Robin's Dark Beauty (Marie and myself)

Raven then heard the angry shouts of the Tameranian. 'Just fucking beautiful,' Raven thought. "Why are you with Robin? You know Robin and I are one! Why do you betray me so?" Starfire spat. Raven sighed, she too was overly calm about the subject. "If he's cheating on you... It's obviously not you he wants...." Raven groaned. "Why would Robin what you over me? You are sad all time! And angry!" Starfire shouted. "Maybe you should lower your voice..." Raven said. "It's really an annoying voice, I could see why he didn't like fucking you...." This is when it came to blows. Starfire hit Raven in the stomach, sending her into the wall. They were about to continue until they heard the alarms going.
Robin was having a much easier time dealing with Beast Boy, the green skinned teen had not even turned into an animal, and had decided to try and fight hand to hand with the Boy Wonder. Robin didn't want to hurt him though, but he also wasn't going to do nothing for fear it would just hurt BB's pride more. As the alarms sounded he was almost glad to hear it. "Alright Enough!" he shouted and his commanding aura seemed to silence them all, Starfire had been in mid flight and just stood there. Cyborg wqs the only one who seemed to not even realize what was going on. "Theres a massive break out in city...we need to split up and stop this...we can deal with other matters Titans GO!" he shouted.
Raven held her stomach, standing up as he told them to split up. She fixed herself. She was going to hate fighting whatever bad guy she was going up against when she was full with Robin's cum. She groaned as the team went their separate ways. She ended up fighting some no name villain. She shook her head, taking the no name out extremely quickly. She began flying around, looking for any other trouble. It seemed every villain they had ever fought chose today to come out ad fight against them. She sighed. After taking out three or four villains on her own she let herself drop to the ground. Landing gracefully on her feet. She could feel the cum moving around inside her, making terribly uncomfortable.
The rest of the team all over the city went through a similar thing. It was obvious this was not some normal sort of breakout or anything, someone most have organized this big of an event. To Robin he was baffled by who, though in his mind there was on person he thought. He took down two more villains hand cuffing them to a light pole for the police to collect when they could, both where knocked out. He hurried off to the next crime spot.

As she touched down, several eyes where on her though she did not seem to notice as she worried about the uncomfortable feeling she got. A shadow came up behind her, and hit her hard in the back of the head. The blow would have probably killed any lesser person, but this instead would knock out the sorceress. They then took her limp body into an alleyway. The Team would not know she had gone missing until the rest of the villains had been taken care of.
Raven felt the hit to the back of her head, she was out cold before she felt the impact with the ground. She woke up some time later with her hands bound above her head. And her legs bound to a table. She spent the next three days like that. Being whipped, hit, and beaten. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. She tried not to let her fear and pain show. She was shaking as she tried to figure our who it had been who was torturing her. But it was entirely pitch black in the room she was in. She finally said something, "Who are you?!" Raven spat.
Her assailents where careful not to mess her up too much, expecially her face, after all they needed her to be recognizable for what was planned for her. She was finally given a break though from the beating, her cloths where torn, her body exposed though she may or may not have realized this by now. "Hello Birthday girl," came the familiar cruel, calm voice behind the mask. A few lights turned on, dimply, giving only enough lights for her to see the hovering specture of a mask. It was Slade, returned from his imprisonment and servitude to Trigon. "My how things have changed," he said walking up to her table.
Raven's eyes went wide in horror as she heard that all to familiar voice. She whimpered softly. She was shaking down more then ever. Her body was bruised and cut and beaten. But her face for the most part was free of any marks. She wasn't sure what he meant by things have changed. But she was sure it have something to do with the way her figure had filled out much more then it had been last time. She was now a full C cup, maybe a small D. And her hips were a couple inches larger then they had been. She looked at him. "The others will find me..." Raven said. Not sure with Robin and Beast Boy fighting how well they would get along even to find her.
