went. Did you have a fun time?" he asked them before seeing Naomi's sad face.
Adelay walked got out of the car with Noah in her arms. "I don't think we had as good of a time as most of us thought." She stated. Serenity got out of the car and frowned at Jack. Mercedes frowned. "What happened?" She asked as Naomi went with Adelay to their room. "Noah volunteered to be a part of a magic act. And one our way back he was talking about how it was a secret as to what happened and then instantly fell asleep. He didn't even finish his sentence." The pink haired girl said a little worried for the male twin.
Thinking about it he looked at Adelay carrying Noah before nodding his head to Serenity. He jogs over to the vampiress and then looked at Noah. "I got him Adelay." He said to her and carried him in his arms. Once in his arms he raised a brow definately knowing something's not right. "Adelay, take Naomi to her room. Logan, I need to borrow your sharpest knife you got." He said to them. This was serious and what he was going to do will definately won't make the female twin happy.
Adelay opened her hand and Noami took it, carrying her and her brothers things from the circus with her. The vampiress took Naomi to her room and the twin sat on her bed. She was sad. Adelay looked at her, worry in her brow. "Is Noah going to be okay?" She asked, looking up to the woman who was basically her mother since they lived there. Adelay bent down near the girl and brushed her hair out of her blue eyes. "He'll be just fine." She gathered their things and set them on Naomi's dresser. "And once he wakes up, you can give him his things. But for now just take a nap. I'll get you when dinner is ready." She watched the girl nod and kick off her shoes and pulled the covers off her bed and crawled under them. Adelay waited until she was comfortable and left the room without a sound. After closing the door, she made her way to Noah's room. "Well, detective? What is wrong with him?"
"Were about to find out. I going to operate on him...sorta." Jack replied. Logan came in a gave the detective a sharp knife and he too wonder what Jack was planning to do. Jack poked at it and nod knowing it was sharp enough. "Adelay what ever you do, don't kill me. I know what I'm doing." He replied. He place the tip of the blade onto Noah's chest and stabs him with it. He pulls it down silghtly so a hole can open. Logan instantly blocked Adelays path towards. "This better be good detective!" he warned him. "It's what I suspected." Jack said to them. He hand reached inside Noah's chest and he pulled out stuffing, the type people used to make stuffed animals.
Adelay growling almost had her hands around the detectives throat until she seen the stuffing. Going over to 'Noah' she took the stuffing out of Jack's hands and felt the material. "What the fucking hell?" She looked at the doll on Noah's bed. "That magician." She dropped the stuffing and walked out of the room and down the hall to the front door. Serenity and Mercedes was still talking about the circus until the mistress was seen coming their way. Knowing she was angry by the look in her face, they scrambled out of her way.
"The two men nod to each other and sprinted towards the pissed off mistress. The reached her and they blocked her path. "Milady please, calm yourself. Don't go insiane with rage." Logan said trying his best to reason with her. "Insane with rage? I think she's already boyond that point." Jack whispered as he looks in her eyes. But Logan did had a point going into a fit of rage wasn't going to help much.
She looked at them both, her chin lifted a bit and her eyes became slightly glared. "Get out of my way." She stated. Mercedes gulped and Serenity pursed her lips together, knowing there wasn't much she could do to help Logan or Jack reason with her. She was angry and all because a magician tried to get the better of her. "Maybe we should go back and ask for Noah back. Maybe the magician made a mistake?" She asked, trying to convince herself that he indeed got them mixed up. But hell, all the weird shit happened to them, so obviously this magician did this on purpose.
"Of course, grand idea." Logan said and turned to Jack. "Get Max now, before we see her run back there." Logan whispered to him and he nod his head. He sprinted to Max and told him to drive them back to the circus. Nodding he got the car around and got Adelay in. Jack sat up front as Logan was in the back trying to calm her down a feat that seems impossible at the moment.
Adelay looked at Logan, her legs crossed and her foot bouncing as she waited impatiently. Her arms were crossed and her head was turned to look out the window. Her nails dug into the clothed skin of her arms. "You might as well keep quiet. I don't need calmed down, I just need to get to that misfit playground."
Max hears her and drove faster. Jack stayed silent throughout the ride. He knew one false word could lead to certain doom for the three of them. As followed the same directions the first time they went, but it turned out all for naught. As soon as he arrived at the destination, whe whole circus was gone. There was nothing, just an empty area. it was as if it wasn't there at all. "Aw shit..." All three of them thought as they look at the vampiress.
Once the car stopped, she kicked the door open and stepped out into the open area. Through clentched teeth and balled fists, she growled a very, very loud threatening growl that made the birds in the trees even fly away in fear. "Coward!!" She walked around the area and found tracks. Touching them with her could fingers, she ran after them.
"After her!" Jack shouts and Max hits the gas peddal hard. It caused a streak on the road but it begins to persude Adelay. She was fast, very fast. The three of the kept a close eyes on her. Every turn, every traffic light, they made shure that they didn't loos sight of her. "I feel kinda sorry for this magician that she's talking about." Jack said sighing.
Adelay dug her nails into the back of a semi truck as it ran through a green light. Climbing up onto it, she was glad she decided to wear a pair of jeans today. A dress was too formal for a circus. Reaching her hands up, she grabbed a light pole and jumped off of it onto a building and looked around before jumping from roof to roof. She needed to get some frustration out. But after awhile, she found one of the last circus cars and followed it two towns over. Jumping down from a tree, she ran her fingers through her white hair, getting all the leaves out of the silken strands while she waited for Max and the boys with the car.
They were amazed at waht she did. Now that they caught her, Max Let her in and drove until they see the circus again. "Lets go..." Jack though as he and Logan got out of the car. A silent gulp came from him as he wasn't that fond of circuses. He streched his arms and got his notebook, and began his search for this magician that somehow has captured Noah.
Adelay, being the 'beast' that she was, sniffed the vile creature out immediantly. That and there was a trailer with "Simon Mysterious Magician" on the side. Ignoring the stares that she got from other circus employees who knew she didn't work for them, she marched right up to the trailer and banged her fist on it.
As jack expected, Adelay was causing too much of a commotion. However he sees it as a good advantage. While the crowd was distracted by her, he found it an oppertunity to slip into the employees area and look around. He searched all around until he bumped into the ringleader. "Oh, forgive me. I didn't see you there." He replied to her.
Adelay continued to pound on said magician's door. Rather hard might I add. She couldn't care less about the people whispering and gawking at her like she was some kind of lunatic.

