Robin's Dark Beauty (Marie and myself)

Slade pulled out of her pussy, letting the cum drip out of her fir a bit. "Don't worry little bird...your safe," he told her, he seemingly knew she would think of pregnency, but he had drugged her with birth control before hand, after all he had just wanted to see that initial sense of fear. He moved a hand down, though he did not touch her pussy, but the tight entrance to her ass. " lets finish thing up," he said using the dripping cum from her pussy as a lubricant as he shoved a finger into her ass.
Raven felt his hand movedown her body, touch he ass. "No, no, no. Please, no not that. Anything but that, please Slade, don't...." Raven begged. And as soon as he shoved his cum covered finger into her tight ass she cried out. "No, stop it Slade! Don't do this!" Tears were already present on her cheeks, even more so now. Now she was truly scared.
"Ahhh.." he said delighted to see her squirm as he fingered her tight hole, her body was betraying her though, doing what it did naturally when stimulated, her juices where flowing, and they just served as another lubricant for her tight hole. "Yes my dear," he said spreading her tight ring of muscle with his thumbs, she was wet in both holes now. He however pressed the thick tip against her rear entrance, wanting her to scream even more for him to stop, he teased her for a few moments.
"No, please Slade, don't do this. I'm begging you, I'll do anything. Just don't," Raven pleaded. She felt him pressing the tip against the entrance of her ass. Her entire body shaking, not sure if it was fear or what it really was. She fought her restraints though. Trying more desperately now to get away.
He laughed coldly as she struggled, he loved how she squirmed, she was even offering him anything, but nothing would be as sweet as this. He grabbed her hips, and pushed the tip inside her tight ass. It spread the ring of muscle wide. He didn't give her alot of time to adjust though, his slick cock continued to push in all the way into her.
Raven let out a high pitched scream. One that indicated she was most definately in pain. As he slid fully inside her, stretching her ass wider then it should've been. She was crying almost instantly as she begged him to stop. She knew it was almot useless, but she had to try. Just couldn't just not ty at all. That was against er ways. But she was about to give up entirely. He was going to do what he liked with her, no matter what. She was almost ready to just accept that.
Slade moved slowly, either because it was to difficult for him, or because he was being gentle with her. Most likely it was a bit of the first, and because he wanted her to feel every moment of pain it gave her. Her screaming was like honey to him, and he fed off that pain she had. He thrust in and out, her breasts bouncing once more as he began to pick up the pace. The feeling was delicious, though he knew he would not last very long, not in such a tight hole.
Feeling him pick up the pace it only made Raven scream more. He was feeding off her screams. And her pain. Feeling each thrust as she closed her eyes tightly. She was shaking and crying. No doubt she was bleeding. But she knew she couldn't stop him from doing whatever he damn well pleased to her.

"Robin, I got a lock on the location. I'm transferring the feed to a mobile device so we can keep an eye on her, but I have the location locked," Cyborg shouted.
Robin was already gone before Cyborg even said a word. He had been gone a few minutes before, after all he always knew where to find his tightens. In ravens belt, there had been a tracking device, of course it took some time to locate but he was already on his cycle zooming through the city towards the warehouse she was being kept.