He gave a rather calm chuckle, the sound alone was terrifying. "Oh my dear I don't doubt that..." he said moving close so his face was a few inches from hers, he was over her like a predator over it's kill. "In fact I hope they do...." he told her. The lights where diming on just a little more, the one over her was brightest though, it showed her entire body off in the light. "In fact because I'm....just so excited to see my apprentice again," he spoke of the Boy Wonder "I think I'll help him along...for old times sake," he told her, he had her taken off the table, much like how she had been hanging in her room the first time she and Robin had fooled around.
Raven was quaking slightly in fear. "W...what are you doing?" She asked. Stammering and tripping over her words. She was terrified to know exactly what he had planed for her. There were too many things that he could do to her to get the attention of the other Titans. She wasn't entirely exposed. But her suit was ripped up enough that it would be enticing for just about anyone. She didn't have a whole lot of energy, but what little she had left was used fighting against her restraints.
He smiled, behind that mask, his one eye scanning her from bottum to top. "Oh my's best you don't know. There was a small beeping red light a few feet before her, it was a camera, this sick fuck was recording this now, or was about to. "Now then...shall we begin?" he asked her, she was forced down onto her knees before him, before she could say a thing something was shoved deep into her mouth. He had a semi-erect hard on already and she was now being force fed cock like never before. "Greetings Titans," he said in a calm way, the broadcast had begun.
Raven couldn't even bite down. He placed an o-ring in her mouth to make sure it didn't happen. She felt his semi hard length pumping in and out of her mouth. She knew if she didn't comply he probably do even worse. She couldn't believe he was recording this. She pulled her head back, turning away. She was still on her kness, so there wasn't a large chance she'd escape what he was doing. And the moment she heard him address the titans she almost died.

"Hey, Robin! We got an incoming video feed, want me to send it your way?" Cyborg shouted across the long desk as hecontinued looking for any sign of Raven.
Robin had already been routing the thing to the moniter for him. The first Image to pop up with the giant Orange and black mask. "Slade!" he gritted his teeth, his gloves clenching into fists as he stared. "Greetings has come to my attention a member of your team has flown the coup" he said, they knew instantly it was Raven, if not for the bird reference itself. " I beleive I found your missing fifth....I'd be more then happy to have her speak to you...but she's a bit busy at the moment" the camera panned back, to show raven with her back turned to it her head bobbing up and down. The camera then rotated around them to show her mouth forced open while Slade fucked her mouth. If anything this would be easy for her, he was not as big as the Boy Wonder, but he did have a bit of girth to it.
Raven was having no problems taking his cock. That wasn't her issue. Her issue was that sure was scared of what Slade was going to do. After all, this man had been in talks with her father. She felt the tears welling in her eyes. But she didn't want to let that kind of weakness show. She didn't want him to have the satisfaction of make her cry,

Cyborg couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Raven...." he said softly. Looking up at the monitor.
" I am sure you are doing everything you can to find this signal.....I hope you can....but I wont make things easy, where would the fun in that be?" he said forcing her to take the whole thing, her face pressing into the crotch of his suite as he forced his cock down her throat, if not for the o-ring her jaw might have begun to get a bit tired, now it forced it open. He let them see as he thrust in and out of her mouth, at times letting the full length of his cock come out before shoving it back in. He was grunting gently with pleasure as he tortured the little Titan so.
When he pulled all the way and thrusted back in it was really the only time she gagged. Pulling away from him, coughing and sputtering. Knowing removing her mouth rom his cock probably was a bad idea that would get her in trouble. But she didn't care. Even Robin gave her breaks. She going to go without one. She was panting, knowing he'd probably make use of his hand more roughly now to keep her on his cock.
Raven was not far off, he forced her mouth back on it, this time his fingers curling into her hair as he shoved her mouth back over it." While you frantically search though....enjoy the show" he said to the camera one more time before he focused intently on her. He bobbed her head up and down, giving her very little time to rest, her mind probably going foggy. Lucky for her he was nearly done with her mouth. He grunted a little, breathing a tad heavier as his cock twitched in her mouth. Suddenly an explosion of cum shot out, the O-ring not containing much of it and it would trickle down her front.
