The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"I-if your're a supernatural creature, they'll find you instead of you finding them. If you're a human that wants to be apart of it, you'll need to be rich. Aristocratic rich." he replied. Jack scratched the back of his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I guess $1000 is aristocrated status." the detective replied, "I guess live bait would have to do."
Live bait, huh? She looked down at the spirit. She doubted he wanted to be bait since he already tried to hard to escape. And look where that got him. Pretty much hunted down. "Hn." Selene puffed on the cigarette in her mouth a few times. Turning her head, she looked at the boys. "I don't think we'd need too much bait.." Looking down at the three 'dead' people on her floor, she looked up at them. "How about an undercover job?" She smirked at them, putting the cigarette between her fingers and flicking the ashes into the ash tray on her desk. "Best way to get in without getting caught..."
Undercover job? That really wasn't a bad idea. Getting close to the enemy and take them down from the inside. Damon looked at the clothing and removed them before 'disposing of the people. "The masks will be fine, Will need tho have these stitched up however." the slayer said to them. "Not to mention having a door repiared." Jack sighed. The hear someone knock on the side wall it was just a mail carrier with a letter for Damon.
Selene took the letter and read the address before giving it to Damon. "Here. Mail for you." She looked at the clothes infront of her and rolled her eyes. "Men. Why do you always have to be so bulky. These clothes aren't going to fit right at all." She mumbled with the cigarette in her mouth. Looking up at the Wind Spirit, she put the clothes on the bed and stood in the middle of the room. "How tight is security there?" She questioned, but didn't look at him as she did so.
The two got a laugh from her grumbling. It wasn't their fault she was thin. "Try them on, We'll help you out." they said as they did another flirt attempt that would basically be a fail. "Very." he replied. "The ones running the Dark Carnival are very protective of their 'inventory' and have guards around the clock until they are sold." He responded. Damon read the letter and just stood there. "Excuse me..." he said as he walked pass them. He heads to his room and locks it.
Selene sighed and hit Jack upside the head with a rolled up newspaper. "I'll fix them to fit." She 'humphed' and listened to the man. "I see. So then we'd better hurry and find this place before someone notices three missing employees." She searched through the pockets of the clothes on the bed to find an ID or some sort of card. Hearing Damon lock the door, she sighed and looked at Jack. Must be a letter from home..
"I'll check on him." he said and walks towards his room. "Damon? You okay buddy?" the detective asked him. He gives no responce as jack knoced on the door again. "Hey Damon, what's up?" he calls out again. He sees the letter slip out under the door and he takes it. "it was a letter from Damon home town in Romania. Reading it Jack sighed and shook his head. "Just great..." he sighed after reading it. The letter indicated that his father and role model, Diego Kene, passed away. "It's best to let him be for a while." jack told Selene and hands her the letter.
She didn't have to look at the letter but there was a sadness in her eyes. "I see..." Selene looked through all the pockets and finally found a wallet. "Ah ha!" She opened it up, finding a drivers license, lots of money, a few credit cards, some business cards and a few pictures. "Well, I got an ID. I wonder if I can find a card from this Carnival..." She pulled out a blank, dark purple card that had an eerie looking black faced clown on it. When she touched it, it zapped her, much like the tattoo on the Spirit zapped the Damon and Jack. Wincing, she dropped it and looked at her smoking fingers.
"Sucks, doesn't it." Jack said chuckling a bit. Looking at the card, he had an Idea. "Yo, Mr. Sprit. mind touching that card?" he asked him. He nervously nod his head and touched it. Nothing happend. He picked it up with eased. "Strange. Some one mustive put it in their wallets so they wouldn't have to touch it. Either that or the tattoo gives them full privliage." He guessed. Damon exits his room with a few packed bags. "I'm heading back to Romania. I will return for the undercover job." he tells them.
Selene looked up at Damon and nodded once. "Be careful." She stated. "And Damon," She blew on her fingers for a moment. She thought about telling him. Of altering what was to happen. But it would be heavy on her head to do so. "Send my condolences." She wouldn't do that. Not because of herself but because of the future. "Now," she stated, looking around the room. "Where is that aloe?" After she'd heal her fingers, she'd find the eerie clown symbol online. Maybe there have been sitings or even contact some rich people to get into this Carnival.
"Be safe buddy. Make sure you contact us when you return and send my condolences as well." Jack said and bumped knuckles with the slayer. "Thanks pal. I will." he said and leaves. he turnes to Selene as she spoke about some aloe lotion. Once she was done he looked at the site as well. "You never know what will be online these days." Jack said as he explores with her. "There. A guest list." Holiday told her.
She clicked on it. "It seems they have a pretty prestigious guest list. Everybody who's anyone is on there..." Her eyes skimmed over the page and she frowned. No one she really knew. "I don't see anyone I know..." She leaned back into the chair and up to the spirit. "I understand that its for the utmost higher power families. How do they caputer beings such as yourself? A witch? Other slayers? A psychic perhaps?" She lit another cigarette as she scrolled down the list. "Find anyone you know?"
"They use anyone at their disposal. Paranormal cops, ghost hunters, slayers, witches, wizards, and yes, even psychics." The wind spirit told them. The sprit looks with them hoping that he'll find a name to help him. "There! That the name that I was suppose to be sold to." he said and points to the last name Kene. "No fucking way." Jack said. Not because of seeing that name, but for his family being very rich.

