The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"No!" Max shouted seeing her toss the cat like it was yesterdays newspaper. He ran quicly towards the flying cat and caught her in his arms. "I'm sorry Anastasia. I didn't mean to hurt you like that." He said petting her. "Is what the detective said is true? Are you a werecat?" he asked and gently place her on the ground. "If you are, then do something, please." He said nicely.
The cat hissed once she was put on the ground and ran like lightening through Max's legs going for Adelay. The vampiress smirked. "Ah. So you are who I think you are." She stated and jumped back as the the cat swiped at her legs. The cat hissed and its hairs stood up on end. "Well, are we going to do this or what?" The vampire stood up, wiping her pants off. She found that jeans were a lot easier to wear than a dress.

Air surrounded the cat and in a flash of light she formed into a human. Anastasia put her hands on her perfect hips and leaned on one hip. "You're greetings were never nice, Adelay. You didn't have throw me across the damn garden." Adelay smirked. "That was for tearing up my good curtains in my study the last time you were here." Anastasia scoffed and rolled her eyes, looking at her nails. Turning her head to the detective, she pointed her finger at him. "You!" She yelled. "If you hadn't of been chasing him," she pointed to Max. "I wouldn't of lost my third life!"
"And now you know why I'm a dog person." Jack replied smartly to the werecat. "You wer chased because that fool wouldn't stop." He replied. "You were going to toss her out, you idiot." Max replied. this was a stand off of two humans and two non humans. "May I add you look hot." Max muttered to Annastasia. Jack rooled his eyes and walks over to the vampiress. "Okay, so it isn't a fan." He said as he wonder who would strike first.
She hissed at Jack. "Dogs are useless." She stated and smirked at Max's comment. Mewing softly in his ear, she looked at Adelay out of the corner of her eye. The vampire rolled her red eyes. "What is it you want, Anastasia?" The vampiress asked, her arms crossed. Moving away from Max, she moved closer to the vampire. "I need help." Adelay raised an eyebrow. "What did your cat ass do this time?" Anastasia cracked her knuckles, her nails shining in the dim sunlight. "I did nothing. I've been set up for a crime I didn't commit. Now the damn police has some rank slayer after me because I'm not human."

"If you think you can hide here, you're wasting your time. Logan is allergic to cats and I'm not having you in my castle causing mischief." She turned and walked back into her castle, getting out of the sunlight. Anastasia sighed and put her hands back on her hips, watching her old friend walk away. Whether she liked it or not, she'd be finding a way to stay here. Atleast for a day or two to get this slayer off her trail.
"You can stay with me. I'll help supply all the essensals you need." Max offered. He did saved her, and yet he did caust her a life. It would be the honoralbe thing to do in this sort of situation. "You can trust me." He winked and held her hand. It was only a few steps until they were blocked by Jack. "Out of the way detective." Max glared and he just rolled his eyes. "I'm afraid i can't do that." He said and pointed to her. "In fact I might as well help out. Little Miss. Meow Meow here said two intresting words: crime and slayer."
Anastasia turned her nose up at him and walked around him, and into the castle. Didn't he know the personality of a cat? She didn't think so. Since he did state that he liked dogs. Her hair gracefully moved behind her as she pulled the door open and walked through the enterance. Adelay was standing there. "You never listen do you?" The were-cat smirked. "Nope." With that, she walked up the stairs to Max's room. She was still tired and she needed a very long cat nap. Transforming back into a cat she ran up the stairs and jumped onto his bed, laying back down onto his pillow.

Serenity and Mercedes walked up to the boys. "Well that was interesting." Mercedes said with a suprised tone. "But I'm going to go see if Shawn and Elizabeth need help waxing the floor that you two decided to mess up. Serenity giggled and watched Mercedes leave. "Atleast your cat is okay." She patted Max's shoulder.
"M-my cat?" max said and sighed. In a sense, it was his cat. He did helped her out in her time of need. Now the only problem was bypassing his mistress, let alone that detective. Speaking of which, Jack simply nod and heads back into the castle. He sees Adelay not in a happy mood and sighs again. "Let me guess, Lady Nine Lives ignored your command. You can't train stubborn fools." he replied and walked past her. He had a feeling he knew where the pest guest was and heads to Max's room.
Adelay watched him leave. "She's a cat, Jack. Remember that." Adelay turned on her heel and walked with her daughter to look for the twins.