Raven jerked away as soon as he came, using her tongue to remove the cum from her mouth, spitting what she could out. "You disgust me!" Raven spat. She was avoiding eye contact with the area of the flashing light, she couldn't let them see her like this. She couldn't let them see just how weak she really was. That's she'd let herself be captured. And was now being raped by Slade.
The O-ring was taken out of her mouth, the cum still all over her front. Slade however was still just as ridgid. If anything he shared a very impressive stamina much like Robin had. "Now...thats no way to accept a gift," he told her. "Speaking of which....last time we met it was your birthday....I hope you can accept such a late gift....didn't have time to wrap it," he said. Before she was able to figure out what he even meant she was lifted up and turned towards the camera, her entire body on display, her legs spread open wide so her pink pussy was showing. "Mmmmm yes," he said the thick me,ber rubbing against her entrance from behind her.
Raven gasped as he lifted her up. Then spun her around so all the titans could see everything she had to offer. She whimpered as he began rubbing against her entrance. "Please, stop! Don't do this!" Raven cried. She finally let the tears falling. Sliding down her cheeks, and dripping onto the floor. As she begged him not to do this.
Slade simply wiped a few tears off her cheek. "I see...overcome with joy," he said ignoring her cries to stop. He let her pussy rub against him, he was effortlessly holding her up, his arms hooked under her knees, so her legs where spread and bent. "It's going to happen my dear," he told her, the tip touching her entrance, her body hovering over it. "There is nothing you can stop it," he said in a very cool, calm voice. He then let her body weight do most of the work, letting gravity impale her on his wanting cock. It hilting her balls deep right away.
Raven whimpered as he he told her there was nothing she could do to stop it. When he entered her, filling her to hilt, balls deep the first stroke made her scream in a bit of pain. She certainly wasn't wet enough to take a cock without some pain. She was still struggling, but she was bound to tightly to struggled much. It entirely annoyed her. She wanted to be able to do something. She tried to stay calm. But each time he hilted himself inside of her it made her concentration break, and made her scream. Tears continuing to call down her cheeks.
The only bit of comfort she got was the saliva and cum that had coated his dick earlier, it lubed her up just a little, but he also stretched her wider then Robin a little bit, though he did not go as deep for sure. "How is it birthday girl?" he asked her thrusting more as she screamed and cried from the brutal fucking. Her body was bouncing up and down his thick cock, her large breasts bouncing as well. He tore what remained of her suite off her body, groping her breasts roughly now.
Raven closed her eyes as a mixture of sobs, hiccups, and screams errupted from her lips. Tears pouring down her cheeks even through closed eyes. The thickness of his cock was tearing her a bit, which was making it all the worse. He beat Robin in width and girth. But he couldn't come close on length. He was nearly half the length of Robin's. Feeling him thrust she just prayed that it would end soon, that they'd find her. She needed Robin now more then ever. But she needed him for comfort, because he knew her better then anyone. She was mentally messed up to begin, this just added to it.
Her pussy was making a rather naughty squelching noise as his cock pumped in and out of her. He was Bigger then Beast Boy for sure, making her pussy spread wider then Robin though. "Seems it's close to blow out the candles my dear..." he said, his panting growing a little heavier in her ear. Her body flailed up and down on him, he began to grunt louder now, his cock actually getting a little bigger as he was about to cum. "Make a wish," he told her as he forced her down on him, he released a large hefty load inside of her, the sheer volume making her womb expand a bit by it.
Raven screamed with each of his almost painful thrusts. She felt him release inside her. She was sure she was in trouble now. He'd been holding her for days, meaning she'd been off of her birth control. She didn't even want to think about that. She closed her eyes as she felt his cum dripping from her pussy, down her thights. She just kept thinking that Robin and the team would burst in at any minute, kick Slade's ass, and save her. But so far, it hadn't happened.
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