The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

She looked around his room. It was still the same from when they were younger. Putting her weapons on the dresser, she picked up a wooden framed photo of the two of them as children. She had a scared look in her face and trying to push Damon away because he was teasing her with a rather large green fluffy caterpillar. Her purple hair was set in pig tails with black ribbons and she was wearing a black and white sundress with white stockings and black children Mary Janes. A light chuckle escaped her throat and she put the frame back on the dresser. "You're room hasn't changed much."
"It's true. Most of the stuff here has either my tools, my clothes, or memories." He said as he looks at another picture. It was when they were fifteen. His was in a black tuxideo with long green hair. It was at their parents anniversery party and he was dancing with Catina. He was embarrass when his dad took that picture and teased him about how Catina would be a fitting bride for him. He looks at her and showed her the picture. "Remember this? Our fathers picked on us for a whole month." He chuckled.
She grinned. Just for the dinner, she had wore an elegant white gown that bared her shoulders and had loose straps, the dress reached the floor and a gold chain was set around her waist and dangled all the way down with the dress, to bring out her eyes. Atleast that's what her mother said. "Our dad's were goofy old men together." She wrinkled her nose at the picture. "My dad wouldn't stop talking about a wedding for three weeks after that. Always talking about how lovely it would be and how many people would be there." She rolled her eyes. "He was worse than my mom."
"Yeah.." He laughed before he looked at her once more. She was beautiful, amzing, shy, silly, bold, and a great partner. When they made love hours ago, it was magical. his hand touched hers as his greens locked on to her yellows. "I know they did it on purpose, but I had a feeling they were on to something." he blushed as his body got close to hers. "Catina I want you yo be with me..." He whispered holding her close.
Her eyes widened and her head shot up to look at him. Was he serious? Her eyes searched his while he held her. "Damon..." she whispered. "What are you trying to say?" Her voice was shaky and held a tinge of question in it. She knew their fathers were just playing around and tried to urge them into something. Her father had said that if they were to marry it would be a very strong alliance for both families. But she never said anything. They were always strongtogether as friends. She was always okay with that. And then he moved away and she didn't realize how much he meant to her until then.
"I'm saying, after thins case, I going to return here so we can be together forever. I want nothing more then to be by your side. Not for our families sake, but because I fould the one that I truely love." He didn't have a ring on him, but it was obvious what he wanted to do. "Catina, I want you as my wife. I want you to merry me. Nothing would make me happier if you say yes."
She looked at him. Her eyes flickering and started to water. "I-I..." She blinked her eyes and the tears fell down her cheeks. She lunged for him, wrapping her arms around him while her teary face buried into his neck. "I would love nothing more than to the with you..." She whispered softly, her hands gripping the back of his shirt.
He holds her thightly as he held him. A smile ran across his face as he accepted. He wanted to hold her forever like this, to let time freeze for this very moment. "He looks at her and took her glasses off and wipe those tears of joy away. "I love you more then I can imagine now." He said and kissed her. "Lets get somme shut eye. Our families will flip over the news." He chuckled. As he lets her undress for bed, he talkes a look at his phone. He notice that he had a message from Jack and reads it. In the message was an update of the case. He nod to himself and messages them that he'll be waiting in New York City.
She took her slightly damp hair out of the pony tail and stole one of his t-shirts to wear to bed. After slipping into a black t-shirt, she crawled into the bed and pulled the covers down so she can slide under them. Laying on her side, she fluffed the pillow under her head and waited for him.
"There's been a big change of plans." he told her as he removed his clothes except for his boxers. He got into bed and explained everything. "So basicaly, I'm off to New York to end the Dark Carnival. By the time I arrive, It'll be Halloween. Just in tie for the fun." He told her. Hos cuddles up to her as if they were already married and kiised her goodnight.
She kissed him back and laid her head on his chest, closing here eyes. That was okay with her. She wasn't in a hurry to marry him. If she had to wait forever, she would just so she could be with him. The sound of his heart beat drummed under her ear and caused her to slowly fall asleep. And for the first time, she didn't have nightmares or odd dreams. It was complete darkness.
Moring arrived and the detective was all packed and ready to go. "Come on, Selene, worry about what pack of smokes is better later." he teased and grabbed his phone. He sees that he got a meassage from Damon and smiled. He walks over and enters her dor only to be blasted by another gust of wind thanks to the wind sprit. "Was that good madame?" he asked as he helped her pack.