Anastasia was currently curled up in Max's pillow, her cheek nuzzled against her tail while her two front paws were tucked under her chin. Her hind legs were together as she was curled int a slightly childish drawn looking 'O'. She was basking in the sunlight, which most cats enjoyed doing. Mostly because it kept them warm while they slept and it let them know what time of day it was just by how hot the rays are and how bright it was. Hearing footsteps, her ears twitched but she kept her eyes closed.
Jack enterd Max's room and sees her sound asleep. Scratching his head. He heed to Adelays words. However, he never owned a cat or any other pet in his life. He decided to help turn the tide to somewhat his favor. And use a few key words to help. "If you're being chased by a slayer, no doubt he will not rest until your dead. No matter how adgile you are." he said.
She opened one of her eyes to peer at him. And she gave him a look as if saying, 'So.' Standing up on the pillow, she stretched, her front legs stretching to her claws sticking out and her mouth opened in a yawn. Her cat fangs showing amoungst the pink of her mouth. Circling the pillow, she turned her back to him once she laid down in the sunlight again. And just to make him more irritated, she started to purr.
"Okay, Dont say, I didn't warn you." Jack smirked and to spite her, he closed the curtains and blocked the sunlight for her. He takes another pillow and placed it on top of her before opening the door. Max sees and made a glare. "What?" She's not in here?" He lied and heads out. Ignoring him, Max removes to pillow and sees her there. It amazing how she is able to make three enemies in less than one hour. Well whatever. He still like the company as he holds and pets her softly. "You mind talking to me?" he said to her.
She growled as the pillow was put ontop of her. Fine, she'll talk to the man later. Maybe he could really help her. When the pillow was removed she looked up to the eyes of Max. She purred and nuzzled against his hand while his hand stroked her fur. Without a moments notice, she transformed back into her human form on the bed with him. Her hair falling over her shoulders and covering one of her green eyes. "What does that man want? He already got me killed once. Can he really help me?"
His face turned into a deep crimson as she was on top of him. His eyes were on her body was close to his. He kept his composiure as much as he could, but how could he with a beautiful lady on him. "I'm sure he didn't mean to Anastasia, and as for helping you out, I'm sure he can. Strangely enough, that guy is a paranormal detective. He deals with cases involving ghost, monsters, even vampies. Heck, he even saved Adelays' life once." He said as he gently pets her more. She was still part cat afterall.
She rubbed her head against his hand as she listened to him. He saved the vampire's life? She paused and looked down at him with a smile. Nuzzling her nose into his cheek, she purred and got off him. "Thank you, by the way. For taking me in and healing me. And feeding me. No one has ever been so nice before." She looked at him from over her shoulder. "I'll be right back." Going over to the door, she turned the knob and went in search for this ridiculous detective.
Max shivered as she purred against his cheek like that. He was about to kiss her cheek until she got up and heads to the door. He nod his head as he knew what she was going to do. "Becareful, Logan is still out there. Allergies in all." He said to her. "I'm so sorry, but I was just following Adelays orders." Jack said to shawn and elizabeth. He was rehelping them rewax the floor since he did caused the mess. "All this for a cat?" Shawn asked and the detective nod his head.
Hearing Jack with her ears, she ran off the hall and onto the waxed floor landing perfectly. She didn't slip at all, even in her high heeled boots, the smell of the wax and cleaner invaded her senses though. But she made sure not to leave marks on the floor. Anastasia ran a hand through her long hair as she approached them. Elizabeth looked up seeing a woman infront of her that she had never seen before. And she was very, very pretty. "Oh my." She stated and sat up.
"I'll say...I mean, hello there." Shawn said to Anastasia. Jack turned his head and scoffed before continuing to work. "And so the Feline Fetale has returned." Jack stated and was elbowed by both cleaners. "There's a lady preasant. have some manners." Shawn stated and the detective rolled his eyes. "I there something you need?" He said looking at her.
She rolled her eyes. How many names could this guy come up with to call her. Crossing her arms, she glared down at him, her green eyes lightened in the suns rays coming through the window. Her cat like pupils dilateing. "You're a detective. You can help me, right?" Anastasia looked at both of the cleaners and smiled at them before turning back to Jack with a scowl on her face.
Oh now she wanted to help! And at first she said "So." as if she could handle it. Smirking at her and turning his head he stood up. "I don't know, I might. I don't work for free and I don't take tuna for payment." He stated until he was tripped up by the cleaners. Appently, rudeness was ditry to them. "Ow!" Getting glares from them, Jack waved his hands. "Alright, I'll help." He said holding the back of his head.
Elizabeth had her hands on her hips. Such rudeness from a polite detective she had come to know. Anastasia smirked at them. She was starting to like the cleaners. "I don't pay with fish." She rolled her eyes. "I have money too. I just don't flaunt it around like most do." She reached a hand up and rubbed her sore ribs while she spoke. They were still hurting her and she should of known better than to jump off the ledge and onto the floor.
He sighed and apologized for his rudeness. He stands up and takes her to his room. He continued to rub his head as he took a seat at his desk. "Alright then Madame Purr, You better start from the beginning? what did they think you stole?" He asked getting out his notebook.
She glared at his new nicknames for her and plopped down into a chair. "I didn't steal anything. I was minding my own damn business and the next thing I know 'boom' I was getting arrested for murder and theft." She crossed her legs and tapped the heel of her boot onto the floor. "They said I murdered some business guy on his high-horse and stole some of his money which is totally perposterous." She chuckled. "For one, I don't fool around with business men. And I have enough money for myself. These cops are idiots." She got up and leaned over the desk, her nails tapping on the wood. "I want to know who set me up. I want my claws dug into their neck when I find them."
"Calm yourself, don't cough up a hairball." Jack said writing down the info. He had read about it in a newspaper one time, but all it said that the victom was clawled to death. "I guess they have weak evidence about it. It's typical for a frame job." He said to her. He puts his pen down and looks at her. "Why is a Slayer after you when it usually goes after vampires?" he asked.
She growled again and shrugged. "I don't know. Probably because they were desperate to get rid of me." Anastasia pushed herself off the desk and walked around the room. "Or because they faunt money, they are the police of a big city afterall." Her eyes skimmed around the room at his things. Going over to the shelves, she picked up a glass orb and looked into it. Her hand forming around it. "He already got me once. I have seven lives left."
"Had seven lives..." Jack blurted out. Remembering what happened to her at first. He stood up and took the orb from her. "Sorry, it's not a yarn ball. It's a momento from a good friend." He said putting it back. She did have a point though, this was a big city and money does play a nice roll. "I'll take the case if you can answer me this. What's your connection with Adelay? I've seen her moods before, but never like this." He said out of curiosity.
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