Damon had a first class flight from Chicago to Romainia. There a limo picked him up and took him to the family mansion. He didn't Jack nor Selene about thier past. It was something they agreed upon as they formed the team. Exiting he see a crowd of friends and family alike. Upon stepping into the house. He sees his old teammate, Catina.
She hit Jack with a newspaper again. "Jack! This is serious." She stated and sat up to the computer with a sigh. "This is really serious..." Selene mumbled. "Damon's not here. If he was, we'd have a free ticket into that place..." Turning her head, she looked at the clothes on her bed. "Looks like the only way we can get in there is undercover. I was hoping to go for a smarter, less dangerous route. Atleast that way we might not be killed. But now we'd just have to flirt with death."

Catina turned her head while she was talking to Damon's mother and looked at Damon. Her purple hair was pulled back into a braid and her yellow eyes were behind black rimmed glasses. She didn't look anything like the mature woman you would see 7 years later. Walking over to him, she looked up at him. "You're here early." She stated in Romanian. "We didn't think you'd be arriving until tomorrow..."
"Selene, we flirt with death everyday. It's nothing new to us. Besides, I love it this way. It's gets your blood pumping." the detective told her as he got his long coat on. "Your friend is weird." the sprit whispered to her. "Anyways, thre's a 50/50 chance that we could see him if not any of his reletives." Jack added.

"It always to be early, if not on time, when family is involved." Damon said as he hugged and kissed her lips. "How's have you been?" he said smiling at her. He was didn't show any sorrow. He already did that in his room. "it has been years since I've seen you." he added.
She chuckled at the Wind Spirite and walked over to Jack. "Doubtful..." She huffed. "Since his father died, everyone would be...Over in..Romania." A smirk came to her face. "Jack.." She smirked. "How about we dye your hair green for the night?" She stood infront of him and behind the door so he wouldn't get out.

Catina smiled. "Always such an affectionate greeting from the one and only Damon Kene." She stated and looked around before looking at him. He didn't seem so sad. Maybe it was because he was away for so long? Her smile disappeared only to form a small one in its wake. "Yes. A very long time." She matured a little. Though she had matured a little and her body had matured along with her, she still thought she looked like a boy with glossy lips, glasses and purple hair. "How've you been? What's America like?"
"No..." Jack said to her silently. He loved his silver hair and he wouldn't dye it for the world. he sees her blocking the door and he stpped back a bit, only to bump into the wind sprit. "No..." he said again as he moved away from him. He had a bad feeling about this. Espically when it somes to that psychic. Ninty-eight percent of the time, she gets her way.

"America is great. I got two good friends and we have an agency together. He said as he looks at her. His heart wasn't heavy as he looks at her. my how she had matured to a beautiful woman. He holds her an and teased her glasses before giving out a sigh. "It is good to be home. How is your training progress?" He said looking at her rope attached to her side.
"Awww." She huffed, puffing out her lip a bit as she whined. "It'll fade. After a few showers, your hair will be back to normal." She grinned, stepping closer to him as he moved away. "That way we don't have to sneak in. I wouldn't mind it if Mr Wind here said the security wasn't tight. But it is. And right now you're the only hope. Now..." She backed him into the corner. "Lets dye your pretty little hair green..."

She blushed and held her glasses as he toyed with them. "I-its going great. Dad said I can finally work on my own now." Her eyes followed his gaze to the circled whip at her hip. "Oh," she stated, her blush fading away. "This is one of my weapons." She fingered the leather before moving up to look at him. "Kind of like you having wooden stakes."
"I...okay..." he sighed giving in. Damn her cute pouty lip. If it was for that, and the fact that he wanted to sleep with her. He would've easily refuesed. But she did have a point. Seeing that Damon's last name was there ment that his family had connections with this shady group. "I wonder if Damon knows about this?" He said as he sat down so she could 'rape' his hair. "You're enjoying this are you? And can I help.?" The sprit asked her.