Damon sees the sun and wakes up first. He streched and kissed Catinas' cheek before getting dressed. He opens the door and looked around. Seeing the close was clear, He he informed her that this would be a good time to escape. After that, he heads to the kitchen where he finds her mom.
Selene smirked as she closed her suit case, unlit cigarette in hand. "Very good." She stated and set the medium sized suit case on the floor before she pulled out a black tote bag, filling it with guns, daggers, Holy water and a few other choice weapons. She looked up at the wind spirit. "Thamks for helping me pack. Are you going to come with us or is this a proper time for a good bye?" She asked, lighting the cigarette.

Catina dressed quickly after being awoken and started down his window. Actin's mother looked up from her morning cup of tea and looked at Damon. "Good morning, young Kene. I'm sorry that you had to return home under the unfortunate circumstances." She looked a lot like Catina. But her purple hair was darker and her eyes were a very odd looking green.
"I want to help out. I need a way to get this curse tattoo off. Only then I can be free." He told Selens. Jack rubbed his head and stood up glaring at the wind sprit. "That's cool with me, as long as you don't get caught." He said to him. The sprit nod his head as he was ready whenever they were. Before leaving Jack looked at his phone and sees that he got a reply from Damon. "Hey, I got a reply. He said he'll meet us there." The detective told her.

Catina's mother and Damon had a peaceful conversation for once. Damon nod was she talked about his father while he ate his breakfast. He nearly choked on his food when he herd her say something about the Dark Carnival. "What? You want me to go with you?" he said seeing this case might get alittle rough.
Selene blew the smoke out of her mouth and grabbed her bags. "Well, what are you standing around for? Lets go, Holiday." She walked out of her bedroom door, closing it with her foot behind her. "Okay good. That way he'll pay for the gas on the way home." She joked, heading down the hall with her bags. She paused and put them down to grab the file on her desk and continued out of her condo.

She looked at him from sipping her tea, and smiled. "Of course. Haven't you been to one before?" Her oddly, dull green eyes peered into his. "Catina doesn't like it. She won't go." Her short hair was wavy and reached just to below her jaw. "But I think it would be an experience. And since your family goes too, I think it would be nice. Besides," she sighed nonchalantly. "We need a new servant. Our old butler is too tired now a days."
"Sounds good to me." Jack chuckled. as they left their apartment. He begins to onder what kind of car they used to track him. His heart nearly stopped siin a nice looking Hummer. "I'm driving..." Jack said and quickly took the keys from her. "It's so nice. So slick. Can i keep it?" he said smiling. "Is he okay..." The sprit whispered to Selene.

"Umm...I herd from Catina that she hated it. And I do respect a ladys' wishes." He told her mom. He then moved closer to her and chuckled. "Madame, There was something I wanted to tell you as well." he blushed. Taking a breath. He tells her that he perposed to her Daughter and she accepted.
She rolled her eyes and put on her sunglasses. "No. He's never okay." She moved to the back of the Hummer to put her bags in the back, except for the file and put a gun in her pocket and a dagger in her boot. Selene started to mumble about men and their cars before she closed the back and walked to the front passenger seat. "Fine. Keep it. But you have to take care of it. Take it for walks and feed it everyday." She put the seat back and put her legs on the dashboard. "Now shut up so I can finish my sleep."

Ioana raised an eyebrow. "Well, I can't say I'm not suprised. I knew it would happen one day." She took a sip of her tea. "Her father will be pleased. I know your father would be as well." She smiled and crossed her legs. "I'm happy for you both. I know Catina will be very happy with you." She reached over and patted his hands in a mother-like manner.
"Oh yes, my queen. You must have your beauty sleep. Though it wount cover the wrinkles." he joked. He started it up and a shiver whent down his spine. He nod his head and began to drive. "I love this car. I really love this car I went only one Mile and I love it." He chuckled and began talking all about it's features, unaware that he ruining someones nap.