Bellini fixed her hat and smiled at him. "You're alright, stranger." She smiled up at him. "You seem to be lost. Are you looking for someone?" She asked kindly. The platnium blonde seemed to be the bubbliest girl on the planet. But that was just who she was. Other than the bumping heads with the magician, she was usually nice to everyone.
Jack listened very carefuly and then shook his head and chuckled. "Not really, I know where she is. But that's beside the point. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Detective Jack Holiday. I'm here to investigate a kidnapping that happend here, according to my client." He tells her and smile. "Would you mind answering some questions?"

The door opens but there was no one there there was no sign of Noah, or the magician any where. "Come in, come in. Don't be afraid, I won't bite unless you do...vampire." A voice called out before it chuckled all around the room.
Bellini's smile turned into a frown and she looked around. "Yeah. Follow me." She stated and led the detective to her own trailer. Opening the door, she let him inside. "Okay. Sorry but I didn't want anyone to see that I was talking to you." She took off her hat and ran a gloved hand through her hair. "Start when you're ready."

Adelay stepped into the trailer and kicked the door closed behind her. "I want my twin back." She stated. "You know. The one you took during your pathetic magic show and tried to fool me with by switching him for a doll." She didn't care if he knew what she was, it only added to her mood.
"From what I herd from my client, about an hour ago, a boy was a volunteer for a trick set up by your magician. when they returned here, they discovered that the his body was replaced with a human doll. We suspect the he still has him. What do you know about him and I do warn you, don't leave any detail out." He looks at her as he starts to listen to her response.

"Twin? What twin? Oh! You mean my latest volunteer. I'm sorry but I don't have him I don't know what happened to him after the trick." He tells her. His voice sounded like he didn't care what had happened, failing to realize that it's adding more fuel to her fire.
Bellini nodded. "Simon. The magician here. He must have taken him. He sort of....weird." She stated and leaned against her table. "I fear that I don't know what happened to the child because he uses magic. You might have to ask him. Other than what the child looks like, and the last time I seen him, I can't help you." She frowned. She looked really upset that she couldn't help the guy further.

Adelay looked around the trailer. It was small. But big enough for a traveling entertainer. Too bad it was going to be a wreck when she was done with it. "You lie." She spat out, upturning the table infront of her. "Now, unless you want to pay for a brand new trailer, I suggest you give him back. Because I will tear this piece of crap trailer apart to look for him."
"Here's what he looks like" He said and shows her a picture of him with his twin sister. "Do you know anyone that is close to him? Maybe they would know more about him." He stands up and walks over to caress her cheek. "Don't worry, I will solve this case. No need get upset about it." He said trying to cheer her up.

"Try all you might, but this trailer is my world, my realm." He laughs. Before her very eyes, the table that was overturned was turned back to its origional positin. The items on the floor were picked up and put in it's proper place. the mess that she caused was now cleaner then ever. "You can blow it up for all you care, and it will still be back to normal!" This was a game to him and he was making her look like a simple pawn.
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