"Oh, congrats Catina." He smiled, "I bet you'll be great at what you do. We are the next generation after all." He caressed his cheek as he kissed her once more. "We can talk later beautiful. I got family to deal with first." He whispered and gently blew in her ear. Letting her go, he heads to talk with his mother. "Feeling okay?" he asked and pat her shoulder.
She smirked while mixing the chemicals as she stood before him. "You can get me a cigarette." She smiled at the Wind Spirit. Putting the plastic gloves on her hands, she leaned down and pecked Jack on the cheek. "Thank you." She whispered before she started to dye his hair. Hopefully if she kept it on a decent amount of time, it would turn out the light green. Since his hair was light, she didn't have to wait too long. Maybe 10-15 minutes to get the light green affect. All she needed was to sneak into Damon's room and get some of his clothes.

Catina shivered and watched him walk past her. Sighing, she turned around and walked up the stairs. Passing her father, he patted her on the shoulder and she continued on. When she found the balcony, she walked outside and closed the door behind her. It was a full moon, she needed to be outside. Just incase she could sense a demon. Her powers were still fairly new. She hadn't learned everything she needed to know. But one day, she hoped she'd be the greatest slayer in her family. Blowing her bangs out of her eyes, she leaned against the railing.
He guessed it was worth it. The peck on the cheek was a nice think in exchaned for the scarafice of his hair. "Do you actually thing me and Damon are alike? I mean sure, we all don't know about our past, but we agreed to not tell talk about it." He said as he sees her getting ready. The windemon sees her pack of smokes and hands it to her. jack relaxed as he began to wonder what Damon was doing.

Damon spoke to his mom and uncle about the family line. Both were vampire slayers and both were great in their age. It was same speech he herd from his fater. He must uphold the family name, he must not let the family down, blah, blah, blah... He herd it all before until he herd his mom saying all vamites are evil. "Forgive me, but I must disagree. Not all of them are bad. Some are helpful. We can spaare some that hasn't fall into darkness." His response gave him a hard slap in the face by his mother. "All vampires are evil and it's our job to elimiate them, by any means necessary." his uncle responded stating the family creed.
She thanked the wind demon and put one in her mouth as she finished with his hair. Taking the gloves off, she threw them away and lit the cigarette. "Well. You're both stubborn men who like to fight about who is getting into who evers' pants and fight while breaking my things. That alone is good enough for me." She stated and blew smoke into the air. "Besides, the past doesn't matter." Selene walked over to the computer and pasted the link back into the internet page. "Its who you are now, that does."

Catina frowned, hearing arguing. Opening the door, all she heard was silence and Damon's uncle. Running downstairs, she pushed past people and stood infront of some family members as Damon's uncle was chanting the family creed. This didn't seem right to her. It was then she seen the mark on his face. Closing her eyes, her eyebrows furrowed together and her hands balled into fists. He just got home...And he was already getting slapped around... "Mrs. Kene." She opened her eyes. "Can I take Damon out for a breather. Maybe he just needs some air so he can think straight..."
"Hey now! I feel offended." Jack Pouts. "it now whoevers' pants that caused the fighting. Just yours." he chuckled. He looked in the mirror and whines. His hair. His beautiful silver hair. it has been replaced by one that is of his rivals color. "This better be worth it. If not, then I'm taking your lingerie." he tells her. as he got up. He walks with her to his room to find some clothing for the detective.

"It's okay Catina. I was my fault. I spoke ill of the family." He replied not wanting her to get into trouble. Though he hated it. He recited the creed as well just to please them they walked away leaving the two alone. He walks with her to the balcony as sits on the railing. He winced a bit as the hand print on his cheek still stung a bit. "That's a keeper." He smirked.
She smirked. "It will, Jack. Your hair will be back to normal in a few days." She headed into Damons room. But before she did, she looked over at the Wind Spirit. "Stay." She stated and looked through Damon's closet. She hoped Kene wouldn't be too upset about her raiding his drawers. But then again, Jack and Damon probably went through hers as well.

Catina frowned and pressed her fingers gently against the mark on his face. "Your mother's just upset.." She mumbled, the moonlight making her hair darker at some parts and lighter in others. Her eyes almost seemed to glow. "About your father passing. Sometimes its because you're half way around the world." Her smile was lopsided and she sat on the railing beside him. Her hands were in her lap and her feet were dangling off the edge. "Are you sad?"
They both looked through his belongins finding any clothes that would help the detective be the slayer. Among the things they had found was a few socks, a formal shirt, some slacks, a spare pair of shoes, and suprisingly a dark blue bra. "Umm...I think it bleongs to you. I would never do anything that cold." he said innocently but he knows he has some on her undergarments as well.

He dangled his feet with her untin they touched. He blushed and looked away from her for a bit. "I was. I let my sad feelings out when I got the letter. He was my teacher, my role model. He bread me into the best slyer for our generation. Just like what your dad is doing for you." he said to her. He looks into her eyes soon enought. She was stunning under the moon light. "Thanks for sticking up for me." he said and smiled. he was going to kiss her until they hear some growling in the distance. "Heads up." Damon said looking out into the forest.
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