The Vampire Mistress (Silver117xpunkrockartist91)

"As you wish." Kevin said and ran to find the disguised Jack. The wind sprit sees this and used a wind blast to push Kevin back onto Sophia, freeing Damon. "Good call, but don't use to much. I have a feeling we're screwed." he said and the demon nod his head. "I'm Demon Kene. Now if you'll excuse me." Jack said until Frank grabbed him by the collar. "We want the truth boy." he growled. "Boy?!?" Jack glared and kneed him the the groin. He's lucky the detective didn't shoot him. He sees Damon on the other side and heads over to Selene. "What are you waiting for, follow me." He said and takes her behind the stage.
Sophie fell to the floor as Kevin was knocked back into her. "Damnit! Get them!" She stated while she pushed Kevin off of her and scrambled to get up. Alice glared at him until she seen her real son across the room. "Damon Kene! What is the meaning of this!?" She watched as he ran to a red headed woman as they ran off to behind the stage. Selene sighed and rolled her eyes. "You two are making a mess of things. I wanted to get in and out of here without any chaos. And you go and cause mischief. You two are getting it if we get out of here alive."
"His fault!" the said and pointed at each other. It's bad enough that they have to deal with two people, it'll be worse if it's the same Dark Carnival goons as well. They made it back stage were the 'merchendise' was. "Free them, we'll guard the door." Jack told Selene."You really did her, didn't you?" Damon said getting his steaks ready. Jack said nothing as he loaded up some bullets.
Selene sighed and took the keys, running back into the room, desperately unlocking all the cages. When she came across the vampire child, she frowned and unlocked the cage. "If there is a way you can fly or transform or poof in mid-air, try to take as many with you as you can." She stated while she continued unlocking cages. She could hear some commotion outside as security guards ran around.
"Like fish in a barrel." Jack said as he and Damon didn't let anyone pass. This seemed easy. Now with them being free and the evidence gathered. They could easily take them down. At least that's what Jack thought. Damon frozed-up when he saw his mother and uncle approached along with Sophia. "Damon, snap out of it." Jack said but it was no use. A simple glare came from the two and it looked liked he was hypnotized.He turned to Jack and punched him in the gut. "D-Damon..." he called out. He notice a few getting away but damon stopped one. It was the young vampire that he once saw before. "Selene, help!" Jack shouts struggling to get on his feet only to be knocked down by Damon's uncle.
After they were all free, Selene ran to the front, shooting three guards in the process. When she seen Damon punch Jack, she frowned and ran over to them. "Damon! Let go of the boy." She demanded before kicking back a guard who lunged for her. Sophie grinned at the site. It seemed that the true Damon had indeed been inducted into the family as the male slayer of the family. Alice stayed back, making sure she wasn't going to get hurt. She was never one to fight with anyone physically. Her husband was the fighter, not she. Selene kicked Damon's uncle in the ribs. "Get off of him! Damon! Let go of the boy!"
Damon smirked at his two friends. He did what she said and let him go. "All vampires are evil and it's our job to elimiate them, by any means necessary." Damon recited the Kene creed to them, never hearing him say that before. He grabs his stake and throws it. It hits the young vampires heart and dies. Shock came to Jacks face, followed by tears, and then rage. "You...YOU BASTARD!!" He roaed and tackled him Tears flowed a he punched his face over and over. Kicked off by Kevin and helped up by Frank, they made their retreat as the police arrived. The detective was on his knees with his head down. Guilt ran through his body, full of regret not saving the young innocent vampires life.
Selene watched Damon get dragged off by his mother and uncle. His mother was proud of him for doing what he had done. In her eyes, he was fully a man. The red head sighed and looked up at the wind demon. "You're free.." She whispered. "You can do what you wish now." She bent down, and patted Jack's shoulder. "Jack..." She paused. "I know you're upset. I am too." She sniffed and looked at the pile of ash on the floor infront of him. "Let's go home..." She pulled him up and wiped his tear stained cheeks. "He was born a vampire slayer...There's not much you could of done.."
"Thank you for all you done. I'll never forget your kindness." He said and disappears with the wind. "We swore an oath. We made a promise." he said as he looked at her. He could tell she was hurting as well, but bottled it up. He knew she'll released in on her own time, but they had to face facts. Damon was aligned with his family. The friend they knew was no more. "Yeah...lets head home." Jack detective said.

On a private plane back to Romania, Damon tranced put on by his mom and uncle wore off. The memories of what he did, however, was still in his mind. "No..." he muttered quietly and clenched his fist.
She wrapped an arm around his shoulders as they walked out. "I know. I don't know what happened back there. It suprised me." She whispered. Her fortune telling was right. Something did break today. It wasn't only their friendship and bond. But Jack's heart, Damon's sanity and the hold on Selene's psychic powers broke as well..

Alice smiled and patted her son on the knee. "I'm proud of you, son. And your father would be proud as well."
There was no word from Damon for months. jack and Selene had cases dealing with paranormal things. The last time they saw Damon, they were on opposite ends. He never explained his actions nor would he. It was after another solved case, Jack made a heavy decision. He decided to part ways with Selene, but to still keep in touch with her. He give her a hug and a peck on the cheek before leaving their once agancy.

Chicago, Illinois- present day​

At that moment from hearing the door close in his mind, Jack eyes shot open. He felt different, strange...dead. He stood up, jusy to go to one knee. He was a bit weak from the experience, but managed to go to a mirror. "So it wasn't a dream..." he mutter as he did see his reflection. He has now become a vampire with the sole purpose of serving Adelay.
Mercedes knocked on the door. "Mistress? Jack? Its been one day. And its evening. Dinner is almost ready. If you want to bathe, do so now." She stated and walked away with the Twins skipping behind her with sheets in their arms.