His grunting grew louder as he thrust in and out of her abused little ass. He was enjoying this very much and he was close to releasing once again. "Hmmm..uughhh..." he groaned feeling her tighten on him from the pain. He shoved in deep, releasing his final pent up load of cum, filling her abused ass to the brim until it began to drip out of her. "We'll be in touch..." he told her, before letting her drop down onto the floor. Her holes oozing cum still. His henchmen where still there, all the bionic freaks waiting for this moment to ravage her. Slade on the other hand left her to her fate, whatever it was.
Raven cried out as he came in her ass. Letting her drop to the floor with a thud. She could see his cronies gathering around her. But she wasn't about to let that happen without a fight. She chanted her mantra and began to fight back. But it was futile for the most part. The fear and pain had made her very weak for the moment.
One of the bionic henchmen grabbed her, he was also modified with what looked like a cock himself. He however did not get the chance to do anything as two red and yellow 'Robins' shot into it's chest causing it to shut down. Robin swing his staff around in a wide arch, knocking down four more of the cronies. His next flying projectile hit the camera killing the feed. He simply yeled with rage as he destroyed what remained of Slades henchmen. "Are you alright?" he asked her, though it was a silly question, of course she wasn't. 'Lets get you back," he told her, taking off his cape so she could wrap it around herself. He then picked her up and aimed his grappling hook out a window and flew threw it, landing with her next to his bike.
Raven clung to him. Sobbing, and crying. Slade had broken her completely. She was shaking in his arms. Raven had always been so strong, physically and especially mentally. But now, it was an entirely different problem. Her spirit was broken. She held mostly onto him, but she held the cape what little she could. She needed him more then the cape.
"Lets get back to the tower," he said to her gently. He gave her a helmet to wear, and had her sitting in front of him as comfortablky as she could. He pressed a button on the throttle, and the front and back wheels of his bike changed into propellers, and the sides sprung out like small wings as he then got airborn. At Titans Tower no one would speak, everyone knew how upset he had been as he had been forced to watch the majority of that.
Raven was in her room. Still only covered by his cape. She didn't want to let it go. Her body was covers in deep gashes, bruises, blood, and cum. She had reverted to the fetal position. She was still sobbing, but more more silently now. She had cuts on the inside of each cheek from the o-ring. She cuddled up to her pillow. She eventually fell asleep. But her sleep was plagued by terrible nightmares. She woke up from the worst screaming like she had been with Slade. Pleading for someone to stop. She was reliving it in her dreams. She was crying out for Robin.
Robin had not slept in his room, in fact he had been asleep out in the hallway. He had done his best to patch her up, she was in alot of bandages, and wrappings, not a mummy but Slades men had almost made sure to leave a mark on her as much as possible, though once she had been cleaned up a bit better it had not been so bad, save for the bruising. He woke up as she screamed "'s over...I'm here," he told her as she shook in fear.
Raven hugged him, clinging tightly to the boy wonder. Tears falling down her pale cheeks. "I see his face every time I close my eyes Robin...." Raven whispered. Her voice was hoarse from the brutal throat fucking she'd recieved. She looked into his eyes. "And I know that if I'm alone he'll come back for me.... And he'll just do it again and again...." Sure, she may have been a little paranoid. But the trauma she'd been through certainly was enough to cause some slight paranoia.
Robin hugged her close, careful not to hurt her though. "Forget his face...remember mine," he told her gently looking at her. He then did something not a single person would have expected, something even Starfire had not gotten to see. He gently reached up and removed his mask. 'Remember my face," he told her softly. His eyes where a clear blue, like water almost, much different from her darker eyes. "He wont get you ever again...." he told her, his voice said it all though, he would not let Slade do this again.
Raven looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. Taking in his handsome features. She smiled at him. Feeling safe in his arms. And feeling very much comforted by the words he spoke. Though, it wasn't so much what he said. But the tone he said it in. It truly made her believe him. She leaned up and kissed him. She knew they both had decisions to make, but so long as she kept him as a friend, she didn't care. She would still be closer to him then any of the other Titans. The kiss was gentle and tender. Unlike everything they'd done in the past.
Robin pressed his lips firmly to hers as well, holding her close once more. There was no tongue or anything this time, it was just a nice gentle kiss. It still caused a rush of heat to go through him, though not generally arousijng, it was like a warm shower after a very cold day, or the feeling you get when you drink something nice and warm. It tingled from his center to the tips of his fingers, toes, and hair. He gingerly broke the kiss "Try to sleep Raven....I'll be here with you ok?" he asked her softly.
Raven felt that same rush. Like a jolt of electricity running through her entire body. She loved it. She wasn't sure what this feeling was, but it was intoxicating. When he broke the kiss she smiled a bit, nodding as he told her to sleep. She laid down on the bed, him still sitting next to her. She knew that was the only way she was going to get any sleep, was if she wasn't alone, she couldn't be alone at this point.
Robin removed most of his unciform and then laid down beside her, he knew he had to stay with her, even if the others knew. At this point he didn't care, and the catwas out of the bag anyways so he smiled gently thinking there was no reason to try and even be sneaky about anything anymore.
Raven cuddled up to him, holding onto him tighter then usual. Laying her head on his chest, taking in his scent. She was finally relaxed, she felt safe. She felt she could be herself. She closed her eyes. She fell asleep slowly, but slept peacefully. No longer plagued by the nightmares. She knew she had Robin to thank for ridding her mind of the hellish nightmares.
Robin gently held her close as she lay beside him. He gently brushed a hand through her hair as she shut her eyes. She hadgone through something most would have been unable to come back from. But she was strong, she was his strong dark beauty. He softly began to drift off to slee as well. She would need to recover before she could rejoin the team or anything of the sort, but he would be there to help her go through it.
Raven woke up the next morning, rolling out of bed, barely able to walk. She made her way over to her bathroom. She relieved herself, heaving a bit of diffucultly doing so. But she then washed her hands and moved back into her room. Laying back down in Robin's. She knew what it would take to be able to fight again. Getting over the physically hills would be one problem. And then the emotional mountains would be a whole nother story.
Robin stayed sound asleep as she got up. He had planned to wake up before her, but he hadn't. He planned to find Slade, and to make him pay for it all, but no one ever found Slade, he would find you. Robin would just keep an eye out though. he knew the masked villain well enough now to see the signs. "Are you feeling any better?" he asked, waking up as she laid back down.
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