"Thank you ma'am. Her happiness as all I want from her." He said smiling. Franklin, Damon's uncle, rushed down to the kitchen to find Ioana. He sees her and takes her arm. "Ioana, we have a problem. My sister is in a foul mood. Someone has hacked into our Dark Carnival account." He whispered to her. Damon over herd it and figured that Selenes' computer skills were involved in this.
Selene began to quietly roll up a newspaper and hit him with it. "Shut up." She stated simply before turning on the radio and slipping the newspaper under her thigh closest to the door. "You try to touch this newspaper and you will get it." She kept her sunglasses on and reached in the back for the pillow she put in there earlier that morning and tucked it under her head.

She winced slightly when she was almost pulled out of the chair. Standing up, she looked at him. "How do you know it was hacked into?" Ioana looked at Damon. "Did you get into your account last night?" She questioned before anything got too out of hand. Just incase he did get online at some point last night, they wouldn't have to make a fuss about who would do something as to get into the Kene's account.
"Ow! Woman, I'm driving here." he said and sighed. He stayed quiet until the hit traffic on the highway. Seeing it would take a while, Jack got bored. He then sees the newspaper and gulped. He had to read the sports section of it, but didn't want to risk getting killed on the road. He checked on Selene and smiles seeing her fully asleep under her sunglasses. He took a breath while looking at the road and strecked his hand out. He leaned close trying to get. "Almost got it..." he thought as he touched something. Was it the paper? Well, part of it but it was also a thigh. he doubled checked by rubbing the paper, unaware he was rubbing her thigh as well.

Damon eat in silence as the Franklin tells her all about it. "No one was on the computer last night, nor all day yeasterday. She got on it this morning to confirm our trip to the Carnival, but apparently someone already comfirmed it yeastery afternoon." He said to her. "Yep, sounds like Selene alright. I wonder how their road trip is going?" Damon thought as he finished up his breakfast.
Selene knew she should of drove. She didn't stir in her 'sleep' she had been sleeping. Until she felt his aura over her and his hand that tried to get the paper. With quick reflexes, she grabbed his wrist and hit him with the paper again. "Keep your eyes on the road, Holiday. You can read the sports page later." Her eyes stayed closed. "And if you touch me again, your driving partner is going to be Whirl Wind back there." She yawned and tucked the newspaper under her thigh again.

Ioana frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't have good computer skills." She paused to finish her now cold tea. "I'm sorry. But there's nothing I can do to help you. I don't know anyone who would hack into your account and our family has our own. I'm going and Damon is going with me. We'll be taking a plane there this evening. If I find someone suspicious, I'll let you know."
Upon hearing that, Damon stood up and head outside. he grabbed his cellphone and texted to jack what's going on. jack, in pain after Selenes' assult kept his eye on the road. Sighing, he felt his cell vibrate. He knew it was another text, but it'll have to wait until they reached their destination.

It was late in the afternoon when they finally reached their hotel. Jack grabbed his phone and checked the message. "We got another from Damon. Looks like that website had a history file. His family knows that they been hacked, but don't know it was us." He told her as he carries both their bags punishment for disturbing her sleep. "I fear he won't make it on time." He tells Selene.
Selene opened the door with the card key as she listened to him. "He'll be here. We're just going to have to meet him there somewhere. Or we're going to have to call him and tell him our plans and then see if he'll be undercover until then." She kept the door open for them to come inside. After they got inside, she closed the curtains and turned on the lights. Throwing the file on the table, she lit a cigarette. "Is there a map of this Carnival place?" She asked the demon.
The demon thought about it and remembered something. "They often have it at a ritzy nightclub. An underground area, where the elete mingle and the auction takes place." He grabs a sheet of paper and drew a sketch of it. It showed a stage the person hosting the auction and the crowd. "Most times, the imprisioned demons like us are heald behind that curtain." He said to them.
"So we need behind the curtain." She mumbled with a sigh. "I wonder if there's a back enterance to this underground night club." She flicked the cigarette in the ashtray. "Do you know anything about the woman who runs this freak show? Sophia?" Selene stood up straight and looked down at the stetch he drew. Maybe this wind demon could come in handy. If anything he could blow everyone away like the nanny's in Mary Poppins.
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