Adeley groaned in her sleep and turned a bit. She was awake, but she was in no mood to get up. Nor was she hungry. She had fed from Jack the night before and she was still satisfied with how full it made her.
Story VII: La Actul Final

"I-I can't believe it. I'm actually a vampire." Jack didn't know wether to laugh or cry about this turn of events. Though he made sure of one thing, he wasn't going to be monotone and emotionless like Adelay. He is forever greateful that she accepted but now his focus was now on one thing. Finding a certin vampite slayer and take his life. Heherd Adelay groan a bit he knew she had her fill of him, but he had to know. He need her opinion of the new him. "Adelay...mi'lady? Look at me, and give me the truth of what you see." He tells her.
Adelay blinked her eyes open and scowled at him. Yawning, she sat up and ran a hand through her hair. "You look fine, Jack. You have fangs and everything." She smirked. "Just a bit paler and colder. Now," she began and climbed off the bed to fix her hair. "Why did you really want to be a vampire anyway?" She ran a soft bristled brush through the ivory strands to smooth them out from any tangles.
"Bait." Jack simply answered. "He always love a good fight just like me. Back in the old days we constanly rumble over stupid stuff like who stole the remote, who didn't clean the dishes, but mostly it was on who was going to take the chastity of our third partner, Selene. It often ends in a draw because she would beat us up to stop. But this time, not even her would stop this battle to the death." Jack looks out window as sees the darkness of the horizon. "Damon only fights seriously when its a monster, friend or foe." He added as he turns his head to look at her.
Adelay turned her head to him. "So you're doing this for your friend?" She finished her hair and put it back onto the vanity stand that she had in the corner of her room. Moving over to the window, she sighed. "You understand that you will continue to live while he grows old and dies." Glancing up at him, she crossed her arms and looked at dark horizon. "I understand that you two have some kinks to work out, but would killing him really find you peace?"
"It's funny really. We don't really know. The three of us often asked who's good and who's evil." He closes his eyes and remembered the first day they formed the group in college. They made that pledge and up held it for a good number of years. "I can't say he was my friend, but I can't say he is my friend either. Maybe we'll find out in the future, if one of us have one." He tells her. He turns and simes at her. "Don't get me wrong, I don't regret this decision of being a vampire. As for peace of mind, it depends on him. If he's truely changed from the huy I knew and respected, then I will kill him before he kills me."
Adelay nodded slowly. "I see. Well, watch your back." She stated and grabbed his shoulder. "Come on," her soft, emotionless voice came. "Everyone is expecting us at the dinner table." With that, she let go and started to her door and opened it.

Selene sighed after leaning into the back of her office chair. She had been staring at the case of jewels Damon had given her to fix the whistle that he needed. Once she realized what it was from, she had immediantly called Catina, Damon's friend, hoping that she could see him and help him with this problem. But of course, they hadn't met yet. Sighing, she closed the case and held her head in her hands.
"Of course." He said and linked his arm with hers. "I hope they can handle two vampires. One with and the other without emotion."

Damon was traveling on foot. He seemed to be in pain as his held on to his head. "Must have it...I can't continue withoit it." Beeds of sweat were on his for head, his eyes were dilated, and his breathing was heavy, something that was rare even for him. He feet to a knee as he sees an apartment complex. He looks out one window and sees a girl with long purple hair. "I-it be. How is she...ahhh!" his head was aching so much that it was hurting him just to think.
She smirked as she walked along side him. "I certainly think they can handle it. They've handled worse since you came into our lives."

Somehow feeling Damon's distress, Selene's hand reached for her cell phone and she called his number. "Pick up.." She breathed. Even if there wasn't anything wrong with him, she could at least tell him to keep the money he had offered her the day before yesterday. Catina moved away from the window. She didn't know she was being watched as she closed the window and the curtains. There was a phone held up to her ear as she smiled and talked to her mom on the phone about America and how different it was.
"Must see...must explain..." Damon breathed out. He knew it was coming no matter how hard he fought it off. He stagered his way toward the door in which he thought he saw Catina. He knew he had alot of explaining to do and he will, if the spell didn't activate soonHe reached the door and banged on it a few time. "Help...please..." he cried out until he fell onto the ground.
Catina paused, hearing banging on her door. "Hold on, mama. I'll call you back tomorrow." wih that, she hung up the phone and grabbed a gun off her kitchen counter. Who the hell was up this late at night? Walking over to the door, she threw it open and aimed the gun. Only to be surprised by an unconscious Damon on her door step. "The hell?" Sighing, she put the gun in her pocket and grabbed him to drag him inside, a bit roughly.
Damon was out of it. His head was still pounding like a jackhammer however. It soon subsided for a while and felt someone dragging him. Out of instinct, he knocke the hans off who ever was draggin him and stood in a defensive position. "You won't get the best of me this time." He shouts and looks at her. His eyes were still green, but completely bloodshot. "I maybe in pain but I won't go down that easy."
She moved her hands away from him and stood a good 5 feet from him in the doorway. "Your eyes cloud no only your vision but your mind as well." She stated monotonously and slowly set the gun on the counter behind her. But she was still in a defensive position as well. He may still be Damon, but he was not the same.
"I've lost it seven years ago, stranger I just regret being a pawn in this damn game of purity." He states to her as he walks towards the gun. "Seven years ago, I commited a crime. A crime that I didn't want to do. I was helping take down a demon slave auction. Then...." He ston and cried out in pain again. He he banged his head against the wall a few timesuntil his forehead was bleeding. "By any's a line betweenn good and...ahhhh!" He fell to his knees holding his head. "Must!" he said as he charged at her.
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